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        [서 평]유사성에 대한 실증, 동아시아 문학사의 이례(異例) : 리둥메이, 『이광수와 저우쭤런의 근대문학론: 민족ㆍ문학ㆍ진화』, 소명출판, 2020

        이은지 ( Lee Eunji ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2021 민족문학사연구 Vol.76 No.-

        리둥메이의『이광수와 저우쭤런의 근대문학론: 민족ㆍ문학ㆍ진화』는 이광수와 저우쭤런의 행적, 민족성 개조를 위한 이론들, 근대적 문학 개념을 제시한 이론들을 나란히 비교한 책이다. 이 책의 가장 큰 특징은 두 문인을 비교하는 작업과 두 문인에게 영향을 준 요소들의 추적 작업을 동시에 진행하여, 결과적으로 두 문인의 유사성을 두 문인이 공통적으로 수용한 레퍼런스 목록으로써 실증적으로 뒷받침한다는 점이다. 그래서 이 책에서 형성하는 이광수와 저우쭤런의 관계는, 직접적인 교류 내역은 없으면서도 행적, 문제의식, 레퍼런스 목록에서 놀라운 일치율을 보이는 매우 독특한 사례가 된다. 이러한 논의 방식은 풍부한 후속 논의의 가능성을 열어 준다. 우선 귀스타브 르 봉과 같이 이광수와 저우쭤런을 비교 대상으로 삼았기 때문에 그 중요성이 더욱 부각되는 레퍼런스들이 있다. 또한 이광수와 저우쭤런이 직접적인 교류 없이도 이토록 유사한 참조 목록을 지닐 수 있다면, 비슷한 대상들을 공통적으로 참조한 또 다른 인물이 있지는 않은가, 혹은 레퍼런스들‘끼리의’ 밀접한 관련성이 있지는 않은가 하는 질문을 바탕으로 추후 확장적 연구를 시도해 볼 수 있다. 이광수와 저우쭤런의 관계 자체에 초점을 맞춘다면, ‘무관함’과 ‘높은 일치율’이 공존하는 이 사례를 동아시아 문학사 내에서 어떻게 의미화할 수 있을 것인가 하는 질문이 제기된다. 한편으로 이 책에서는 두 대상의 유사성이 크게 부각되어, 두 사람 각각이 놓였던 맥락 및 그 차이점에 대한 의문이 남기도 한다. 가령 1920년경 이광수 문학론에 변화가 일어났음을 설명하면서, 저자는 그 무렵 이광수가 참조한 대상들을 성실히 소개하기는 하지만, 동인지 문인들과의 대립관계나 제1차 세계대전 및 3ㆍ1 운동의 여파 등 다른 중요한 맥락들은 비교적 소략하게 언급한다. 저우쭤런의 경우 ‘민족’보다도 ‘개인’에 대한 관심이 컸을 가능성을 배제할 수 없어, 이광수와의 사이에서 보이는 차이점도 실상 저자가 논한 것보다 더 많이 발견할 수 있는 것은 아닐까 한다. 두 사람 모두 제1차 세계대전 이후의 이상주의적 흐름에 영향받았을 것을 고려하면, 저우쭤런은 동인지 문인들과 더 면밀하게 비교해 볼 만한 인물이라고도 생각된다. LI, Dong-mei’s A Study on the Modern Literature Theory of Lee Gwangsu & Zhou Zuoren: Nation·Literature·Evolution is a book which compares Lee Gwangsu’s chronicles, the theory of national reformation and the concept of modern literature with those of Zhou Zuoren. The most distinctive feature of this book is that it simultaneously performs comparing the two writers and tracking the factors that influenced them, thereby empirically supporting the similarity between the two writers by their commonly-considered references. Consequently, this book features the relation between Lee and Zhou as an unusual case which is not based on direct contact with each other but still bears striking similarity in their chronicles, theories and lists of references. This way of examination opens various ways for further research. First of all, some references turn out worthier of research as they are found in the list of commonly-considered references of the two writers. It also seems important to explore if there are any other writers who also commonly considered the references, or if there is any background that interconnects the references. In regard to the relation itself between Lee and Zhou, one can account for how we would signify this unprecedented relation of ‘irrelavance’ and ‘concordance’ in the history of East Asian literature. Since this book rises the similarity between the two writers in prominence, however, several questions can be raised to require to address each writer’s social context and the difference between them. For instance, when the author of this book explains the change of Lee’s theory of literature, she provides detailed information about the references that Lee used thereabout, whereas she relatively briefly examines other important contexts, such as the confrontation with the writers of literary coterie, the First World War or March 1. Independence Movement. And regarding that Zhou were also in the context of spread of Individualism at the time, there could be more differences between Lee and Zhou than what is described in this book.

