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        보험사기에 대한 법적 규제의 문제점과 개선방안 연구 - 사망보험을 중심으로 -

        황정혜(Hwang Junghye),박은경(Park Eungyoung) 한국법학회 2022 법학연구 Vol.86 No.-

        보험계약은 보험사고가 발생하여야 보험자의 보험금지급의무가 발생하며, 지급한 보험료에 비하여 수령하는 보험금이 거액이라는 점에서 사행성이 내포되어 있다. 이러한 사행성으로 인하여 고의로 보험사고를 야기하는 경우는 물론 보험사고를 기화로 보험금을 과다청구하거나 보험사고로 위장하는 등의 방법으로 보험금을 수령하고자 하는 시도들이 적지 않았다. 이들을 넓게는 도덕적 위험, 좁게는 보험사기 또는 보험범죄라고 한다. 일찍이 영국해상보험법(Marine Insurance Act, 1906)은 보험계 약당사자에게 최대선의의무를 부여함으로써 보험계약의 사행성으로 인한 병폐를 예방하고자 노력하였다. 우리 상법에서도 고의사고시 보험자면책, 고지․통지의무, 약관설명의무, 사기적 초과․중복보험의 무효, 타인의 사망보험에서의 서면동의 등 다수의 규정을 두고 있다. 민법 제103조(반사회질서의 법률행위)와 형법 제347조(사기)도 보험계약의 사행성을 제재하는 역할을 수행하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 보험사기는 감소하지 않고 급기야 사망보험금을 노리고 피보험자를 살해하는 보험범죄로까지 이어지고 있다. 보험사기는 보험자로 하여금 부담하지 않아도 될 보험금을 지급하도록 만들어 보험료의 인상요인으로 작동하고 결국은 선량한 다수의 보험계약자가 피해를 입게 된다. 보험사기의 심각성을 인식하고 특히 보험범죄로부터 국민의 생명권을 보호하기 위하여 「보험사기방지특별법」이 제정되었다. 고액의 사망보험에 가입한 피보험자를 살해하는 등의 방법으로 보험범죄가 발생하고 있는 최근의 사례들을 보면서, 보험사기 방지를 위한 현행법상의 제도들이 제 기능을 발휘하지 못하는 것이 아닌가하는 의문을 가지게 되었다. 이 글에서는 타인의 사망보험계약을 중심으로 연구하였다. 보험사기의 개념과 원인을 기술하고, 보험사기를 방지하기 위한 현행법제도의 현황과 문제점을 지적하고 그 해결방안을 제시하였다. 첫째 타인의 사망보험계약에 있어서 그 타인의 서면동의의 진정성을 담보할 수 있어야 한다. 둘째, 사망보험의 가입금액을 일정한 경우에 제한할 수 있어야 한다. 셋째, 사망보험계약의 보험수익자를 일정한 지위에 있는 자로 제한하는 것이 필요하다. 넷째, 고액의 생명보험계약이 단기간에 다수로 체결되는 경우 등과 같이 보험사기가 의심되는 보험계약은 계약체결단계에서 차단될 수 있도록 보험회사간의 정보공유가 원활히 이루어져야 한다. 다섯째, 사기의 보험 계약체결시 계약무효 조문을 보험사기방지특별법에 명문화하여 보험사기에 대해 예방적 효과를 기대할 수 있다. Insurance contracts are speculative in that the insurer is obligated to pay insurance money only in the event of an insurance accident, and the amount received is larger than the premium paid. Due to this speculative nature, there are many attempts to intentionally cause an insurance accident or claim excessive insurance money by disguising it as an insurance accident. These are broadly referred to as moral risks and narrowly as insurance fraud. Early on, Britain tried to prevent disease caused by the speculative nature of insurance contracts by giving the parties a good faith obligation in the Marine Insurance Act (1906). In our commercial law, there are several provisions such as exemption from insurance for intentional accidents, duty of notice and duty to explain terms and conditions, invalidation of fraudulent/duplicate insurance, and written consent to death insurance of others. Article 103 of the Civil Act (Judgment against anti-social order) and Article 347 of the Criminal Act (fraud) also play a role in sanctioning the speculative nature of insurance contracts. Nevertheless, insurance fraud does not diminish and eventually leads to insurance crimes that kill the insured for death benefits. Insurance fraud forces insurers to pay money they dont have to pay, which increases premiums and ultimately hurts many good policyholders. The 「Special Act on the Prevention of Insurance Fraud」 was finally enacted to recognize the seriousness of insurance fraud and, in particular, to protect peoples right to life from insurance crimes. Recently, seeing cases of insurance crimes occurring in the form of killing insured persons who have purchased life insurance, I am starting to question whether the current legal system is not working properly. This paper summarizes the concept of insurance fraud, analyzes its causes, points out the problems of the current legal system to prevent insurance fraud, and suggests solutions. First, in the death insurance contract of another person, the authenticity of the written consent of the other party must be guaranteed. Second, it should be possible to limit the amount of death insurance coverage in some cases. Third, it is necessary to limit the beneficiaries of death insurance contracts to those in certain positions. Fourth, information sharing between insurance companies should be facilitated so that insurance contracts suspected of insurance fraud, such as multiple expensive life insurance contracts being concluded in a short period of time, can be blocked at the contract signing stage.

