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      • KCI등재

        Design and experiment of fuzzy PID yaw rate controller for an electrically driven four wheel vehicle without steering mechanism

        I, H Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems 1999 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.9 No.5

        Design and experimental results of yaw rate controller is described for electricallydriven four wheel vehicle without steering mechanism. Yaw rate controller has been known to be necessary to cope with nonlinear char-acteristics of the wheel/road conditions with respect to different road condition and steering angle. For an effective yaw rate control, a fuzzy PID gain scheduler is considered with changing control parameters. In order to apply proposed algorithm to the system a downsized four wheel drive electrically driven vehicle without steering mechanism was manufactured. With these techniques the proposed yaw rate controller is shown by experiment results to be obtained suficient performance in the whole steering regions.

      • 李白의 《蜀道難》에 대한 提言

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        Li Pai(李白)'s The hard road to Shu(蜀) the title used by the other poets of the old time, has been regarded as one of the most excellent poems of all ages, since it shows freshness and creativity. It is not because he described the water and mountain as they stand, but because he mixed them well with his literary sense and techniques. It is by means of the hard road to Shu(蜀) that Li Pai(李白) was praised as one of the representative romantic poets in China. Scholars have different viewpoints on the hard road to Shu(蜀) and there is still not any established theory on the work. Such being the case, it is expected that there will appear many an objection or contradiction to the existing theories, especially with regard to when and where the poem was written and what the poetic motive was. Considering all the existing theories on Li Pai's the hard road to Shu(蜀) the following might be four possible assumptions. Assumption 1:It was written to satirize that Yan-Wu(巖武) tried to inflict an injury on Fang-guan(방官) and Du-fu(杜甫). Assumption 2:It was written for fear that Xian-Zong(玄宗) of Tang(唐) should take refuge in Shu(蜀) during the An Lu-Shan(安祿山) Rebellion. Assumption 3:It was written to satirize that Zhang qiu jian qiong(章仇兼환) tried to conquer Tu fan(吐蓄) without control of the central government. Assumption 4;It was written again with a new image of his unique rhetoric, but with the same title of the poem which was simply written in the past. In this paper, a strong emphasis is placed on examing the above mentioned assumptions one by one and finding out the poet's main idea shown in this poem. Since Li Pai(李白) is a great poet in China there is not any agreement on the opinion on this work. It is because various historical books or literary books have different positions, depending on scholars' subjective point of view. It is also because the poet's complex feeling was mixed with the water and mountain of the road to Shu(蜀) in terms of his advanced artistery. Added to this is that the An Lu-Shan(安祿山) Rebellion which had been dormant became reality. At the age of five, the poet moved to Shu and lived there for about twenty years and devoted himself to learning and then went to the big world with a great desire. Except for the life as a government officer in Chang an(長安), he led a wandering life, visiting splendid mountains and great rivers all over the country. At last he died at the age of sixty two in Li Yangbing(李陽泳)'s , who was of the same surname and the same family origin in Dang tu(富塗) prevince. After he left Shu(蜀) Li Pai(李白) has never been to his hometown, and it is not quite unnatural that one should imagine that he would get homesick when his friens or fellow from the same province would go to Shu(蜀). Historical records or literature show lots of contradictions with regard to the time or the place in which the poem was written and also with regard to the motive of the poem. Keeping this in mind, the first three assumptions given in this paper would be rejected. The last assumption is taken to be the most plausible one. It might be concluded that the poem was written with an imagination about the splendid rivers and mountains of Shu(蜀) in which he spent about twenty years in his boyhood, when his friend Wang yan(王炎) is on his way to Shu(蜀). As for the place where the poem was written, it might be valid to take into account either Chang an(長安)) or xian yang(咸陽).

      • 李白의 詩에 나타난 孤獨과 달의 이미지

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        Lee Bo(701-762) expressed solitary mind and supplied one with the readers in his poems, though he didn't put the word of 'solitude' at all. This means that his thought, which was formed during his youth, was full of loneliness and sorrow. He revealed various and violent passion and allowed the geneous imagination its full play. He was considered to be not a realist but a romantist, in that he composed poems with the gigantic and fantastic things, not with the common things. He tried to go to the royal politics and serve the commnon people. The circumstances that surrounded him from his youth made him keep Toist thought. He combined his learning of work with the experiences from his life in his major poems. Both the change of his thought of life and broad-mind of poetry composing are also discovered in his poems. This shows his poems to make a new development in the history of Tang's poetry. Looking up the Moon, he felt lonely and began to drink and compose poems. By this, he tried to solve the social discrepancy and absurdity comparing them to the Moon. As well, he, who realized the uncertinity of life and nihilism, was dependant upon the Moon in deploring his own grief. Even if Lee Baik failed to politics he looked up to a poet of anger Que Yuen and then managed to succeed in literature. Facing conflict and absurdity between entering public life and retirement from public life, he followed Dua Yien Ming, a pastoral poet, and by writing the loneliness of the Moon, he recovered from nihilism for himself. In truth, he was more lonely that he died in a foreign country.