      • KCI등재

        Association Between Suicide and Drinking Habits in Adolescents

        Ji Won Lee,Bong-Jo Kim,Cheol-Soon Lee,Boseok Cha,So-Jin Lee,Dongyun Lee,Jiyeong Seo,Young-Ji Lee,Youn-Jung Lee,Eunji Lim,Jae-Won Choi 대한소아청소년정신의학회 2021 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.32 No.4

        Objectives: Adolescent suicide is a serious social problem. Adolescent alcohol use is one of the most important risk factors for adolescent suicide. This study aimed to identify the relationship between drinking habits and suicide among Korean adolescents. Methods: Data from the 14th and 15th Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, conducted in 2018 and 2019, were used for analysis. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify the relationship between drinking habits—including the age of drinking initiation, frequency of drinking, average drinking amount, frequency of drunkenness—and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts. Results: Even after adjusting for age, sex, school grade, academic achievement, socioeconomic status, depression, stress, and drinking habits, the frequencies of drinking and drunkenness increased the risk of suicide attempts. Suicide attempts were associated with the frequency of drinking in girls and middle school students, and with the frequency of drunkenness in boys and high school students. Conclusion: This study identified associations between drinking habits (the age of drinking initiation, frequency of drinking, average amount of drinking, frequency of drunkenness) and suicidal behavior in adolescents. Our findings suggest that to prevent adolescent suicide, it might be necessary to investigate drinking habits, including the frequencies of drinking and drunkenness. Moreover, considering the differences in sex and school grade, it is important to include the individual group characteristics when evaluating drinking habits.

      • SCISCIE

        Endo- and Exocyclic Coordination of a 20-Membered N<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>-Macrocycle and Cascade Complexation of a 40-Membered N<sub>4</sub>O<sub>4</sub>S<sub>4</sub>-Macrocycle

        Lee, Eunji,Lee, Seul-Gi,Park, In-Hyeok,Kim, Seulgi,Ju, Huiyeong,Jung, Jong Hwa,Ikeda, Mari,Habata, Yoichi,Lee, Shim Sung American Chemical Society 2018 Inorganic Chemistry Vol.57 No.11

