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        임행진,배인휴,임준택,배영환 순천대학교 1996 大學發展硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        1. 대학 명칭 변경 농과대학을 생명자원 과학대학으로 개편 2. 학부제 운영 방안 1) 제1차안에 따른 6개 학부로 개편하되 추가적인 여론 수렴이 반드시 요망됨. 2) 학부 운영시 정원 감축 요망 현행 395명 → 300명 (24% 감축) 3) 학부 구성시 전공의 세분화는 지양하되 통합을 위한 새로운 분야는 인정한다. 3. 교과과정의 운영 1) 교양과목―외국어 및 전산 교육 강화 2) 전공과목 ① 강의 책임시수를 하향 조정하여 강의 내실화 도모 ② 유사과목 중복 개설 지양 ③ 복수전공제 도입 ④ Team teacing, 동일 과목 분반제 등의 도입으로 전문성 제고 3) 교과과정의 개편 절차 (1) 농대에 교과과정 개편위원회를 설치하여 자체 의견을 수렴 (2) 교과과정 개편위원회에서 ① 교양과목 이수 학점 조정 ② 학부(전공)간 중복 및 유사 교과목 조정 ③ 공통 과목 담당 교수진과 강의분담 방법 결정 ④ 복수전공 허용 범위 및 시행 방안 조정 4. 대학 발전 방안 1) 농과대학 특성화 시설원예 분야로의 특성화유도 2) 대 농민 기술지원 센타 설립을통한 현장애오 해결 연구부, 교육부, 지도부, 농업정보부, 식물병원 등 설치 3) 대학의 자립 능력 배양 ① 농대 발전기금 조성, 농대 부석기관의 자체 수익사업 운영 ② 부속기관의 수익을 재투자할 수 있도록 제도 개선 4) 연구 여건 개선 ① 연구 전담 교수제 확대 시행 ② 공동기기동 설치 및 전공별 공동기기실 운영 The problems that College of Agriculture in Korea are confronted with consist of a few number of faculty members in very department, and hence too many lecture hours per prefessor, departments with similar speciality, duplicated subjects, and hence duplicated lectures in similar subjects, poor experimental equipments, poor extension system, and a small amount of budget. It would be necessary to reorganize the system of College of Agriculture to solve these problems. The objective of the study is to construct the direction of reorganization of College of Agriculture in Sunchon National University. For the objective, survey composed of all professors in the Agricultural College and discussions among committee members were adopted. Survey data was collected and analysed. Through the study, reorganization strategies were built as the point of change of college name, administration of school system by unifying departments with similar major area, basic directions in reconstructing the curriculum for the school system, and strategies for the growth of the College. 1) Name of College of Agriculture will be changed to College of Life and Resource Science. 2) College of Agriculture can be reorganized into six schools based on survey, and for more concrete reorganization, additional opinions must be gathered. Number of incoming student can be reduced for school system from 395 at present to 300 (24% reduction). Finely specialized major should be prohibited, but addition of departments or speciality of new research area can be allowed for the establishment of administration of school system. 3) In management of curriculum, foreign language and computer science should be reinforced as general course in the school system. Obligated lecture hours of professor should be reduced, which would enhance the quality of lecture, and offerring lectures with similar subjects should be restricted. Dual major system is going to be allowed. Team teaching and class separation for the same subject should be allowed for the enhancement of lecture quality. In curriculum revision process, committee of curriculum revision in College of Agriculture must be set up and gather opinios for better revision. The committee regulate the credits for the general course, control overlapping or similar subjects among the schools(majors), select lectures for team teaching and the way of class separation in the same subject. They also provide permitted limits of and the way of conducting dual major system. 4) For further growth of the college, the following items should be satisfied. With the limited number of faculties, concentrating facilities and research capability of the college into specialized area is needed to enhance the competitive power of the college. In this study, the committee agreed to select horticultural area in greenhouse as the specialized area. This will be achieved gradually by employing new faculty members with major in this area and conducting cooperative research among faculty members. An extension system to train farmers for the newly developed technologies in agriculture should be established. In this facility, farmers can exchange their experiences among them, and farmers and the university faculty members can conduct experiments to solve problems occurred in farming practices. The extension system consists of division of reasearch, education, advise, information in agricultural area, and diagnosis of pest and diseases. Annual budget of the college largely depends upon the budget from the Ministry of Education. With the limited budget, it is almost impossible for the college to invest into the area where college faculty members intend to for the farmers. Collection of a fund for the growth of the college is needed. This fund can be gathered either from the alumni, faculty members and students or by reinvesting the profit from experimental farm of the college. The system for the reinvestment of the profit from appendges of the college should be established. The condition of research should be improved. This can be achieved by employing full-time researchers as faculty members and reducing lecture load of professors. Building for the center of cooperative research and systematic installation of experimental facility and equipments might also be needed for the improvement.

