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        스마트관광 기술속성이 확장된 기술수용모델을 통한 관광객의 행도의도에 미치는 영향 -즐거움의 조절효과를 중심으로-

        김정수 ( Kim¸ Jung-soo ),윤성욱 ( Yoon¸ Sung-wook ) 동북아관광학회 2021 동북아관광연구 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 스마트관광 기술속성이 확장된 기술수용모델을 통해 관광객의 행동의도에 미치는 영향관계를 파악하고, 확장된 기술수용모델의 용이성과 유용성이 행동의도에 미치는 영향에서 즐거움에 따른 조절효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 첫째, 스마트관광 기술속성이 용이성과 유용성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 확장된 기술수용모델의 용이성과 유용성은 행동의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 셋째, 용이성과 유용성이 행동의도에 미치는 영향에서 즐거움의 조절효과는 용이성에서만 유의하게 차이가 있는 것으로 확인 되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 관광객이 스마트폰 애플리케이션 및 웹사이트를 이용할 때 언제 어디서나 쉽게 사용할 수 있고, 여행정보 및 콘텐츠를 공유하면서 본인에게 맞는 여행자료를 제공 받으면 용이성과 유용성이 높아져 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 앱과 웹을 불편 없이 편리하게 사용하며 도움이 되는 유용한 서비스를 제공한다고 인식하게 되면 행동의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 용이성이 행동의도에 영향을 미칠 때 즐거움에 따른 조절효과가 확인되어 스마트관광 공급자들은 즐거움을 더욱 느낄 수 있도록 스마트관광 콘텐츠를 개발해야 할 것이다. 본 연구의 결론을 토대로 시사점과 한계점 및 향후연구에 대한 제언을 하였다. This study set out to test causal relations between the technological attributes of smart tourism and tourists' behavioral intention via Extended Technology Acceptance Model(ETAM) and examine the moderating effects of enjoyment between them. The findings can be summarized as follows: first, the technological attributes of smart tourism had positive effects on easiness and usefulness. second, both easiness and usefulness had positive impacts on behavioral intention. third, the moderating effects of enjoyment in the influence of easiness and usefulness on the behavioral intention were found to be significantly different only in easiness. Based on the results of this study, it is easy for tourists to use anytime, anywhere when they use smart phone applications and web sites, and it has a positive impact when they share travel information and content and receive travel data that suits them. In addition, recognition of convenient use of apps and the web without inconvenience and providing useful services has a positive impact on behavior. Finally, when ease affects the intent of action, the adjustment effect of pleasure will be confirmed, so that smart tourism providers will have to develop smart tourism content so that they can feel more pleasure. The conclusions of this study suggest implications and limitations and future studies.

      • 심하전역(深河戰役) 당시 광해군의 ‘밀지(密旨)’와 대후금(對後金) 배후교섭의 변질

        장정수 ( Jang¸ Jung-soo ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2021 사총 Vol.104 No.-