        <P>A 20-membered N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>S<SUB>2</SUB>-macrocycle (<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>) and a 40-membered N<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>S<SUB>4</SUB>-macrocycle (<B>L</B><SUP><B>2</B></SUP>) were employed as a [1:1] and a [2:2] cyclization product, respectively, for the preparation of diverse types of supramolecular complexes including a cascade complex. Six complexes (<B>1</B>-<B>6</B>) of the smaller macrocycle <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> including discrete to continuous forms, mono- to heteronuclear, and endo- to exo- and endo/exocoordination were prepared and their coordination modes were discussed systemically. First, the reaction of <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> with CuI in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid afforded an exocyclic 1-D coordination polymer {[(μ<SUB>4</SUB>-Cu<SUB>4</SUB>I<SUB>4</SUB>)(H<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)<SUB>2</SUB>](CF<SUB>3</SUB>COO)<SUB>2</SUB>}<SUB><I>n</I></SUB> (<B>1</B>). Meanwhile, the reaction of <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> with Cu(ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>·6H<SUB>2</SUB>O afforded a typical endocyclic mononuclear complex [Cu<SUP>II</SUP>(<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)](ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>·H<SUB>2</SUB>O (<B>2</B>). In the reactions of <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> with CdX<SUB>2</SUB> (X = Br and I), isostructural sandwich-type complexes [Cd(<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)<SUB>2</SUB>Br<SUB>2</SUB>] (<B>3</B>) and [Cd(<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)<SUB>2</SUB>I<SUB>2</SUB>] (<B>4</B>) were isolated. The treatment of <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> with Hg(ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB> also afforded a sandwich-type complex [Hg(<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)<SUB>2</SUB>](ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB> (<B>5</B>). One-pot reaction of <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP> with a mixture of HgI<SUB>2</SUB> and CdI<SUB>2</SUB> afforded a dumbbell-type heteronuclear complex {[Cd(<B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>)]<SUB>2</SUB>(μ-Hg<SUB>2</SUB>I<SUB>6</SUB>)}[Hg<SUB>2</SUB>I<SUB>6</SUB>] (<B>6</B>), in which the Cd(II) ion occupies the macrocyclic cavity. Further, such two endocyclic Cd(II) complex units are bridged by a square-type (μ-Hg<SUB>2</SUB>I<SUB>6</SUB>)<SUP>2-</SUP> cluster remaining another same cluster separately. The comparative NMR data exhibited a higher affinity of Cd(II) over Hg(II) toward <B>L</B><SUP><B>1</B></SUP>, in the parallel to the situation occurred in the solid state. Meanwhile, complexations of the extra-large macrocycle <B>L</B><SUP><B>2</B></SUP> is more challenging to afford some interesting dimercury(II) coordination products including a cascade complex. In solution, the dimercury(II) perchlorato complex of <B>L</B><SUP><B>2</B></SUP> as a metalloligand shows a preferential binding of dabco (1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane), but its dimercury(II) iodo complex has a much smaller affinity for dabco. In order to explain these results, the solid dimercury(II) complexes with different anions [Hg<SUB>2</SUB>(<B>L</B><SUP><B>2</B></SUP>)X<SUB>4</SUB>] (<B>7</B>: X = I, <B>8</B>: X = ClO<SUB>4</SUB>) were prepared and characterized. Further, the dimercury(II) perchlorato complex <B>8</B> reacts with dabco to forms a cascade complex [Hg<SUB>2</SUB>(<B>L</B><SUP><B>2</B></SUP>)(μ-dabco)(ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>](ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>·2DMF·2ether (<B>9</B>), exhibiting its formation being metal-driven and coordinated anion-regulated. The observed cascade complexation both in solution and solid states is an example of the adaptive guest binding.</P><P>A 20-membered and a 40-membered macrocycles afforded a range of endo/exocoordinated supramolecular complexes including a cascade complex showing anion-regulated organic guest inclusion.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        Association between Early Spermarche and Suicide Attempts in Boys: the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey

        Lee Young-Ji,Ahn In-Young,Kim Bong-Jo,Lee Cheol-Soon,Cha Boseok,Lee So-Jin,Seo Jiyeong,Choi Jae-Won,Lee Youn Jung,Lim Eunji,Lee Dongyun 대한의학회 2021 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.36 No.11

        Background: Puberty is a biologically and psychologically unstable period, and pubertal changes differ by sex. However, most previous studies on pubertal timing and suicide have focused on girls. This study investigated the association between early spermarche and suicide attempts in boys. Methods: We analyzed a nationally representative sample of Korean adolescents (The Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey, KYRBS) that included approximately 35,000 boys annually from 2011 to 2015. Pubertal timing in boys was defined by spermarche. Complex sampling logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the odds ratios (ORs) for suicide attempts between the early and average spermarche groups. Results: The ORs for suicide attempts in boys with early spermarche were significantly higher than those in boys with average spermarche after adjustment for age, perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation. The ORs from 2011 to 2015 were as follows: 1.782 (P < 0.001), 1.490 (P = 0.002), 1.693 (P < 0.001), 1.541 (P = 0.001), and 1.393 (1.024–1.895; P = 0.035), respectively. Conclusion: These findings suggest that early pubertal timing is a risk factor for suicide attempts in Korean boys after adjustment for depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and suicidal ideation, which have been previously reported as risk factors for suicide attempts. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to the prevention of suicide in boys who experience early spermarche in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Obesity Effect of Porcine Collagen Peptide in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice by Regulating Adipogenesis

