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        옥수수 ( Zea mays L. ) 자엽초 조직 절편에서 n - Octanol 에 의한 옥신 극성 이동 억제

        윤인선(In Sun Yoon),이준승(June S . Lee),홍영남(Young Nam Hong),강빈구(Bin G . Kang) 한국식물학회 1993 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.36 No.1

        Both polar and gravity-induced lateral transport of auxin was markedly reduced in corn coleoptile segments by octanol treatment. Octanol enhanced net auxin uptake without affecting that of benzoic acid, suggesting that the effect did not result from a nonspecific action on general membrane permeability. Since naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) action on both transport and net uptake of auxin was substantially decreased in the presence of octanol, a specific interaction of octanol with the NPA site (efflux carrier) can be postulated. Studies on in vitro binding of NPA to membrane vesicles indicated that octanol did not interfere with NPA binding. When basipetal transport of auxin was impared by plasmolysis, octanol still inhibited auxin transport in the plasmolyzed tissues. The results ruled out the possibility of octanol acting at the plasmodesmata. Kinetic analysis of growth indicated that IAA-sustained growth was rapidly blocked by octanol implicating a common system by which auxin transport is linked to auxin action. Possible mechanisms for octanol action will be discussed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        옥수수 ( Zea mays L. ) 자엽초 절편에서 Naphtylphthalamic Acid 에 대한 오옥신 이동계의 감지적응

        윤인선(In Sun Yoon),강빈구(Bin G . Kang) 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.4

        Partial recovery in auxin transport capacity from inhibition by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) was observed when corn coleoptile segments were subjected to a prolonged NPA treatment. Kinetic data indicated that the recovery time is a function of the concentration of NPA applied. Desensitization to NPA was also seen in tissue slices where NPA increased net uptake of auxin, indicating that the apparant adaptation in the auxin transport system did not result possibly from auxin accumulated during transport inhibition. Studies on in vitro binding of NPA to membrane vesicles isolated from the coleoptile indicated that preincubation of the tissue with NPA resulted in the reduced binding activity. Scatchard analysis of the data indicated that this was due to decreases in the number of NPA binding sites. The possibility of causal relationship of modified NPA receptors to the sensory adaptation in auxin transport observed in coleoptile segments will be discussed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        옥수수 ( Zea mays L. ) 자엽초 절편에서 에틸렌 생성에 대한 오옥신의 작용 특성

        윤인선(In Sun Yoon),강빈구(Bin G . Kang) 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.4

        The ability of several auxin analogs to induce ethylene production was tested in the corn coleoptile. The synthetic auxins 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (1-NAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) had strong stimulatory effects on ethylene induction surpassing that of IAA. Both 2-naphthalaneacetic acid (2-NAA) and 2,6-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,6-D), structural analogs of these auxins, respectively, were found to be inactive. Treatment with NPA, a strong inhibitor of polar auxin transport, led to drastic increase in IAA-induced ethylene production while it has no effect on ethylene production induced by 1-NAA. A positive correlation existed between intracelluar auxin level and ethylene production.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        옥수수 ( Zea mays L. ) 자엽초 조직 절편에서 옥신 이동계의 감수성 증가

        윤인선(In Sun Yoon),강빈구(Bin G . Kang) 한국식물학회 1993 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.36 No.1

        In maize coleoptile segments where auxin transport capacity decreases with time following excision, susceptability of the tissue to transport inhibitors such as N-1-naphthyphthalamic acid (NPA), 3,4,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) or high concentrations of IAA was found to be rather increased. A time-dependent increase in the sensitivity to NPA can be postulated since the dose-response curve for NPA was shifted in the `aged` tissue to the left (i.e. lower concentration). Preincubation of the tissue at a low temperature abolished the time-dependent sensitivity change, suggesting that cellular metabolism could be involved. The NPA-sensitive state was also brought about by calcium depletion of the tissue, which can be partially reversed by addition of calcium. Presence of exogenous IAA in the preincubation medium kept the auxin transport system from decay, implicating IAA in the preincubation medium kept the auxin transport system from decay, implicating auxin as an endogenous controlling factor. Results of our experiments indicate a reversible, time-dependent changes of auxin transport system in which transport capacity and sensitivity to NPA are tightly coupled. Changes in the sensitivity to NPA were also seen in auxin action as well.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 천주교 배교에 관한 재현적 글쓰기 연구 - 김훈의 <흑산>을 중심으로

