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        석독구결에 나타난 시간 표현 문법 형태 연구

        하정수(Ha, Jeongsoo) 국제언어문학회 2018 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.39

        본 논문은 “구역인왕경상(舊譯仁王經上)”에 기입된 석독구결을 판독하여 그 석독구결로 표상된 당시 언어 표현의 시간 표현 문법 형태를 분석하여 그 형태의 문법 기능을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 첫째 자토석독구결 자료인 “구역인왕경”의 경문을 원측이 찬한 인왕경소 및 재조본 고려대장경에 수록된 구역인왕경의 경문과 교감하였다. 그 결과 “구역인왕경”의 경문은 고려대장경 판본보다는 원측의 인왕경소 경문에 더 가까웠을 것으로 추정하였다. 이에 따라 “구역인왕경”의 석독구결을 해독하는 데 있어 원측의 인왕경소을 활용하였다. 실제로 인왕경소의 내용을 참고하여 “구역인왕경”에 기입된 석독구결 해독에서 ‘方’과 ‘方’ 서로 다른 기능을 가졌음을 논증하였다. 또한 구결자 ‘’가 사동의 의미를 갖는 ‘’로 전사할 수 있었다. 둘째 “구역인왕경”에 기입된 석독구결에 나타난 시간 표현 문법 형태를 분석하여 이들을 ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’로 제시하였다. 이 문법 형태로 분석된 구결자는 그 문법 기능이 중세국어의 ‘-거-’, ‘--’, ‘-노-’로 표상되는 형태와 관련되어 있음을 그 통사 구조와 구문의 해석을 통해 밝히고자 하였다. 결론적으로 문법 형태 ‘’는 화자 또는 주어가 ‘미래’에 사건을 인식하는 것을 나타내 주는 시간 표현 기능을 나타냈다. 문법 형태 ‘’, ‘’, ‘’는 기본형, 이형태, 통합형의 형태가 표상된 구결자로 파악하고 이들은 공통적으로 화자 또는 주어가 ‘현재’의 사건을 인식하는 시간 표현의 기능을 나타냈다. This study aims to find and analysis to grammatical tense form in the Seokdokgugyol(釋讀口訣) written in Guyeokinwanggyeong(舊譯仁王經). First It is to determine the type of letters used Seokdokgugyol(釋讀口訣) characters in this document. We use the Inwanggyeonso(仁王經疏, sutra-interpretation) to analyze the syntax related to the contents of the scriptures. And this character letter was compared with the Tripitaka Koreana. As a result, it was assumed that the text of Guyeokinwanggyeong(舊譯仁王經) was closer to the original text of Inwanggyeonso(仁王經疏, sutra-interpretation) rather than the Tripitaka Koreana version. Therefore In order to decrypt Seokdokgugyol(釋讀口訣) of the sutra tect in Guyeokinwanggyeong(舊譯仁王經), I tried to use the Inwanggyeonso(仁王經疏). In fact, I refer to the contents of Inwanggyeonso(仁王經疏) to discuss the difference between the meaning of ‘方’(方s) and ‘方’(方?) in the decoding of the Seokdokgugyol(釋讀口訣) in Guyeokinwanggyeong(舊譯仁王經). We discussed the possibility of that the meanings of the two letters are different. In addition, it is proved that gugyol letter ‘’ can be transcribed as a causative form ‘’(hʌyyə). Second, it analyzed the form of time expressive grammatical expressions in the texts of the Seokdokgugyol(釋讀口訣) written in the Guyeokinwanggyeong(舊譯仁王經). Analyzed grammatical form from the sentences "", "", "" and "" And ‘--(-kə-)’ and ‘--(-nʌ-)’ respectively. And the function of this grammatical form is examined by analyzing the reading of the sentence. And the analysis of ‘--(-kə-)’ and ‘--(-nʌ-)’, ‘--(-nu-)’, ‘--(-no-)’ indicates that the speaker recognizes the events of ‘future’ and ‘present’.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스국립도서관(BnF) 소장 능엄경(楞嚴經) 권9, 10 기입 묵서 연구

