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        에너지 전환: 독일의 관점에서 본 유럽연합의 목표와 대안

        ( Dieter Eiβel ),고종환 ( Jong-hwan Ko ) 한독경상학회 2016 經商論叢 Vol.34 No.4

        본 논문에서는 유럽연합의 에너지 정책을 독일의 관점에 고찰하였다. 우선 전 세계적 차원에서의 합의를 도출하게 된 기후변화와 관련된 과제를 살펴보았다. 유럽연합에서는 대기오염을 줄이는 일뿐만 아니라 에너지 분야에서의 비교적 높은 수입의존도를 낮추는 일도 매우 중요한 과제이다. 따라서 유럽연합은 전기 생산에 있어서 재생에너지의 비중을 늘리고 에너지 효율을 높이는 목표를 설정하였다. 독일의 경우, 재생에너지 생산에 대한 보조금 지급이 매우 성공적이었다. 그러나 특히 에너지 효율과 에너지 생산 주체의 다양화와 관련되어있는 지방분권적 에너지 공급의 장점을 실제성공적으로 활용할 수 있을지 여부는 앞으로 두고 봐야 할 것이다. 특정 국가의 정책 목표와 기존의 에너지 공급업체의 이해관계의 상충으로 인해 이산화탄소 제거작업과 에너지 전환 작업이 차질을 빚을 수도 있다는 사실과 이산화탄소 제거작업과 에너지 전환에 관한 사회적 담론을 잘못된 정보를 제공함으로써 와해시키고자 하는 이해당사자들이 있다는 사실을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. 폴란드의 경우, 러시아의 석유와 가스에 대한 수입의존도를 줄이고자 석탄 사용을 고집하는 것이 하나의 예이며, 재생에너지가 다른 에너지원에 비해 너무 비싸다고 주장하는 것이 또 하나의 예이다. Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Energiepolitik der Europaischen Union unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Deutschland. Er zeigt zunachst die Herausforderungen durch den Klima-wandel, die zu global verbindlichen Beschlussen gefuhrt haben. Fur die Europaische Union ist es neben der Minderung der klimaschadlichen Emissionen dabei wichtig, die relativ hohe Importabhangigkeit im Energiesektor zu reduzieren. Sie hat daher ambitionierte Ziele gesetzt, die sich insbesondere auf den Anteil erneuerbarer Energien an der Elektrizitatserzeugung und auf Steigerung der Energieeffizienz beziehen. Im Falle Deutschlands kann gezeigt werden, dass die Subventionierung der Erzeugung alternativer Energien sehr erfolgreich war. Die Zukunft wird aber zeigen, ob es gelingt, die erheblichen Vorteile einer dezentralen Energieversorgung, die insbesondere hinsichtlich der Effizienz und demokratischen Einflussnahme bestehen, tatsachlich zu nutzen. Man darf jedoch nicht ubersehen, dass spezifische nationale Ziele und Interessen der etablierten Energieversorger einer Dekarbonisierung und damit einer Energiewende im Wege stehen konnen, und dass es auch Versuche gibt, den offentlichen Diskurs mit gezielten (Fehl-) Informationen zu beeinflussen. Dies zeigt sich u.a. am Fallbeispiel Polen, das an der Kohle als Energietrager vor allem mit Hinweisen auf dessen Unabhangigkeit von russischen Ol- und Gasimporten festhalten will. Die Widerstande zeigen sich auch den Behauptungen, dass die erneuerbaren Energien im Vergleich zu anderen Energietragern zu teuer seien.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학 내 단체 카톡방 성희롱 사건에 대한 대응방안

        윤이경 이화여자대학교 젠더법학연구소 2016 이화젠더법학 Vol.9 No.3

        최근 각 대학에서 발생한 단체 카톡방 성희롱 사건은 학생들간의 수평적 관계에서 벌어졌다는 점에서 기존의 학내 성희롱 사건이 주로 편향된 권력관계에서 비롯되었다는 점과 구별된다. 스마트폰에서 이용되는 카카오톡 어플리케이션에서 소속집단 내 남성 구성원들이 자신들이 알고 있는 특정 여학생을 대상으로 성적 비하 발언을 한 사실이 명백할 때에는 기본적으로 이들을 「성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」 제13조상의 통신매체를 이용한 음란행위, 명예훼손죄, 모욕죄로 형사처벌이 가능하다. 그러나 그 대상이 불특정 다수의 여성이었다면 이는 일반적인 혐오표현과 동일하며 따라서 개인의 표현의 자유를 침해하지 않는 영역 내에서 이를 규제해야 할 것이다. 실질적으로 피해자들의 인격권 침해에 따른 손해가 매우 큰 반면 대학 교칙에 따른 가해학생들에 대한 처벌의 정도가 약하므로 법원은 피해자들의 불법행위에 기한 손해배상청구권을 적극적으로 인정하여 위자료의 범위를 적절하게 산정해야 한다. 또한 법원과 성희롱 관련 법에서 인정하고 있는 성희롱의 판단기준으로서의 위법성을 대학생들을 포함한 일반인들이 사회 생활을 하면서 내면화하여 인식할 수 있도록 하는 의무적인 성희롱 예방교육이 필요하다. While the ordinary cases of sexual harassment of University were based on the prejudiced power relation between students and professors, the sexual harassment of university students on KakaoTalk was different in that it occurred among peers. If assailants point out a certain victim on KakaoTalk, it could attract criminal punishment, or it could be considered an obscene communication under a special act on the punishment of sexual crimes, defamation, and insult. Alternatively, this action could be considered a general form of hateful expression and would therefore fall under laws protecting freedom of expression. Although victims typically suffer much personal damage, the degree of punishment applied to assailants is not commensurate. Therefore, courts should accept claims of damages due to sexual harassment under the tort law. Moreover, education to prevent sexual harassment must be made compulsory for all, especially university students. People should be made to understand what constitutes legal and illegal behavior, and this knowledge should be internalized in society.

