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      • Validation study to accurately identify patients with atopic dermatitis in the national health insurance data in Korea

        ( Hyejung Jung ),( Dongheon Lee ),( Donghyek Jang ),( Jaein Lee ),( Jooyoon Bae ),( Miyeon Park ),( Jiyoung Ahn ) 대한피부과학회 2020 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.72 No.1

        Background: In Korean National Health Insurance System, certain treatments must have an AD code, allowing the treatment covered by the insurance. Objectives: To validate the National Health Insurance data, and so exclude those patients with AD codes who are not validated AD patients. Methods: We reviewed charts of whom visited the National Medical Center dermatology clinic from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2018. And we evaluated the presence of validated AD, AD codes, and AD related tests. Results: Total of 12,678 charts were reviewed. There were 293 validated AD patients and 12,385 patients who had AD codes but were not validated AD patients. The subjects were divided into four groups: The group with 2 diagnostic codes (group A), the group with 1 diagnostic code and 1 AD related test code (group B), the group with 1 diagnostic code and 2 AD related test codes (group C), and the group with 1 code and 3 or more AD related test codes (group D). Each group was analyzed for sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value for predicting actual AD. Specificity was the same in all groups. The PPV was highest in the group C. Conclusion: The results showed that the group with 1 diagnostic code and 2 AD related test codes most appropriately identified validated AD patients because the PPV was highest. Afterward, it is necessary to develop more appropriate validation criteria that can increase both sensitivity and specificity.

      • Diel variations of chemical and isotopic compositions of a stream in King George Island, Antarctica: Implications for hydrologic pathways of meltwater

        Hyejung Jung,Sung-Wook Jeen,Hyoungseok Lee,Jeonghoon Lee 대한지질학회 2021 대한지질학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Polar regions are under dynamic hydrological conditions due to the presence of active layers, which are freezing and thawing repeatedly. This study aims to investigate the hydrological process in a stream of a snow-dominated headwater catchment in King George Island in Antarctica using isotopic and chemical signatures of stream water. We identified that the chemical composition of stream water was correlated to the degree of interaction with soil and rock materials, and the isotopic composition was correlated to the rate of snowmelt rate. Our results showed a negative correlation between electrical conductivity (EC) and streamflow (r=0.65, p<0.0001). Additionally, we also observed a positive correlation between the stable isotopic composition of stream water and streamflow (r=0.64, p<0.0001). Based on these results, it was suggested that the active layer thickness played an important role in interpreting hydrological pathways at the catchment. During the cold summer period, the contribution of supra-permafrost groundwater was dominated because streamflow decreased, resulting from a refreezing of the snowpack, a cessation of snowmelt inputs, and a recession in the saturated soil layer. However, snowmelt runoff was also produced by limited infiltration of meltwater when active layer thickness was thin due to predominantly frozen soils in the morning with low temperatures during the cold summer period. Therefore, diel variations in the isotopic compositions of snowmelt were clearly observed during that period. During the warm period, the large amounts of snowmelt were recharged with groundwater due to the thickened active layer, and the soil layer was fully saturated, resulting in increased runoff as streamflow increased. During these periods, diel variations in the isotopic compositions of snowmelt were not distinct and disappeared because the amplitude of diel variation in air temperature was low and persist in high streamflow. Our findings will help to improve the understanding of water source inputs and hydrologic pathways of meltwater in polar catchments.

      • KCI등재

        지눌의 “깨달음의 마음공부”

        정혜정 ( Hyejung Jung ) 한국교육사학회 2015 한국교육사학 Vol.37 No.3

        본 연구는 지눌의 ‘깨달음의 마음공부’ 체계를 살펴보아 지금까지 분석되지 못했던 핵심들을 짚어내고 현대 마음교육에의 시사점을 찾고자 한 것이다. 지눌에 의하면 깨달음과 마음공부는 선후의 문제로 분리되는 것이 아니다. 마음공부의 시작은 자신의 본래 성품이 고요하면서도 신령스럽게 아는 지혜임을 자각하는데서 비롯되고, 이 깨달음으로 점차 닦아 나가는 것이므로 깨달음이 곧 마음공부의 시작이고 마음공부가 깨달음의 완성이 된다. 지눌의 돈오점수는 돈수적 닦음을 통해본성에 계합하고 뭇 생명을 위하는 광도군품(廣度群品)의 점수가 수반되는 것이므로 그의 마음공부는 원수(圓修).원점(圓漸)으로 칭할 수 있다. 지눌이 말하는 깨달음이란 단순한 언어적 이해가 아니라 신심(身心) 전회(轉回)의 깨달음으로서 명증적인 것이자 심신일원적 성격을 띠며 선교일치적 면모를 보여준다. 선과 교, 삼학의 정(定)과 혜(慧)뿐만이 아니라 자성정혜와 수상정혜의 융섭, 그리고 돈오돈수와 돈오점수가 교묘한 결합을 이루는 선오후수(先悟後修)의 원점(圓漸).원수(圓修) 수행체계는 한국 마음공부 전통의 근간을 이룬다. Jinul says that “when enlightenment first be carried out, the true training is possible.” Enlightenment and training is not being separated as a matter of first and later. In other words the beginning of the training comes from the awareness that one``s own nature is essentially wisdom and spiritual. Because we can go forward gradual training by enlightenment, this enlightenment is soon training and the training after enlightenment is the upcoming completion. There are enlightenment that two kinds of Hae-oh(解悟, sudden enlightenment) and Jeung-oh(證悟, ultimate enlightenment). Jinul(知訥)’s theory of “Sudden Enlightenment and Gradual Cultivation(頓悟漸修)” is to reconcile with nature by “sudden training(頓修)” and to integrate the “sudden training” and “altruistic training”(廣度群 品). It can be referred to as Wonsu(圓修).WonJeom(圓漸). Haeoh(解悟) is not simple verbal understanding but embodied enlightenment to get in the routine body. It integrates mind with body, and also it shows the nature of oneness and the matching of Dogma and Zen(禪敎一致). Also it shows not only the integration of concentration and complete knowledge but also cultivating both concentration and complete knowledge(定慧雙修) of Jaseong(自性) and Susang(隨相). The integrative nature achieves his thoughtful features. This will give the considerable implications for modern education and mind study. At the same time it will implicitly give rise to the direction change.

