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      • KCI등재

        원시주의를 넘어서 : 애론 더글러스(Aaron Douglas)의 초기 삽화 작업에 나타난 인종적 정체성 문제와 할렘 르네상스

        김진아 ( Kim¸ Jina ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2018 영어권문화연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Aaron Douglas is widely known as a leading Harlem Renaissance artist particularly as a muralist. However, in the latter half of the 1920s and at the height of the Harlem Renaissance, he was deeply involved in print culture and provided graphic designs for covers, illustrations, and posters for the major magazines of the New Negro movement, such as Crisis and Opportunity, as well as several Harlem writer’s publications including The New Negro (1925), Nigger Heaven (1926), Home to Harlem (1928). This paper at first examines Douglas's early life just before and after he arrived in Harlem, focusing on how the questions of racial identity exemplified by the “New Negro” began to be explored in the context of the active support by and cooperation with Harlem Renaissance leaders. It then responds to those questions by analyzing Douglas's works with reference to the specific forms and subject matter. Harlem Renaissance art has been criticized as being other than a form of independent art movement owing to many artists' reliance upon white patronage and often responding to the mainstream expectation for ‘primitive’ cultures from African American artists. Also, the formal and thematic elements embodied in Douglas's works, such as Cubist and Art Deco style and Egyptian and African metaphors, showed the influence of Western modernist primitivism. However, Douglas also created critical differences beyond mere subordination and imitation to such mainstream primitivism. He suggested highly complicated and often paradoxical styles or poses, dialecticizing the relationships of the primitive and the modern, realism and abstraction, fine art and graphic design, Africa and America, nature and city, and the past and the present.

      • 만몽개척청소년의용군의 문학적 재현

        안지나 ( Ahn¸ Ji Na ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2021 한국어와 문화 Vol.29 No.-

        이 논문은 고바야시 히데오(小林秀雄)의 <만주의 인상(満洲の印象)>(1939)과 야마다 세이사부로(山田清三郎)의 <용진(龍鎭)일기>(1939), 오타키 시게나오(大滝重直)의 <지상의 별(地の星)>(1939)과 다고 도라오(田郷虎雄)의 <불꽃(焰)>(1939)을 각각 비교한다. 이 작품들은 모두청소년의용군 제도가 시행된 초기에 작가가 현지 시찰을 거쳐 집필한 작품이라는 공통점을 갖고 있다. 고바야시의 <만주의 인상>은 짧은 경험만으로도 청소년의용군이 직면하고 있던 문제의 핵심을 직관적으로 파악했다. 고바야시가 청소년의용군 훈련소에서 목격한 결핍과 비현실적인 정신주의와는 대조적으로, 야마다의 <용진일기>는 트랙터 등 농기구를 통한 영농의 기계화를 배경으로 낭만적인 만주개척의 이미지를 묘사했다. 한편 오타키의 <지상의 별>에서는 일본 농촌의 한 여성이 남편의 전사를 계기로 머나먼 이국이었던 중국을 구체적으로 인식하게 되면서 전쟁을 수행하는 일본인으로서의 자각을 이룬다. 다고의 <불꽃>은 이미 인구 과잉에서 인구 부족으로 전환된 일본 농촌을 배경으로 교사가 ‘척식교육’이라는 이름으로 교사로서의 권위와 인간적인 매력에 의지하여 제자들을 만주로 송출하는 상황을 묘사했다. 1939년 당시 청소년의용군 모집 및 송출 과정에서 일본인 소년들이 이러한 문학작품을 얼마나 접할 수 있었고 실제로 영향을 받았는지 검증하기는 어렵다. 그러나 국책단체에 소속된 작가들이 청소년의용군 자원을 권장하기 위한 일련의 수필, 소설, 희곡 등을 창작했고, 『신만주』라는 선전잡지가 이러한 작품들을 적극적으로 기획하고 게재하여, 만주이민 관계자만이 아니라 만주이민에 흥미를 가진 대중에게 노출되었다. 따라서 청소년의용군의 문학적 재현 연구는 만주이민 정책과 일본 아동문학의 맥락뿐만 아니라 근대의 식민지와 제국, 아시아의 인구 이동에 관한 다양한 영역으로 확장될 가능성을 내포하고 있는 것이다. This paper compares Hideo Kobayashi’s < ManshunoInshyou (Impression of Manchuria) > (1939) with Seisaburo Yamada’s < Ryujinnitki (Diary of Rouchin) > (1939), Shigenao Otaki’s < Chinohoshi (Star on the Ground) > (1939) and Torao Tago’s < Honou (Flame) > (1939). All of these works were written by the writers after an on-site inspection of the Manchuria Pioneering Youth Voluntary Army in 1939.

