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      • 서비스관리의 새로운 시점 : 정부와 사영 비영리서비스조직의 구분, 경영과 전략적 사고 Government and Private NPO's Enclosure, Management and Strategic Explore

        張金成,謝泗薪 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 2002 經營經濟 Vol.35 No.1

        세계경제와 사회생활중 비영리조직의 중요성은 점점 부각되고 있으며, 전통적으로 제3부분으로 구분되어진다. 정부가 제1부문, 사영기업이 제2부문, 비영리조직이 제3부문으로 구분되어지며, 두 가지 조직으로 진화되기 시작한다. 그 첫 번째 종류는 열리조직 즉 기업이며, 두 번째 종류는 비영리조직이라 통칭하며, 정부 비영리집단과 사영기업 비영리집단이 포함된다. 지식경제와 서비스경제 시대가 도래한 현실에서, 두 종류의 비영리 서비스조직의 구분과 그 경영 및 경영자가 처한 상황은 비교적 심오한 理論 의의와 현실 의의를 구비한 도전에 직면해 있다. 본 연구는 서비스 경영의 각도에서 중국의 각종 사회기구(비영리조직)를 발전시키고 관리하기 위한 전략적 계시를 제공하고, 국내기업(영리집단)이 단기이익관을 초월하여 장기적 영리능력의 구축할 수 있도록 하고, 비영리와 서비스의 관접에서 중국의 정부기구의 정책행위에 전략적 신사고와 의사결정 상의 참고자료를 제공하고자 한다.

      • Fatty Acid Synthesis Pathway Genetic Variants and Clinical Outcome of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients after Surgery

        Jin, Xin,Zhang, Ke-Jin,Guo, Xu,Myers, Ronald,Ye, Zhong,Zhang, Zhi-Pei,Li, Xiao-Fei,Yang, Hu-Shan,Xing, Jin-Liang Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.17

        Over-expression of de novo lipogenesis (DNL) genes is associated with the prognosis of various types of cancers. However, the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes on recurrence and survival of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients after surgery are still unknown. In this study, a total of 500 NSCLC patients who underwent surgery treatment were included. Eight SNPs in 3 genes (ACACA, FASN and ACLY) of the DNL pathway were examined using the Sequenom iPLEX genotyping system. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression and Kaplan-Meier curves were used to analyze the association of SNPs with patient survival and tumour recurrence. We found that two SNPs in the FASN gene were significantly associated with the recurrence of NSCLC. SNP rs4246444 had a significant association with lung cancer recurrence under additive model (hazard ratio [HR], 0.82; 95% confidence interval [95%CI], 0.67-1.00; p=0.05). Under the dominant model, rs4485435 exhibited a significant association with recurrence (HR, 0.75; 95%CI, 0.56-1.01; p=0.05). Additionally, SNP rs9912300 in ACLY gene was significantly associated with overall survival in lung cancer patients (HR, 1.41; 95%CI, 1.02-1.94, p=0.04) under the dominant model. Further cumulative effect analysis showed moderate dose-dependent effects of unfavorable SNPs on both survival and recurrence. Our data suggest that the SNPs in DNL genes may serve as independent prognostic markers for NSCLC patients after surgery.

      • KCI등재

        Involvement of a Polyketide Synthetase ClPKS18 in the Regulation of Vegetative Growth, Melanin and Toxin Synthesis, and Virulence in Curvularia lunata

        Jin-Xin Gao,Jie Chen 한국식물병리학회 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.6

        The clpks18 gene was first cloned and identified in Curvularia lunata. It contains 6571 base pairs (bp) and an 6276 bp open reading frame encoding 2091 amino acids. The ClPKS18 deletion mutant displayed an albino phenotype, and almost lost the ability to product 5-(hydroxymethyl) furan-2-carboxylate (M5HF2C) toxin, implying that clpks18 gene in C. lunata is not only involved in 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene melanin synthesis, but also relatively associated with M5HF2C toxin biosynthesis of the pathogen. The pathogenicity assays revealed that ΔClPKS18 was impaired in colonizing the maize leaves, which corresponds to the finding that ClPKS18 controls the production of melanin and M5HF2C in C. lunata. Results indicate that ClPKS18 plays a vital role in regulating pathogenicity of in C. lunata.

