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      • KCI등재

        Rapid Detection of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) for Enterobacteriaceae by use of a Multiplex PCR-based Method

        Kim, Junyoung,Jeon, Semi,Rhie, Hogeun,Lee, Bokkwon,Park, Misun,Lee, Hoanjong,Lee, Jina,Kim, Seonghan 대한감염학회 2009 감염과 화학요법 Vol.41 No.3

        A multiplex PCR method has been developed to classify extended spectrum B-lactamase (ESBL) and Plasmid-mediated AmpC B-lactamase (PABL). This method consists of the use of two four-multiplex PCRs for the detection of TEM, OXA, SHV, CTX-M, CMY, and DHAtype B-lactamases. We have compared findings from the use of conventional detection methods with that of this newly developed typing method, In testing for 73 ESBL-producing and PABL-producing isolates, 100% of the isolates were correctly identified as previously characterized types and, 44 types of B-lactamases were additionally identified from 33 isolates. This assay not only reduces the time for classification but also increases the accuracy for detection.

      • KCI등재

        사실과 이론 사이. 벨로리가 바라본 루벤스의 회화미술

        김호근(Kim, Hogeun) 서양미술사학회 2024 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.61 No.-

        Giovan Pietro Bellori’s book The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects , published in Rome in 1672, includes a biography of Peter Paul Rubens. At the end of the biography, Bellori evaluates the characteristics of Rubens’s art of painting. To Bellori, Rubens possessed excellent invention ability and was a colorist. However, Bellori evaluated Rubens as not having reached perfection in form. Bellori considered contour an essential tool, and he found the cause of Rubens’s forms remained imperfect in his way of prioritizing color over contour. Next, Bellori criticizes Rubens for not faithfully copying Raphael’s works and ancient sculptures. As can be read in his essay “On the Imitation of Statues” Rubens thought that distinct contours hindered the natural depiction of the human body in paintings. Rubens softened the contours when copying Raphael’s works and ancient sculptures, but this method of Rubens contrasted with Bellori’s view. In Bellori’s discussion, we can see the application of new empirical knowledge based on records and materials. Still, we can also see that the theoretical view of art plays an important role. Ultimately, Bellori’s evaluation of Rubens’s art of painting is a product of 17th-century epistemology in which empirical knowledge and art theory worked together.

      • KCI등재

        렘브란트의 유다와 콘스탄테인 하우헨스

        김호근(Kim, Hogeun) 한국미술사교육학회 2015 美術史學 Vol.- No.30

        렘브란트 판 레인(Rembrandt van Rijn, 1606-1669)의 역사화 <은화들을 되돌려주는 유다>(1629)는 화가 렘브란트의 초기 미술(1625-1631)을 대표하는 유화 작품이다. 이 작품은 흥미롭게도 당시 네덜란드 총독의 비서였던 콘스탄테인 하우헨스(Constantijn Huygens, 1596-1687)가 작성한 자서전(1629-1631)에서 자세하게 언급되고 있다. 특징적인 것은 하우헨스가 자신의 글에서, 작품에서 표정과 몸동작을 통해 표현된 주인공 유다의 내면적 심리 상태에 주목했다는 점이다. 하우헨스의 자서전이 작성되었던 17세기 전반기의 네덜란드 미술문헌들을 연구해 보면, 이 미술문헌들이 역사화에 표현된 등장인물의 심리 상태를 “미술의 진정한 영혼”이라고 말하며, 역사화를 평가하는 중요한 기준으로 다루고 있음을 발견하게 된다. 즉, 하우헨스의 <은화들을 되돌려주는 유다> 묘사는 17세기 전반기의 네덜란드에서 통용되었던 미술 관련 지식이 구체적으로 드러난 사례이다. 또, 등장인물들의 심리 묘사가 주된 특징을 이루는 렘브란트의 초기 역사화들은, 이 심리 묘사를 역사화의 중요한 요소라고 생각했던 당시의 교양 있고 부유한 미술 감상자들을 위해 제작된 작품들이었다. Rembrandt van Rijn’s (1606-1669) history painting Judas, repentant, returning the pieces of silver (1629) is the oil work which represents the early period (1625-1631) of the painter Rembrandt. Interestingly, this work is being mentioned with details in the autobiography (1629-1631) of Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) who was at that time the secretary of the governor in the Netherlands. Characteristic is the point that Huygens concentrated in his writing on the inner emotions which the central figure Judas shows through his gestures and facial expressions. If we study the art treatises from the early Seventeenth Century, we find that these treatises treat the emotions expressed in the history painting as an important criterion to judge the history painting, calling them “the true soul of the art.” Thus, Huygens’s writing is an example that the knowledges on art in common use in the Netherlands at that time showed themselves concretely. And Rembrandt’s early history paintings in which the inner emotions of figures are a decisive feature, were art works made for art lovers who were of the opinion that the expressed emotions are a weighty value for a history painting.

