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        정신보건법의 주요 쟁점 조항에 대한 선진국과의 사례 비교

        홍진표,황순찬,박수빈,서동우,정은기,김진학,박종익,안주연,김수정,장홍석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2009 신경정신의학 Vol.48 No.2

        Objectives The Mental Health Act is an initiative aimed at changing and shaping mental health services and protecting human rights of persons with mental disorders. Since the Mental Health Act was legislated in 1995, four amendments have been made according to the issues that arose from public concerns. However, there are still many debates about the human rights protection of the mentally iII. This study aimed to provide information regarding major aspects of the Mental Health Act by comparing them among several developed countries. Methods Current Mental Health Acts of the state of Michigan in the United States, Scotland in England, the state of Victoria in Australia, and Japan were reviewed. Issues regarding the Korean Mental Health Act were collected from seminar materials, news media contents, and mental health professionals Results The definition of subjects in Korean Mental Health Act was more inclusive than other countries and was derived from a medical classification of mental illness. Family members or guardians were granted important responsibilities for deciding the involuntary admission of mentally ill patients in Korea and Japan. In Western countries, Mental Health Review Tribunals or courts have the primary responsibility for important decisions about mentally ill patients. The regulation of immediate dis- charge after request by voluntarily admitted patients was not enacted in all countries except Korea. The mandatory procedure for involuntary admission in Western countries includes an individual case review with personal interview by a Mental Health Review Tribunal or court. Conclusion The Korean Mental Health Act appears to meet the basic standards of Guidelines from international organizations. Our traditional culture and inherent health systems seem to influence the legal regulation of mental health service and might be related to the problems of human rights protection of mentally ill patients in Korea.

      • 기관지 확장증의 임상적 연구

        홍장수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1982 충남의대잡지 Vol.9 No.2

        The incidence of bronchiectasis has been drastically decreased with the advent of antibiotics in developed country, however, in our country, it is still one of common diseases in thoracic surgical field. The author reviewed 24 cases of bronchiectasis treated at the department of thoracic surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital from January, 1976 to August, 1982 and the following observations were obtained. 1. The peak age incidence of admission was third decade and approximately 62.5% of 24 cases occurred in patients less than 30 years of age. 2. In half cases, the etiologic factors were found as childhood pulmonary infections (37.5%) and pulmonary tuberculosis(12, 5%) 3. Bronchography revealed that in 71.4% of 21 cases the left lung was involved and in 95.2% of them the lower lobe was involved. 4. There was no operative death. The operative complications were 1 case of pneumonia and 3 cases of broncho-pulmonary fistula and/or empyema(20%). We followed up all operative cases at out patient department at least 3 months after discharge and they showed complete relief of symptoms in unilateral cases and marked improvement in bilateral cases.

      • 흉막의 침생검에 관한 임상적 연구 : A Review of 15 Cases of Pleural Biopsies

        홍장수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1981 충남의대잡지 Vol.8 No.2

        A clinical study was made of 13 patients with pleural effusions to whom 15 cases of pleural biopsies were performed using Cope needle in the Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, Chung-nam National University Hospital from August 1976 to late October 1981 and previously reported literatures were reviewed. The following results were obtained. 1) Parietal pleura was obtained in all cases of 15 pleural biopsies. 2) The obtained histologic results were tuberculous pleuritis in 4 patients, malignant pleuritis in 1 patient, and non-specific pleuritis in 8 patients. 3) Defenite histologic diagnoses were made in 6 patients of 13 patients, so the rate of defenite diagnosis was 46%. 4) Of 5 patients of proven tuberculous pleuritis, the results of pleural biopsies were positive in 4 patients and of 2 patient of proven malignant pleuritis, positive in 1 patient. 5) For diagnosis of idiopathic pleural effusions, Cope needle biopsy is very effective and must be performed in those instances.