        하정수(Ha Jeongsoo) 국어문학회 2022 국어문학 Vol.81 No.-

        이 연구는 프랑스국립도서관(BnF) 소장의 『능엄경』 제5책인 권9, 권10에 기입된 묵서를 구결과 한글, 주석으로 나누어 판독하여 입력한 후, 이 기초자료를 바탕으로 묵서의 기입 양상과 그 기능을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 먼저 해당 문헌의 특성을 서지 사항과 내용 구성으로 나누어 살펴보고, 10권 5책 문헌 전체를 대상으로 한 선행 연구를 비판적으로 검토하였다. 그리고 기초 자료에서 판독한 제5책의 기입 묵서를 구결, 한글, 주석으로 구별하여 각각의 출현 양상을 살피고 그 기능을 밝혔다. 특히 선행 연구에서 다루지 않은 난외 주석을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 세부적으로 첫째, 경문의 오른쪽에 기입된 음독구결을 구결자의 형태적 특성에 따라 구분하여 그 기능을 살펴보았다. 음독구결은 『능엄경언해』 목판본의 한글 구결과 거의 동일하였고, 동일 음상을 나타내는 구결자가 상이한 형태로 나타나기도 하였다. 또한 구결자 ‘口斤ヿ’’의 ‘斤 ’과 부정 표현에 나타난 ‘毛 ’의 판독에 대해 논의하였다. 전반적으로 구결 구문에 생략 표기가 많이 나타났고, 제5책에 기입된 음독구결자는 단순화된 형태를 지향한 것으로 파악되었다. 둘째, 경전을 우리말로 풀어 읽는 석독을 위하여 기입된 한글은 자음 표기와 모음 표기로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 선행 연구에서는 이 한글 표기의 기입 시기에 대한 추정 근거로 그 표기 형태에 한정하여 음운 변화와 관련한 특성을 제시하였지만 이 연구에서는 한글 기입자의 방언적 요소 및 개인적 필기 관습을 고려할 필요가 있음을 제안하였다. 셋째, 묵서로 기입된 주석과 부호를 살펴보았다. 내용 주석 중 『장자(莊子)』, 『경덕전등록(景德傳燈錄)』, 장수 자선(長水子璿)의 『수능엄의소주경(首楞嚴義疏注經)』과 관련된 것을 『능엄경언해』의 해당 부분과 비교하여 살펴보았다. 『경덕전등록』의 내용은 『월인석보』 권25에 공통된 부분이 있었고, 『수능엄의소주경』 관련 주석은 당시 불교사상사와 관련한 정보를 제공하였다. 이는 주석 기입자가 이 문헌의 해석을 위하여 불교 경전과 논소뿐만 아니라 제자백가(諸子百家)의 저술까지 참조하였다는 사실을 시사한다. 이 연구의 일차적 목적은 조선 초기 『능엄경』 구결 및 『능엄경언해』와 관련한 기초 자료를 구축하는 데 있다. 그러므로 이 문헌에 기입된 묵서는 당시의 구결 및 한글과 관련한 언어 사실뿐만 아니라 주석 내용 등에 나타나는 사상사적으로 중요한 정보를 제공한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This article aims to explain the kugyol(口訣) and Hangeul(한글) and annotations(註釋) of “the Materials of Neungeomgyeong(楞嚴經, Śūraṅgama-sutra) vol 9, 10 kept in Biblitheque Nationale de France(BnF)”. It has many informations about Korean linguistic history at early Choseon dynasty. Some materials of Neungeomgyeong(楞嚴經) have a kind of hand writing letters written by character borrow system(借字表記法) of Koryeo dynasty. Translation of Neungeomkyeong(楞嚴經, Śūraṅgama-sutra) was an important work of king Sejo(世祖). This BnF Neungeomgyeong(楞嚴經) documents enables understanding of that work compared Neungeomgyeongeonhae (楞嚴經諺解) as first Eonhae(諺解) translation of Buddhism sutra. In chapter 2, We concentrated on the basic bibliography and the written characteristics in the this documents. And we focused on simple comparison with previous researches. In chapter 3, The Eumdok-kugyol (音讀口訣) characters written in this document were categorized based on their form and usage. And we describe the basic work for contrasting this documents with Neungeomgyeongeonhae(楞嚴經諺解) documents printed at 1462. For the Hangeul written in Seokdok-kugyol(釋讀口訣) in this document, the morphological and grammatical characteristics of the Hangeul were examined. And other signs and annotations were discussed. BnF Neungeomgyeong(楞嚴經, Śūraṅgama-sutra) documents has a great significance in showing the relation of the Joseon Dynasty era eonhae(諺解) as a result of the Goryeo(高麗) Dynasty era Seokdok-kugyol(釋讀口訣) in the continuity of Korean linguistic history. It shows the process of accepting the early translations of Korean by Hangeul(한글), and shows the tradition of the Goryeo(高麗) Era translation of Buddhist Studies in its traditions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Comparative study of linear and cyclic forms of apoptosis-targeting peptide