        이 글은 深河戰役(1619) 전후 조선의 對後金 교섭의 추이를 살펴보고 자 하는 목적에서 작성되었다. 조선은 명의 東路軍에 예속되어 出兵했고, 패전 이후 도원수 강홍립이 후금에 투항했다. 이 사건은 이후 조선과 명ㆍ후금의 외교관계에 지대한 영향을 미쳤으나, 주로 도원수 강홍립이 받았다는 광해군의 ‘密旨’를 중심으로 연구되어 왔다. 그에 반해 비변사의 역할이나 군신 간의 공감 혹은 갈등에 대한 흐름이 인과적으로 설명되지 못했다. 본 논문은 심하전역 당시 조선군이 명 동로군에 예속되어 그들의 후미에서 행군한 경위를 살피고, 그것이 패전할 경우에 대비한 대후금 배후교섭과 상호 연관된 조치였음을 밝히고자 했다. 아울러 강홍립의 투항과 그의 처벌에 대한 광해군의 미온적 자세가 비변사와의 갈등을 촉발시켰고, 동시에 배후교섭이 기미책으로서 기능을 상실하여 ‘비밀교섭’이라는 또 다른 형태로 변질되었음을 논증했다. 이를 통해 명과 후금에 대한 외교정책이 擇一이 아닌, 이중적인 성격을 가진 것이었음을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper examines the vicissitude of Chosŏn's negotiations with the Later Jin on the context of the Campaign of Simha in 1619. During the campaign, Chosŏn dispatched troops to aid Donglujun (東路軍 ; Eastern Column Army) of the Ming, but after their defeat, Supreme Commander Kang Hongnip of Chosŏn surrendered to the Later Jin. Thereafter, this had a profound influence not only on the diplomatic relations between Chosŏn and the Ming, but also between Chosŏn and the Later Jin. However, the studies were concentrated on Kwanghaegun's "Secret Instruction (密旨)", which Kang was said to receive, while the role of Pibyŏnsa (備邊司 ; the Border Defense Council) and the interaction between Kwanghaegun and his ministers were not examined thoroughly. This paper attempted to show that the reason behind Chosŏn army stationed and marched behind the Ming Donglujun was related to the failsafe for Chosŏn’s Behind-the-Scenes negotiation with the Later Jin. In addition, this article argues that Kwanghaegun's lukewarm attitude toward Kang Hongnip's surrender and his punishment triggered his conflicts with the Border Defense Council, and at the same time, the negotiations with the later Jin lost their function as a ‘Loose-Rein Policy’, turning into "secret negotiations" as a result. This contemplates that Chosŏn’s foreign policy towards the Ming and the Later Jin was not the dilemma between the Ming or the Later Jin, but the ambivalence on each other.

      • KCI등재

        ‘과학보급(科普)’으로서 중국 인공지능 교육 ― 초중등 인공지능 교육을 중심으로

        김정수 ( Kim¸ Jung Soo ) 중국어문학회 2021 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.76

        This thesis aims to examine the characteristics and contents of the AI curriculum for elementary and secondary schools as part of the popularization of science(科普) in China. In China, the AI curriculum for elementary and secondary schools, Under the vision of < Next-generation AI development plan >, began to be developed in earnest when it became a general high school information technology subject in 2017. Edutech companies and IT companies are the first to lead the development of AI education contents, local governments build infrastructure to facilitate AI education, each schools are actively introducing this curriculum into the educational field. In particular, in AI education content, companies develop not only textbooks and curriculum, but also education-learning platforms, AI device experiment centers, companies are helping schools run AI subjects more systematically.

      • KCI등재

        고령의 사용자를 위한 한국,일본 스마트양식장 사례 GUI접근성 평가 및 분석

        전정수 ( Jun¸ Jung-soo ),김태완 ( Kim¸ Tai-wan ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회 2021 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.77 No.-

