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        조선조 연시조의 발전과 수용 양상

        김상진(Kim, Sang-Jean) 한국시조학회 2014 시조학논총 Vol.40 No.-

        조선조 연시조는 四時歌, 五倫歌, 六歌 등의 유형으로 발전하며 각각의 계열을 형성하게 된다. 이렇듯 일련의 시조가 계열을 형성한다는 것은 그들 간에 영향관계가 있음을 의미한다. 본고는 이 가운데서 대표격이라 할 수 있는 육가계 연시조가 시대에 따라 어떻게 변모하고 있는가를 고찰하기로 한다. 이를 위해 육가의 성격에 대하여 먼저 규명하였다. 사시가와 오륜가가 그 명칭에서부터 작품의 성격을 의미하는 것과는 달리 육가는 그렇지 못하다. 더욱이 최초의 작품인 李鼈의 〈藏六堂六歌〉와 최고의 작품으로 꼽히는 退溪의 〈陶山十二曲〉이 〈장육당육가〉를 비판, 수용함으로써 육가의 성격을 모호하게 한다. 이에 본고에서는 兩者를 아우르는 육가의 성격을 ‘處의 공간에서 물러난 시기에 부르는 노래’로 정의하였다. 본격적인 논의에서는 〈도산십이곡〉을 중심으로 논의를 진행하였다. 왜냐하면 이후의 작품들이, 〈도산십이곡〉이 표방하는 溫柔敦厚의 정신과 형식을 본받아 작품을 창작하면서 〈도산십이곡〉이 육가계 연시조의 대표작이 되었기 때문이다. 즉 〈도산십이곡〉이 취하고 있는 육가의 형식과 온유돈후의 정신이 16세기말에서부터 18세기에 창작된 육가계 시조에 어떻게 수용되고 있느냐의 문제이다. 〈도산십이곡〉은 세 가지 유형으로 수용된다. 첫째는 긍정적 수용 양상이다. 이들은 〈도산십이곡〉과 근접한 시기에 창작된 것으로, 그것의 정신과 내용 모두 〈도산십이곡〉을 효방한다. 둘째는 變容的 수용 양상으로, 17세기적 상황을 반영한다. 이것은 기본적으로는 〈도산십이곡〉에 근접하고자 하였지만 작가의 의식세계나 그가 처한 상황에 따라 적절하게 변화시켜 수용한 경우이다. 셋째는 18세기에 창작된 작품에서 볼 수 있는 異形的 수용 양상이다. 이 시기의 작품들은 전반적인 맥락에서 본다면 〈도산십이곡〉이 지향하는 틀을 수용하지만, 그 구체적인 면모는 그와 다르거나 오히려 상반되게 수용하고 있는 경우이다. 이상과 같이 육가계 연시조를 통시적으로 조망함으로써, 낱낱의 작품만을 봤을때 놓치게 되는 작품들 간의 ‘관계’에 주목하고자 하였다. 요컨대 이들 작품이 모두 유기성을 지닌 연시조라는 사실을 간과하지 않았다. 그럼으로써 총체적으로는 작품의 실체에 근접하고자 하였다. Joseon Yeonsijo is a type of development such as Sasiga (四時歌), Oryunga (五倫歌), Yukga (六歌). And each line was formed. This means that the relationship between the effect of the same lines. In this paper, Yukga-line Yeonsijo is the target. Because, this is among the Yeonsijo. In order to do this, first identify the nature of the Yukga. The name alone Yukga does not know character of work. This is different from Sasiga and Oryunga. And, the first work is Li-Byeol(李鼈)’s 〈Jangyukdanoyukga (藏六堂六歌)〉 and The best works Toegye(退溪)’s 〈Dosansibigok (陶山十二曲) character is different. Therefore, the character of Yukga is ambiguous. Thus, in this paper, stipulates as follows that ‘Yukga is singing in the space of retreat’. In a real discussion, specifically focuses on Toegye’s 〈Dosansibigok〉. Becau se, later creative works is 〈Dosansibigok〉 was seen. In other words, 〈Dosansibigok〉’s the spirit of Onyudonhu (溫柔敦厚) and form. So 〈Dosansibigok〉 was the representative of the Yeonsijo. 〈Dosansibigok〉 to accommodate the three types of patterns. First, it is a acceptance of positive. This is creative the closest period from 〈Dosansibigok〉. So were imitated all spirit and form. Second is the acceptability of transformation. This reflects the situation in the 17th century. This is essentially a 〈Dosansibigok〉 attempt seen. However, the situation was because of transformation. Third is, it can see the 18th century. It is the acceptability of allogeneric. There are the overall context of generally oriented to 〈Dosansibigok〉. However, looking specifically to it is different, or the opposite. So, this paper was diachronic study as a Yukga-line Yeonsijo. In doing so, pay attention to the ‘relationship’ between the works. In addition, it is important that this work is Yunsijo in accordance with the organic. In short, the study was close to the reality of work.

