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      • KCI등재
      • The Manifestations, Causes, Impacts and Across Paths of Pan-Securitization

        Zong Wei(Wei Zong),He Haiyang(Haiyang He) 아시아사회과학학회 2023 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.2

        In recent years, with the decline of globalization, the rise of nationalism in the US and Western countries has become more prominent. They have adopted conservative policies under the pretext of national security, leading to the proliferation of pan-securitization. Facing various and complex security challenges, countries have attached more importance to national security. Anyway, based on the Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization, the process of securitization can result in pansecuritization, which manifests in three aspects: the worship of securitization at the initiation stage; the excessive expansion of issues at the development stage; and the difficulty of de-securitization at the post-securitization stage. On the one hand, pansecuritization can cause problems such as security capital overdraft, radical change cultivation, lack of common security perception and human rights protection impairment within a country. On the other hand, it can also cause problems such as production efficiency reduction and security dilemma induction at the international level. The causes of pan-securitization are complex, but mainly stem from the interconnection of security threats, the monopoly of speech power by agents, the centralist political form and the endogenous defects of the Copenhagen School’s securitization theory. Today, guided by the overall national security concept, national security has received unprecedented attention. In view of the pan-securitization trap that the US and Western countries have fallen into, we should take measures from three aspects: security democratization, security legalization and de-worship of securitization to avoid repeating their mistakes. Only in this way can we enhance the effectiveness of issue securitization and improve the implementation efficiency of security policies.

      • The Historical Development of Hindu Nationalism in India

        Andi Luo(Andi Luo),Haiyang He(Haiyang He),Fang Luo(Fang Luo) 아시아사회과학학회 2023 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.1

        Hindu nationalism has played a significant role in shaping the political and social landscape of India throughout its history. This paper examines the development of Hindu nationalism in India, from its emergence during the colonial period to its current state in post-independence India. The paper also analyzes the challenges and criticisms associated with Hindu nationalism, including its impact on the principles of secularism and democracy, religious violence and communalism, and the rights and freedoms of minority groups. The paper concludes by discussing the need for greater understanding and tolerance between different religious and cultural groups in India and the importance of promoting a more inclusive and diverse society.

      • KCI등재

        Rational design of porous NiCo2S4 nanotubes for hybrid supercapacitor

        Wang Haiyang,Liang Miaomiao,He Zemin,Guo Zhun,Zhao Yang,Li Kexuan,Song Wenqi,Zhang Yongming,Zhang Xin,Zhao Yuzhen,Miao Zongcheng 한국물리학회 2022 Current Applied Physics Vol.35 No.-

        The nanotube-consisted flower-like NiCo2S4 is successfully fabricated by a novel two-step hydrothermal technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) identifies the spinel structure, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imply the flower-like morphology of the synthesized NiCo2S4. The electrochemical behaviors are studied by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements. The NiCo2S4 nanotubes demonstrate enhanced pseudocapacitive performance of 429.5 C g− 1 at current density of 0.5 A g− 1 . The NiCo2S4//AC device delivers high energy density of 37.69 Wh kg− 1 , maximum power density of 4000.6 W kg− 1 and satisfied cycle property of 96% capacitance retention after over 7000 cycles. The results show that the NiCo2S4 nanotubes are promising electrode material for high performance supercapacitor applications.

      • KCI등재

        Paleoenvironmental changes of source rocks from the Carboniferous to Permian sediments of the Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, China

        Feng Chong,Ma Mingze,He Wenjun,Li Teng,Wu Qiuyu,Zhang Zexin,Zhao Haiyang 한국자원공학회 2020 Geosystem engineering Vol.23 No.5

        There are four sets of source rocks from Carboniferous (C) to Permian in Mahu Sag, and the paleoenvironment is the decisive factor for the differences of source rocks. In order to study the controlling effect of paleoenvironmental evolution on the change of source rock properties, the major, trace elements and the total organic carbon (TOC) of 47 core samples from four sets of source rocks were tested. The results indicate that the paleoenvironmental evolution of these four sets of source rocks from C to Permian in Mahu Sag can be divided into five stages. At the end of C and the early stage of deposition of Wuerhe formation (P2w), the paleo climate became warm and humid, and the salinity of water body became small. Meanwhile, the oxidizability of water body gradually became stronger. At the deposition stage of Jiamuhe Formation (P1j), Fengcheng Formation (P1f) and the late stage of deposition of P2w, the paleo climate gradually became hot and dry, and the salinity of water body gradually increased. Meanwhile, the reducibility of water body became stronger. The paleoenvironmental factors controlling the abundance of organic matter in source rocks are different in different stages.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancing Seed Germination of Cremastra appendiculata: Screening and Identification of Four New Symbiotic Fungi in the Psathyrellaceae Family

        Pan Zhangneng,Wang Jing,He Shanshan,Zhao Haiyang,Dong Xinyue,Feng Tao,Meng Yanyan,Li Xiaojun 한국미생물학회 2024 The journal of microbiology Vol.62 No.8

