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        ( Kim Y Hiller Connell ),( Joy M Kozar ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        據調?顯示?使消費者非常了解?關心服飾産品與消費引發的環境與社會問題, 能?執行可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPBs)的人數比率依然?低。因此, ?到削弱這種態度-行爲代溝的有效方法是?有必要的。規範性社會影響可以鼓勵可持續性環保行爲(Cialdini, Reno,& Kallgren, 1990)。此硏究之前的文獻中顯示社會規範對可持續性環保行爲是有影響力的, 包括家庭能源的節約(Nolan,Schultz, Cialdini, Goldstein, & Griskevicius, 2008)與酒店資源的節約(Goldstein, Cialdini, and Griskevicius, 2008)。也就是說, 硏究表明爲了促進可持續性環保行爲, 重點强調他人的可持續性消費者行爲是有效的。因此, 本硏究旨在分析對規範性社會影響的提倡對促進SAPBs是否有效。本硏究參加人員共分爲四組, 運用預備測試, 後續測試與擬實驗設計的方法, 同時利用三組拉門吊?裝置請消費者參與到SAPBs中來。第壹組拉門吊?裝置的信息條中含有呼?可持續性環保的信息, ?不包括社會規範影響。?外兩組拉門吊?裝置都包括規範性社會影響的信息, 其中壹個主要針對可持續性發展人權方面的信息, ?壹個則注重環境方面的影響。數據來源于美國中西部四年制大學中女子社團的學生們。調?抽樣隨機選取四個女子社團。每個社團與居民的選取都是隨機性的直到50個硏究對象名額報滿爲止。每個社團會被隨機分配到四個試驗小組中:管理組、可持續性環保信息組、人權信息組以及環境信息組。試驗開始後(Time 1), 硏究者首先請硏究對象完成預備測試以便于評?他們參與可持續性服飾購買行爲的程度。本調?包括人口統計學選項, 8項可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPB)測算(Kozar & Hiller Connell, 2010)以及20項可持續性服飾購買(SAA)測算。SAPB測算範圍從1(非常不同意)至7(非常同意), 測算內容例如他們爲否爲血汗工廠中生産的廉價成衣花費的更多。SAA測算範圍從1(從不)至5(總是), 測算內容爲硏究對象參與到可持續性環保服飾購買行爲的頻率。預備測試數據收集完成後, 拉門吊?裝置會根據已經安排好的試驗小組分配到調?對象的房間中, 管理組不會安排拉門吊?裝置。在接下來的10周中, 對調?對象可持續性服飾購買的參與程度進行重新評?, 隨後完成調?對象的後續測試。硏究運用科隆巴赫標准化alpha系數確保測算的可?性(所有alpha?皆大于或等于.89)。接下來, 對SAPB與SAA進行加和平均爲預備測試與後續測試的數據得出兩個複合變量。本硏究采用項間與項內綜合ANOVA評?拉門吊?裝置對SAPB與SAA測算分數的影響, 四個試驗小組分別作爲相間變量, Time 1 與Time 2 作爲相內變量, SAPB總分數(與SAA分數)在不同時間段分別作爲獨立變量。Wilks`` lambda(組內平方和與總平方和之比)在本硏究中作爲檢驗統計量使用。總體來說, 196名調?對象參與了此項硏究。所有調?對象爲女性, 年齡在18至23歲之間。大多數調?對象(94.9%)爲非西班牙裔白人。SAPB的調?對象中, SAPB分數呈顯著變化, 範圍從Time 1(M=2.90, SD=1.25)至Time 2 [M=2.66, SD=1.30, F(1,192) =.967, p=.012]。但是, SAPB測算中調?對象的分數呈降趨勢-也就是說, 在呼?過社會規範影響力後, 他們參與SAPB的程度仍不高。?外, 拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAPB的影響沒有呈現統計顯著性, 四組之間?沒有明顯區別[F(3,316)=2.336, p=.074]。同樣, 分數對SAA測算的主要影響範圍從Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)至Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)沒有呈現統計顯著性。拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAA沒有顯著影響[F(3,316)=.728, p=.536]。本硏究闡述了雖然規範性社會影響對消費者的可持續性環保行爲有促進作用, 但服飾購買行爲是複雜的, 來自于社會同代人的壓力對有些消費者可持續性服飾消費的模式促進作用不足。在未來的硏究中, 將以此硏究爲基礎?繼續?掘規範性社會影響力的潛力, 以改變服飾消費者的行爲。同時, 進壹步探尋能?鼓勵可持續性服飾消費的機制. Even when consumers are knowledgeable and concerned about sustainability issues related to apparel production and consumption, their level of engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing behaviors is low. Through a four-group pretest posttest, quasi-experimental design, this exploratory research examined the persuasive appeal of door hangers employing social normative influence and petitioning consumers to engage in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors. Data were collected from students living on campus at a university in the Midwestern United States. At the start of the experiment, the participants completed a survey that assessed engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing. Door hangers were then distributed to the participants`` rooms. After 10 weeks, the students`` engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing was reassessed by having the participants complete an identical survey. Results indicate that engagement in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors among the participants was low. Furthermore, normative social influence was not an adequate motivator to increase consumption of sustainable apparel.


