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        梁啓超 역사ㆍ전기소설의 한국적 수용

        牛林杰 中韓人文科學硏究會 2001 한중인문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        麗史傳記小說是梁啓超文學創作的重要組成部分. 二十世紀初, 梁啓超的著作被大量介紹到韓國竝産生了精極的影響. 其中梁啓超的歷史傳記小說可以說是在韓麗聞化期流傅最廣 影響最深的著作之一被介紹到韓國開化期的梁啓超的歷史博記小說有: $lt;淸國戊戌政變記$gt;, $lt;越南亡國史$gt;, $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;, $lt;羅蘭未人傳$gt;, $lt;匈牙利愛國者曷蘇士偉$gt;, $lt;十五小豪傑$gt;本文以最受讀者歡迎的$lt;越南亡國史和$gt;和$lt;意大利健國三傑傳$gt;爲中心, 探討梁啓超的歷史傳記小說在韓國開化期的傅播及其影響. $lt;越商亡國史$gt;是一部描寫越南被法國滅亡約過程及在法國統治下越南入民的悲劇的作品. 在這部作品中, 梁啓超明確指出朝鮮正在成爲越南第二. 因此韓國讀者흔容易從越南亡國的悲劇中讀到自己國家的命運. $lt;越南亡國史$gt;在開化期有三個版本的譯本, 其中玄采的譯本曾發行過第二版, 周時經的譯本則發行刻第三版, 此外還有報紙的連載和漢文原著, 由此可見, $lt;越南亡國史$gt;的讀者範圍和影響力是非常大的. $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;是梁啓超歷史博記小說的代表作. 作品描寫了意大利統一時期瑪志尼, 加富??, 加里波的三位歷史人物的事迹, 生動地刻晝了三個救國英雄的形象. 這部作品對於正遭受列强侵略, 面臨爭取國家獨立任務約中國和韓國來說無疑有著特殊的意義. 該作品在韓國開化期有四個譯本, 其中以愛國啓蒙思想家申采浩的譯本影響最大. $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;不僅對韓國開化期文學産生了一定的影響, 而且對韓國的愛國啓蒙和獨立運動也起到了積極的作用.


        Comparison of alkaline phosphatase activity of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured on different Ti surfaces: modified sandblasted with large grit and acid-etched (MSLA), laser-treated, and laser and acid-treated Ti surfaces

        Lin-Jie Li,So-Nam Kim,Sung-Am Cho 대한치과보철학회 2016 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.8 No.3

        PURPOSE In this study, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of implant surface treatment on cell differentiation of osteoblast cells. For this purpose, three surfaces were compared: (1) a modified SLA (MSLA: sand-blasted with large grit, acid-etched, and immersed in 0.9% NaCl), (2) a laser treatment (LT: laser treatment) titanium surface and (3) a laser and acid-treated (LAT: laser treatment, acid-etched) titanium surface. MATERIALS AND METHODS The MSLA surfaces were considered as the control group, and LT and LAT surfaces as test groups. Alkaline phosphatase expression (ALP) was used to quantify osteoblastic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cell. Surface roughness was evaluated by a contact profilometer (URFPAK-SV; Mitutoyo, Kawasaki, Japan) and characterized by two parameters: mean roughness (Ra) and maximum peak-to-valley height (Rt). RESULTS Scanning electron microscope revealed that MSLA (control group) surface was not as rough as LT, LAT surface (test groups). Alkaline phosphatase expression, the measure of osteoblastic differentiation, and total ALP expression by surface-adherent cells were found to be highest at 21 days for all three surfaces tested (P<.05). Furthermore, ALP expression levels of MSLA and LAT surfaces were significantly higher than expression levels of LT surface-adherent cells at 7, 14, and 21 days, respectively (P<.05). However, ALP expression levels between MSLA and LAT surface were equal at 7, 14, and 21 days (P>.05). CONCLUSION This study suggested that MSLA and LAT surfaces exhibited more favorable environment for osteoblast differentiation when compared with LT surface, the results that are important for implant surface modification studies.