        Eunji Lee,Jiyoung Bang,Jeong Yoon Lee,Woojin Jun,Yoo-Hyun Lee 한국식품영양과학회 2022 Journal of medicinal food Vol.25 No.7

        Obesity is one of the most common diseases caused by an imbalance in the intake and expenditure of energy, and it is associated with various metabolic complications. This study aimed at investigating the anti-obesity effects and mechanisms of porcine collagen peptide (PCP) using 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice. The PCP treatment significantly inhibited the adipocyte differentiation and attenuated the mRNA expression of transcription factors (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha [C/EBPα] and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma [PPARγ]) and the lipogenic gene (fatty acid synthase [FAS]) expression in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. In the in vivo study, HFD-fed mice were fed low- (1.5 g/kg body weight/day) and high- (4.5 g/kg body weight/day) PCP for 12 weeks and compared with the normal diet-fed group and HFD-fed control group. The PCP-fed groups showed significantly lower body weight gain, white fat weight gain, serum triglycerides, and adipocyte size compared with the HFD-fed group. The changes in body fat were associated with the upregulation of adiponectin and the downregulation of leptin, C/EBPα, PPARγ, and FAS. These results suggest that PCP has the potential to reduce obesity by suppressing adipogenesis and could be applied as a functional food material.


        Dietary Carotene Intake and Suicidal Ideation in Korean Females: Analysis of Data From the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2012, 2013, and 2015)

        Eunji Lim,Bong-Jo Kim,Cheol-Soon Lee,Boseok Cha,So-Jin Lee,Ji-Yeong Seo,Jae-Won Choi,Young-Ji Lee,Nuree Kang,Seung Chan Kim,Dongyun Lee 대한신경정신의학회 2023 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.20 No.10

        Objective The suicide rate in Korea was the highest among countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2019. In a previous study, higher intake of vegetables and fruits was associated with a lower risk of suicidal ideation, and carotene-rich fruits and vegetables lowered the risk of depression. This study aimed to examine the direct relationship between carotene intake and suicidal ideation, adjusting for the effect on depression. Methods This study used data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) conducted in 2012, 2013, and 2015. Carotene intake was assessed through a food intake frequency survey with a 24-hour recall. Suicidal ideation and depression were assessed using the mental health section of the KNHANES. We applied logistic regression to assess the relationship between carotene intake and suicidal ideation, adjusting for potential confounders. Results A total of 5,480 females aged 19-64 years were included in this study. Carotene intake was significantly lower in the suicidal ideation group (3,034.5±1,756.4 μg/day) than in the nonsuicidal ideation group (3,225.4±1,795.1 μg/day) (p=0.015). We found a significant inverse association between carotene intake and the risk of suicidal ideation after adjusting for potential confounders (odds ratio=0.934, 95% confidence interval=0.873-0.999). Conclusion These results suggest that carotene intake may be inversely associated with the risk of suicidal ideation. Our findings may inform the development of new nutritional interventions to prevent increases in the risk of suicide worldwide.

      • Correlation of low frequency noise characteristics with the interfacial charge exchange reaction at graphene devices

        Lee, Sang Kyung,Kang, Chang Goo,Lee, Young Gon,Cho, Chunhum,Park, Eunji,Chung, Hyun Jong,Seo, Sunae,Lee, Hi-Deok,Lee, Byoung Hun Elsevier 2012 Carbon Vol.50 No.11

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Graphene based low noise amplifier has been studied actively because the noise characteristics of graphene devices are known to be superior to those of silicon devices. However, 1/<I>f</I> noise characteristics of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) may increase by an order of magnitude when measured before the charge exchange reaction at the interface of the graphene and substrate is saturated. Based on the close correlation between the level of low frequency noise signal and fast charge exchange reaction (in milliseconds), the conductivity fluctuation of graphene caused by the interfacial charge exchange reaction may be the source of the increased low frequency noise. This result suggests that the current assessment of noise characteristics is too optimistic for graphene and that the defect density of CVD graphene needs to be further reduced to minimize the charge exchange reaction.</P>

