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      • KCI등재후보
      • 자주발진 DC/DC콘버터의 일반적인 해석과 실용적인 설계

        金炯來 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper deals with a general analysis of self oscillating DC to DC converter which can be modeled by single-loop nonlinear feed back system. For practical design, approximate equations which govern the switching frequency, duty cycle, DC error, and peak to peak output ripple is obtained. The experimental results of the self oscillating DC to DC converter performance are as follows; 1. Switching frequency of self oscillating DC to DC converter is almost never changed by load regulation. 2. Output voltage regulations are within ± 0.2[%]. 3. Maximum converting efficiency is 89.2[%].

      • 三値論理用 加算器回路의 設計에 關한 硏究

        金炯來 건국대학교부설 산업기술연구소 1978 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Recently the digital electronic engineering is effected on all fields of the engineering and it is a current tendency that the electronic devices are digitaling. In the paper, Ternary logic theory, a important base of digital electronic engineering, is threated and Ternary logic adder are designed and arranged. Adder circuits which are composed of one NOT gate, DOUBLE NOT gate and a Gate Sellector circuit are analyzed theoretically. It is observed that the circuit, designed have a good operational stability and are simplified in circuit configuration, for the half and the full adder.

      • KCI등재

        제7차 고등학교 교육과정에 의거한 프랑스어 교과서 집필 지침의 특징과 문제점

        김형래 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2000 프랑스어문교육 Vol.10 No.-

        Dans la situation core´enne de l'enseignement-apprentissage du franc¸ais aux lyce´es, le manuel a pris jusqu'ici et prendra encore dans l'avenir une place incomparablement importante. En ce moment, des me´thodologistes e´laborent un certain nombre de manuels du franc´ais selon les instructions officielles base´es sur la 7e Re´forme Pe´dagogique qui entrera en vigueur en 2002. Ces manuels, pour qu'ils puissent se donner au choix des professeurs, doivent passer l'examen du'un jury, dont on aura le premier re´sultat vers le mois de fe´vrier 2001. Pour passer a` cet examen, un manuel doit e^tre re´dige´ et e´labore´ en observant bien les instructions officielles du Ministe`re de l'Education nationale. Cet article a pour but d'en pre´senter quelques points caracte´ristiques, en comparaison de celles de la 6e Re´forme Pedagogique, et en me^me temps d'en remarquer quelques proble`mes. D'abord, les instructions officielles demandent aux nouveaux manuels une re´duction du volume (environ 30%), une co-e´laboration du <Guide pe´dagogique pour le professeur> et une adaptation d'un plus grand format. Quant au vocabulaire, elles leur imposent d'employer au moins 70% de 801 mots essentiels, en limitant d'ailleurs a` 440 le nombre maximum du vocabulaire du Franc¸ais I et a` 880 (y compris les mots employe´s dans le Franc¸ais I) celui du Fran¸cais II. Du point de vue d'un auteru participant a` l'e´laboration d'un manuel, nous remarquons quelques proble`mes relatifs a` ces instructions officielles. Premie`rement, les Instructions pour le contro^le du vocabulaire ont e´te´ publie´es trop tard en perturbant les travaux d'e´laboration de nouveaux manuels. Deuxie`mement, les instructions officielles, qui imposent une limite de 440 mots pour le Franc¸ais I, diminuent en re´alite´ beaucoup plus largement le nombre du vocabulaire par leurs autres principes. Compte tenu le nombre des mots quasi-indispensables pour un manuel destine´ a` de vrais de´butants, il n'est pas e´vident d'e´laborer avec 440 vocables une me´thode exige´e par la 7e Re´forme Pe´dagogique. Troisie`mement, les Instructions pour le contro^le du vocabulaire ne s'assurent pas elles-me^mes d'une cohe´rence logique, surtout en ce qui concerne les 'mots grammaticaux'. Enfin, une re´gle telle qui proscrit l'apparition du nom d'un personnage vivant ou d'une marque commerciale ne contribuera gue`re, a` nos yeux, a` faire nai^tre des me´thodes mieux re´ussies.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 超小型 電子計算機 建國-1의 인터페이스에 關한 硏究(Ⅰ)

        金炯來 건국대학교 1982 學術誌 Vol.26 No.2

        Since Intel 4004 microprocessor was introduced in 1971, microprocessors have been widely used in the fields of the measurements, the consumer electronics and especially the controls. A new era of the scientific culture is realized by microprocessors. In this paper, the studies are concentrated oil the interface of microcomputer system KON-KUK-1 with a black and white televison instead of an exclusive C.R.T monitor. Microcomputer system KON -KUK-1 uses M6800 microprocessor. T. V interface is consisted of an address/data buffer part, a video RAM and a character generator part, a horizontal and a vertical synchronized circuit part and a shift register part. Test program are drawn up and executed for the sake of confirming the behavior of T. V interface board. As a result, it is proved that T.V can be used as I/O device for microcomputer system. Moreover, It is found that test program is adopted simply to other microcomputer and microcomputer system.

      • 計數形 電子時計의 製作에 관한 硏究

        金炯來 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1976 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        In this paper the counters and the decoder circuits are designed theoretically and a digital clock is fabricated by using I.C. The digital clock consists of a crystal osciallator, a divider, counters, decoders, 7-segments and etc.. It is found that the time error of the digital clock is less than 30 seconds in a month. It is good agreement with the theory. It is concluded that a digital clock be manufactured not only for getting a excellent accuracy but also for having a good stability.

      • 8-비트용 병렬 디지탈/아날로그 변환기에 관한 연구

        金炯來 건국대학교부설 산업기술연구소 1977 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, the 8-bit D/A Converter is designed and fabricated. D/A Converter which is most important in digital systems is consisted of a register, a Analog switch, a level amplifier, a ladder network and a Operational amplifier and these parts are mentioned too. In this experiment, resistor in ladder network is used within 0.05% to get a high accuracy. It is found that error of D/A Converter is less than 0.019% and it means a good agreement with a theory. It is expected that D/A Converters are many kinds used in all Digital systems and Analog system, so it needs more researches that D/A Converter can be to get a excellent accuracy and a fast conversion speed.

      • 신경회로망을 이용한 평면좌표계형 로보트구동용 교류서보전동기 제어기

        김평호,백형래 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 1999 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper describes the controller for the improving speed control the AC servo motor. The microprocessor provides an output to the difference in command. The servo- system improves the characteristics of speed control. When the motor is running at the same speed as set by the reference signal, the speed encoder also provides a signal of the same frequency. Thus, the microprocessor controlled digital techniques enable to realize the flexible performance and control which was possible with time constant. We can know that PI control using neural networks by 80196 can control efficiently speed of AC Servo motor. Finally experimental results prove excellent performance of this control system. The system can be adaptable to CNC machine.

      • 計數型 電子時計를 이용한 計數型 自動時報器의 製作에 관한 硏究

        金漢星,金炯來 건국대학교 1977 學術誌 Vol.21 No.2

        In the past fifteen years, the digital Electronics has established itself as the great infulence on all areas of elctronic engineering and electronic design is depend predominatly upon the use of integrated Circuits. In this thesis, the Automatic digital Timer is designed and is manufactured by using A digital clock. A Digital colck which is consist of Crystal Oscillator, frequency devider, Counters, Decoders, 7-Segments and etc. is designed also and is fabricated by means of integrated Circuit. Counters and Decoders which are very important in digital electronics are mentioned in this paper too. It is found that the results of this experiment is good agreement with the theory and the time error of the digital clock is less than 0.001%.

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