      • 상해보험에 관한 연구 -질병으로 인한 의료처치 중 의료사고를 중심으로-

        황정혜 ( Junghye Hwang ) 한국손해사정학회 2018 손해사정연구 Vol.18 No.-

        본 논문에서는 질병치료 중 발생된 의료사고에 대하여 상해보험의 보험사고 해당여부를 살펴보고자 한다. 상해사고 치료과정 중 발생된 의료사고의 경우 상해보험에서 당연 담보책임이 발생하므로 논란이 되지 않는다. 그러나 질병치료 중 발생된 의료사고의 경우에는 상해보험에서 담보책임 발생할 것인지에 대하여는 분쟁이 있다. 또한 과거 손해보험사와 생명보험사의 상해보험에서 의료사고에 대한 면책사유를 달리 규정하고 있었으며, 손해보험사에서 판매된 상해보험이라 할지라도 판매 시기에 따라 약관 개정이 되면서 면책사유도 달리 규정되어 있는 복잡한 특성이 있다. 이러한 복잡성 때문에 질병처치 중 발생된 의료사고에 대하여 상해보험자의 담보책임발생여부를 해석함에 있어 분쟁이 발생하게 된다. 따라서 이와 관련된 주요 대법원 판례 및 금융감독원의 분쟁조정사례 등을 검토해보고자 한다. 첫째, 의료사고 면책조항과 관련하여 손해보험에서의 약관 개정에 따른 동 의료사고 면책조항을 어떻게 해석 적용하는지에 대하여 살펴본다. 둘째, 의료사고 면책조항과 관련하여 관련 대법원 판례 및 금융감독원 분쟁조정사례 등을 살펴보고, 질병치료 중 발생된 의료사고의 상해보험에서 담보책임 발생여부에 검토해보았다. 질병사고의 치료목적으로 외과적 수술 등의 치료과정 중 발생된 손해가 구약관에서는 동 면책조항에 의해 보험자 담보책임이 발생하지 않고, 현행약관에서는 동 면책조항이 삭제되었다는 이유로 보험자의 담보책임이 발생한다고 단순히 해석하는 오류를 범하지 않아야 할 것이다. 즉 질병사고의 경우에는 피보험자측의 예측 불가능하였던 의료사고와 같은, 외과적 수술 결과가 상해사고의 요건인 급격하고 우연한 외래의 사고로 상해요건을 충족시킬 경우 상해보험에서는 상해사고로 인정되어 보험자의 담보책임이 발생한다고 해석함이 타당할 것이다. 그리고 의료사고 면책조항을 보면 “피보험자의 임신, 출산(제왕절개 포함), 유산 또는 외과적 수술, 그 밖의 의료처치. 그러나 회사가 부담하는 상해로 인한 경우에는 보상하여 드립니다.”라고 규정되어 있는데, 상해3요건에 해당한다면 면책조항의 단서조항이 적용되어 상해보험자의 담보책임이 발생된다고 주장하고 싶다. 설명의무위반의 검토 및 그 밖의 의료처치 적용범위의 검토도 중요하지만, 면책조항의 단서조항에 따라 질병치료 중 발생된 의료사고의 경우 상해3요건에 해당된다면 면책조항의 단서조항에 의하여 상해보험자의 담보책임이 발생하는 것으로 판단하는 것이 합리적인 해석론이라 생각된다. 이와 같은 연구논문을 통하여 상해보험의 보험사고인 상해사고의 요건과 의료 사고 면책조항의 적용여부에 대하여 검토함으로써 보험금 분쟁을 줄이는데 도움이 될 것이다. In this paper, we are going to examine whether or not a medical accident occurs during disease treatment. Medical accidents that occur during the process of treating injuries are not controversial as the liability to collateral arises from the injury or illness. However, there is a dispute over whether or not a security liability will arise from injury or illness. In addition, the reasons for exemptions for medical accidents were different in the past, and the reasons for exemptions are complicated as they are amended according to the time of sale. This complexity leads to disputes in interpreting whether or not a person is responsible for collateral for medical accidents that occurred during disease treatment. Therefore, we are going to consider major Supreme Court cases related to this and the Financial Supervisory Service cases for dispute settlement. First, the medical accident exemption clause is reviewed for how to apply the same medical accident exemption clause in connection with the modification of the terms and conditions in the loss insurance. Second, we examined relevant Supreme Court precedents and Financial Supervisory Service disputes concerning the exemption of medical accidents, and examined the occurrence of collateral liability in the accident compensation for medical accidents caused during disease treatment. The loss incurred during the course of treatment, such as surgical operations, for the purposes of the medical accident is interpreted by the Old Testament as not to be liable for insurers' collateral, but simply because the current policy has been deleted. In other words, in case of a disease accident, if the results of a surgical operation, such as an unpredictable medical accident on the insurer's part, are met with a minor and accidental external accident, then the insurance policy is regarded as an injury. And if you look at the medical accident exemption clause, you can say, "Betting the insured, giving birth (including the cesare), abortion or surgical operation, and other medical treatments. However, in the case of injury caused by the company, we will compensate the company." If the conditions are met, I would argue that the clause of the exemption applies to the liability of the indemnifying party. Review of non-explanatory review and other coverage of medical treatment are important, but it is considered reasonable for a medical accident caused during disease treatment under the clause. Through such research paper, it will help reduce the claims dispute by reviewing the requirements of the accident, insurance accident, and exemption from medical accident.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of vertical bone resorption following various types of autologous block bone grafts