      • KCI등재

        렘브란트의 〈안드로메다〉 연구

        김호근(Kim, Hogeun) 서양미술사학회 2017 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.47 No.-

        본 논문은 17세기의 네덜란드 화가 렘브란트 판 레인(1606-1669)이 1630년 무렵에 제작한 유화 〈안드로메다〉를 다룬다. 〈안드로메다〉는 렘브란트가 제작한 유화들 중에서 여성 누드가 묘사된 가장 이른 작품이다. 안드로메다의 이야기는 오비디우스의 변신에 실려 있다. 렘브란트는 〈안드로메다〉를 제작하기 위해서 티치아노, 헨드릭 홀치우스, 요아힘 위테발이 제작한 안드로메다 그림들을 연구했던 것으로 짐작된다. 그러나 렘브란트의 〈안드로메다〉는 이 전대의 그림들과 구별된다. 전대의 그림들에 안드로메다와 함께 페르세우스와 괴물이 묘사되어 있는 반면에, 렘브란트의 그림에는 안드로메다만 묘사되어 있다. 또한 전대의 그림들에서 안드로메다는 우아하게 묘사되었지만, 렘브란트의 안드로메다는 우아한 자세를 취하고 있지 않다. 그리고 전대의 그림들과는 다르게 렘브란트는 안드로메다의 얼굴에 안드로메다가 경험했을 여러 감정들을 깊이 있게 암시해 놓았다. 한편, 렘브란트의 주인공 안드로메다의 누드는 전대의 묘사들에 비해 더 현실적이다. 렘브란트가 1630년 무렵에 제작한 판화 〈앉아 있는 누드 여인〉이 보여주듯, 렘브란트는 안드로메다의 누드를 그가 소유하고 있던 미술적 지식을 사용해 형상화했다. 결국 렘브란트가 〈안드로메다〉를 통해 이 주제에 가져다 준 업적은 여성의 누드와 주인공이 사건을 경험하며 얻게 되는 감정들을 결합시킨 것이다. 1630년 무렵 네덜란드의 미술 감상자는 렘브란트의 <안드로메다>를 보며 희망과 당시의 정치적 상황 또한 연상했을 가능성이 있다. 렘브란트의 〈안드로메다〉는 이처럼 복합적인 그림으로서, 젊은 화가 렘브란트가 그림전통과 원전 텍스트를 어떻게 해석했는지를 보여준다. This study examines Andromeda produced by the seventeenth-century Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) circa 1630. Among Rembrandt’s paintings, Andromeda is the first work that depicts a female nude. The story of Andromeda is described in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. To produce Andromeda, Rembrandt studied over other Andromeda paintings done by Titian, Goltzius and Wtewael. But Rembrandt’s Andromeda is different from those previous depictions. Whereas Andromeda is depicted with Perseus and the monster in the previous paintings, Rembrandt’s painting shows only Andromeda. Rembrandt’s Andromeda does not pose as elegantly as the previous paintings. Rembrandt suggested various affects that Andromeda may have gotten through her story on her face. The nude of Rembrandt’s heroine is realistic. As the etching entitled A Seated Female Nude shows, Rembrandt seems to have visualized Andromeda’s nude by drawing on his knowledge. After all, Rembrandt made a contribution to this subject by combining a female nude with affects which the female figure experienced. Around 1630, a Dutch viewer could have associated Andromeda with hope or the Dutch political situation at that time. Rembrandt’s Andromeda is a complex painting and shows how the young painter Rembrandt interpreted the traditions and the original texts.