        Several coprinoid fungi have been identified as promotors of Cremastra appendiculata seed germination, while others appear ineffective. This study aimed to discern which genera within the Psathyrellaceae family exhibit this capability and to identify the most effective coprinoid fungi for the cultivation of C. appendiculata. We collected 21 coprinoid fungi from diverse sources and symbiotically cultured them with C. appendiculata seeds. 9 fungi were found to induce seed germination and support seed development, specifically within the genera Coprinellus, Tulosesus, and Candolleomyces. In contrast, fungi that failed to promote germination predominantly belonged to the genera Coprinopsis and Parasola. Notably, four fungi—Coprinellus xanthothrix, Coprinellus pseudodisseminatus, Psathyrella singeri, and Psathyrella candolleana—were documented for the first time as capable of enhancing C. appendiculata seed germination. Strain 218LXJ-10, identified as Coprinellus radians, demonstrated the most significant effect and has been implemented in large-scale production, underscoring its considerable practical value. These findings contribute vital scientific insights for the conservation and sustainable use of C. appendiculata resources.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of hydrothermal parameters on the physicochemical property and photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A of Ti-based TiO2 nanomaterials

        Dong Li,Yunzhou Chen,Jialin Jia,Haiyang He,Wei Shi,Jianghua Yu,Jun Ma 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.109 No.-

        Effects of hydrothermal parameters on morphology, crystal structure, light absorption, separation efficiencyof photo-generated charge carriers, and photocatalytic removal of Bisphenol A (BPA) of Ti-basedTiO2 nanomaterials were systematically investigated. Through changing hydrothermal parameters,TiO2 nanobelts, TiO2 nanosheets and TiO2 nanowires were prepared. With increasing NaOH concentration,hydrothermal temperature, and hydrothermal time, more TiO2 with (101) crystal plane grew onTi substrate, resulting in higher crystallinity. The UV-light absorption enhanced with increasing NaOHconcentration, but decreased with improving hydrothermal temperature, hydrothermal time, and HClconcentration. Variation of UV-light absorption was mainly affected by morphology, and UV-light absorptionof TiO2 nanomaterials with different morphologies was arranged in order ofnanobelts > nanosheets > nanowires. The hydrothermal growth of TiO2 nanomaterials on Ti plate conformedto Ostwald ripening mechanism. Variation trend of photo-generated current was consistent withthat of BPA degradation, they both first increased and then decreased within investigated range. The optimalNaOH concentration, hydrothermal temperature, hydrothermal time, and HCl washing concentrationwere 1 M, 170℃, 28 h, and 0.1 M, respectively. Under this condition, Ti-based TiO2 nanosheets exhibitedthe highest BPA removal efficiency (92.7%), which was due to highly ordered nanosheet structure, goodcrystallinity, appropriate UV-light absorption and high separation efficiency of electron-hole pairs.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancement of the electro-Fenton degradation of organic contaminant by accelerating Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle using hydroxylamine

        Dong Li,Tong Zheng,Jianghua Yu,Haiyang He,Wei Shi,Jun Ma 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.105 No.-

        The Electro-Fenton process can generate reactive oxygen species capable of oxidizing refractory organiccontaminants. However, low regeneration efficiency of Fe2+ restricts its application. Herein, hydroxylamine(HA) was added into the Electro-Fenton (HA/Electro-Fenton) process to accelerate the transformationof Fe3+ to Fe2+. Using dimethyl phthalate (DMP) as target contaminant, the HA/Electro-Fenton systemalleviated the two-stage reaction process and accelerated the removal of DMP in the pH range of 2.0–6.0. With improving DMP concentration from 5 mg L-1 to 50 mg L-1, their degradation rate increased in theHA/Electro-Fenton system, while decreased in the Electro-Fenton system. The addition of HA had negligibleeffect on electro-generation of H2O2, but facilitate the redox cycle of Fe3+/Fe2+ and the generation ofhydroxyl radicals, thus improving the degradation of DMP. The final transformation products of HA wereN2, N2O, and NO3. The presence of PO4 3 improved DMP degradation, while Cl and organic matters inhibitedDMP removal in varying degrees. This study provided useful reference to solve the low efficiency ofFe3+/Fe2+ cycle and expand the pH application range in the Electro-Fenton process.

      • KCI등재

        The influences of lateral leakage on hysteresis effects in flexible organic light-emitting diodes array

        Xiong Zhiyong,Wen Zhuoqi,Cui Zhongjie,Mei Shiliang,He Haiyang,Duan Zhongtao,Zhang Wanlu,Xie Fengxian,Guo Ruiqian 한국물리학회 2023 Current Applied Physics Vol.45 No.-

        Hysteresis effects in self-luminous devices like organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) have been discovered recently, besides emerging in thin film transistors (TFTs). However, the influences of lateral leakage caused by next-door devices on hysteresis effects in flexible OLEDs array have rarely been demonstrated. To mitigate the impact of lateral leakage and figure out the detailed relationship with hysteresis effects, a series of experiments for OLEDs array involving p-doping in holes transport layer (HTL) were employed. It is found that the lateral leakage and hysteresis effects have a trade-off exhibition, which means stronger lateral leakage has induced weaker hysteresis effects. In order to get rid of the role of lateral leakage, the experiments with mono blue devices were also performed to substantiate the intrinsic hysteresis effects existence. The research opens the possibility of considering more internal relationships between different performances on self-luminous arrays for their actual application.

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