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        특별기고 : 文化的資産としての名勝 - 東アジアに固有な遺産類型の包括的な硏究と保護に向けて-

        ( Hirasawa ),平澤毅 ( Tsuyoshi ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2013 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        日本において名勝の調査·保護が取り組まれはじめてから1世紀余り、文化財保護法の規定に基づき指定されている名勝は376件、また、同法の2004年改正において創設された記念物の登錄制度により登錄されている名勝地は66件を數える(2013年11月1日現在).この間、その取組は史跡や天然記念物との一體性の中で「記念物」という文化財の類型を成して、社會のさまざまな動向に呼應して進化し續けてきたが、人工と天然、あるいは、人文と自然の密接な關係を風致景觀で表現するその遺産としての在り方は、世界遺産のプログラムにおける文化的景觀にも比せられて極めて獨特であり、「名勝」という言葉に含まれる文化は、別して固有であるといえる. この十數年來、日本においては名勝に關する取組が大きく進展してきたが、その基礎を成した1990年代までの名勝保護の沿革は、槪ね、史跡名勝天然紀念物保存法(1919-1950)と文化財保護法(1950-)の時代によってその大要を把握できる. 一方、1990年代の後半以降、日本における名勝保護は新たな局面を迎えた. 例えば、1998年に、文化廳記念物課で取りまとめられた「當面重點を置いて指定する記念物について」は、今日に至る名勝保護の方向性を考える上で、極めて重要である. 現狀、名勝におけるその指定重點の要點は、以下の5つの視點である. すなわち、①風土や歷史の特質を色濃く反映した庭園、②遺跡化し、または、發掘調査によって檢出される庭園遺構をはじめとして、③近代に作庭·開園された庭園·公園、あるいは、④詩歌や繪畵などの芸術作品の素材として大きな影響を與えた自然の風致景觀、⑤海洋國·山嶽國としての日本の各地域の特色を表象してきた自然の風致景觀、である. また、近年では、これらに加えて、一連の文脈のもとに「群」として把握することによって顯著な價値を發揮するものにも著目しており、日本の國土美を表徵する名勝地として保護すべき重點の多樣なことが明らかにされてきた. さらに、日本における文化財保護の施策展開の中で1990年代以來注目されてきた〈世界遺産〉World Heritageや〈文化的景觀〉cultural landscapeなどに關する檢討にも呼應して、保存管理計畵management planの檢討·策定についても、近年、活發である. 奈良文化財硏究所では、韓國における名勝保護の取組の急速な進展に注目して、2012年2月に《自然的文化財のマネジメント》をテ一マとしたシンポジウム形式の專門家會合を日韓合同で開催した. このシンポジウムでは、文化財の總合的把握の觀點からのマネジメントの對象が、人工であるか天然であるかを問わず、何を文化財として把握し、どのようにして保護に取り組むべきかを檢討することの重要性が强調された. 直近の取組では、日本造園學會が2009年から本格的に取り組んでいる「ランドスケ一プ遺産インベントリ一」のほか、文化廳記念物課の「近代の庭園·公園等に關する調査硏究」(from December 2009 to March 2012)及び「名勝に關する總合調査」(from December 2011 to March 2013)、さらには「名勝に關する特定の調査硏究」(Ongoing from August 2011)などが注目される. しかし、これらの取組は日本における名勝の理解と保護を更に深めるものとして重要であるものの、密接な關係を有する東アジア諸國における「名勝」との關連についてはまだ取り組まれていないのが現狀である. したがって、東アジアにおいて固有に共有すべき《名勝文化圈》の特質を、時代と國境を越えた地域的な廣がりと密接な關係などの觀點から、包括的に檢證するための連携硏究の體制を各國の硏究者·名勝保護行政擔當者等の緊密な協力のもとに整えていくことが、今後の極めて重要な課題と考える. In Japan, activities concerning the research and protection of scenic beauty is from the start been addressed, more than a century has been passed. Currently, 376 cases of Places of Scenic Beauty(名勝) are designated under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, while 66 cases are registered by the new system for protection in the Law, as amended in 2004(as of November 1st, 2013). During this time, they have formed a type of cultural property of "Monuments and Sites" in the integrity of the Historic Sites(史跡) and Natural Monuments(天然記念物), the initiative has continued to evolve in response to various social trends. Among these, Places of Scenic Beauty have significant feature as heritage to be represented by beautiful landscape with the close relationship of artificial and natural component. Such ways of understanding of regional heritage is contrasted with the cultural landscape in the program of world heritage, while it is very unique culture that is included in the Chinese character word "名勝"(pronounced with "meisyoh" in Japanese, "myeong-seung" in Korean, "mingsheng" in Chinese, etc.). In this recent decade, various efforts on the Places of Scenic Beauty has been considerable progress in Japan. In Japan, generally, it can be understood through the two age as follows that the historical compendium of the protection of scenic beauty until the 1990s that had formed the foundation of recent efforts; that are the age of the Law for the Preservation of Historic Sites, Places of Scenic Beauty and Natural Monuments(from 1919 to 1950), and the age of the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties(after 1950). On the other hand, since the late 1990s, the protection policy of the Places of Scenic Beauty in Japan was entering a new phase. For example, "About the Monuments and Sites which should be designated the time being" was compiled by Monuments and Sites Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 1998, as in considering the direction of the protection of Scenic Beauty leading to today, it is very important. Point of the designated priority current situation concerning the Places of Scenic