      • 간호 대학생의 호스피스 수강 유무에 따른 영적안녕과 죽음에 대한 태도 비교

        이영은,박혜선,김정희,주명진,Lee, Young-eun,Park, Hae-sun,Kim, Jung-hee,Joo, Myung-jean 한국호스피스협회 2008 호스피스 학술지 Vol.8 No.2

        Hospice should help a patient maintain spiritual well-being and its attitudes toward death can have great effects on treatment and nursing of patients on terminal patient. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in spiritual well-being and attitudes toward death due to taking a Hospice Subject in Nursing Students This is a comparative study design in which 31 senior nursing students of taking a hospice care subject and 27 senior nursing students of not taking a hospice care subject in college of nursing K university, that is located B metropolitan city in Korea. The instruments for spiritual well-being measuring tools was Kim's (2006) revision and complement of the translation by Choe (1990) on the basis of the spiritual well-being scale developed by Paloutzian and Ellison (1983). The instruments for attitudes toward death was researches revision and complement of the translation by Kim(1992) on the basis of the attitudes toward death Measuring Tool developed by Thorson and Powell (1988). Data were collected from June 1 through June 30, 2006; the researcher got permission from the subjcts, explained objectives of the research to subjects personally and got their permission, and distributed structured questionnaires to make a response in a self-administered basis. For data analysis, an SPSS WINDOWS 12.0 program was used for frequency, percentage, the mean, standard deviation, the minimum, the maximum, x2-test, ANCOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. The main results of this research are as follows: 1. There were no differecnces the degree of spiritual well-being and the degree of attitudes toward death between nursing students who took a hospice subject and nursing students who did not take a hospice Subject, except several items of attitudes toward death. There was significant positive correlation (r= .508, p= .000) between subjects spiritual well-being and attitudes toward death. That is, the higher spiritual well-being, the more positive attitudes toward death. In conclusion, although there were no differecnces spiritual well-being and attitudes toward death between nursing students who took a hospice care subject and nursing students who did not take a hospice care subject, in nursing students, spiritual well-being was relatively high and their attitudes toward death was relatively positive. To help a nursing students make a positive change in attitudes toward death, a nursing intervention program is necessary to improve spiritual well-being.

      • KCI등재

        양자역학에서 반원자주의

        김명석,최상돈,조상규,문장수 慶北大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1999 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.23 No.-

        Atomism is physical and metaphysical doctrine that the world is made up of indivisible(a-tom) and imperceptible small material units. We review this doctrine and examine it physically in the light of quantum mechanics. From atomism, we elicit atomistical separability which says that properties of the whole system is determined by the properties of the parts. However, according to our argument, the atomistical separability cannot compatible with the formalism of quantum mechanics. In conclusion, atomism does not sustainable anymore, instead, holism of properties or things comes sound.

