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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Use of magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of therapeutic response in breast cancer-related lymphedema: A systematic review

        Forte, Antonio Jorge,Boczar, Daniel,Kassis, Salam,Huayllani, Maria T.,McLaughlin, Sarah A. Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2020 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.47 No.4

        Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a common comorbidity in breast cancer survivors. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used to evaluate therapeutic response of patients with various medical conditions, it is not routinely used to evaluate lymphedema patients. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify studies on the use of MRI to evaluate therapy for BCRL. We hypothesized that MRI could provide information otherwise not possible through other examinations. On October 21, 2019, we conducted a systematic review on the PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus databases, without time frame or language limitations, to identify studies on the use of MRI to evaluate therapy for BCRL. We excluded studies that investigated other applications of MRI, such as lymphedema diagnosis and surgical planning. Of 63 potential articles identified with the search, three case series fulfilled the eligibility criteria. In total, 53 patients with BCRL were included and quantitatively evaluated with MRI before and after manual lymphatic drainage. Authors used MRI or MR lymphagiography to investigate factors such as lymphatic vessel cross-sectional area, tissue water relaxation time (T<sub>2</sub>), and chemical exchange saturation transfer. The only study that compared MRI measurement with standard examinations reported that MRI added information to the therapy evaluation. MRI seems to be a promising tool for quantitative measurement of therapeutic response in patients with BCRL. However, the identified studies focused on only manual lymphatic drainage and were limited by the small numbers of patients. More studies are necessary to shed light on the topic.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Malting Barley Grain Quality and Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilization in the Arsi Highlands of Ethiopia

        Meharie Kassie,Kindie Tesfaye 한국작물학회 2019 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.22 No.3

        The malting industry in Ethiopia is often challenged by the availability of barley that meets the quality and quantity requirements set by the industry. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate (i) the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization rate, variety and growing season on grain yield and grain characteristics of malting barley, and (ii) to determine the N rate that optimize grain yield and quality of malting barley. The treatments studied were five N levels (0, 23, 46, 69, and 92 kg ha-1) and two malting barley varieties (Holker and Miscal-21) over three growing seasons (2012, 2013, and 2014). The results showed that as N rates increased, malting barley grain yield, grain and straw N concentration, grain protein content, 1000-kernel weight and kernel plumpness increased, but N rates had no effect on hectoliter weight. Grain yield, grain N concentration, grain protein content, kernel plumpness and 1000-kernel weight were greater in Miscal-21, whilst straw N concentration and hectoliter weight were greater in Holker. Grain yield and hectoliter weight were affected by seasonal conditions, but grain and straw N concentration, grain protein content, kernel plumpness, and 1000-kernel weight were not affected. Although both grain yield and protein content increased with increased N rates, based on the regression equation, application of 48 kg N ha-1 gave the highest net benefit and marginal rate of return with acceptable grain quality. Application of N beyond 48 kg ha-1 did not increase net benefit, but instead increased cost of production. In conclusion, to improve the likelihood that barley will be acceptable for malting, growers should limit N application and select varieties with low protein content.

      • KCI등재

        Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization Efficiency of Malting Barley as Influenced by Variety and Nitrogen Level

        Meharie Kassie,Kindie Fanataye 한국작물학회 2019 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.22 No.1

        Nitrogen (N) is the primary driver of crop production and it is heavily used in modern agriculture to maximize yield. However, the effectiveness with which N is used by cereals has become increasingly important because of both financial and environmental costs to N fertilization. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of N fertilization rate, variety, and growing season on grain yield, N uptake, and N-efficiency traits of malting barley at Bekoji, southeastern Ethiopia. The treatments studied were five N levels (0, 23, 46, 69, and 92 kg ha-1) and two malting barley varieties (Miscal-21 and Holker) over three seasons (2012, 2013, and 2014). The results showed that as N rates increased, malting barley grain yield, grain, straw, and total N uptakes increased, but N-harvest index, N-use efficiency, N-recovery efficiency, and N-utilization efficiency decreased. Grain yield, grain, and total N uptake, N-harvest index, N-use efficiency, N-recovery efficiency, and N-utilization efficiency were greater in Miscal-21, whilst straw N uptake were greater in Holker. Grain yield, grain, straw, and total N uptake, N-recovery efficiency, and N-harvest index were greater in 2012 than in 2013 and 2014, but growing season had no effect on N-use efficiency and N-utilization efficiency. Grain yield was positively correlated with N-efficiency traits, but the role of N-recovery efficiency in enhancing grain yield was larger than the role of N-utilization efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        Bank Service Quality in Ethiopia: the Case of North and South Gondar Zones

        Abebaw Kassie 동아시아경상학회 2014 The East Asian Journal of Business Economics Vol.1 No.4

