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        Taxonomic notes on fruit flies of tribes Schistopterini and Eutretini (Diptera: Tephritidae: Tephritinae) in India, with description of a new species of Rhabdochaeta de Meijere

        David Karamankodu Jacob,Hancock David Lawrence,Sachin K.,Gracy Gandhi R,Swathi R.S. 한국응용곤충학회 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.25 No.1

        Rhabdochaeta nigroapicalis David, Hancock and Sachin, sp. n., is described from Assam, NE India. A key to all species of Schistopterini and Eutretini recorded from India is provided and taxonomic notes on previously described species are included. DNA barcode sequences of Calloptera asteria (Schiner), Rhabdochaeta pulchella de Meijere, Rhabdochaeta nigroapicalis David, Hancock and Sachin, sp. n. and Rhochmopterum venustum (de Meijere) were obtained and reported. Phylogenetic analysis using 62 mtCOI sequences of Tephritinae revealed Schis topterini to be a monophyletic group and the new species closely related to Rhabdochaeta pulchella, justifying its placement in Rhabdochaeta de Meijere. http://zoobank.org/A97337B3-E2BD-460D-BA62-6D3D4A1A60A2

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Seed longevity of glyphosate resistant transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) lines

        Hancock, Daniel,Park, Kee Woong,Mallory-Smith, Carol A. The Ecological Society of Korea 2015 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.38 No.4

        Studies to estimate seed longevity and dormancy of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) were conducted from 2000 to 2005 at Corvallis and Hermiston, Oregon. Seeds from three transgenic glyphosate resistant creeping bentgrass lines, 48-10, 48-13, and ASR368, and one non-transgenic glyphosate susceptible line, SR1020, were used. Creeping bentgrass seeds were buried at 3, 18 and 31 cm in 2000 and removed 6, 12, 18, 24, and 51 months later. Soil type and climatic conditions were different at the two locations. At Corvallis, the soil was a Malabon silty clay loam, and the winters wet and mild. The soil at Hermiston was an Adkins fine sandy loam, and winters drier and colder. Seeds of all creeping bentgrass lines deteriorated faster at Corvallis than at Hermiston. The estimated half-lives of creeping bentgrass lines buried at Corvallis were 8.4 to 20.2 months, while those buried at Hermiston were 8.4 to 37.7 months. At both sites, seeds of the glyphosate resistant lines, 48-10 and 48-13, deteriorated faster than the susceptible line, SR1020. However, seed deterioration in the resistant line, ASR368, was slower than all other creeping bentgrass lines. Based on the germination test, exhumed intact seeds at Corvallis were more dormant than those at Hermiston. If buried, it could be expected that viable creeping bentgrass seeds will persist more than 4 years after the seeds are introduced to a site, but environmental conditions can influence both seed longevity and dormancy.

      • KCI등재

        Seed longevity of glyphosate resistant transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) lines

        Daniel Hancock,박기웅,Carol A. Mallory-Smith 한국생태학회 2015 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.38 No.4

        Studies to estimate seed longevity and dormancy of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) were conducted from 2000 to 2005 at Corvallis and Hermiston, Oregon. Seeds from three transgenic glyphosate resistant creeping bentgrass lines, 48-10, 48-13, and ASR368, and one non-transgenic glyphosate susceptible line, SR1020, were used. Creeping bentgrass seeds were buried at 3, 18 and 31 cm in 2000 and removed 6, 12, 18, 24, and 51 months later. Soil type and climatic conditions were different at the two locations. At Corvallis, the soil was a Malabon silty clay loam, and the winters wet and mild. The soil at Hermiston was an Adkins fine sandy loam, and winters drier and colder. Seeds of all creeping bentgrass lines deteriorated faster at Corvallis than at Hermiston. The estimated half-lives of creeping bentgrass lines buried at Corvallis were 8.4 to 20.2 months, while those buried at Hermiston were 8.4 to 37.7 months. At both sites, seeds of the glyphosate resistant lines, 48-10 and 48-13, deteriorated faster than the susceptible line, SR1020. However, seed deterioration in the resistant line, ASR368, was slower than all other creeping bentgrass lines. Based on the germination test, exhumed intact seeds at Corvallis were more dormant than those at Hermiston. If buried, it could be expected that viable creeping bentgrass seeds will persist more than 4 years after the seeds are introduced to a site, but environmental conditions can influence both seed longevity and dormancy.


        G.D. Hancock 사람과세계경영학회 1996 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.1 No.1

        The German experience ofunifying two dis-similar economies may provide invaluable insights to Europe as it struggles with monetary union. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of German unification on interest rates, inflation and the value ofthe DM in an effort to assess implicationsfor European economic union. The results ofthis study suggest that Germany achieved unification with relatively minor interruptions to its international parity relationships andfinancial stability. In orderfor the European community to experience a like transition, members would most likely need to provide for a cooperative, consistent monetaty policy.