      • 大學生性格特性 및 生活環境變因과 進路計劃의 相關硏究

        金武吉,朴鎭玹,李永植 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1984 學生生活硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was intended to factor our the principal elements of the students' career planning for the use of students' career guidance. The subjects were 200 freshmen of the Jeonbuk National University. The study has been carried out through the following processes. 1. To identify the variables important in career planning on the bases of current theories of career development, 2. To identify the subvariables of individual traits and planned career achievement. 3. To develop a questionnaire to measure individual traits and planned career achievement based on the identified subvariables, 4. To standardize the questionnaire for the use of investigated results of students' values and planned career achievement, 5. To examine the correlation between students' individual traits and career planning for the provision with the general students' guidance model. The findings are summerized as below ; 1. Forth-one variables to be considered in career guidance were identified from the students' cumulative recording variables of the Guidance Center of Chon-buk National University, 2. The subvariables of individual efforts after his planned career were identified as shown in Table-5. 3. The questionnaire on individual traits and career achievement based on Table-5 was prepared as shown in Appendix Ⅲ. 4. The norms for the use of the investigated results of students' values and planned career achievement were shown in Table-6 and Table-7, 5. Nineteen factors were found significant enough in accounting for the variation of the input variables such as planned career achievement, individual traits, and so on. The 19 factors were as follow; (1) Factor Ⅰ included the variables of physical health and personality, economic matters, academic achievement, recreation, marriage in General Life Adjustment scale, and interpersonal relationships and security in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Self-control for Self-actualization". (2) Factor Ⅱ included the variables of family relations, social relations, conformity, adjustment to reality, mood, emotional stability, and leadership in Personality Inventory in addition to the variables, irrational thinking, negative thinking, and neurotic behavior. It was named "Personality Traits". (3) Factor Ⅲ included verbal reasoning, arithmatic reasoning, numerical reasoning, and figural reasoning variable in Intelligence scale. It was named "Reasoning". (4) Factor Ⅳ included the variables of independence, achievement, authority, helpfulness, security, and learning in Value Scale. It was named "Value Traits". (5) Factor Ⅴ included the variables of father's education and economic status, cultural facilities in the Questionnaire of Life Environment. It was named "Socio-economic Status of Home". (6) Factor Ⅵ included the variables of decision-making, cognition and self-appraisal in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Career Confidence". (7) Factor Ⅶ included the variables of validity in Personality Inventory and the lie score in MMQ. it was named "Openness Traits". (8) Factor Ⅷ included the variables of parental absences in the Questionnaire of Life Environment and negative thinking and aggressivensess in Emotional Scale. It was named "Negative Attitude". (9) Factor Ⅸ included the variables of consideration for major, self-concept, socio-economic values, interpersonal relationships, physical demands, and security in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Considerations in Decision-making". (10) Factor Ⅹ included the variables of data-collection and realizing self-willful purposes. It was named "Decision-making and Data-collection". (11) Factor XI included the variables of harmonious relationships, conformity, adaptability, and emotional stability in Personality Inventories. It was named "Early Experience and Personality Traits". (12) Factor XII included the variables of satisfaction with highschool experience in Student-life Adjustment Scale and independence variable in Values Test. It was named "Highschool Satisfaction and Independence". (13) Factor XIII included the variables of word usage, verbal reasoning, and figural reasoning. It was named "Verbal Ability". (14) Factor XIV included the variables of academic achievement, friendship with opposite sex, career planning and values in the Questionnaire of Life Environment and the variable of present efforts for planned career achievement, data-collection and self-evaluation in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "The Efforts for the Planned Career Achievement". (15) Factor XV included the one variable of home in Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "The Efforts for the Development of Home". (16) Factor XVI included the one variable of friend in Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "The Efforts for Harmonious Relationship with Friend". (17) Factor XVII included the one variable of place of growing-up in the questionnaire of Life Environment. It was named "The Place of Growing-up". (18) Factor XVIII included the variables of irrational thinking in Personality Inventories and physical environment in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Irrational Thinking". (19) Factor XIX included the sex variable of Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "Sexual Urge".

      • 腦卒中 臨床的 觀察

        金眞淑,白正敏,曺方煥,金瑛,徐錫助 순천향의과대학 1979 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.2 No.3

        Clinical observations were done on 210 cases of cerebrovascular accidents treated as in-patients at the Soon Hyang Hospital over a period of 4 years, from Jan. 1975 to Dec. 1978. The clinical classification of cerebrovascular accidents were cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral embolism, and transient ischemic attack. The results were summarized as fo llows. 1. The ratio of the cerebrovascular accidents to the number of patients admitted to the department of internal medicine during the same period was 2.45% 2. Of 210 cases of cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral hemorrhage was presented in 41.43%, cerebral thrombosis in 32.38%, Subarachnoid hemorrhage in 17.62% cerebral embolism in 2.86%, and transient cerebral ischemia in 5.71%. 3. The cerebrovascular acciednts were most common in the Sixth decade. The peak age incidence was 5th decade in cerebral hemorrhage and Subarachnoid bemorrhage, 6th decade in cerebral thrombosis and 7th decade in transient ischemic attack. Cerebral embolism was evenly distributed in 5th and 7th decade. 4. The over-all mortality of cerebrovacular accidents was 42.86%. The cerebral hemorrhage revealed 65.62%, 29.73% in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 29.41% in cerebral thrombosis, 33.33% in cerebral embolism, and 0% in transient ischemic attack. Among the fatal cases of cerebrovascular accidents, 86.67% were dead within one week. 5. Among the preceeding diseases at the onset of cerebrovascular accidents, hypertension was present in 83.33% in all cerebrovascular accidents, in 91.95% of cerebral hemorrhage, in 91.89% of Subarachnoid hemorhage, in 76.47% of cerebral thrombosis, in 16.67% of cerebral embolism, and in 66.67% of transient ischemic attack. 6. important precipitating factros in cerebral hemorrhage was thought to be meal and drinking, walking and runing, emotional stress, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, physical working and emotional stress, whereas in cerbral thrombosis and cerebral embolism, rest and sleeping. 7. Prodromal symptoms and sings at the onset of cerebro vascular accidents, headache was present in 70.27% of subarachnoid hemorrhage, in 18.39% of cerebral hemorrhage, in 13.23% of cerebral thrombosis, in 27.77% of cerebral embolism and transient ischemia. There was nausea and vomiting in 78.38% of Subarachnoid hemorrhage, in 22.99% of cerebral hemorrhage, in 5.88% of cerebral thrombosis, and in 11.11% of cerebrl embolism and transient ischemia. 8. Mean serum cholesterol levels were 217.04mg% in cerebral hemorrhage, 199.45mg% in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 203.81 mg% in cerebral thrombosis, 200.04 mg% in cerebral embolism, and 182.52 mg% in transient ischemic attack.