        The main objective of this study was to test the impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. The conceptual model proposed in the study postulated that service quality impacts on customer satisfaction directly. The model also postulated that service quality has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction, and tested them through Multiple Regression to find their significance. Questionnaires were distributed to gather data. The SERVQUAL instrument has a useful diagnostic role to play in assessing and monitoring service quality in banks. The results of the study confirmed the five factors of service quality with customer satisfaction were significant in all factors of service quality. Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Assurance, and Tangibles are significant determinants of customer satisfaction. Thus, service quality can be used to predict customer satisfaction. The research has shown a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. This research concluded that service quality is the basic and also most important factor that impacts customer satisfaction. This finding reinforces the need for banks managers to place an emphasis on the underlying dimensions of service quality, especially on Assurance, and should start with improving service quality in order to raise customer satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        A Conceptual Research on Cross-generational Attitude toward Korean and Foreign Apparel Products: Generation MZ vs. Generation X

        Belay Addisu Kassie(카시에 벨라이 아티수),Hyongjae Rhee(이형재) 한국로고스경영학회 2021 로고스경영연구 Vol.19 No.3

        한국 시장과 산업은 지난 수십 년 동안 큰 변화를 경험하고 있으며, 시간이 지나면서 소비자들의 인식과 태도가 바뀌고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 한국 의류 제품과 외국 의류 제품에 대한 한국 소비자들의 인식과 태도를 분석할 수 있는 통합된 개념적 모델을 제공하는 것이다. 관련 현존하는 문헌과 경험적 연구에 대한 광범위한 검토가 수행된다. 개념 모델은 세대 코호트(MZ 세대 vs. X 세대)에 따라 외국산(vs. 국내산) 의류 제품에 대한 태도를 제안했으며 고유성, 가시적 소비성향, 소비자 자기중심주의 및 원산지에 대한 민감성의 필요성과 같은 구성을 제안한다. 또한, 이 모델은 태도에 대한 구성의 영향을 조절하는 문화적 유사성과 인구통계학적 요인(성별, 교육수준 및 소득 수준)을 제시한다. 세대간 차이에 기반한 다원주의에 관한 로고스경영의 함의도 기술한다. The South Korean market has changed profoundly in the past decades, and consumer perception and attitude changed over time. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide an integrated conceptual model to understand today’s Korean consumers’ attitude toward Korean vs. foreign apparel products. The conceptual model proposed attitude toward domestic and foreign apparel products as subject to a generation cohort (generation MZ vs. generation X) and constructs such as the need for uniqueness, conspicuous consumption, consumer ethnocentrism, and sensitivity to country-of-origin. In addition, the model shows cultural similarity and demographic factors (gender, education, and income level) to moderate the effect of the constructs on attitude. Logos managerial implications are also suggested on the cultural pluralism, based on cross-generational diversity.

      • Impact of Irrigation on Household Multidimensional Poverty Reduction in the Koga Irrigation Development Project, Northern Ethiopia

        Koyachew Enkuahone Kassie,Bamlak Alamirew Alemu,Aseffa Seyoum Wedajoo 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2018 Asian Development Perspectives (ADP) Vol.9 No.2

        Agriculture remains the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy. However, the sector is affected by climate change induced extreme weather events that aggravates rural poverty. As a result, the Ethiopian government has been making different interventions to alleviate poverty. Koga irrigation development project (KIDP) is one of such initiatives. However, due to political unrest, poor water management practice, limited market linkages and other institutional challenges, the project has not reached its desired goals. This paper is thus intended to evaluate the efficacy of the KIDP to reduce poverty. Data were collected from 395 sample farm households (220 irrigators and 175 non-irrigators) drawn using multi-stage sampling technique. Multidimensional poverty index and endogenous switching regression model were employed to measure poverty and estimate the impact of irrigation on household poverty, respectively. The study found that poverty intensity and multidimensional poverty index of the study area were lower than the national and regional averages. Nonetheless, the trend of poverty reduction was not evenly progressed in irrigator and non-irrigator households. The proportion of non-irrigator poor and MPI poor households were greater than irrigators. The endogenous switching model and key informant interviews proved that irrigation has positive impact on multidimensional household poverty reduction. However, the incidence of poverty among the sample households, regardless of access to irrigation, is still higher. This implies access to irrigation should be accompanied by institutional supports and complementary production inputs. So as to excel the impact of irrigation, the government shall also expand the technology over non-irrigated areas.