        Hyejin Koo,Junghye Hwang,Byung-Joon Choi,Jung-Woo Lee,Joo-Young Ohe,Junho Jung 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2023 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.45 No.-

        Background This study aims to measure and compare the differences in vertical bone resorption after vertical augmentation using different types of autologous block bone. Methods Data were collected from 38 patients who had undergone vertical ridge augmentation using an autologous block bone before implant insertion. The patients were divided into three groups based on the donor sites: ramus bone (RB), chin bone (CB), and iliac crestal bone (IB). Results The surgical outcome of the augmentation was evaluated at the follow-up periods up to 60 months. In 38 patients, the mean amount of vertical bone gain was 8.36 ± 1.51 mm in the IB group, followed by the RB group (4.17 ± 1.31 mm) and the CB group (3.44 ± 1.08 mm). There is a significant difference in vertical bone resorption between the groups (p < 0.001), and the RB group demonstrated significantly lower resorption than the CB and IB groups (p = 0.011 and p < 0.001, respectively). The most common postoperative complications included neurosensory disturbance in the CB graft and gait disturbance in the IB graft. Out of the 92 implants inserted after augmentation, four implants were lost during the study period, resulting in an implant success rate of 95.65%. Conclusions The RB graft might be the most suitable option for vertical augmentation in terms of maintaining postoperative vertical height and reducing morbidity, although the initial gain was greater with the IB graft compared to other block bones.


        Effects of Cyclic Structure of Ammonium Ions on Capacitance in Electrochemical Double Layer Supercapacitors

        Hong, Jeehoon,Hwang, Byunghyun,Lee, Junghye,Kim, Ketack The Korean Electrochemical Society 2017 Journal of electrochemical science and technology Vol.8 No.1

        The conductivity of the electrolyte used plays a critical role in the optimization of the performance of electrochemical double layer capacitors. However, when the difference in the conductivities of different electrolytes is not significant (only 10-20%), the conductivity has little effect on the capacitance. On the other, unlike the conductivity and viscosity of the electrolyte, the cation size directly influences the capacitance. Cyclic ions have a smaller effective radius than that of the corresponding acyclic ions because the acyclic alkyl groups have a greater number of conformational degrees of freedom, such as the rotational, bending, and stretching modes. Consequently, because of the smaller effective size of the cyclic ions, cells containing electrolytes with such ions exhibit higher capacitances than do those with their acyclic counterparts.

      • Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) during pregnancy in Kunming, China

        ( Lindsey Park ),( Luzhu He ),( Junghye Hwang ),( Dongwoon Han ) 한국모자보건학회 2020 한국모자보건학회 학술대회 연제집 Vol.2020 No.-

        Purpose: The health status of Chinese people have considerably improved with an impressive achievement in maternal health(75% reduction rate of maternal mortality rate from 1990 to 2015) in the past 20 years with strong growth in healthcare. In China, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) such as “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)” is integrated in many general hospitals and primary healthcare institutes and has been practiced since ancient time. CAM use in China is popular among pregnant women and it is reported that many women utilize CAM during pregnancy until this day. The perception of CAM and its safety has been a debate for many researchers in the healthcare sector as the prevalence of CAM use is continuously rising not only in China but all around the world. Thus, the search for factors that allow women to rely on CAM during pregnancy has been brought to light in Global Health. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors which determine the use of CAM among pregnant women in Kunming city, China. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 389 pregnant women between the ages of 19-49 years old, who had visited the antenatal care outpatient department in the Kunming City Maternal and Child Hospital and the Jinkai District People’s Hospital in Kunming city, China. The data was collected given the option of self-reported questionnaire or a verbal face-to-face interview. The collected data was then exported to Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS version21 for analysis and Chi-square tests were used to predict the association of study variables. Results: It was observed that 68.1% of women (265) used CAM during pregnancy and among those, 64.5% of women (171) had used CAM due to their health professional’s recommendations. Prior use of CAM, self-reported health status, communication between health professionals and information regarding CAM use are key components of CAM use during pregnancy. Statistically significant factors of CAM use include: self-reported health status, prior use of CAM, experience of back pain/skin problems/the common cold, preparation for natural birth and nutritional support (p value less than 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, 7 out of 10 women in Kunming city, China had used CAM during their pregnancy. The women who did not utilize CAM during pregnancy was largely due to their perception of it not being safe. The reasons for women to utilize CAM was the highest in those that followed their doctors’ or nurses’ recommendations (64.5%) and lowest in those who had said it was cheap and easy to access (1.9%). The information received by health professionals on the use of CAM is key to a successful and safe use in CAM during pregnancy. This study places emphasis on the importance of health professional’s attitude and the delivery of information about CAM. This study can be used as a guideline to educational programs for professionals in the obstetric and TCM department to ensure the safe use of CAM. With an appropriate integrative medicine healthcare delivery system in hospitals throughout China, the strengthening cooperation between the two departments could benefit many users.

      • Determinants of modern contraceptive utilization in urban slums of Kigali, Rwanda

        박린지,( William Rutagengwa ),( Junghye Hwang ),( Dongwoon Han ) 한국모자보건학회 2019 한국모자보건학회 학술대회 연제집 Vol.2019 No.2

        Purpose: Rwanda is considered the most densely populated country in Africa with 416 people per square kilometer. Population control has been on the Rwandan government’s agenda since 1981. With limited resources and an increase in population, the government first formulated a national population policy to limit the size of families by providing all children with access to primary and secondary education in 2003. Unfortunately, this plan was never successful because family planning services were not mentioned nor promoted due to the assumption that with improved education there would be a stimulation among families for the need for family limitation. This catches the attention of many researchers to further question those with a low tendency to use family planning services when provided. This is a crucial topic in the Public Health sector because it shows the importance of finding out the factors that determine the utilization of modern contraceptive utilization among women in developing countries such as Rwanda. The purpose of the study was to assess the determinants of modern contraceptive prevalence among reproductive women in Kigali city slums. Methods: A cross-sectional study using a structured questionnaire was conducted among 384 women of reproductive ages of 15-49years old who had visited the Kinyinya Health Center in Gasabo district, Kigali, Rwanda. The data was collected through 5 trained nursing lecturers from Kigali Health Institute. The collected data was then analyzed using SPSS version 21 and chi-square and binary logistic regression models were used to predict the association of study variables. Results: Among the observed subjects, 76.4% of women(265) of reproductive age in Kigali used modern contraceptive and among those, 77.2% of women(129) had knowledge of the utilization of modern contraceptive. Education, partner communication, and perceived need for family planning are key determinants for modern contraceptive use. Statistically significant factors of the use of modern contraceptive utilization include marital status, the number of children, satisfaction, knowledge on family planning services and the perception of modern contraceptive methods (p-value less than 0.05). Conclusion: Although the utilization of modern contraceptives seems high in this study, 54.3% of women(182) do not have the regularity of family planning information. Women received the highest source of information through radios(45.1%) and the lowest were community meetings(2.5%). The continuity of the utilization in modern contraceptive is key to a successful family planning policy. This shows that with the right method of promotion and rectifying the method of delivering information on family planning, family planning services could be successful in Rwanda. This study can aid the implementation and the development of proper regulations and policies for the government to continuously enhance the promotion of modern contraceptive methods among the women on a regional and national level.

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