      • KCI등재

        글루탐산 생산을 위한 Lactococcus lactis HY7803 균주의 대두 발효 적용

        Lee Jungmin,Heo Sojeong,Choi Jihoon,Pyo Eunji,Lee Myounghee,Shin Sangick,Lee Jaehwan,Lee Junglyoul,정도원 한국미생물·생명공학회 2023 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        The glutamic acid producing strain for development savory taste enhancing foods was identified the possibility through application into soybean fermentation. To check the effects on glutamic acid production during soybean fermentation, Lactococcus lactis HY7803 was introduced as a starter. The soybean samples were analyzed on days 0, 7, 14 and 21. The numbers of bacteria decreased gradually, while the content of amino-type nitrogen increased during fermentation in the soybean with L. lactis HY7803. Glutamic acid content in soybeans with L. lactis HY7803 increased from 114.99 ± 9.37 pmol/ul on day 0 to 138.14 ± 1.76 pmol/ul on day 21, showing an overall higher amino acid content than soybeans without L. lactis HY7803 and similar content to soybeans with Aspergillus oryzae SNU-G. It was clearly distinguished through principal component analysis. Consequently, our results indicate that L. lactis HY7803 is available as a fungus replacement and may be a good starter strain for enhancing savory taste in vitro as well as soybean fermentation.

      • Enhanced thermoelectric performance of PEDOT:PSS/PANI–CSA polymer multilayer structures

        Lee, Hye Jeong,Anoop, Gopinathan,Lee, Hyeon Jun,Kim, Chingu,Park, Ji-Woong,Choi, Jaeyoo,Kim, Heesuk,Kim, Yong-Jae,Lee, Eunji,Lee, Sang-Gil,Kim, Young-Min,Lee, Joo-Hyoung,Jo, Ji Young The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Vol.9 No.9

        <P>A layer-by-layer deposition of two conducting polymers, each layer of which is a few tenths of nanometer thick, has been successfully performed to enhance the thermoelectric power factor of organic thin films, which are critical components of flexible thermoelectric energy harvesting devices. The multilayer films were deposited via multiple solution processes, which exhibit enhanced electrical conductivity without any significant degradation of the Seebeck coefficient, in contrast to a coupling behavior between the electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient in bulk materials. The electrical conductivity and power factor-proportional to the electrical conductivity-of 5(PEDOT:PSS/PANI-CSA) multilayer films are 1.3 and 2 times higher than those of a single PEDOT:PSS layer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) reveal distinct interfaces through which an enhanced electrical conductivity and power factor have been achieved in our multilayer films. From the TEM, EELS, and Raman analyses, a model for the enhancement of the electrical conductivity has been proposed. The enhancement of electrical conductivity occurs via stretching of PEDOT and PANI chains and hole diffusion from the PANI-CSA layer to the PEDOT:PSS layer. The band alignment in the multilayer structure not only enhances electrical conductivity but also maintains the Seebeck coefficient at an optimum value. Our study suggests that the layer-by-layer deposition of polymer thin films is a promising technique for manipulating the thermoelectric properties of each polymer component to enhance thermoelectric performance.</P>

      • KCI등재

        RAGE-binding peptide-conjugated polyethylenimine as a dual-functional carrier: A RAGE-mediated gene carrier and an anti-angiogenic reagent

        Lee, Dahee,Choi, Eunji,Lee, Jaewon,Oh, Jungju,Lee, Seonyeong,Lee, Minhyung THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING 2018 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY -S Vol.67 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is overexpressed in various cancer cells. In this study, a RAGE-binding peptide (RBP) was conjugated to polyethylenimine (25kDa, PEI). RBP-conjugated PEI (PEI-RBP) was characterized as a dual-functional reagent, a RAGE-mediated gene carrier and an anti-angiogenic reagent. As a gene carrier, PEI-RBP had higher transfection efficiency to the C6 glioblastoma cells than PEI. As an anti-angiogenic reagent, the pEmpty/PEI-RBP complex reduced RAGE expression on the surface of the C6 glioblastoma cells. Also, the complex reduced the VEGF expression and tube formation of endothelial cells. Therefore, PEI-RBP may be useful for development of glioblastoma therapy.</P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

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