      • KCI등재

        Probability density evolution analysis on dynamic response and reliability estimation of wind-excited transmission towers

        Lin-lin Zhang,Jie Li 한국풍공학회 2007 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.10 No.1

        Transmission tower is a vital component in electrical system. In order to accurately compute the dynamic response and reliability of transmission tower under the excitation of wind loading, a new method termed as probability density evolution method (PDEM) is introduced in the paper. The PDEM had been proved to be of high accuracy and efficiency in most kinds of stochastic structural analysis. Consequently, it is very hopeful for the above needs to apply the PDEM in dynamic response of wind-excited transmission towers. Meanwhile, this paper explores the wind stochastic field from stochastic Fourier spectrum. Based on this new viewpoint, the basic random parameters of the wind stochastic field, the roughness length z0 and the mean wind velocity at 10 m heigh U10, as well as their probability density functions, are investigated. A latticed steel transmission tower subject to wind loading is studied in detail. It is shown that not only the statistic quantities of the dynamic response, but also the instantaneous PDF of the response and the time varying reliability can be worked out by the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the PDEM is feasible and efficient in the dynamic response and reliability analysis of wind-excited transmission towers.

      • KCI등재

        Bismuth-Doped Phosphate Glasses and H+-Implanted Waveguides

        Jie Zhang,Jing-Yi Chen,Chun-Xiao Liu,Liao-Lin Zhang,She-Bao Lin 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.76 No.6

        The work reports on the preparation and optical characterization of 75P2O5-15B2O3-9Al2O3-Bi2O3 glass by using the melt-quenching method and absorption spectroscopy, respectively. Further, 0.4-MeV proton implantation of a fluence of 8.0 × 10^{16} ions/cm^2 was carried out on this glassy sample and it was tested as a waveguide at a wavelength of 632.8 nm for the first time to our knowledge. The m-line curves of the waveguide were measured before and after successive annealing treatments. The formation theory of the planar waveguides is discussed through simulations of the energy loss distribution and analysis of the reconstructed refractive index profile. The results should be useful in the design and fabrication of bismuth-doped phosphate glass and its use in integrated photonics devices.

      • KCI등재

        Headspace volatiles influenced by infusion matrix and their release persistence: a case study of oolong tea

        Jie Lin,Yuan-Xu Shi,Chunwang Dong,Xiaochang Wang 한국식품과학회 2019 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.28 No.5

        The perceived aroma of oolong tea is primarilyand directly affected by its infusion matrix, and the releasepersistence of headspace volatiles can better illustrate thepersistent aroma. Headspace solid phase microextractioncoupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry wasperformed to analyze the headspace constituents of oolongtea. The presence of the infusion matrix seemed to preventthe headspace release of certain odorants. The release ofindole, nerolidol, and a-farnesene was also remarkablyenhanced or depressed (2.70, 1.56, and 0.69-fold in teainfusion versus in dry leaves). Moreover, the amount ofvolatile species gradually decreased with increased waterratio. Eight odorants were determined to be stable andpersistent during continuous infusion, whereas six weredetermined to be less persistent (gradually decreased orstopped releasing). The volatile dilution test further confirmedthe persistent release of nerolidol.


        Half-Bridge Zero Voltage Switching Converter with Three Resonant Tanks

        Lin, Bor-Ren,Lin, Wei-Jie The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2014 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.14 No.5

        This paper presents a zero voltage switching (ZVS) converter with three resonant tanks. The main advantages of the proposed converter are its ability to reduce the switching losses on the power semiconductors, decrease the current stress of the passive components at the primary side, and reduce the transformer secondary windings. Three resonant converters with the same power switches are adopted at the low voltage side to reduce the current rating on the transformer windings. Using a series-connection of the transformer secondary windings, the primary side currents of the three resonant circuits are balanced to share the load power. As a result, the size of both the transformer core and the bobbin are reduced. Based on the circuit characteristics of the resonant converter, the power switches are turned on at ZVS. The rectifier diodes can be turned off at zero current switching (ZCS) if the switching frequency is less than the series resonant frequency. Therefore, the reverse recovery losses on the rectifier diodes are overcome. Experiments with a 1.6kW prototype are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed converter.