      • KCI등재

        메아리로서의 시인

        김진영 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2001 러시아연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The study has two objectives: first, to closely read Pushkin's 1831 poem "Echo"; second, to overview the import of Pushkin's role as an "echo" within the history of Russian literary thoughts. Pushkin wrote two other poems that deal with the word "echo", but it is the 1831 poem which delves deeply into the tragic fate of a poet as a quintessentially lonely being who responds to all, but receives no answer for himself in return. The poem, although it is based on the famous mythological narrative of the nymph Echo, does not relate her fate; nor does it pretend to be a poetic allegory. Even though Pushkin's poem has an unmistakable intertextual link to Cornwall's "A Sea-shore echo", a brief comparison of the two poems reveals the distinctive voice of the Russian version, rather than its indebtedness to the English subtext. Pushkin's "Echo" is none other than a manifesto of poetic principles, which the mature poet so desperately felt and repeatedly pronounced through his numerous metapoems. Despite the fact that Pushkin deplored the poet-echo's absolute loneliness, the actual fate of the poem "Echo", not to speak of the fate of the poet himself, proved to be contradictery. Writers-commentators such as Gogol', Dostoevsky and Tsvetaeva defined Pushkin's all-encompassing genius in the metaphor of the "poet as an echo" who "responds to all". They saw Pushkin's echo-like receptiveness as a sign of his genuine merit, not as a fatal defect, as some tried to criticized. For Gogol it was the ultimate character of Pushkin's identity as a realistic poet; for Dostoevsky it was the missionary fate of Russia's "all mankind-ness" which Pushkin embodied with all of his being; for Tsvetaeva it was the absolute prerequisite for the primary poet such as Pushkin. The poem itself might be a miniature, but its "echo" has been rather enormous. We come to admit it, when we read the poem in the large context of Russian literature, which so stubbornly relies its raison **** on the figure of Pushkin. Pushkin said that there is no echo to the poet, but the poem certainly raised its own echoes, and came to function as a "pre-echo(*****)" which makes things really exist.