Beauty is the following five viewpoints; (i) Gardens that was clearly reflected the characteristics of history and culture of each region, (ii) Gardens to be ruins or to be remains to be detected by the excavation, (iii) Gardens and Parks that was made or opened to the public in modern times, or, (iv) Natural Landscapes which had major impacts as materials for works of arts such as painting and poetry, (v) Natural Landscapes which have been feature representations of each region of Japan as a maritime nation and/or mountainous country. Additionally, in recent years, those which exhibit significant value with being recognized as "the group" based on the context of a particular series are also of very interest. In this way, it has been revealed the diversity of the focused perspective for the sites which should be protected as Places of Scenic Beauty for appearing the beauty of the lands.Furthermore, in response to study of Cultural Landscapes and World Heritage Programme, etc. which have been noted since the 1990s in the policy development of the cultural property protection in Japan, it is also active for the study and development of conservation and management plan for the Places of Scenic Beauty, in recent years. Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, with particular attention to the rapid progress of the efforts for the protection of scenic sites in Korea, held Japan and Korea joint expert meeting of the symposium format in February 2012 under the theme of the "Management of Natural Heritage as Cultural Properties". In this symposium, with considering regardless of whether the subjects of the management are natural or artificial, from the perspective of comprehensive understanding of cultural properties, it was emphasized the importance of what we could understand as cultural assets and of how we should address to protect the assets. In the most recent efforts, Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture is working in earnest from 2009 of "Landscape Heritage Inventory", and it should be noted the "Research on the Gardens and Parks etc. of the Modern times"(from December 2009 to March) as well as "Comprehensive survey of scenic beauty" (from December 2011 to March 2013), "Research Studies on Specific Type of Scenic Beauty"(Ongoing from August 2011) by the Monuments and Sites Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs By the way, the current status of these efforts are important as to deepen further the protection and understanding of the Scenic Beauty in Japan, but has not yet been addressed yet for related in East Asian countries having close relationships with the distinguished heritage concept of "名勝". Therefore, from the viewpoint of close relationships with the geographic expansion of cross-border and cross-age, a system of collaborative research to verify comprehensively, in order to be shared inherent in East Asia the characteristics of the "Cultural Sphere of Scenic Beauty"(名勝文化圈) to think, it should be a very important challenge for the future that it will fix the basis of close cooperation of researchers and scenic protection administration personnel, etc. of each country.



        Hirasawa Go,Miura Takeshi Korean Mathematical Society 2006 대한수학회보 Vol.43 No.1

        We give some necessary and sufficient conditions in order that a closed operator in a Hilbert space into another have the Hyers-Ulam stability. Moreover, we prove the existence of the stability constant for a closed operator. We also determine the stability constant in terms of the lower bound.

      • KCI등재

        Hyers-Ulam stability of a closed operator in a Hilbert space

        Go Hirasawa,Takeshi Miura 대한수학회 2006 대한수학회보 Vol.43 No.1

        sufficient conditions in order that a closed operator in a Hilbertspace into another have the Hyers-Ulam stability. Moreover, weprove the existence of the stability constant for a closedoperator. We also determine the stability constant in terms of the lower bound.

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