        2030년 이후부터 인류의 단백질 공급원은 양식 수산물이 차지할 것이라고 미래학자 피터 드러커(Peter Drucker)는 말했다. 세계 수산물 소비량은 증가추세지만 무분별한 남획으로 수산자원 고갈 및 환경변화 등 여러 요인으로 연근해어업과 원양어업을 통한 생산량이 줄어들고 있어 지속가능한 수산업의 대안으로 양식업이 주목받고 있다. 우리나라의 양식업은 오랜 역사에도 불구하고 기업의 규모가 영세하며 고령자의 비율이 높고 어민들은 자신의 경험치에 의존하여 양식장을 운영하고 있다. 이에 정부는 스마트양식장 보급률을 높여 기존의 소규모, 재래식, 사후 대응 양식에서 규모화, 스마트화, 친환경 예방양식으로 전환하려 한다. 가까운 일본의 수산업 역시 우리와 같은 일손 부족 및 후계자 부족, 종사자의 고령화와 같은 문제로 고민을 하고 있다. 본 연구는 고령의 어업인을 위한 스마트양식장 시스템 제작에 앞서 조사한 문헌 및 시장동향 자료를 토대로 연구한 것으로 동일한 어업환경의 문제를 가진 일본, 한국 어업의 스마트양식장이 고령의 사용자를 위하여 서비스되고 있는지 조사하였다. 각 나라의 정부와 기업이 합작하여 제작, 정부 산하기관 제작, 기업 자체제작 방식으로 한국과 일본 두 나라에서 제작된 스마트양식 앱 2개씩 선정하여 유니버설 디자인 원칙하에 접근성 평가항목을 활용하여 고령의 어업인이 사용하기 적합한지 분석하였다. 그 결과 한국, 일본 앱 모두 동등한 사용에 고려되는 접근성 항목의 색에 무관한 인식, 명도대비와 인터페이스의 일관성, 쉽게 인지할 수 있는 정보, 범용폰트 이용, 사용을 위한 충분한 크기와 공간 등의 항목에서 고령의 사용자들이 사용하기에 적합하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 실제 고령 어업인의 특성을 고려한 스마트양식장 시스템 개발시 사용자의 편의성을 높이는 자료로 활용될 것으로 전망한다. Although the global consumption of aquatic products is on the rise, aquaculture is attracting attention as an alternative to sustainable fisheries as production through offshore and deep-sea fishing is decreasing due to various factors such as depletion of aquatic resources and environmental changes due to reckless overfishing. Despite the long history of the aquaculture industry in Korea, the size of the enterprises is small, the proportion of the elderly is high, and the fishermen rely on their own experience to operate the aquaculture farms. The nearby Japanese fishery industry is also suffering from problems such as a shortage of workers, a shortage of successors, and an aging workforce. This study was conducted on the basis of data previously investigated before the production of a smart farm system for elderly fishermen. The governments and companies of each country can determine whether smart farms in Japan and Korean, which have the same fishing environment problems, are being serviced for elderly users. Two smart aquaculture apps produced in Korea and Japan, such as joint production and government-led production, were selected and analyzed whether they are suitable for use by elderly fishermen by using accessibility evaluation items under the universal design principle. As a result, recognition regardless of color of accessibility items considered for equal use, brightness contrast and consistency of interface, use of universal fonts for easily recognizable information, and sufficient size and space for use are appropriate for elderly users to use. appeared not to be done. It is expected that this study will be a good data for the development of a smart aquaculture system that takes into account the characteristics of actual elderly fishermen.

      • KCI등재

        한국어학에서의 소쉬르 수용의 문제

        목정수(Jungsoo Mok) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2009 언어학 Vol.0 No.53

        We are obliged to meet Saussure in spite of ourselves, since/because the majority of ideas in modern linguistics originate from Saussure. Recently, the appearance of the ELG(Ecrits de Linguistique Generale) brought out many new readings of Saussure, while, as is usual with Guillaume, the publications of Guillaume"s posthumous works seem not to attract much attention in the academic world of linguistics, in particular in Korean linguistics, which are PLS I(Essais et memoires de Gustave Guillaume, vol. 1. Prolegomenes a la linguistique structurale I) PLS II(Essais et memoires de Gustave Guillaume, vol. 2. Prolegomenes a la linguistique structurale II. Discussion et continuation psychomecanique de la the?orie saussurienne de la diachronie et la synchronie) and EMI(Essai de me?canique intuitionnelle: espace et temps en pensee et dans les structures de langues). In this situation, we try to introduce the core-concepts of Guillaumian linguistics, that is the psychomecanics of language and to meet Saussure again through the mediation of Guillaume and finally to look for the way of applying the theory of general linguistics to a natural language like Korean, French and English. As a result, we propose a new X-bar schema as a new model for explaining the expansion structure of noun phrases in Korean and French.

      • KCI우수등재

        Negative Stripping in Korean: A Non-ellipsis, Anaphoric Analysis

        Jungsoo Kim 한국언어학회 2019 언어 Vol.44 No.3

        The Korean negative stripping construction has two types: one with a negative copula and the other with a negative dummy ha- ‘do’ verb. This paper discusses grammatical properties of the Korean negative stripping construction and suggests that the two types are just possibly phonologically silent pronominal subject + [VERBAL +] predicate constructions and their grammatical properties follow from their clausal status with a negative specificational copula and a negative dummy ha- ‘do’ predicate. In particular, this paper shows that the non-ellipsis, anaphoric analysis can account for diverse intriguing grammatical properties of the Korean negative stripping construction, avoiding pitfalls that previous derivational analyses encounter.