      • 체-폐동맥 단락술 후 완전교정을 실시한 활로씨 4징증의 임상고찰

        홍장수,김명인 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        Four cases staged management were studied among the 45 patients of tetralogy of Fallot which were treated in Department of Chest Surgery in Chungnam National University Hospital between January 1983 and May 1989. Two male patients were children, and remain two patients were adult female. Total six shunt procedures were performed. In one patient Waterston-Cooley shunt, in one patient classical Blalock-Taussing shunt, in two patients modified and classical Blaock-Taussing shunt were carried out. The causes of second shunt operation was inadequte pulmonary arborization and small left ventricle. Three cases postshunt heart failure were noted, postoperative bleeding and pleural effusion in one case, and pulmonary artery deformity was noted in one case of Waterston-Cooley shunt procedure. But there was no operative death after shunt operation. The total correction was done mean 15.75 months later after initial shunt procedure. One case pulmonary valvotomy and three cases valvectomy were performed. The right ventricle outflow tract was reconstructed using bovine pericardial patch. There was no operative mortality after total correction.

      • 청색증 선천성심장질환의 임상연구 : 활로 4징 증의 개심술

        홍장수,한병선 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1985 충남의대잡지 Vol.12 No.2

        Twenty-four cases of tetralogy of Fallot corrected totally using extracorporeal circulation in this department are presented during the period from April 1983 to August 1985. Of 24 cases, there were 20 cases of type Ⅱ ventricular septal defect and 4 cases of type Ⅰ defect. Types of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction were a case of pulmonic valvular stenosis, 2 cases of infundibular stenosis, and 21 cases of combined type. There were associated anomaly such as 3 caces of pulmonary arsenal hypoplasia, 3 cases of atrial septal defect, a case of left superior vena cava, and 2 cases of right side aortic arch. Transannular patch for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction was necessary in 9 cases. Operative death was 5 cases and late death was a case, but other remaining cases followed up over 2 months carried out normal life,

      • 양성 식도질환의 임상적 고찰 : (Ⅰ) 부식성 식도협착 (Ⅰ) Corrosive Esophageal Stricture

        홍장수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1983 충남의대잡지 Vol.10 No.2

        A clinical analysis was done on 18 cases of the corrosive esophageal strictures experienced at Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital from Jan. 1976 to Oct. 1983. Nine patients were male and nine were female, and ages ranged from twenty-two years to fifty years with peak incidence in third decade. Of 13 patients, corrosive agents wee sodium hydroxide in 9 patients, and strong acetic acid and hydrochloride in2, respectively. 11 patients ingested corrosive agent for suicidal purpose and remaining 2 patients were incidental cases. Of 13 patients, feeding gastrostomies were performed previously in 11 patients due to swallowing difficulty of soft fluid diet and within 1 year after ingestion of corrosive agent in 8 of 11 patients were performed. Proximal esophageal stricture developed most frquently in hypopharynx and middle one-third of thoracic esophagus. The operative procedures were performed in 12 patients of whom 8 patients had various kinds of esophageal reconstructive surgery. There were no operative deaths, but in all cases of reconstructive procedures complications developed; 4 anastomtic leaks with mild restenosis, 1 total disruption of anastomosis with complete obstruction, 2 anastomtic leaks, and 1 mild restenosis.

      • 심실중격 결손증의 개심술

        홍장수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1984 충남의대잡지 Vol.11 No.2

        Twelve cases of ventricular septal defect closed using extracoporeal circulation in this department are presented during the period from April 1983 to September 1984. Out of twelve cases, there were eleven cases of type II defect and one case of Type I defect. A three years old boy was dead due to ventilatory failure on first postoperative day, but the other eleven cases followed up over two months carried out normal life.

      • UNITY3D를 활용한 원버튼 아케이드 게임 제작

        장기홍, 김수균, 안성옥, 박대성 배재대학교 공학연구소 2012 공학논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Produced in the recent issue and mobile platform that you can easily enjoy a simple one-button arcade game. Leverage the UNITY3D Engine and 3D MAX, the detailed implementation of the game screen. Engine programming modeling of collision checks and 3D Object placement and 3D MAX modeling and design configuration screen. In other words, produced by blending the benefits of a button on the arcade genre of game achievements that you can easily enjoy a different genre of game that can be viewed in 3D graphics this game.

      • 발살바동 동맥류 파열의 외과적 요법

        홍장수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.2

        From May, 1985 to September, 1988, 4 patients who had ruptured congenital aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva underwent corrective surgery in department of thoracic surgery, Chun gnam national university, college of medicine. All aneurysms originated from the right coronary sinus and ruptured to the right ventricle and ventricular septal defects were associated with them in all patients. The ruptured aneurysms were repaired through both the aorta and the right ventricle except one which was repaired through the aorta. There were no hospital deaths and the late results were excellent without significant complications in all patients.

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