        윤인선 ( Yoon In-sun ) 한국기호학회 2018 기호학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        본고는 조선후기 천주교 배교와 이후 삶에 관한 역사적 기록에 나타나는 개인과 공동체의 상호작용과 이를 바탕으로 형상화되는 배교에 대한 재현적 글쓰기에 관해 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 위해 샤를르 달레 신부의 <한국천주교회사> 속 배교에 관한 기록을 중심으로 조선후기 천주교 종교 경험에서 나타나는 개인과 공동체의 상호작용 양상에 대해 논의한다. 그리고 이러한 상호작용의 관점에서 김훈의 <흑산>에 나타나는 정약전과 박차돌의 배교와 그 이후 다르게 서술되는 삶의 모습에 관해 살펴본다. 특히 신앙 형성 과정에서 나타나는 사회적 영성과 개인적 영성의 차이와 배교 이후 공동체 속에서 자아-정체성을 형성하는 과정의 상호작용에 대해 논의한다. 이상의 논의는 조선후기 천주교 배교와 이후 삶을 행위의 결과를 통해 이해하는 시선에서 벗어나, 개인이 천주교를 믿고 신앙을 실천하는 양상과 이를 통해 사회공동체 속에서 신자로서 자아-정체성을 형성하는 과정에 대한 종합적 접근을 가능하게 해줄 것이다. 그리고 배교를 단지 신앙을 버리는 행위로 바라보는 단편적인 이해를 넘어서, 박해 속에서 나타나는 개인들의 다양한 종교 경험에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓혀줄 수 있는 가능성을 제공해 줄 것이다. This article will examine the interaction between individuals and community in the Late Chosun Dynasty Catholic apostolic narrative and the representational narrative about the life of the apostate. For this purpose, This article will discuss the interaction of individuals and community focusing on the apostasy narrative in Charles Dallet’s Histoire de l’Eglise de Coree. Based on the interaction of individuals and community. This article will examine the different aspects of life about Jeong, Yak-jeon and Park, Cha-dol described after the apostasy in Kim, Hoon’s Heuksan. Especially, This article will discuss the different of social spirituality and individual spirituality in the process of faith formation and the process of forming self-identity after apostolic. Beyond understanding apostasy through the outcome of action, the above discussion will enable a comprehensive approach to the process of forming a self-identity and practicing faith as a Catholic believer in the social community. And also beyond the fragmentary understanding of apostasy as an abandoning faith, it will provide the possibility of broadening the understanding of various religious experiences of individuals as a Catholic believer in the Late Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        〈일본영이기〉의 영험 서사에 나타난 설법의 수사학

        윤인선(Yoon In Sun) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 서강인문논총 Vol.0 No.44

        〈일본영이기〉는 종교적 혼란기에 불교적 가르침과 가치를 민중들에게 설법하기 위해 편찬되었다. 이를 위해 고유의 수사적 구성이 나타난다.〈일본영이기〉에서는 불교의 다양한 가르침을 설법하기 위해 ‘사실성’과 불교적 ‘모범’을 보여주는 예화와 그것에 대한 ‘의미-해설 지향적’ 혹은 ‘가치-기념 지향적’ 논평을 활용한 수사적 구성 양상을 보인다. 그리고 이 과정에서 행위 모델을 통해 불교 지식을 소통한다. 〈일본영이기〉에 나타난 이러한 설법의 수사학은 종교적 혼란기라는 시대적 배경 속에서 불교적 가치를 포교하기 위해 나타난 서사 구성 양상으로 평가할 수 있다. 그리고 더 나아가 이러한 설법의 수사학은 동아시아 불교 영험 서사의 전개 과정에서 나타나는 초기 형식적 양상의 하나로 평가해 볼 수 있을 것이다. Nihon Ryoiki (日本靈異記) is compiled for sermon about the teaching of Buddhism in turbulent time. For this, Nihon Ryoiki uses proper rhetorical devices. It uses exemplum which shows reality- effect of narrative and Buddhist model. Also it uses remarks which show value and meaning of exemplum. In this process, Nihon Ryoiki sermons Buddhist knowledge about acting model. The rhetoric about Buddhist sermon is evaluated proper narrative in religious chaos for propagate buddhist value. And also we can think ‘this rhetoric about Buddhist sermon’ in Nihon Ryoiki as formal feature in process of development of Buddhism miracle narrative in East Asia.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        설화 속 영웅 인물의 신성 현현 양상에 관한 연구 -남이장군 관련 서사-제의-도상의 기호작용을 중심으로

        윤인선 ( In Sun Yoon ) 한국기호학회 2012 기호학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        This paper is to study the divine manifestation`s aspect to be shown in folktale of hero-character. Folktale has narrative of action about character. At this time, NamiJanggun, Kyungum, Rim become accepted as the divine, based on heroic action. But such as humane death in the situation of ordeal, their narrative are differently unfolded to mythical character. Thru semiotic approach, this paper studies the divine manifestation`s aspect of character who has humane but heroic aspect. In order to discuss aspects of divine manifestation of hero-character in folktale, this paper uses inter-semiotic approach of narrative-icon-rite about NamiJanggun. In the Rite of NamiJanggunsadang, a rite in connection of symbolic message to be passed in narrative of NamiJanggun folktale and aspects of narrative-communication will be examined first. If Dangol`s narrative of divine manifestation thru NamiJanggun folktale is understand, these message is generated and communicated only through a particular context of rite. Therefore, by participating Dangol, it can be recognized the act for divine meaning to be expressed in NamiJanggun folktale. The Divinity that appears in the Namijanggunsadang-gut is the complete godhead to give Dangol to temporal blessings. This is different from the godhead presented in NamiJanggun folktale, which incompleted godhead. Therefore, in this paper, by the aspects connecting the gap between the godhead in NamiJanggun folktale and the godhead that appears in Namijanggunsadang-gut, it will note the Dangol`s participation of process in ancestral rites. Next, the Panting of Shaman God to be expressed in the manifestation of the divinity is remarkable. The Panting of Shaman God will be discussed regarding the manifestation`s aspect after being called by shaman, beyond reappearance of simple NamiJanggun folktale`s character in terms of time. Thru the above discussion, in this paper, the divinity, which was showed the divine manifestation will be described in terms of aspects produced by self-reference, based on the Dangol`s life not transcendental and metaphysical.

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