        Ha, Yeong Su,Soni, Nisarg,Huynh, Phuong Tu,Lee, Byung-Heon,An, Gwang Il,Yoo, Jeongsoo 대한방사성의약품학회 2016 Journal of radiopharmaceuticals and molecular prob Vol.2 No.2

        Apoptosis, a genetically determined process of programmed cell death, is considered a vital component of various processes including normal cell turnover, animal development, and tissue homeostasis. It has a crucial role in many medical disorders and hence the development of non-invasive imaging tool is highly demanded. Recently, we have developed a peptide-based radioactive probe (ApoPep-1) for apoptosis detection. In that work the potential of probe for apoptosis detection was verified, however in vivo stability of radiolabeled peptide was not enough to monitor apoptosis for extended period. In current study, we prepared cyclic ApoPep-1 peptides to improve the stability of origianl linear ApoPep-1 and carried out direct comparison studies in vitro and in vivo. A targeting efficacy of newly synthesized cyclic ApoPep-1 peptide for apoptosis was confirmed in acute myocardial infarct model.

      • [P231] Hair collar sign in an infant with aplasia cutis congenita associated with nevus flammeus

        ( Jeongsoo Kim ),( Seha Park ),( Seul Ki Lee ),( Ha Ryeong Ryu ),( Heejoo Kim ),( Jinok Baek ),( Hyang Joon Park ),( Joo Young Roh ) 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.1

        Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a heterogeneous group of disorders in which localized or widespread areas of skin are absent at birth. ACC manifests as a solitary defect on the scalp in 70% of cases. Although most commonly seenon the scalp, ACC can affect any part of the body. Although pathogenesis of ACC is still unclear, proposed hypotheses are divided into two categories : endogenous causes (developmental failure, congenital syndromes) and exogenous ones (intrauterine trauma, infarction, skin fissure caused by rapid growth). Hair collar sign is a ring of darker and coarser terminal hairs on the scalp, typically surrounding ACC, dermoid cyst, encephalocele, or meningocele. It has been described as a relatively specific marker of neuroectodermal defect. A 5-month-old boy presented with round bald patches with underlying a large reddish patch on posterior occiput. It was surrounded by a rim of terminal hairs. Hair collar sign can be a specific clue for diagnosing ACC. Pregnancy and the delivery had been unremarkable and the baby wasotherwise healthy. Histopathology of the skin showed flattened epidermis, vascular dilatation in the superficial dermis, thickening of vessel walls in the reticular dermis, and absence of adnexal structures. It is assumed that association of ACC with nevus flammeus is that fetal skin development including capillary network formation might have been affected since cranial tube was not closed properly.

      • [P300] Two cases of primary cutaneous nocardiosis caused by intralesional injection

        ( Jeongsoo Kim ),( Seha Park ),( Seul Ki Lee ),( Ha Ryeong Ryu ),( Heejoo Kim ),( Joo Young Roh ),( Hyang Joon Park ),( Jinok Baek ) 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.1