      • 市乳流通過程에 따른 安定性에 關한 硏究

        裵仁烋,金珉培 順天大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        This study aims at observing consecutive changes of the market milks according to their distribution channels. For the observation, the authers gathered, samples of 5 makers, got respectively from the agencies, the mikmen and the stores. The following results were obtained after 7 days observation with respect to their bacteriological and physico-biological change. 1. Some samples from 2 makers (B.D) exceeded the legal limit in their total bacteria at the 4th day, and so did others from 3 makers (A,B,D) since the 5th day after. Stores' milks showed the highest rate of consecutive increase in their total bacteria, while milkmen's the next, and the agencies' the lowest. 2. The mumber of Coliform bacteria increased during the first 4 days over the legal limit throughout the possible channels of only one maker (B), but they were not found at the other samples. With the passing of time, they increased in milkmen's at the 5th day, and after that day showed greater increase in stores' than in others. 3. In all the samples but one (B) from stores, psychrotrophic bacteria did not exceed the number, till the 5th day in refrigeration, the level of ??~??/ml, at which milk begins to gelatinize and change in taste. 4. All the samples but two from stores showed negative reaction in alcohol test till the 5th day, and positive thereafter. The reactions were similar increase with boiling test. 5. Till the 7th day, all the samples showed the specific gravity value of 1.028-1.034 with in the regulation value. Titration acidity indices were within the regulation value of 0.18% in all the samples, those of the samples from stores being the highest.

      • 原乳의 貯藏方法 및 溫度條件에 따른 細菌學的 乳質改善에 關한 硏究

        裵仁烋 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        本 試驗은 原乳의 저장방법 및 운송시의 온도조건에 따른 細菌學的 品質을 調査하기 위하여 遂行되었는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 여름철에 경기도 일원의 목장에서 냉각기가 설치된 목장원유의 일반세균수(SPC)는 法的許容値인 400萬/㎖ 이하가 51.5%였고, 냉각기가 未設置된 목장원유의 경우 400萬/㎖이하가 17.4%에 불과하였다. 2. 목장의 냉각기에 저장한 원유를 Tandklorry의 운송조건과 같이 냉장상태로 운반보관하여 시험한 경우 (가)와 일반 트럭의 수송조건과 상응한 室溫하에서 3시간 방치하여 시험한 경우(나)의 각 細菌數 변화는 다음과 같았다. ① 一般細菌數 : (가)의 경우 法的許容値인 400萬/㎖ 이하는 全檢體의 78.5%였고 (나)의 경우 43.6%로 나타났다. ② 大腸菌數 : (가)의 경우 10萬/㎖ 이하가 全檢體의 84.2%, (나)의 경우 10萬/㎖ 이하가 58.3%였는데 (나)의 경우 10萬/㎖ 이상이 41.7%나 되어 원유 품질 저하의 원인균으로 크게 작용하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. ③ 耐熟性菌數 : (가)의 경우 1萬/㎖ 이하가 全檢體의 80%였고 (나)의 경우 1萬/㎖ 이하가 46.7%였는데 (나)의 경우 10萬/㎖ 이상이 全檢體의 31.1%였다. ④ 低溫菌數 : (가)의 경우 乳製品의 品質에 영향을 주는 수준인 100萬/㎖ 이상은 1.5%였고 (나)의 경우 100萬/㎖ 이상이 38.3%였다. This study was carried out to investigate the bacteriological quality of raw milk by differencial storage methods and temperature condition in farm milk collected in Gyung-Ki area. The results obtained were as follows: 1. During the summer, in case of raw milk samples collected at the farms that operated the refrigeraoer, the ratio of samples that had bacterial less than the legal limit, 4.0× ?? /ml was 51.5%, and in case of raw milk samples of the farms that didn't operate a refrigerator, the ratio was 17.4%. 2. The number of bacteria was checked about two conditions of raw milk. (a) One was transported under the condition less than 5℃ like tanklorry transportation condition. (b) The other was put under the condition exposed at room-temperature about three hours. The method of (b)was chosen as that corresponding to the condition of ordinary truck transportaion. The variation of the number of SPC, coliform bacteria, thermoduric becteria and psychrotrophic bacteria was as follows: 1) SPC: The ratio of samples that had SPC less than the legal limit, 4.0× ?? /ml was 78.5% and 43.6% in condition (a) and condition (b) respectively. 2) Coliform bacteria : The ratio of samples that had coliform bacteria less than the number of 1.0× ?? /ml was 84.2% and 58.3% in condition (a) and (b), respectively. In case of condition (b) was found that coliform bacteria made a great influence on the deterioration of raw milk quality, because the ratio of samples that had coliform bacteria greater than the number of 1.0× ?? /ml was 41.7%. 3) Thermoduric bacteria : The ratio of samples that had thermoduric bacterial less the number of 1.0×10⁴/ml was 80% and 46.7% condition(a) and (b), respectively. And in case of condition (b) 31.1% was greater than the number of 1.0× ?? /ml. 4) Psychrotrophic bacteria : The ratio of samples that had psychrotrophic bacteria greater than the number of 1.0× ?? /ml which is the level giving an influence on the deterioration of dairy products quality, was 1.5% and 38.3% in condition (a) and (b).

