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Novel lipidated sorbitol-based molecular transporters for non-viral gene delivery
Higashi, T.,Khalil, I.A.,Maiti, K.K.,Lee, W.S.,Akita, H.,Harashima, H.,Chung, S.K. Elsevier Science Publishers 2009 Journal of controlled release Vol.136 No.2
In this study, we investigated the possible use of novel lipidated sorbitol-based transporters as functional devices for the improvement of non-viral gene delivery. These transporters are composed of a sorbitol scaffold bearing 8 guanidine moieties that mimic the arginine residues of well-known cell-penetrating peptides. In addition, the transporters carry different lipid groups to aid DNA condensation and facilitate lipid vesicle-binding. We found that the transporters described in this study have the potential to function as plasmid DNA/siRNA-condensers and surface ligands for the enhancement of cellular uptake of lipid vesicles. Shorter lipid chains were found to be better for condensation, whereas longer chains were superior surface ligands. The differential activity of different cores might be explained by facilitated decondensation of cores prepared with transporters comprised of shorter lipid chains. However, we suggest that there is an optimum value of decondensation to achieve higher transfection activities. The proper use of the transporters presented in this study enabled us to prepare a highly efficient non-viral gene delivery system based on a core-shell structure, in which a condensed DNA core is encapsulated by a lipid envelope. A multifunctional envelope-type nano-device prepared with an optimal surface ligand favorably competes with commonly used transfection systems.
Advances and Applications in High Strain Rate Superplasticity
(Kenji Higashi) 대한금속재료학회 1998 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.4 No.3
High strain rate superplasticity (i.e., superplastic behavior at strain rates over 10(-2) S(-1)) has been observed in many metallic materials such as aluminum alloys and their matrix composites and it is associated with an ultra-fine grained structure of less than about 3 μm. Its deformation mechanism appears to be different from that in conventional superplastic materials. A new model was considered from the viewpoint of the accommodation mechanism by an accommodation helper such as a liquid or glassy phase. The new mechanism was proposed in which superplasticity was critically controlled by the accommodation helper both to relax the stress concentration resulting from the sliding at grain boundaries and/or interfaces and to limit the build up of internal cavitation and subsequent failure. The possibility of the industrial applications was demonstrated for high-strain-rate superplasticity.