      • 大學生 適應生活檢査變因과 MMPI 變因과의 相關硏究 : 大學生의 性格的인 問題에 관련된 變因의 探索을 위한 基礎硏究

        朴鎭玹,金武吉,申東魯 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1985 學生生活硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was intended to examine the problmeatic trends in personality among college students by analysing their MMPI scales, and to relate the MMPI scales to several groups of variables related to their life-adjustment(e.g. their life-environment conditions, their general personality traits, and their awareness of problem) to find out the variables which might determine their personality symptoms. This study is carried out by analysing the data collected from a number of psychological tests and questionares, which the Giuidance and Counseling Center of Chon-buk-National University presented to the freshman of the university during the period of orientation, and from MMPI which was administered to them after two years. The tests and questionaires include : 1) The questionaire of Life Environment : This was specifically designed to measure student's home environmental variables, such as the place of growing-up, parental absences, father's education, home economic status, cultural facilities, birth order, harmonious relationship within family and parent's method of rearing up, and his individual traits and living conditions such as sex, number of college-entrance exam, religion, perception of health standards, preference for departments, friendship with opposite sex, perspects and a major. 2) Personality Inventories : The Personality Inventory, developed by Chung Won-sik and Kim Ho-kwon, measured validity, sociability (family), sociability(friend), conformity, adaptability, mood, emotional stability and leadership. In addition to the inventory, irrational thinking, negative thinking, aggressiveness and neurotic behaviors were measured to complete the variables of personality traits. 3) Student-life Adjustment scale : This scale measured the student's awareness of problem on 11 variables, such as physical health, personality, home, academic achievement, friend, recreation, sex, marriage, career planning and values. 4) MMPI : the MMPI(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), developed by Hathaway and McKinley, provided scores on 10 "clinical scales", which included Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria, Psychopathic deviate, Masculinity-femininity, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, Schizophrenia, Hypomania and Social introversion, and 4 "validity scales" which measured Cannot say score, Lie score, Validity score and Correction score. The study made various statistical analysis such as follows : 1) A series of one-tailed t tests for each of the MMPI subscales to find out the signifiant differences in personality traits between male group and female one. 2) χ^2 tests for each of 10 clinical scales of MMPI to find out the significant defferences in the number of personality disorders (T≥70) between sampling group and standardized one. 3) Simple and canonical correlation analysis of the 10 clinical scales of MMPI in relation to the life-environmental variables, 13 general personality traits, and 11 awareness-of-problem variables respectively. This study was shown the following facts : 1) Based on M and SD for each of the MMPI subscales, we could find that the sampling group was similar to the standardized, supported more by χ^2 tests for clinical scales in particular except for Hysteria and Hypomania, and that females were significantly higher than males in Histeria with neurotic personality, where as males were significantly higher than females in Schizophrenia with mental disorders, supported by t ratios for each of the MMPI subscales in particular. 2) Students' general personality traits and their MMPI scales were related on five independent dimensions : the first related sociability(friend) to Social introversion ; the second related adaptability, sociability(friend) and leadership to Hysteria, Paranoia and Hypomania ; the third related mood, emotional stability, sociability(friend) and adaptability to Hysteria and Depression but Schizophrenia ; the fourth related adaptability, conformity and mood to Psychopathic deviate without Hypochondriasis or Schizophrenia ; and finally the last related adaptability, nonagressive conformity and negative thinking to Hypochondriasis, Psychopathic deviate and Psychasthenia. 3) Students' life environmental factors and their MMPI scales were related on two independent dimensions : the first related perception of health standards and birth order, for female in particular, to Hysteria, Depression and Hypomania ; and the second related sex(male), major(humanities), non-urban residence, parent's method of rearing up, religion(Buddism), friendship with opposite sex and helpless perspects to Psychasthenia and schizophrenia. 4) No canonical variate were found which might relate students' awareness―of―problem to their MMPI scales significantly. Therefore, it was difficult to find out a constructive relationship between two sets. Finally, this study was an exploratory one rather than testing a specific hypothesis. Therefore, it should be asked for succeeding studies with more sophisticated hypothesis in this way. The facts, which have been found in the study, will be useful for those who want to test more sophiscated hypothesis of the relations in student's problem in personality.