        Nocardiosis is a rare localized or systemic suppurative disease caused by several species of bacteria of the genus Nocardia. Nocardia is an aerobic, filamentous gram-positive, partially acid-fast bacteria belonging to the Actinomycetales order and found in soil, decayed organic matter, water, and air worldwide. Cutaneous nocardiosis is an uncommon infectious disease that presents a primary cutaneous infection or as a part of disseminated pulmonary nocardiosis. First case is a 50-year-old woman who had erythematous patches with swelling on her right arm, who had been treated with triamcinolone intralesional injection at the private clinic. Histopathology of the skin showed diffuse lymphohistiocytic infiltration in the dermis and subcutaneous layer. On Gram staining, gram-positive bacilli were seen, and on modified AFB staining, the branching hyphae stained red purple. White colonies were formed on blood agar medium in pus culture. By bacterial culture and rDNA gene sequencing, the causative organism was identified as N. farcinica. Second case is a 34-year-old woman who presented with erythematous patches and tenderness on Lt.arm. She had been also treated with triamcinolone intralesional injection for keloid at the same clinic as the first patient. She was diagnosed with primary cutaneous nocardiosis by pus culture. Herein, we report rare two cases of primary cutaneous norcardiosis after intralesional injection.

      • KCI등재

        Diagnosis of fibroadenoma using radiolabeled bladder cancer specific peptide

        Ha, Yeong Su,Kwak, Wonjung,Lee, Hwa Young,Lee, Byung-Heon,Hong, Il-Hwa,Jeong, Kyu-Shik,An, Gwang Il,Yoo, Jeongsoo 대한방사성의약품학회 2015 Journal of radiopharmaceuticals and molecular prob Vol.1 No.1

        Most tumors are believed to overexpress several receptors, and small peptides targeting these receptors were developed for diagnosis and tumor therapy during past decade. Here we report that fibroadenoma can be visualized by bladder cancer specific peptide. A 9-mer bladder cancer specific peptide, which was discovered from the phage display method, was synthesized by peptide synthesizer, and additional tyrosine was conjugated at the N-terminal for radioiodination (Y-BP). Y-BP was radiolabeled with $^{131/124}I$ using Iodogen tube. The rat treated with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine for 8 weeks was allowed to grow until large size tumor was developed under axilla. The tumor model was microPET imaged sequentially using [$^{18}F$]FDG and radioiodinated $^{124}I-Y-BP$. The tumor was excised and examined by immunostaining studies. Radioiodinated $^{124}I-Y-BP$ was purified using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) in > 90% radiochemical purity. The whole tumor was well visualized by [$^{18}F$]FDG with several intense focal uptake within tumor. The tumor was also clearly seen with $^{124}I-Y-BP$ at 4 h post-injection, and to our surprise the tumor uptake of $^{124}I-Y-BP$ lasted up to three days. The tumor was diagnosed histologically as a fibroadenoma derived from mammary gland. In conclusion, the bladder cancer specific peptide showed the good potential as a new radiotracer for the detection of breast fibroadenoma.

      • Visualization and Quantification of Radiochemical Purity by Cerenkov Luminescence Imaging

        Ha, Yeong Su,Lee, Woonghee,Jung, Jung-Min,Soni, Nisarg,Pandya, Darpan N.,An, Gwang Il,Sarkar, Swarbhanu,Lee, Won Kee,Yoo, Jeongsoo American Chemical Society 2018 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - Vol.90 No.15

        <P>Determination of radiochemical purity is essential for characterization of all radioactive compounds, including clinical radiopharmaceuticals. Radio-thin layer chromatography (radio-TLC) has been used as the gold standard for measurement of radiochemical purity; however, this method has several limitations in terms of sensitivity, spatial resolution, two-dimensional scanning, and quantification accuracy. Here, we report a new analytical technique for determination of radiochemical purity based on Cerenkov luminescence imaging (CLI), whereby entire TLC plates are visualized by detection of Cerenkov radiation. Sixteen routinely used TLC plates were tested in combination with three different radioisotopes (<SUP>131</SUP>I, <SUP>124</SUP>I, and <SUP>32</SUP>P). All TLC plates doped with a fluorescent indicator showed excellent detection sensitivity with scanning times of less than 1 min. The new CLI method was superior to the traditional radio-TLC scanning method in terms of sensitivity, scanning time, spatial resolution, and two-dimensional scanning. The CLI method also showed better quantification features across a wider range of radioactivity values compared with radio-TLC and classical zonal analysis, especially for β<SUP>-</SUP>-emitters such as <SUP>131</SUP>I and <SUP>32</SUP>P.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

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