        Measurement of Transient Electric Field Emission from a 245 ㎸ Gas Insulated Substation Model during Switching

        M. Mohana Rao,M. Joy Thomas,B. P. Singh 대한전기학회 2007 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.2 No.3

        The transient fields generated during switching operations in a Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) are associated with high frequency components in the order of few tens of ㎒. These transient fields leak into the external environment of the gas-insulated equipment and can interfere with the nearby electronics. Measurements of the transient fields are thus required to characterise the interference caused by switching phenomena in such substations. In view of the above, E-field emission measurement during a switching operation bas been carried out for a 245 ㎸ GIS model, using a resonant dipole antenna and D-dot sensor. The characteristics of the E-fields i.e., frequency spectra and their levels have been analysed and are reported in the paper. Suitability of the measurements has been confirmed by comparing frequency spectra of the measured and computed transient fields.


        Measurement of Transient Electric Field Emission from a 245 kV Gas Insulated Substation Model during Switching

        Rao, M. Mohana,Thomas, M. Joy,Singh, B.P. The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2007 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.2 No.3

        The transient fields generated during switching operations in a Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) are associated with high frequency components in the order of few tens of MHz. These transient fields leak into the external environment of the gas-insulated equipment and can interfere with the nearby electronics. Measurements of the transient fields are thus required to characterise the interference caused by switching phenomena in such substations. In view of the above, E-field emission measurement during a switching operation has been carried out for a 245 kV GIS model, using a resonant dipole antenna and D-dot sensor. The characteristics of the E-fields i.e., frequency spectra and their levels have been analysed and are reported in the paper. Suitability of the measurements has been confirmed by comparing frequency spectra of the measured and computed transient fields.

      • KCI등재

        Elucidating the effect of growth promoting endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica for seedling stage salinity tolerance in contrasting rice genotypes

        Reshna O. P.,Beena R.,Joy M.,Viji M. M.,Roy S. 한국작물학회 2022 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.25 No.5

        The growth and productivity of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) has been hampered by high soil salinity. Microbial endophytes, the most significant soil microorganisms, boost plant output per unit area by changing physiologically, and ecologically, allowing crop development in saline soils or climates with biotic and abiotic stresses. Piriformospora indica , an endophytic fungus, promotes plant development while also increasing plant resilience to environmental stresses such as salinity. Here we analyzed the beneficial effect of P. indica association on rice seedlings of both tolerant variety VTL-6 and susceptible variety Manu Ratna during different levels of salinity stress conditions (0, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 500 mM NaCl), to check the highest tolerating levels of salinity stress by P.indica in selected tolerant and susceptible rice genotypes. The growth parameters of rice seedlings such as shoot and root lengths, fresh and dry weights, seedling vigour index 1 and 2, root volume and root shoot ratio were found to be enhanced in P. indica -inoculated rice seedlings as compared to non-inoculated control seedlings, irrespective of whether they are exposed to salt stress or not. In the presence of the fungus, however, salt-stressed seedlings performed significantly better than non-inoculated control seedlings by maintain low Na + /K + ratio. All the growth parameters were decreased as the increase in salinity levels. The findings of this study revealed that this fungus has an important function in improving rice development under salt stress environments.

      • KCI등재후보

        Bioactivity of two medicinal plant Xylocarpus granatum Koen. (Meliaceae) and Sarcolobusglobosus Wall. (Asclepiadaceae) of Sundarbans mangrove forest

        M Alamgir,,MA Rob,DC Kundu,JHK Joy,MM Sarder 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2007 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.7 No.4

        Two medicinal plant of Sundarbans mangrove forest has been tested for the evaluation of growth inhibitory and antibacterial activity. The methanol extract of Xylocarpus granatum stem bark showed potent wheat rootlet (IC50 = 0.01 µg/ml) and shoot (IC50 = 0.23 µg/ml) growth inhibitory activity in a concentration related manner. The growth inhibitory activity was markedly decreased in residual methanol extract. The methanol extract showed antibacterial activity (MIC > 3 mg/ml) against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureous and Proteus vulgaris. The residual methanol extract did not show any antibacterial activity. The results suggest the bioactive principle(s) of Xylocarpus granatum may be relatively non polar compound(s). The methanol extract and residual methanol extract of Sarcolobus globosus stem showed poor wheat rootlet and shoot growth inhibitory activity and no antibacterial activity.