      • KCI등재

        A Novel Quality Evaluation Index and Strategies to Identify Scenting Quality of Jasmine Tea Based on Headspace Volatiles Analysis

        Jie Lin,Ying Chen,Pan Zhang,Mingxing Ren,Hairong Xu,Xiaochang Wang 한국식품과학회 2013 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.22 No.2

        Jasmine tea is quite popular in daily consumption and beverage industry, and scenting quality and synthetic artificial oil are crucial issues of its quality control. The headspace volatile profiles of jasmine tea samples were analyzed by headspace-solid phase microextraction (HSSPME)coupled with GC-MS. Twenty-nine volatile compounds were determined as ‘common components’ that should exist in jasmine scented teas. Potential correlation was discovered between quality grade of jasmine tea and the ratio of peak area percentage of α-farnesene, (Z)-3-hexenyl benzoate, methyl anthranilate, and indole to that of linalool. This ratio was denoted as ‘jasmine tea flavor’ (JIF) index,a novel index for quality evaluation of jasmine tea. JTF index and common components could provide a good identification of well-scented, poor-scented, and not-scented jasmine teas. Moreover, carrier compounds might be a clear evidence for identifying fake jasmine teas that were added with synthetic fragrance oil.

      • Research and Comparative Study on the Values of University Students in China and Japan

        LIN Min-jie 한국문학과종교학회 2016 한국문학과종교학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2016 No.07

        中日一衣带水之邻邦, 其交兴衰兼具亦有同处。 历经动荡的中国与二战后的日本虽处不同的历史 背景但均选择了重视经济发展的道路。 然而, 剧烈的社会变迁与传统的远去对中国和日本的国民尤其是 年轻人的思想及价值观产生何种影响, 处在社会变革与价值观发生动荡的形势之下, 青年人的思想与行 为方式又会呈现怎样的特点?对此, 笔者历时 5年对覆盖中国及日本各 20所大学的大学生就自然认 知、生态环境等问题的认识开展深入的实证调查与研究, 拟对当代中日年轻人的思想现状与价值取向作 一详细的比较与分析。

      • KCI등재

        Systemic Inflammatory Biomarkers, Especially Fibrinogen to Albumin Ratio, Predict Prognosis in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer

        Lin Fang,Fei-Hu Yan,Chao Liu,Jing Chen,Dan Wang,Chun-Hui Zhang,Chang-Jie Lou,Jie Lian,Yang Yao,Bo-Jun Wang,Rui-Yang Li,Shu-Ling Han,Yi-Bing Bai,Jia-Ni Yang,Zhi-Wei Li,Yan-Qiao Zhang 대한암학회 2021 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.53 No.1

        Purpose Systemic inflammatory response is a critical factor that promotes the initiation and metastasis of malignancies including pancreatic cancer (PC). This study was designed to determine and compare the prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), and fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio (FAR) in resectable PC and locally advanced or metastatic PC. Materials and Methods Three hundred fifty-three patients with resectable PC and 807 patients with locally advan-ced or metastatic PC were recruited in this study. These patients were classified into a training set (n=758) and a validation set (n=402). Kaplan-Meier survival plots and Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to analyze prognosis. Results Overall survival (OS) was significantly better for patients with resectable PC with low preoperative PLR (p=0.048) and MLR (p=0.027). Low FAR, MLR, NLR (p < 0.001), and PLR (p=0.003) were significantly associated with decreased risk of death for locally advanced or metastatic PC patients. FAR (hazard ratio [HR], 1.522; 95% confidential interval [CI], 1.261 to 1.837; p < 0.001) and MLR (HR, 1.248; 95% CI, 1.017 to 1.532; p=0.034) were independent prognostic factors for locally advanced or metastatic PC. Conclusion The prognostic roles of FAR, MLR, NLR, and PLR in resectable PC and locally advanced or metastatic PC were different. FAR showed the most prognostic power in locally advanced or metastatic PC. Low FAR was positively correlated with OS in locally advanced or metastatic PC, which could be used to predict the prognosis.

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