      • The Use of Plasma Glycoproteomics for the Early Detection of Disease

        W.S. Hancock,M. Hincapie,M. Kullolli,T. Plavina 한국당과학회 2008 한국당과학회 학술대회 Vol.2008 No.1

        Mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis are not well understood in the context of common etiological factors such as microbial infection, inflammation, malignancy or tissue breakdown. Such processes may be elucidated by identifying disease-related molecular markers, such as acute phase proteins, cytokines, cytoskeletal fragments and autoantigens. In an attempt to identify such markers, we have developed a novel platform, namely multiple lectin affinity chromatography (M-LAC) to study the plasma glycoproteome in patients and healthy donors in a series of studies ranging from cancer to autoimmune disease. The M-LAC platform allowed the evaluation of changes in concentration of glycoproteins, and to comprehensively survey the plasma proteome. We then used a second method, intact peptidomics, to assess changes in endogenous proteolytic activity by analyzing the low molecular weight (LMW) component of blood. The integrated proteomic and peptidomic analysis of plasma samples identified a number of cytoskeletal and Ca2+-binding proteins and their proteolytic fragments in the disease samples. The measurements were compared to healthy donors and several of the observed differential quantitations were independently verified by ELISA. The identified changes in plasma proteome and peptidome, and the underlying changes in glycosylation together with altered endogenous protease activity may result in the generation of novel autoantigens. We and others have confirmed this hypothesis by the observation of autoantibodies in patients and upon extension of these studies to larger populations of patient; we may gain additional understanding of the role of etiological factors in different disease pathways.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        G D Hancock People&Global Business Association 1996 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.1 No.1

        The German experience of unifying two dis-similar economies may provide invaluable insights to Europe as it struggles with monetary union. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of German unification on interest rates, inflation and the value of the DM in an effort to assess implications for European economic union. The results of this study suggest that Germany achieved unification with relatively minor interruptions to its international parity relationships and financial stability. In order for the European community to experience a like transition, members would most likely need to provide for a cooperative, consistent monetaty policy.

      • KCI등재

        Russia: Great Power Image versus Economic Reality

        Kathleen J. Hancock 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2007 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.31 No.4

        Russia’s vision of itself has largely coalesced around that of a unique regional power, with the natural resources, glorious history, and will power to be a major player in a future multipolar world. As seen by most Russians, under the guidance of President Vladimir Putin, Russia has become an economically powerful actor with an important and independent voice on the international stage, including rebuilding historic economic alliances with states described as rogues by the United States and forming a strategic partnership with China. Some have seen the challenges to the West combined with Russia’s close relationship with China as a threat to the United States; but this threat should not be overblown. As China continues to assert itself and eventually challenges Russia’s declared dominance of Central Asian resources, the two states may well clash.

      • KCI등재

        A new genus in the tribe Acidoxanthini (Diptera: Tephritidae: Trypetinae) from India, with a discussion of its phylogenetic relationships

        David Karamankodu Jacob,Hancock David Lawrence,Han Ho-Yeon,Gracy Gandhi R,Sachin K.,Swathi R.S. 한국응용곤충학회 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.24 No.4

        Gibbifronta pavoniae David, Hancock and Han, gen. et sp. nov., is described from India. The current status of the subtribe Acidoxanthina is scrutinized based on both morphological characters and DNA barcoding analysis, and this taxon is formally proposed as the tribe Acidoxanthini within the subfamily Trypetinae in order to accom modate the genera Gibbifronta, Acidoxantha Hendel, Craspedoxanthitea Hardy and Acidoxanthopsis Hering. We found that the members of the Acidoxanthini possess a unique characteristic within the family Tephritidae, the short and broadly truncate lateral surstylus with reduced prensisetae and 1–3 pairs of strong dorsal setae on epandrium. Even though comparable information is not available for Acidoxanthopsis, it is retained in Acid oxanthini. Gibbifronta is distinguished from other genera of the tribe by the presence of a high gena and prominent hump-like projection on the frons. Phylogenetic analysis based on DNA barcodes revealed that Gib bifronta is closely related to Acidoxantha and support its placement in Acidoxanthini. COI sequences of Gibbifronta pavoniae, Nitrariomyia lukjanovitshi Rohdendorf, Acidoxantha galibeedu David and Ramani and an undescribed Acidoxantha species have been obtained and reported. A key to the genera of Acidoxanthini is also provided. http://zoobank.org/100D010D-21D3-4F0B-B38E-1F72DC8E9BF3.

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