      • KCI등재

        To inorganic nanoparticles via nanoclusters: Nonclassical nucleation and growth pathway

        Chang Hogeun,Bootharaju Megalamane S.,Lee Sanghwa,Kim Jeong Hyun,Kim Byung Hyo,Hyeon Taeghwan 대한화학회 2021 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.42 No.11

        Nanoclusters, intermediates in size between atoms and nanoparticles, have been a topic of great interest because of their unique molecular structures and optical properties as compared to those of nanoparticles and bulk counterparts. Recent mechanistic studies have shown that the nanoclusters appear in the initial stages of the nanoparticle growth. The formation of nanoclusters is supported by the nonclassical nucleation theory, revealing that the nanoclusters with extremely large surface areas can be stabilized by the ligands. In this review, we first provide the theoretical background of the classical and nonclassical nucleation mechanisms in the nanoparticle formation, which helps understand the stability of nanoclusters. We then focus on the synthesis and characterization of nanoclusters of noble metals, semiconductors, metal oxides, and their alloys. Furthermore, the potential applications in bioimaging, sensing, optoelectronics, and catalysis, enabled by unique optical and chemical properties of nanoclusters, are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        베체트 장염에 병발한 장모균증 1예

        한송이 ( Song Yi Han ),김덕환 ( Duk Hwan Kim ),박재준 ( Jae Jun Park ),문창모 ( Chang Mo Moon ),김은수 ( Eun Soo Kim ),천재희 ( Jae Hee Cheon ),김태일 ( Tae Il Kim ),백승혁 ( Seung Hyuk Baik ),김호근 ( Hogeun Kim ),김원호 ( Won Ho 대한장연구학회 2008 Intestinal Research Vol.6 No.2

        Zygomycosis (mucormycosis) is a rare fungal infectious disease, usually found in association with an immunocompromised state. Gastrointestinal mucormycosis is extremely rare and fatal, thus it is important to detect and manage this disease at an early stage in an effort to improve survival. To date, no cases of mucormycosis superimposed on gastrointestinal Behcet’s disease have been reported. Herein we report a case in which gastrointestinal mucormycosis occurred in a 17-year-old-female with Behcet’s disease. The patient recovered from her disease after undergoing an ileocecectomy. (Intest Res 2008;6:140-144)

      • Development of an Ear Measurement Method for Ear Product Designs

        Hayoung Jung,Wonsup Lee,Sungho Kim,Ilgeun Bok,Chulwoo Kim,Ochae Kwon,Teukgyu Choi,Hogeun Kim,Heecheon You 대한인간공학회 2014 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        Objective: The present study developed an ear measurement method based on a 3D scanner and ear casting tools for ear product designs. Background: Detail dimensions and a shape of the ear are required for the ear product design; however, there is a limitation of a 3D ear scanning due to a complex shape of the ear. Method: The present study collected the shape and dimensions of the ear from 100 Korean participants (50 males and 50 females) aged 20 to 59. The overall shape of the ear was scanned in 3D; and inner complex shape of the ear was cast by applying the ear casting tools, then the cast shape was scanned in 3D. Anthropometric landmarks were marked on the 3D shapes of the overall and cast ear, respectively; then 18 ear dimensions were automatically measured by applying an ear measurement system coded using Matlab. Conclusion: The method for the ear measurement and the 3D ear shape establish was developed and applied to the analysis of the ear of 100 Koreans. Application: The developed ear measurement method and the measurements of the ear can be applied to the ear product designs.

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