      • 大學生의 思考技能의 診斷과 改善에 關한 硏究 : It's Diagnosis and Improvement

        朴鎭玹,金武吉,金祥源,朴敬玉,羅東晋 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1988 學生生活硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        Cognitive psychologists have taken a growing interest in reasoning skills as a primary goal of education. This study was accomplished as a part of elementary research on reasoning skills that have been pointed out as short comings of teaching of thinking. This study was composed of two substudies : one was to explore the ways to analyzing and diagnosing strategies for college students to apply to reasoning and problem solving, and the other was to examine the teachability of a normative strategy of thinking. In the first part of this study, we explored three alternatives to analyze thinking skills : cognitive process analysis, cognitive structure analysis, and cognitive style analysis ; and suggested the integrative use of them in diagnosing the cognitive skill of reasoning and problem solving. Model of cognitive process analysis was to devide the executive process of a specific task into several subtasks or components, measure the amount of effort, response time, and achievement level for each of them, and thereby analyze the strategies of thinking. Model of cognitive structure analysis was to present subject a specific task, instruct him to think aloud those ideas that came into his head during this solution, and analyze his cognitive structure on the base of his thinking-aloud. Finally, model of cognitive style analysis put more stress on tendency in thinking rather than ability in problem solving. In this regard, a alternative presented in this study was to analyze the strategies of thinking according to Baron's cognitive style model, in which process of thinking activity was devided into four phases : search of goal, search of possibility, search of evidence, and use of evidence. For each of them, the amount of time and effort that the indevidual invested and patterns of value that he grant would become criteria for judging the strategies that would become criteria for judging the strategies that he might use in the process of thinking activities for reasoning and problem solving. In result, this should correspond to measure biases on thinking. In general, main biases on thinking could be referred to insufficient search, search biased toward affirmative evidence, and oversensitivity to supporting evidence, which corresponded to compulsiveness vs. reflectiveness, dogmatism vs. open-mindedness, and authoritarianism, from a point of view on cognitive style, respectively. In the second part of this study, we examined the general principles of teaching thinking skills, based on human informations processing, and several training programs that have been developed with the purpose of improvement in thinking and reasoning skills. These programs were discussed into five categories: (1) cognitive operations approaches, (2) heuristics oriented approaches, (3) formal thinking approaches, (4) symbolic facility approaches, and (5) thinking-about-thinking approaches. Within these programs, the expansion of strategies and control of cognitive styles in reasoning and problem solving have become the main targets for improving of thinking skills. Therefore, this study was attempted to develop two training programs―referred to as Problem-Solving Training Program and Reasoning Skill Training Program respectively― for the purpose of improving these skills, and to test the effectiveness of these programs with college students. This study has shown the following facts : 1) It is necessary to teach the basic strategies for solving cognitive tasks of subject matters such as writing and mathematical problem for the purpose of improving thinking skills. 2) It is necessary to change the relatively general tendency in thinking process such as cognitive styles, in parallel with training of strategies. 3) Also, the training programs must consider indevidual defferences in activity parameters such as self-knowledge about problem solving, motivation, belief, etc. These facts seemed to imply the necessity of multi-dimensional approach to training the thinking skills.

      • 일부지역의 구급차 안전사고에 영향을 주는 요인 분석 : focus on Gwangju Metropolitan City

        조진만,오용교,김정현 한국응급구조학회 2002 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This is a study to evaluate the effects of the safety of ambulance driving and the occurrence of ambulance traffic accidents and to provide basic information for the description of various factors to reduce the ambulance traffic accidents. The major instruments of this study were Korean Self-Analysis Driver Opinionnaire. Questionnaire contains 8 items which measure driver's opinions or attitudees: driving courtesy, emotion, traffic law, speed, vehicle condition, the use of drugs, high-risk behavior, human factor. To take the analysis of data, the total of 187 drivers were investigated ambulance drivers in Gwangju Metropolitan City from 2002. 1. September to 2002. 20. September. The data were analyzed by the path analysis SPSS program. The result are as follows : 1. There was desirable attitude group(58.4%) and undesirable attitude group(41.7%) on safety ambulance driving. 2. It have suggested that risk factors of ambulance traffic accident much affected with emotion and speed control on safety ambulance driving(Y(Accident) = -2.00 + 0.6 X1(Emotion Control) + 0.4 X₂ (Speed control) + E). 3. Almost 92.1% of respondents have agreed to necessity of emergency medical technics for ambulance drivers.

      • 한방병원에서 가정의학과 진료 내용 분석

        원진숙,신선호,김혜정 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1998 圓光醫科學 Vol.14 No.2

        Background: Recently social requirement for collaborated treatment of medical practice with oriental medicine has been increasing. This study is designed to provide the guidance of role of family medicine physician in oriental medicine hospital to help the establishment of interdepartmental cooperation between western and oriental medicines. Methods: Medical records of a total 973 patients administered in Chonju Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from January Ito June 30 were reviewed. Data including sex, age distribution, periods of administration, past history, major clinical manifestations, diagnosis, laboratory tests, medications were collected and expressed as a percentage. The classification of Diseases was made according to ICPC. Results: Of 973 patients, sex ratio was 1:1.4 with female predominance and age distribution was highest in fifties and sixties (48%). Past history was dominated in cardiovascular disease (30.1%), postoperative sequele (16.4%) and diabetes (12.2%). Chief complains were ordered in frequency as arthralgia and myalgia (42%), hemiplegia (26%), dysphagia (17%), headache (13.8%), dizziness and vertigo (11.5%). Major diagnoses were cerebrosclerosis (39.7%), HNP (21.4%), cerebral hemorrage (11.2%) and arthritis (8.79%). Diseases of the administered patients were classified as cardiovascular (50.8%), musculoskeletal (31.8%), gastrointestinal (6.2%) and nervous systems. Conclusion: The main categories of the patients who were aided by family medicine physician in oriental medicine hospital were chronic debilitating diseases including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. To establish an effective collaboration of family medicine physicians in oriental medicine hospital, the doctors needed expert skills for treatment of supportive cares of chronic degenerative diseases and their complications.

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