      • KCI등재

        A Multiple Case Study of Older Adults’ Internal Resiliency and Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Health Emergency

        Jonaid M. Sadang,Daisy R. Palompon,Deane Joy E. Agoncillo,Namera T. Datumanong,Jamal Tango P. Alawiya 대한노인병학회 2023 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.27 No.2

        Background: Few studies have been conducted on unique conditions such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as an emerging health emergency, despite the strong link between resilience and quality of life in older persons. This study validated the expanded need-threat internal resiliency theory, which claims that an older person who establishes a strong sense of internal resiliency adapts to the situation by maintaining a better disposition. Methods: The underlying methodology in this study was a qualitative design using multiple case studies with non-probability purposive sampling to choose the target participants aged 60 years and above. Results: This cross-case analysis showed two major themes that explained and described the similarities and differences between the internal resiliency and quality of life of older adult participants with their respective sub-themes. Furthermore, this study concluded that older adults who have developed a strong sense of internal resilience, as manifested in the participants’ coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, have sustained quality of life and better life satisfaction. Conclusion: The study proposes a shift in the perspective of aging by emphasizing the importance of resilience as a dynamic process helping in the coping process and adapting to new emerging pandemics, leading to improved quality of life amid adversity.

      • KCI등재

        A machine learning based framework for assisting pathologists in grading and counting of breast cancer cells

        Sreeraj M.,Jestin Joy 한국통신학회 2021 ICT Express Vol.7 No.4

        Breast cancer normally occurs in the breast cells of both men and women, but is prominent in women. Computer aided detection increases the chance of early detection and diagnosis. This paper proposes a breast cancer detection method using Nuclear Atypia Scoring (NAS). The proposed cancer detection method works by converting each and every cancerous tissue into objects. Along with detecting the grade, proposed mechanism gives the count of the detected cells. This assists pathologists in identifying whether cells are cancerous or not along with the count of each type. Proposed model was evaluated on MITOS-ATYPIA-14 Challenge dataset. Accuracy of 0.89 and precision of 0.87 is obtained by the best method. Results indicate that the proposed machine learning technique has better performance as compared to existing methods and can aid pathologists in the detection process.

      • KCI등재

        In Vivo Prophylactic Effects of Oleanolic Acid Isolated from Chloroform Extract of Flaveria trinervia against Ethanol Induced Liver Toxicity in Rats

        H. Joy Hoskeri,V. Krishna,B. Vinay Kumar,A. H. Shridar,K. Ramesh Babu,M. S. Sudarshana 대한약학회 2012 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.35 No.10

        The prophylactic effects of oleanolic acid (OA) isolated from chloroform extract (CE) of Flaveria trinervia against ethanol induced liver toxicity was investigated using rats. CE and OA at three different doses were tested by administering orally to the ethanol treated animals during the last week of the 7 weeks study. Silymarin was used as the standard reference. The substantially elevated serum enzymatic levels of serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin in ethanol treated animals were restored towards normalcy by treatment of CE and OA. In vivo antioxidant and in vitro free radical scavenging activities were also positive for all the three concentrations of CE and OA. However, OA at 150 mg/kg showed significant activity when compared to the other two doses. Biochemical observations in support with histopathological examinations revealed that CE and OA possess hepatoprotective action against ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in rats.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Koch Fractal Shape Microstrip Bandpass Filters on High Resistivity Silicon for the Suppression of the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Harmonic

        Manos M. Tentzeris,Joy Laskar,Jong-Gwan Yook,Il Kwon Kim,Nickolas Kingsley,Matthew A. Morton,Stephane Pinel,John Papapolymerou 한국전자파학회JEES 2006 Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science Vol.6 No.4

        In this paper, the fractal shape is applied to microstrip band pass filters and integrated on a high-resistivity Si substrate to solve conventional 2<SUP>nd</SUP> harmonic problem. Conventional microstrip coupled line filters are popular in RF front ends, because they can be easily fabricated and integrated with other RF components. However, they typically have large second harmonics that can cause unwanted interference in interested frequency bands. Without any additional filters, the proposed Koch shape filters have suppressed the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> harmonics by about ?40㏈, so they can be used in systems such as direct conversion receiver with stringent harmonic suppression requirements.

      • Bioactivity of two medicinal plant Xylocarpus granatum Koen. (Meliaceae) and Sarcolobus globosus Wall. (Asclepiadaceae) of Sundarbans mangrove forest

        Alamgir, M,Rob, Ma,Kundu, DC,Joy, JHK,Sarder, MM Kyung Hee Oriental Medicine Research Center 2007 Oriental pharmacy and experimental medicine Vol.7 No.4

        Two medicinal plant of Sundarbans mangrove forest has been tested for the evaluation of growth inhibitory and antibacterial activity. The methanol extract of Xylocarpus granatum stem bark showed potent wheat rootlet ($IC_{50}=0.01{\mu}g/ml$) and shoot ($IC_{50}=0.23{\mu}g/ml$) growth inhibitory activity in a concentration related manner. The growth inhibitory activity was markedly decreased in residual methanol extract. The methanol extract showed antibacterial activity (MIC > 3 mg/ml) against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureous and Proteus vulgaris. The residual methanol extract did not show any antibacterial activity. The results suggest the bioactive principle(s) of Xylocarpus granatum may be relatively non polar compound(s). The methanol extract and residual methanol extract of Sarcolobus globosus stem showed poor wheat rootlet and shoot growth inhibitory activity and no antibacterial activity.

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