      • KCI등재

        An Unusual Case of Left Ventricular Free Wall Rupture Caused by a Silent Myocardial Infarction

        Xin Jin,Sang-Hoon Seol,Seung-Hyeon Park,Joo-Won Lee,Bo-Min Park,Dong-Kie Kim,Ki-Hun Kim,Doo-Il Kim,Ho-Ki Min,Yeon-Mee Kim 대한심장학회 2012 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.42 No.10

        Left ventricular free wall rupture (LVFWR) is a serious complication of myocardial infarction. It presents with a very high mortality rate and can be rescued by accurate diagnosis and emergency surgery. LVFWR can occur with sudden overt clinical symptoms or present insidi-ously. This report highlights the case of a man with no prior history of coronary artery disease, who presented with LVFWR and pericardial effusion that evolved to severe bacterial pericarditis.

      • KCI등재

        심리운동과 게슈탈트 치료의 동화통합 연구

        Xin Jin,Haitao Ren 한독심리운동학회 2024 심리운동연구 Vol.10 No.1

        이 연구는 심리 치료의 동화통합(Assimilative integration) 접근 방식을 시작으로, 심리운동(Psychomotorik)과 게슈탈트 치료(Gestalt therapy)라는 두 가지 치료 이론 간의 공통점을 중점적으로 탐구하고, 두 이론의 종합적 방법을 탐색하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 연구를 위해, Google 학술 및 RISS를 통해 광범위한 문헌 검색을 하였다. 연구의 핵심 키워드로는 ‘심리운동’과 ‘게슈탈트 치료’를 포함하여 관련 학술 자료를 분석하기 위해 사용되었다. 연구 결과는 두 치료 이론이 많은 공통점을 가지고 있음을 보여준다. 첫째, 심리운동과 게슈탈트 치료 모두 전체성을 중시하며, 신체와 정신의 분리된 이원론을 반대한다. 둘째, 두 이론 모두 환경이 인간에게 미치는 영향을 강조하며, 내담자가 능동적으로 회복할 수 있는 환경을 만들도록 돕는다. 셋째, 두 이론 모두 현상학을 주요 연구 수단으로 사용하며, 결과가 아닌 과정에 중점을 둔다. 넷째, 두 이론 모두 실제 적용방법을 강조하며, 다양한 창의적 활동을 개발하려고 시도한다. 다섯째, 두 방법 모두 사회적 상호작용의 중요성을 강조하며, 사람과의 교류를 통해 새로운 관점을 개발하거나 능력을 향상한다. 여섯째, 두 이론 모두 내담자와 치료사의 관계를 평등하고 동등한 관계가 되도록 지향하여 내담자가 스스로 자기를 발견할 수 있도록 돕는다. 이론의 초기 관심사가 다르기 때문에, 이 연구는 치료 목표와 치료 방법 측면에서 두 이론의 차이점을 탐구하고, 위와 같이 탐구한 두 가지 이론의 공통점과 차이점을 바탕으로 치료 목표, 방법, 내용, 시작점, 역할 관계 다섯 가지 측면에서 심리운동과 게슈탈트 치료 이론의 종합 방법의 가능성을 논의하며, 이러한 종합 방법이 효과적인 치료 수단이 될 수 있음을 제안하였다. Diese Studie geht von der Perspektive der Assimilation Integration in der Psychotherapie aus und konzentriert sich darauf, die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen der Psychomotorik und der Gestalttherapie zu untersuchen und es wird versucht, umfassende Methoden zu erforschen, welche die beiden Ansätze miteinander vereinen. Für diese Untersuchung wurde eine umfassende Literaturrecherche über Google Scholar und RISS durchgeführt. Die Schlüsselwörter der Forschung umfassten “Psychomotorik” und “Gestalttherapie”, um relevantes wissenschaftliches Material für eine Analyse zu erhalten. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die beiden zuvor genannten Therapietheorien mehrere Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. Erstens betonen sowohl die Psychomotorik als auch die Gestalttherapie die Ganzheitlichkeit und lehnen eine dualistische Trennung von Körper und Geist ab. Zweitens betonen beide den Einfluss der Umgebung auf den Menschen und helfen dem Individuum bei der Schaffung einer Umgebung, welche die positive Genesung unterstützt. Drittens verwenden beide Ansätze die Phänomenologie als Hauptforschungsmethode, wobei der Prozess und nicht das Ergebnis hervorgehoben wird. Viertens betonen beide Theorien die Anwendung praktischer Aktivitäten und versuchen dabei eine Vielzahl innovativer Aktivitäten zu entwickeln. Fünftens heben beide Methoden die Bedeutung sozialer Interaktionen hervor und fördern durch zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen die Entwicklung neuer Perspektiven sowie die Verbesserung von Fähigkeiten. Als letzter Punkt befürworten sowohl die Gestalttherapie als auch die Psychomotorik den Aufbau einer gleichberechtigten Beratungsbeziehung, um die Selbsterkenntnis und das persönliche Wachstum des jeweiligen Individuums zu fördern. Aufgrund der verschiedenen ursprünglichen Anliegen der Theorien untersucht diese Studie die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Theorien in Bezug auf Therapieziele und -methoden und diskutiert die Möglichkeit der Integration der Psychomotorik sowie der Gestalttherapie in den fünf Bereichen: Therapieziele, Methoden, Inhalt, Ausgangspunkt und Rollenbeziehungen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass diese integrierte Methode dann als ein effektives therapeutisches Mittel benutzt werden kann.