      • 酪農經營實態에 關한 調査硏究 : 全南 東部地域을 中心으로 In the eastern area in Cheonnam province

        裵仁烋,趙聖均 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        1982年 7月 15日부터 9月 30日까지 75日間 全南 東部地域內 87個 乳牛飼育農家中 56個의 農家를 對象으로 經營主의 一般的인 事項·牧場實態·飼養管理·經營成果· 및 基他 酪農用土地保有現況·經營記錄實態를 調査 分析하였던 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 經營主의 年齡에 있어서는 41세 以上인 農家가 33戶(58.9%)였고, 學歷은 高卒以上이 27戶(48.2%)였으며, 酪農經營經歷에 있어서는 6年 以上의 經歷을 지닌 農家가 26戶(46.4%) 였고, 經營類型으로 보아 專業農家는 17戶(30.4%)였다. 2. 對象農家의 立地條件에서는 40戶(71.4%)가 山地帶에 位置하고 있었고, 農家에서 集乳道路까지의 거리에 있어서는 2㎞ 以上인 農家가 21戶(36.4%)였으며, 戶當 平均 飼育頭數는 成牛로 換算하여 9.0頭였다. 牛舍 面積은 成牛換算頭當 平均 13.97㎡였고 搾乳機 및 耕耘機의 保有台數는 戶當 平均 1.1台, 0,8台였다. 3. 調査對象農家의 搾乳牛頭當 1日 平均 濃厚飼料給與量은 8.7㎏이었고, 組飼料의 給與量은 5.12㎏(乾物量)였으며, 搾乳牛頭當 1日 平均 産乳量은 15.4㎏(節圍 12.0∼21.0㎏)이었고, 對象農家의 乳飼比는 平均値에 있어서 35.4%였다. 4. 酪農用土地面積은 戶當 平均 9,983.0㎡(約 1.0㏊), 成牛換算頭當 平均 1,107.5㎡(約 0.11㏊)였으며, 經營記錄에 있어서는 현금 출납부를 記錄하는 農家가 48.2%, 搾乳量을 記錄하는 農家는 39.3%, 繁殖記錄을 하는 農家는 46.4%였다. A survey of dairy farms in the eastern area of Cheonnam province was undertaken from Jul.15 to Sep. 30 in 1982. 56 dairy farms were surveyed for age, school career, dairy farming career of dairymen, type of farming, condition of location, distance degree from farms to the local roads, herd size, farm equipments, type of feeding and management, milk yield and milk feed ratio, land area and dairy management records. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. In the age of dairymen, 33 farms(58.9%) were over 41 years old, and 27 dairymen(48.2%) were graduated from high school, college and university, and 26 farms (46.4%) were over 6 year in the dairy farming career, and in the type of farming, 17 farms(30.4%) were operated in the type of full-time farm-house hold farming. 2. In the condition of location, 40 farms(71.4%) were located in the mountainous district, and in the distance degree from farms to the local roads, 21 farms(37.5%) were located over 2km. The average herd size was 9.0 heads by animal unit, the nos. of milker and hand tractor were 1.1, 0.8 per farm, respectively. 3. The average amount of concentrate feeding per milking cow per day was 8.7kg, the average of roughage feeding was 5.12kg(dry matter). The average milk yield per milking cow per day was 15.4kg(range 12.0∼21.0kg) and the average milk feed ratio was 35.4%. 4. The average land area per farm and per head by animal unit were 9,983.0㎡(about 1.0ha) and 1,107.5㎡(about 0.11ha) respectively and in the dairy management record, 48.2% had the cash book, 39.3% had the milk production record, 46.4% had the breeding record.