      • 흰쥐에서 유기인제가 식이의 변화에 따라 생체에 미치는 영향

        김이식,이선민 카톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소 1981 생활과학연구논집 Vol.2 No.1

        This study was designed to observe the effects of dietary protein, Ascorbic acid, glucuronolactone on growth rate, ascorbic acid contents in organs and lipid metabolism in rats fed parathion. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1) Administration of parathion retarded the growth rate of rats. Ascorbic Acid or Glucuronolactone supplementation was found to be very effective in counteracting the growth retardation. Growth rate of the rats fed 30% Casein diet was more increased than that of the 100 Casein diet. 2) Hemoglobin concentration of blood and organ weights were not affected under the toxic condition by parathion administration. 3) Liver ascorbic acid contents of rats fed the diet supplemented with ascorbic acid was higher than that of other group. 4) There were no differences in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, protein level between parathion fed groups and control group. 5) Total lipid levels in liver were higher in the rats fed parathioin containing diets compared to those fed control diet. Lipid accumulation in liver was noted in the rats fed 10% Casein diet.

      • 「뉴딜」政策에 관한 小考

        蔡義崇 건국대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        As the demand which has been restrained by the First World War is released, American economy during 1920's has faced the continuous expansion of capital investment into the durable goods industries like automobile industry and also with citiward drifting of population and high rise construction boom; investment into construction has suddenly expanded. Such an expansion of investment has increased national income and Amercan economy entered "the Period of Mass Consumption" for the new era of prosperity. But on October 24, 1929, "Black Thursday", the stock market crashed and with this. American economy has entered the deep depression. Industrial production has halved, massive unemployment and sudden reduction of purchasing power, huge accumulation of inventory, a marked decline of corporate profits and baukruptcy of banks faced the breakdown of basic economic system. The reason that the depression had occurred is accumulated income disequilibrium in 1920's has brought massive leakage thus causing too little consumption and savings has not turned into investments in basic industries due to excessive capital investments causing over production, creating the vicious circle. As the structural disequilibrium of national income is raised, laissez-faire has receded and government's active involvements were being expected, so New Deal Policy of President Roosevelt has prevented the collapse of American economy and emerged to fulfill the slogan at "Relief, Recovery, Reform". New Deal policyis generally categorized as the initial period of 1933 and 1934 and the period after that. During the first period, New Deal has centered around "National Industrial Recovery Act" and "Agricnltural Adjustment Act", and President Roosevelt influenced the doctrine of industrial regulation and industrial planning, reorganizing the cooperative structure between government and business, organizing the labor force and through, this, preventing unemployment and increasing purchasing power of labor force and achived consumption increase and return to prosperity and carried out measures to maintain the balance of agricultural income and the price of agricultural propucts. These industrial and agricultural policies has much effects on the realization of administered price, establishment of labor force, and relieving the unemployment but effects on the recovery of these policies were not sufficient. Since President Roosevelt took office and until "National Industrial Recovery Act" is made, American economy, which had showed the speculative recovery, has actually contracted and industrial production between July and December 1933 has decreased by 25%. If one sees the effects on the agricultural policy, there were some successes by the emergency, recovers measures for farmers but despite actual decrease of farming land, production has increased and parity which formed the basis of price maintenance was not complete and the goal to maintain the price of agricultural products by production control increase of agricultural income and market recovers has not achieved sufficient results. The second period of New Deal policy is distinguished by the increases of government spending. As the market recovery was not achieved sufficiently by the purchasing power theory, Keynesian policyof importance of investment was emphasized based on the Effective Demand Theory. Government abandoned the balanced budget and developed abold deficit fiscal policy. During these period, annual public spending of $ 7-8 billion has been made and these spendings are made mostly through relief acts. These increase of public spending was innovative contrary to the laissez-faire and had much effects on reducing unemployment but the effects of public spending at that time did not spread to the basic industries like automobile and durable goods industries and remained to simple con sumer goods industries, thus limiting the recovery of general economy. So the spending policy of New Deal was only pump-priming policy and considered not being developed as the compensating fiscal policy. Even though New Deal policy was not entirely successful, its "Reformistic Meaning" should be highly considered. This policy has emphasized the role and responsibility of government breaking away from lassez-faire, thus establishing the modern revisionistic Capitalism, tolerated the need of social security from American pioneer spirit, and created the labor union. In the first period, it succeeded in establishing the idea of "Administdred Price" and Increase of public spending developed in the second period has established the formation of American economic wealth of today.