      • KCI등재후보

        Implementing Philosophy for Children in a Hyper-Connected Society: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Technology

        Jin Xin,김여진 한국철학상담치료학회 2023 철학 실천과 상담 Vol.13 No.-

        With the development of information technology and the Internet of Things, the distance between people has decreased. This has brought great convenience to people’s lives, but it has also greatly changed human life. Video games and short videos have become dominant forms of entertainment, significantly influencing children's attention and time allocation. Children should be learning and developing, but entertainment that primarily focuses on superficial engagement and instant gratification have invaded children’s lives, making it difficult for them to think deeply. This has resulted in many social problems. As an emerging discipline, philosophy for children (P4C) invites us to investigate how to improve children’s mental lives, allowing them to engage in independent thinking and judgment in the era of the decline of critical thinking skills and reflective capacities. This paper introduces the origin of P4C, explores its educational principles and methodologies, and presents two case studies illustrating its application in fostering collaborative learning with children in a hyper-connected society, thus illustrating the potential of P4C in addressing societal challenges arising from technological development, including issues like existential meaninglessness, depression, social isolation, and excessive gaming.

      • Microcellular Structure of PP/Waste Rubber Powder Blends with Supercritical CO<sub>2 </sub>by Foam Extrusion Process

        Xin, Zhen Xiang,Zhang, Zhen Xiu,Pal, Kaushik,Kim, Kwang-Jea,Kang, Dong Jin,Kim, Jin Kuk,Bang, Dae-Suk SAGE Publications 2009 Journal of cellular plastics Vol.45 No.6

        <P>A new approach towards the recycling of waste ground rubber tire (WGRT) powder was demonstrated in this study by introducing the polypropylene/ waste ground rubber tire (PP/WGRT) foaming method by using CO<SUB>2</SUB> as the foaming agent in an extrusion foaming process. The regression models were constructed to study the relationships between the foam structure (i.e., void fraction, average cell size, and cell density) of foamed PP/WGRT blends, the processing parameters (extruder’s die temperature and CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration), and WGRT content by applying a three-factor central composite design (CCD) statistical approach. The response surface plots generated using the regression models allow the rapid selection of the proper process parameters to obtain microcellular PP/WGRT blends with the desired density and morphology.</P>


        Association of Polymorphisms in the Calpain I Gene with Meat Quality Traits in Yanbian Yellow Cattle of China

        Xin, Jin,Zhang, Li-Chun,Li, Zhao-Zhi,Liu, Xiao-Hui,Jin, Hai-Guo,Yan, Chang-Guo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2011 Animal Bioscience Vol.24 No.1

        The calpain I (CAPN1) gene is an important marker for meat tenderness and marbling score in the bovine, but there were no studies to determine whether the CAPN1 gene had an association with other meat quality traits. In this study, we examined the relation between genetic polymorphisms of the CAPN1 gene and some meat quality traits in Yanbian Yellow Cattle of China. By PCRSSCP and gene sequencing in 321 unrelated Yanbian yellow cattle, twenty seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in CAPN1, two existed SNPs in exon 8 and exon 17 resulted in the change of AA at F311S and M599V, respectively, and the otherpolymorphisms were at intron 7, 8, 14, 16 and 17. There were different preponderant genotypes at the corresponding gene locus and all genotypes were not associated with tenderness but other meat traits. This is the first study of the relationship between CAPN1 and meat quality besides tenderness in Yanbian yellow cattle of China.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

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