      • 市乳의 유통과정에 따른 細菌數의 변화

        李載英,裵仁烋,鄭忠一 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1985 論文集 Vol.36 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the quality changes of market milk taking place throughout their distribution channels. Samples from 5 different plants were collected from delivery centers, stores and milkmen. 1. Samples from 2 plants (B.D) exceeded the legal limit in their total bacteria on the 4th day. And so did others from another 3 plants (A. B. D) on the 5th day. Stores' milk showed the highest rate of consecutive increase in their total bacteria, while milkmen's the next and centers' the lowest. 2. The number of Coliform bacteria exceeded legal limit on the 4th day was found in only one sample (B), while they were not found in others. With the passing of time, they increased in milkmen's on the 5th day, and showed greater increase in stores' thereafter. 3. In all samples except one(B) from stores, psychrotrophio bacteria did not exceed in number, till the 5th day in refrigeration, the level of 10^6-10^7/ml, at which milk begins to gelatinize and change in taste. 4. All the samples but two from stores showed negative reaction in alcohol test till 5th day, and turned positive thereafter. The reactions were similar in boiling test. 5. Till the 7th day, all samples showed the specific gravity vale of 1.028-1.034, within the normal value. Titratable acidifies were within the normal value of 0.18% in all sampler, those from shops being the highest.

      • 國內 畜産物加工品의 消費性向과 品質에 關한 硏究

        裵仁烋,吳東煥,趙聖均 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        國內 畜産物 加工品에 대하여 消費性向과 品質에 관하여 全南 都市地域 1,000名의 主婦들로부터 說問 調査한 結果와 30個 品目의 肉類 製品과 28個 品目의 牛乳製品에 대하여 一般 成分과 肉類 製品의 亞窒酸鹽 含量을 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 1,000名의 主婦들 中 應答한 主婦들은 825名으로 82.5%였으며 應答한 主婦 대부분이 쇠고기와 돼지고기를 주로 購入하고 쇠 고기에 대한 選好度가 높으며 닭고기나 加工肉 製品의 利用度는 매우 낮았다. 2. 加工肉 製品에 대하여 購入하지 않는 理由로서는 맛이 없고, 품질이 나쁘며 製品의 값이 비싸다고 答하였다. 3. 牛乳 및 牛乳製品이 한 營養食品으로 認識되어 가고 消費層도 一般化 되어가는 傾向을 보이고 있었으나 치이즈나 버터 等의 一部 乳製品에 대하여서는 아직 消費와 認識水準이 낮은 傾向을 보였다. 4. 肉類 製品의 蛋白質 含量은 原科 豚肉의 亞窒酸鹽 含量은 規準値보다 훨씬 낮은 水準이었다. 5. 飮料用 牛乳의 乳脂肪 含量과 蛋白質 含量은 原乳의 平均値보다 낮았으며 포장에 포기된 含量値에도 不足하였고 特히 ice cream의 乳脂肪 含量이 더 낮았다. 6. 應答한 주부들 대부분은 政府가 食品에 대해서, 食品의 安定性, 營養 및 品質, 過正價格維持를 하여 주기를 바라는 傾向이었다. 7. 畜産 産業을 發達시키고 畜産物 加工 食品의 消費를 增加시키기 위해서는 製品의 品質과 맛을 改善시키며 消費者들의 食性에 맞는 多樣한 製品을 生産하는 것이 重要한 課題로 提起되었다. The study was conducted to investigate quality and propensity to consume animal processing products in the country. The experimenter asked a guestion of 1,000 homemakers in the chunnam urban area, analysed chemical content and sodium nitrite for 30 meat processing products, and analyzed chemical content for 28 milk products. The results are summarized as follows. Out of 1,000, 825homemakers responded to the guestion and most of them have preferred beef and pork to meat processing products and poultry meat because the momemakers got the meat processing products from high price, poor quality and unsavory. The experimenter thought that the consumption and the recongnition for milk and milk proucts were a genral tendency, except cheese and butter. The protein contents of pork processing products were low compared with raw pork, and the sodium nitrite contents were very low compared with a tolerance limit. The average milk fat and protein contents of market milk were low compared with raw milk, and the milk fat cotents of ice cream were very low. Most of homemakers wish the government will keep the stability, nutrition, quality and reasonable price of animal products. The experimenter thinks the livestock in dustry develops from increase of consumption of animal processing products by improving the guality, taste and developing the various animal processing products.