      • KCI등재

        영어 폐쇄음 삽입

        임진아 ( Lim¸ Jin-a ),양선기 ( Yang¸ Seon Ki ) 대한영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학연구 Vol.47 No.4

        This study investigates stop epenthesis occurring in nasal-fricative sequences in English to shed light on dialectal differences between American English and British English, differences in duration between the underlying /t/ and the epenthetic [t], and correlation between duration of /t/ and perception of epenthetic stop. We discuss whether fricative voicing, tautosyllabicity of the /ns/ cluster, and the position of stress have an affect on stop epenthesis. This study conducted production and perception experiments. In a production experiment, five American speakers and two British English speakers produced real English words with /nts, ns, ndz, nz/ clusters. The results showed that stop epenthesis occurred more frequently in American English than in British English. The closure duration of the underlying /t/ was significantly longer than that of the epenthetic [t]. The stop [t] was more frequently epenthesized in the /ns/ cluster than in the /nz/ cluster. It was also more frequently inserted when /n/ and /s/ belong to the same syllable than when they are heterosyllabic. Stress had little affect on the duration of the epenthetic [t]. Subjects identified the epenthetic stop in a perception experiment where the closure duration of the epenthetic stops was manipulated with seven steps ranging from zero to 30ms. The results revealed that tautosyllabicity of the /ns/ cluster was the primary cue in perceiving the epenthetic [t] but voicing of fricatives and the position of stress did not have an affect on the perception of the epenthetic [t]. (Chonnam Nationa Univesity ․ Suncheon National University)

      • KCI등재

        2020년 호남지역 마한·백제 고고학 조사·연구의 성과와 과제

        임지나 ( Im¸ Ji-na ) 백제학회 2021 백제학보 Vol.- No.37

        본고는 2020년 호남지역에서 진행된 마한·백제 고고학 관련 발굴조사 및 연구 내용을 정리하고 앞으로 연구의 과제에 대하여 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 2020년에는 역사문화권 정비 등에 관한 특별법 제정과 관련하여 호남지역에 대한 많은 학술조사가 이루어졌다. 2020년 전남지역에서 조사된 유적의 주요 성과를 살피면, 고분유적이 주를 이룬다. 복암리 일원의 고분유적에 대한 추가 자료(나주 정가고분)가 발굴조사 되어, 영동리 고분군과 복암리 고분군 피장자 세력의 사회적 위계 구조를 복원할 수 있는 자료를 확보한 성과를 우선 들 수 있다. 또한 나주 월량리 구양고분에서는 매장주체시설이 확인되지 않았는데, 고총고분 축조 유행이 시작된 5세기 중엽 이후로 고분군 내 혹은 단독 입지를 선택하여 일종의 허묘(수묘)와 같은 분구 성토물 사례가 늘어나고 있다. 추후 면밀한 검토가 필요하겠지만 고분유적에 자리한 분구가 모두 죽은 이를 매장하는 무덤이라는 기존 인식의 변화가 필요한 자료로 판단된다. 전북지역에서는 고분, 성곽, 제철, 봉수유적 등 육안으로 노출되거나 기존에 알려져 있는 유적을 중심으로 많은 수의 학술조사가 이루어졌다. 이는 2019년과 연계되어 전북지역 가야문화유산 연구복원 사업의 일환으로 진행되었는데, 이러한 조사를 통해서 지속적으로 가야세력의 공간적인 범위와 문화상이 밝혀지고 있다. 이처럼 2020년 호남지역의 발굴조사는 가야와 마한문화권 관련한 학술조사가 대부분을 차지하고 있었으며, 이를 통한 정비·복원이 이루어진 한해였다. 다만 관련 범위가 제한적이고 대상 자료의 종류와 폭도 기존 연구사에서 크게 벗어나지 못하고 있어 이는 지속적인 논의와 검토를 통해서 풀어나가야 할 향후 과제로 판단 된다. This paper aims to organize the excavation and research related to Mahan and Baekje archaeology conducted in Honam in 2020 and investigate future research issues. In 2020, a number of academic surveys were conducted on Hunan area in connection with the enactment of a special law on the maintenance of historical and cultural areas. According to the results of the survey conducted in South Jeolla Province in 2020, the remains of ancient tombs will be the mainstream. The excavation and investigation of the remains of the tombs around Bogam-ri (Naju Jeongga tombs) have revealed the results of restoring the social hierarchy of the burial groups in Yeongdong-ri and Bogam-ri tombs. In addition, although no burial facilities have been identified in the Guryang tomb in Wolyang-ri, Naju, since the mid-5th century, the number of burial mounds has increased. In North Jeolla Province, many academic investigations have been conducted, focusing on the remains of ancient tombs, castles, ironworks, and Bongbu. This was carried out as part of the Gaya Cultural Heritage Research and Restoration Project in North Jeolla Province in conjunction with 2019, and the spatial scope and cultural image of the Gaya forces are continuously revealed through these surveys. As mentioned above, most of the excavation surveys in Honam by 2020 were conducted on Gaya and Mahan cultural circles, and the restoration and restoration were carried out through them. However, since the scope of the research is limited and the type and width of the data are not significantly different from the existing research history, it is considered to be a problem to be solved through continuous discussion and discussion.