      • 李白詩歌에서 商人의 婦女像 : 別離의 苦通을 中心으로

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1985 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        A wide range of materials can be found in LiPo's poetry, with those of love and nature in his proper element Many of his love poems gave a pathetic description of the women who were hungry for men's love, as was often the case because the predominance of men over women was prevalent in the ancient Oriental Society, though we find a wide difference in the tone of that description according to the social status of those women. This paper is to analyze those poems among his love poems that depleted the women who were living in solitude with their husbands away from home. The solitary women in those poems belonged to common class, and LiPo gave the narration by the first-person method unlike his favorite method of the third person, i. e. pretending that he became the merchant's wives. Putting the story shortly, the husband leaves home getting on board a ship along the Yang-zi-jiang just in the midst of her honeymoon. The bride simply hopes for his early return, but he does not come back breaking his premise, and so his betrayal leaves her in the woes of separation with his whereabouts unknown. LiPo's rhetorical expressions reaches impressive points in describing the heart-broken bride who makes no reproachful remarks haying no news from his husband and longs only for their reunion at the earliest date. One of such rhetorical expressions is seen in the phrase in which the lost husband is compared to the water of the Yang-zi-jiang. That is to say, the river of Yang-zi-jiang flows down into the sea and makes no return the river, resembling the lost youth of the star-crossed couple Both their honeymoon and the river ran take no second course LoPo is making a kind of Indirect charge against the husband's mercilessness which makes much of money, belittling the worth of youth and against the social custom in which man's superiority to women was taken for granted. LiPo's attitude of humanism may be seen in his sympathectic description of those women's pitiable lot in the past Oriental Society. His thought seems to be that of democracy in that he portrayed such women as were equal to min in the longing for youthful love.

      • 李白의 將進酒 硏究

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        In ancient China, political scholars enlarged therir circles of friends, enjoying drinking one another. When they discussed politics and literature, meeting-drinking luas necessaary way of life. 'Tang'(唐) times, which was an ancient civlized, country considered poem-writing important. The reason was that 'Tang'(唐) men had to learn poetry to become high class scholars and statesmen. who were compelled to select poetry as the subject of the Higher Civil Service Exanination. In other words, 'Tang'(唐), where the statesmen were poets, was a civilized country and powerful countryl 「Qiang jin jiu」(將進酒) was a subject of any poem that had been used since 'pre-Tang'(唐) times. while Li bai(李白) studied poetry and Taoism in Si Chuan(四川), he left his hometwon 26 years old. He, who preserved great hopes in his mimd, kept society with poetry and Taoism-men(道敎徒). When he was 42 years old, he became one of the Han Lin Xueshe(翰林學士), thamks to Xuan Zong(玄宗), or the emperor of 'Tang'(唐). He has kept society with Taoism-men(道敎徒) and Tang's(唐) Imperial Famiy recommended him. But Li bai(李白) terminated his Royal Court life, leaving only 2 years in the Royal Court, because he enjoyed drinking and prided himself on his fame. Emperor Xuan Zong(玄宗) mead 'Tang'(唐) the most prosperous devoting himself to national politics, but went deep into wine and women as he grew older. The Emperor's deliquency rose in An Lu Shan's(安祿山) rebellion. Xuan Zong(玄宗)fled to Si Chuan(四川) and Su Zong(肅宗) put down An Lu Shan(安祿山) with a Xuan Zong's(玄宗) order. But Su Zong(肅宗) took away the position of Emperor without discussing his parent. Su Zong(肅宗) fought a duel with his younger brother, Yong Wang(永王) on the other hand, Li bai(李白) was engaged in the Yong Wang's(永王) camp and was captured without realizing those circumstances. At this time, Li bai(李白) met a political failure and then created a poem which described offering wine. This is 「Qiang jin jiu」 (將進酒) by written Li bai(李白) 「Qiang jin jiu」(將進酒) focused on struggled of succeeding a crown among Xuan Zong(玄宗), Su Zong(肅宗) and Yong Wang(永王), An Lu Shan's(安祿山) rebellion and his own political failure. In other words, his poem purified his complexed spirit as a truth, with the water of Yellow River flowing to the sea.