      • 쌀을 添加하여 製造한 豚肉製品의 營養的 特性

        吳東煥,裵仁烋,朴正老,李相福 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        Nutritional compositions of pork products which were added with various levels of brown or polished rice were investigated. Contents of moisture, protein and fat were diminished in pork products added with rice, while carbohydrate and mineral contents were increased. The changes in nutrient contents by adding rice are considered to be desirable for nutritional balance in association with relatively high fat and low carbohydrate contents of pork. Amino acid composition of protein in the pork products showed mutual benefit in amino acid balance between rice and pork, as such complementing to low level of lysine in rice from pork, which is suppose to raise the utilization of protein in the body. Meat and meat products contain a considerable amount of fat and cholesterol, and also they have a higher level of saturated fatty acids than plant food stuffs. Such an unfavorable fatty acid composition and high content of cholesterol force consumers to exclude meat and meat products from their meal. However, as the meat products supplemented with rice not only reduce fat and cholesterol content but also improve the balance in fatty acid composition, they would contribute to divert consumers preference. Considering the present economic conditions and food consumption pattern in our country, the consumption of rice as well as pork whould be promoted, and further research is urgent and essential for the development of met products added with rice.

      • KCI등재후보

        남은 음식물과 녹차 부산물이 산란계의 산란성적과 계란품질에 미치는 영향

        우간바야르 담딘수렌(Uuganbayar Damdinsuren),구민정(Min jung Ku),배인휴(In Hyu Bae),양철주(Chul Ju Yang),선상수(Sang Soo Sun) 유기성자원학회 2006 유기물자원화 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 산란계에서 남은 음식물과 녹차 부산물이 산란계의 산란성적과 계란품질에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 공시동물은 50주령 Tetran Brown종 산란계 210수를 7처리 5반복 (반복당 6수)으로 임의 배치하였다. 시험설계는 대조구와 옥수수 곡류와 대두박을 대용한 건조된 남은음식물 10, 20, 30 및 40% 첨가구 (10% DLF, 20% DLF, 30% DLF 및 40% DLF)와 1.0%의 녹차 부산물 첨가구 (1.0% GTB)와 30% DLF와 1.0% GTB를 첨가한 혼합 첨가구를 두어 사양실험을 8주 동안 실시하였다. 산란율은 대조구에 비하여 10, 20 및 40% DLF 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가하였다 (P<0.05). 난중은 대조구에 비하여 10% DLF 처리구에서 유의적으로 감소하였다 (P<0.05). 사료 섭취량은 대조구보다 20% DLF 처리구와 30% DLF와 1.0% GTB의 혼합 첨가구에서 높게 나타났다 (P<0.05). 사료 요구율은 대조구에 비하여 10% DLF 처리구와 1.0% GTB 처리구에서 유의적으로 감소하였다 (P<0.05). 난황 콜레스테롤은 DLF 처리구와 대조구 사이에서 변화가 없었다 (P>0.05). 난황의 리놀렌산은 DLF 처리구와 1.0% GTB 첨가한 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가하였다. This study was designed to determinate the effects of dried leftover food and green tea by-product on laying hens performance and egg quality in hens. A total of 210 “Tetran Brown” layers 50-weeks of age were assigned to 7 treatments in a completely randomized design. Each treatment had five replicates per treatment with six layers per replication. Seven dietary treatments were a control diet (formula diet) and dried leftover food (DLF) mixed in 10, 20, 30 and 40% to the control diet substituting the corn grain and soybean meal, control diet containing 1.0% GTB without DLF supplementation and control diet containing 30% DLF plus 1.0% GTB supplementation. The trial period was for 8 weeks. The egg production rate of layers was significantly increased in 10, 20 and 40% DLF treatments compared to that of