      • KCI등재후보

        Ukraine and Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Present and Future Implications

        Jina Choi(Jina Choi) J-INSTITUTE 2022 International Journal of Terrorism & National Secu Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: The war crimes allegedly committed against the civilian population in Ukraine by Russian military forces has generated multiple detrimental outcomes. Due to these war crimes, Russia was suspended from the United Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC) as of April 2022. Russia’s alleged war crimes currently are under-going thorough investigations by the UNHRC’s Commission of Inquiry. The current humanitarian situation in war-devastated Ukraine has been somewhat under researched. Method: This paper employs the Responsibility to Protect(R2P) theory to examine the present and future of potential application of R2P in Ukraine. Based on resources from the R2P and human rights related research by the US government, the UN and its agencies, scholars, and experts, This article analyzes the failure of Russia to observe the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants as required by the Geneva Conventions, war-affected citizens in Ukraine, as well as potential application of the Responsibility to Protect(R2P) and its im-plication that the international community has a duty to protect civilians against Russian aggressions. Results: The paper finds that the potential application of R2P in Ukraine will likely face some operational chal-lenges within the UNSC, the potential application of R2P seems feasible as it is both legitimate and justifiable action in accordance with the international law. The actual application of R2P should however carefully be con-sidered since the nature of use of force- often does more harm than good. The potential application of R2P might result in more harm to civilians if additional casualties are generated. Conclusion: The international community should employ additional countermeasures such as added eco-nomic sanctions. Pressure should be brought to bear until Russia decides to refrain from war and negotiate a peace between Russia and Ukraine. The potential application of R2P in Ukraine should therefore be most carefully considered and maybe used as a last resort, to avoid and prevent a potential Third World War in coming months.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Dilemma of North Korea’s Foreign Policy : 10 years of diplomacy under the Kim Jong-Un regime

        Jina Kim 이화여자대학교 통일학연구원 2022 Journal of peace and unification Vol.12 No.1

        This study examines the dilemma of North Korea’s foreign policy in the 10 years of Kim Jong-un’s regime. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no study focusing on the diplomatic history of the regime. Therefore, this study aims to provide a meaningful evaluation of North Korea’s foreign policy over the past decade. A particular focus of this research is looking at how North Korea has adapted its foreign policy in light of the secu-rity challenges brought about by strengthening its military capabilities. The study starts with a comprehensive literature review to put the question into context. Relations with countries across the world are analyzed, in particular, foreign policy initiatives as regards with the US, China, and Russia. There are four main options for North Korea in terms of its diplomacy with foreign powers–these are all investigated in a section on the framework of the analysis. The four foreign policy strategies are balancing, conflictual bandwagoning, coercive diplomacy, and offensive revisionist. These are all explained in detail along with a historical analysis to provide examples of the policies in use over the last 10 years. The conclusion brings together the main points of the study and looks to future prospects for North Korea and its relations with the rest of the world.

      • KCI등재

        Missing Partners: Single Motherhood in Korean Literature and Film of the Japanese Colonial Period

        Jina E. Kim 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2008 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.11 No.4

        This essay examines the single mother figures in Yom Sang-seop’s novel Three Generations (Samdae, 1931, 2005) and Bak Gi-chae’s film The Straits of Joseon (1943) against the backdrop of the late colonial period when the Japanese colonial government was beginning to exercise increasingly more repressive policies of assimilation (doka) and imperialization (kominka/hwangminhwa). By exploring the various levels of social antagonisms involving the single mother and her missing partner in these texts, I unveil the system of social hypocrisy which at once deprived and over-assigned the nation to these women who lacked the socio-economic and family structure in the first place. This essay examines the single mother figures in Yom Sang-seop’s novel Three Generations (Samdae, 1931, 2005) and Bak Gi-chae’s film The Straits of Joseon (1943) against the backdrop of the late colonial period when the Japanese colonial government was beginning to exercise increasingly more repressive policies of assimilation (doka) and imperialization (kominka/hwangminhwa). By exploring the various levels of social antagonisms involving the single mother and her missing partner in these texts, I unveil the system of social hypocrisy which at once deprived and over-assigned the nation to these women who lacked the socio-economic and family structure in the first place.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal type and ratio of foaming agent, foaming stabilizer and fluxing agent of foam glass fabricated with red mud and coal gangue

        Jina Wang, Kaidong Xu,Zhixin Li,Yilong Yang,Qingxiao Li,Yun Bao,Huan Yang,Lingling Ding,Ruixin Zhang,Yuanyuan Wang,Lan Yao 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2022 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.23 No.1

        In order to effectively reuse red mud and coal gangue, foam glass was successfully prepared by sintering. The foaming of foamglass is ensured by adding foaming agent, foam stabilizer and fluxing agent to the raw materials including red mud, coalgangue and waste glass. Furthermore, the defects in the foam glass are also reduced. The obtained powder was dried at 105ºC and characterized by XRF, DSC-TG analysis, etc. According to cellular structure, apparent density and water absorption,the optimal type and ratio of foaming agent, foaming stabilizer and fluxing agent were revealed. The results indicate that theoptimized formula of foaming agent, foaming stabilizer and fluxing agent is 3% MnO2-2% Na3PO4-2% borax. The foam glassprepared under optimized conditions exhibits uniform porous distribution and suitable pore size with an apparent density of0.575 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.61%. The research in this work could establish the technical foundation of red mudbasedporous material for industrial production.

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