      • 李白詩의 大鵬形象 考

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.38 No.-

        Li Bai(701-762) is one of the greatest romantic poets since Qu Yuna. Le Bai produced his poems by the way of creating the conflict between reality and ideal, the spirit of insurbodination, the strong emotion, and the broda-minded characters. Li Bai's poems are belivered to be similar to the Tian Bao period he lived, considering his works are sublime, dauntless, unrestrained and pathetic. His romantic tendancy helps his poems realize the high ideal from the point of the content of the work, whereas it helops them reveal the exaggerated metaphor from the point of art. For instance, in Da Peng Fu, Li Bai compared himself to Da peng. Also, he described Da peng as a great spitit. As Le Bai liked the idealized Da Peng many times in his poems. One of the most important poems and fu is Da Peng Fu. Le Bai cherished Totem about Da Peng to the last. This paper studies the world of himself and the world of art, with the emphasis on Da Peng Fu, comparing Da Peng Fu to other works, discussing the thoughtful side and the art aide. And then this paper tells Le Bai to a broadminded romantic poet. While Zhung wrote Da Peng metaphysically, Le Bai wrote it for popularity. both Le Bai a romantic poet and Do Fu a realistic poet are compared as the greatest poets in chinese history.

      • 李白詩歌에 있어서의 '月'의 心象 分析 : 蜀에서의 少年期와 春季의 '月'을 中心으로

        郭利夫 제주대학교 1985 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        Li-Po(701-762) spent his boyhood in Ssu-Chuan (四川). He endeavoured to enrich his literary vision by hard study and traveling around in many districts of Ssu-Chuan. (四川). Main subjects of his poetry were concerned with the moon, and so poems concerning the moon amount to about a third of his works (about 1 000 in number). The moon can be said to act as a symbol of his alienation from the world. His literature is so large in its amount that this paper is to discuss only his works produced in the springtime during his boyhood in Ssu-Chuan. (四川). His favorite source of literary inspiration other than the moon is drinking. Therefore, one of the aims of the this study is to find and re-examine the reason.he loved the moon and drinking so that we may come to the full appreciation of his poetry.

      • 비파괴적 분석법을 활용한 활음진 함유 에멀젼의 인체효능평가

        배지현,안성연,이해광,안순애,문성준,장이섭 한국비파괴검사학회 2004 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        최근 한방화장품이 각광을 받으면서 한방에서 말하는 피부개선효과에 대한 적절한 평가법을 찾는 연구가 많이 수행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 피부 항산화 효과가 우수한 산사자, 당귀, 홍화, 두충, 숙지황의 초임계추출물 (활음진, 活陰眞)의 혈액순환 개선효과를 적외선 열화상 이미지 분석 및 LaserDoppler Perfusion Imager를 이용한 분석을 통해 평가하였다. 평소 손발이 차가운 여성 11명을 대상으로 활음진을 포함한 에멀젼을 1주일간 도포하게 하였으며, 도포전과 1주일간 사용한 후 피부 온도와 혈류량을 비교하였다. 그 결과 얼굴의 피부 온도가 증가하였고, 이마, 눈위, 뺨정면 부위에서 시료 사용 후 유의한 증가를 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 활음진 성분을 포함한 에멀젼의 혈액순환 개선효과를 확인하였을 뿐만 아니라 한방적 접근을 통한 피부개선효과를 평가하는데 적절한 실험모델을 수립하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국인에서 9개 STR(FGA,VWA,D3S1358,D18S51,D21S11,D8S1179,D7S820,D13S317,D5S818)유전좌의 대립유전자빈도 및 유전적 특성에 관한 연구

        황적준,이혜린,구태완,한길로,이용욱,이혜승,강일호,김성민 大韓法醫學會 1999 대한법의학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Population genetic studies were carried out on randomly selected and unrelated individuals from Korean(n= 379) using 9 short tandem repeat loci FGA, VWA, D3S1358, D18S51, D21S11, D8S1179, D7S820, D13S317, and D5S818, respectively. After electrophoresis, 18 alleles were identified for FGA, 7 alleles for VWA, 8 alleles for D3S1358, 16 alleles for D18S51, 15 alleles for D21S11, 10 alleles for D8S1179, 9 alleles for D7S820, and 9 alleles for D13S317. No deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found. Some statistical parameters of forensic interest, such as observed/expected heterozygosity, mean exclusion channce, power of discrimination and polymorphism information content were determined. The results for RGA, D21S11, and VWA showed no differences of allele frequency between the different Korean population groups.



        IH, SU-ION Korean Mathematical Society 2015 대한수학회지 Vol.52 No.5

        Let K be a number field and let S be a finite set of primes of K containing all the infinite ones. Let ${\alpha}_0{\in}{\mathbb{A}}^1(K){\subset}{\mathbb{P}}^1(K)$ and let ${\Gamma}_0$ be the set of the images of ${\alpha}_0$ under especially all Chebyshev morphisms. Then for any ${\alpha}{\in}{\mathbb{A}}^1(K)$, we show that there are only a finite number of elements in ${\Gamma}_0$ which are S-integral on ${\mathbb{P}}^1$ relative to (${\alpha}$). In the light of a theorem of Silverman we also propose a conjecture on the finiteness of integral points on an arbitrary dynamical system on ${\mathbb{P}}^1$, which generalizes the above finiteness result for Chebyshev morphisms.

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