      • KCI등재

        Wrist Motion in Computer Keyboard Typing

        JungSoo Han 대한기계학회 2003 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.17 No.12

        The purpose of this study is to define how wrist motion is affected by different postures and supporting devices and to discover functional range of wrist motion for keyboard typing. The range of wrist motion (ROM) needed for fourteen experienced typists to type on a computer keyboard was measured by flexible and biaxial electrogoniometers. The most frequent wrist motion during typing was in extended and ulnarly deviated positions in both wrists. Range of wrist motion was similar in both wrists. The average ROM for keyboard typing with the typists' own posture was about 39° in flexion/extension (FEM) and 29° in radial/ulnar deviation (RUD) in both wrists. The range of wrist motion was significantly reduced to 30° in FEM and 27° in RUD with use of either wrist or forearm supporting devices, which suggests that these devices might help to relieve fatigue, discomfort, or pain during and/or after typing. Results of this study will be of interest to clinicians and helpful to those who are professionally or non­professionally involved in typing.

      • KCI등재

        Acquisition of verb representations:

        Jungsoo Kim 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2018 언어연구 Vol.35 No.S

        Generative approaches and constructional approaches differ with respect to the view of how young children acquire verb representation. In this study, on the basis of four children’s longitudinal corpus data of Get across the year between ages of 2 and 3, I show that they acquired different forms of Get in different stages of this period and that they acquired the different forms of Get in a variety of structures gradually and at different rates in a case-by-case fashion. I also demonstrate that the children’s acquisition of the different forms of Get is tightly related to the frequencies of the forms in the mothers’ input. However, I further show that in some cases aside from the frequencies in the mothers’ input other factors such as the complexity of the structure/meaning came into play in their acquisition of the different forms of Get. The data, therefore, overall favor constructional approaches over generative approaches to children’s acquisition of verb representation.

      • An Analytical Dynamic Scaling of Supply Voltage and Body Bias Based on Parallelism-Aware Workload and Runtime Distribution

        Jungsoo Kim,Seungyong Oh,Sungjoo Yoo,Chong-Min Kyung IEEE 2009 IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of inte Vol.28 No.4

        <P>Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) for a parallel software program is crucial for lowering the ever-increasing power consumption of multiprocessor systems-on-chips (SoCs). In this paper, we propose an analytical DVFS method that judiciously exploits slack by considering the varying parallelism over each path in a task graph. The proposed method overcomes the conventional pessimistic assumption on the remaining workload, i.e., worst-case execution cycle. It yields minimum average energy consumption by utilizing the runtime distribution of a software program while satisfying the deadline constraints. The proposed method tackles leakage power consumption as well as dynamic power consumption by combined <I>V</I> <SUB>dd</SUB>/<I>V</I> <SUB>bb</SUB> scaling. Compared to conventional method , experimental results show that the proposed method provides up to 49.20% energy reduction for a set of synthetic task graphs and yields 23.93% and 27.15% energy reductions for two multimedia applications, namely, the H.264 encoder and decoder, respectively.</P>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Focus Structure and Voice Mismatch in Pseudogapping

        Jungsoo Kim,Sang-Hee Park 한국영어학회 2023 영어학 Vol.23 No.-

        This paper explores the identity, or mismatch, of voice in a particular type of ellipsis called pseudogapping (e.g., John called Sarah, and Mary will Jane). Although voice is ipso facto a grammatical category, it is known to interact with information structure to affect speakers’ perception of it. In three acceptability judgment tasks, we tested how native speakers evaluate voice mismatches in pseudogapping, in comparison to verb phrase ellipsis, and also whether their judgments are affected by the locus of the main contrast or focus—i.e., contrastive topics or auxiliary focus. Unlike previous findings which showed that information structure can modulate how speakers perceive mismatches in verb phrase ellipsis (Kertz 2013), we found no reliable effect of information structure on pseudogapping. This suggests that the impact of focus structure may not be the same across all ellipsis types. We discuss the broader implications of the results from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.

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