      • 학령기 아동의 문제행동과 관련요인

        정혜정 ( Jung Hyejung ),이상미 ( Lee Sangmi ) 부모자녀건강학회 2017 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate problem behavior and its related factors in school-aged children. Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted with 221 mothers of children at 1st to 6th grades. Data were collected from March to April, 2015 using self-report structured questionnaires. Questionnaires included characteristics of sub-jects, Korean Child Behavior Checklist for measuring problem behavior and Children`s Sleep Habits Questionnaire for assessing sleeping habits. Collected data were analyzed by independent t-test, x<sup>2</sup> test, and multiple logistic regression. Results: In logistic regression analysis, having any maternal job (aOR=2.8, 95% CI=1.1~6.9) and higher daytime sleepiness (aOR=2.9, 95% CI=1.2~7.4) were statistically significant contributors of internal problems. Higher bedtime resistance (aOR=2.2, 95% CI=1.0~4.9) and higher daytime sleepiness (aOR=2.8, 95% CI=1.2~6.3) were statistically significant contributors of external problems. Higher bedtime resistance (aOR=4.3, 95% CI=1.5~12.4) was statistically significant contributors of total problem behavior. Conclusion: School-aged children with sleeping problem are at risk for problem behavior. More attention is need to consider sleeping habits for supporting behavioral improvement in school-aged children.

      • KCI등재

        동학 · 천도교의 개화운동과 ‘하날(天)’문명론

        정혜정(Jung, Hyejung) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2018 한국학연구 Vol.66 No.-

        동학운동이 개화혁신운동으로 방향을 전환한 것은 이종일, 양한묵, 장효근 등 독립협회의 개화파와의 교류에서 비롯된다. 이종일은 실학의 계승으로서 동학사상을 인식했고, 동학을 항일세력으로 인식하였으며 ‘동학은 민족의 호흡’과 같다 하였다. 천도교의 개화운동은 우리 고유정신인 하날정신에 기초하여 교정쌍전의 종교문명과 정치문명, 그리고 도덕문명을 지향하는 것이었다. 또한 이는 궁극적으로 개화신생활운동, 성신쌍전과 교정일치, 민권의 공화와 지방자치를 표방한 것이었다. 특히 의암 손병희는 천인(天人)의 하날격(天格)을 통해 인화(人和)를 이룸으로써 이를 국민 전체의 합의체를 이끌어내는 공화의 근거로 삼았고, 자치제를 지속적으로 거론하여 실제 1907년 지방자치제가 홍천군에서 실시되었던 사실이 주목된다. 천도교의 개화운동은 하날문명의 진보에 초점을 둔 국학운동이자 자주독립운동으로서 동학이 지닌 개벽사상의 시대적 변용이었다고 말할 수 있다. The Donghak(東學) movement has turned its direction to the progressive movement. It came from the interaction with people of Korean independence club such as Jong-il Lee, Han-mook Yang, and Hyo-keun Jang. At that time, the progressive movement means the progress of civilization. Jong-il Lee recognized Donghak`s thought as a succession of Silhak(實學) and Donghak(東學) as an anti-Japanese force. He also said that "Donghak(東學) is like a breath of the nation". He argued early on that Donghak(東學) had been a progressive movement since the beginning of the Donghak movement because it was the idea of human equality and innovation thought. Progressive movement(開化運動) of the Donghak(東學)/Chondogyo(天道敎) is based on the Hanal(天) thought of the Cheonin(天人), our own spirit. And it was aimed at the religious civilization, political civilization, and moral civilization of the twin pairs in religion and politics. And it was aimed at the religious civilization, political civilization, and moral civilization of the twin in religion and politics. It is also expressed as a Samdan(三團, three groups) that unifies our people, our spirit and our country. All of these ultimately proclaimed the innovation movement of new life, the integration and completion of spirituality and body(性身雙全), the unity of religion and politics(敎政一致), and republican of civil rights and local government system. The Chondogyo(天道敎) achieved a people`s unity by unity of Harmal and human(天人合一), and it was made the basis of the Republic that led to the consensus of the whole people. In addition, it is noted that by continuously addressing the local government system it was practiced in Hongcheon Gun(洪川郡) in 1907. At that time, the municipal government was recognized as the basis of national independence and the progress of world civilization. The progressive movement of Donghak/Chondogyo was a national academy movement and often an independence movement focusing on the progress of Hanal(天) civilization.

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