the control treatment (P<0.05). The egg weight was significantly decreased in 10% DLF treatment compared to that of the control (P<0.05). The feed intake of layers was higher in 20% DLF and 30% DLF plus 1.0% GTB treatment than that of the control (P<0.05). The feed conversion ratio significantly decreased in 10% DLF and control plus 1.0% GTB treatments compared to that of the control (P<0.05). The egg yolk cholesterol not varied among the DLF and control treatments (P>0.05). However, the linolenic acid content of egg yolk was significantly increased in DLF and control treatments both containing 1.0% GTB supplementation.

      • KCI등재후보

        산머루 와인을 첨가한 요구르트의 품질 특성

        김재경 ( Jae Kyeoung Kim ),이재성 ( Jai Sung Lee ),정유태 ( Yu Tae Jeong ),배인휴 ( In Hyu Bae ) 한국유가공기술과학회 2012 한국유가공기술과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the quality characteristics of yoghurt with varying contents of Sanmeoru (Vitis amurensis Ruprecht) wine (SW). Yoghurts were fermented with 2 kinds of lactic acid bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Yo-MIXTM5505, Danisco, Denmark). The changes in quality characteristics were investigated during fermentation and storage, and anthocyanin composition was analyzed after fermentation. The pH decreased in all treatments, while titratable acidity and viscosity gradually increased during fermentation. The viscosity of the yoghurt with 5.0% cultured SW added was higher than in other groups. The viable counts of lactic acid bacteria gradually increased during fermentation. The sample of the 5.0% cultured SW-yoghurt was higher than that of the other groups. The pH slowly decreased during the storage period; this was lower in the control yoghurt than in the yoghurts containing SW, and the changes of titratable acidity in the samples containing 5.0% and 30.0% cultured SW were lower than that in the yoghurt containing 1.0% cultured SW and in the control. The change in viscosity and number of viable cells during storage was higher in the yoghurts containing SW than in the control group. The levels of anthocyanin increased with the SW content in the yoghurt. Sensory scores for taste of the yoghurt with 1.0% added SW was significantly higher than for the other groups. Yoghurt with added SW kept at 4℃ for 12 days retained its quality characteristics fairly well.

      • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Ribosomal Protein S4 cDNA from Root of Panax ginseng

        In Jun-Gyo,Lee Bum-Soo,Song Won-Seob,Bae Chang-Hyu,Choi Seong-Kyu,Yang Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2005 Plant Resources Vol.8 No.2

        Ribosomal protein complex with ribosomal RNA to form the subunits of the ribosome serve essential functions in protein synthesis. A full-length cDNA (PRPS4) encoding ribosomal protein S4 has been isolated and its nucleotide sequence determined in ginseng plant (Panax ginseng). A PRPS4 cDNA is 1105 nucleotides long and has an open reading frame of 792 bp with a deduced amino acid sequence of 264 residues (pI 10.67). The deduced amino acid sequence of PRPS4 matched to the previously reported ribosomal protein S4 genes. Their degree of amino acid identity ranged from 68 to 92%. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid residues showed that the PRPS4 grouped with ribosomal protein S4 of S. tuberosum (CAA54095).

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