      • KCI등재

        Growth, yield components, and yield response of food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to the application of sulfur nutrient under balanced fertilization at North Central Highland of Ethiopia

        Shawl Assefa,Beza Shewangizaw,Kenzemed Kassie Yassin,Lisanu Getaneh 한국작물학회 2021 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.24 No.4

        Defciency of sulfur (S) is increasingly being reported in the soils of Ethiopia. While some studies have shown signifcant response of barley to S application, information on the response of barley to S application is conspicuously lacking. The average yield of barley in Ethiopia is lower compared to the world and potential yield. It is mostly constrained by the depletion of soil fertility, caused by imbalanced fertilization, limited application of organic manure, intensive cropping. A feld experiment was conducted at two locations for three consecutive years (2014–2016) to determine the efect of S on growth, yield components, and yield of food barley. An experiment consisting of six levels S (0, 10, 20,30,40, and 50 kg ha−1) laid out in RCB design with three replications. The study results revealed that growth and yield components of barley were not afected by various levels of S. In the case of barley grain and straw yield was signifcantly afected by S levels compared to control treatment. Application of S at 20 kg ha−1 increased grain and straw yield of food barley by 16.8 and 20.2% compared to control, respectively. Application of 20 kg S ha−1 produced the highest marginal rate of return (MMR) (3493.2%). The present result revealed that barley yield has been improved by the application of S fertilizer. Therefore, the application of 20 kg S ha−1 is initiate to be the further most economically feasible treatment for food barley production in the Basona woreba district.

      • KCI등재

        Petrology and provenance of the Neogene fluvial succession in Pishin Belt (Katawaz Basin) western Pakistan: implications for sedimentation in peripheral forelands basins

        Aimal Khan Kasi,Akhtar Muhammad Kassi,Henrik Friis,Razzaq Abdul Manan 한국지질과학협의회 2017 Geosciences Journal Vol.21 No.2

        Sandstones and conglomerates of the Neogene fluvial succession in Pishin Belt (Katawaz Basin), Pakistan were studied for the first time to understand the composition, provenance and tectonic settings of the source areas. Sandstones of the Miocene Dasht Murgha Group and Pliocene Malthanai Formation are classified as lithic arenites. Modal composition of the Dasht Murgha Group (Qt61F11L28) suggests that sandstone is dominated by quartz with abundant lithic fragments and minor proportions of feldspar. The Malthanai Formation (Qt60F4L36) is comparatively rich in lithic fragments and poor in feldspar. QtFL and QmFLt diagrams show recycled and transitional recycled orogenic source for both the successions. The Dasht Murgha Group is rich in sedimentary and metamorphic lithics and poor in volcanic fragments (Lm35Lv18Ls47). The LmLvLs plot indicate that most of the samples lie in the fields of suture belts and mixed magmatic arc and subduction complexes. Samples of the Malthanai Formation are overwhelmingly rich in sedimentary fragments (Lm14Lv10Ls76), which indicate widespread availability of sedimentary rocks during the Malthanai times. Composition of conglomerates of the Dasht Murgha Group, Malthanai Formation and Pleistocene Bostan formation reveal that the Eocene Nisai Formation and Oligocene Khojak Formation, within the Pishin Belt, were the main source terrains while the Muslim Bagh-Zhob Ophiolite and the Cretaceous and Jurassic succession of the Indian Plate were subordinate source terrains. Sandstone and conglomerate clasts of the Dasht Murgha Group within conglomerate of the Malthanai Formation indicate that the newly uplifted Dasht Murgha Group became an additional source terrain for the Malthanai Formation. Sandstone and conglomerate clasts of the Dasht Murgha Group and Malthanai Formation in conglomerate of the Bostan formation indicate that the Dasht Murgha Group and Malthanai Formation became an additional source terrain as both had been uplifted at the time of deposition of Bostan Formation.

      • KCI등재

        Vitrified Human Umbilical Arteries as Potential Grafts for Vascular Tissue Engineering

        Mallis Panagiotis,Katsimpoulas Michalis,Kostakis Alkiviadis,Dipresa Daniele,Korossis Sotiris,Papapanagiotou Aggeliki,Kassi Eva,Stavropoulos-Giokas Catherine,Michalopoulos Efstathios 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2020 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.17 No.3

        BACKGROUND The development of a biological based small diameter vascular graft (d\6 mm), that can be properly stored over a long time period at - 196 』C, in order to directly be used to the patients, still remains a challenge. In this study the decellularized umbilical arteries (UAs) where vitrified, evaluated their composition and implanted to a porcine model, thus serving as vascular graft. METHODS Human UAs were decellularized using 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) detergents. Then, vitrified with vitrification solution 55 (VS55) solution, remained for 6 months in liquid nitrogen and their extracellular matrix composition was compared to conventionally cryopreserved UAs. Additionally, total hydroxyproline, sulphated glycosaminoglycan and DNA content were quantified in all samples. Finally, the vitrified umbilical arteries implanted as common carotid artery interposition graft to a porcine animal model. RESULTS Decellularized and vitrified UAs characterized by proper preservation of extracellular matrix proteins and tissue architecture, whereas conventionally cryopreserved samples exhibited a disorganized structure. Total hydroxyproline content was preserved, although sulphated glycosaminoglycan and DNA contents presented significantly alterations in all samples. Implanted UAs successfully recellularized and remodeled as indicated by the histological analysis. CONCLUSION Decellularized and vitrified UAs retained their structure function properties and can be possible used as an alternative source for readily accessible small diameter vascular grafts.

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