      • 평야지역과 산간지역 정호수 수질에 미치는 요인에 관한 조사

        황의찬,이동배 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1992 環境硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        To find out the affecting factors of water quality of wells in the plain and mountainous area. I carried out the water quality test of 36 wells from plain area and 35 wells from mountainous area. The water quality test had done monthly for 5 months from November 1, 1991 to March 31, 1992. The results were concluded as follows: 1. The disqualified rate of wells in plain area was 15.6%, and the rate was 25.7% in mountainous area. There was no statistical differences of disqualified rates by types of well in both areas. 2. For the chemical water quality test, disqualified rate was higher in plain area, but for the bacteriological test, disqualified rate was higher in mountainous area. 3. There was no statistical significant differences of disqualified rates by the depth and structure of wells. 4. There was no statistically significant differences of disqualified rates among the wells by the sorts of contamination sources and distance from contamination sources. 5. In both area, the disqualified rates of wells tested during Autumn was highest but that was lowest during Winter. 6. In both area, there were positive correlations between NH₃-N and coliform group, NO₃-N and Cl-, NO₃-N and hardness, Cl- and hardness(p<0.001). 7. In plain area, there showed positive correlations between the distance of privy and sewer and standard plate count(p<0.01), but in mountainous area, there were positive correlations between the depth of wells and NO₃-N and Cl-, distance of barnㆍcompost and hardness, and coliform group, the distance from fieldㆍroad and hardness(p<0.01).

      • Vitamin C와 β-Carotene 공급이 Vitamin A 대사에 미치는 영향

        김이식 가톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소 1996 생활과학연구논집 Vol.16 No.1

        This Study was performed to investigated The Effect of dietary ascorbic Acid and β-Calotens Supplement on the Vitamin A concentration and cholesterol in Liver and blood of the rats fed for seven weeks. Supplement β-Carotene 1000mcg, 5000mcg, 25000mcg/100gm diet and Ascorbic Acid 50mg/100gm added to diet. The results are Summarized as follows. 1) The body weight, food Consumption and Feed efficiency ratio of all groups was not significantly different. 2) Tirglycerid levels in the plasma the 4, 6 group decreased more than that of other groups. 3) HDL-Cholesterol level in the Plasma of the 4, 6 group increased more than that of other groups. 4) There was no marked difference in Hematocrit level between control and experi mental groups. 5) The Vitamin A level in the plasma of the 7, 8 group was higher than that of other groups. 6) The Vitamin A level in the Liver of the 7, 8 group was Significantly higher than that of other groups. 7) Plasma Vitamin C level in the plasma of the 4, 6, 8 group increased more than that of other groups.

      • 인공감미료가 생체에 미치는 생화학적 연구

        김이식 聖心女子大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Biochemical studies were made of the growth rate, O₂consumption, blood cholesterol, glucose and ascorbic acid contents in various organs of albino rats in the saccharin, high and low protein diet fed groups. The results obtaind may be summarized as follows. 1) The body weight gain of the rats fed 10% or 20% protein diet supplemented with saccharin increased more than that of the control group receiving only 10% or 20% protein diet. 2) The rate of food consumption was also superior to the 20% protein diet of the saccharin group. 3) No essential difference was observed in the cholesterol and glucose level of blood of rats between the experimental group fed the diet supplemented with saccharin and the control group fed protein diet alone. 4) No difference was observed in the vitamin C level of the blood of rats between the experimental group fed the diet supplemented with saccharin and the contril group fed the protein diet alone. 5) No difference was observed in O₂consumption in liver slide of the rats between the experimental group fed the supplemented with saccharin and the control group fed the protein diet alone.

      • 마늘이 白鼠에 미치는 生化學的 硏究

        金利植 聖心女子大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The research was undertaken to study the effect of Garlic, high protein diet and low protein diet upon the growth rates and ascorbic acid contents in varous organs of rats. 1. The body weight of rats fed a 10% protein diet supplemented with gralic was greater than tht of the control group receving 10% protein diet alone, but the rate of gain of rats fed 20% protein diet supplemented with Garlic was decreased as compared with the control group receiving 20% protein diet alone. 2. The vatamin C in adrenal, intestine, liver and kidney of rats fed the diet supplemented with Garlic seems to be a little higher than that of the control group fed the protein diet alone.

      • 食餌의 蛋白質種類와 Vitamin E 含量이 生體에 미치는 영향

        金利植 聖心女子大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        The study was performed to investigate the effect of dietary vitamin E supplement and kind of protein on the lipid composition in blood of the rats fed for seven weeks. Supplement vitamin E 2,500 IU or 5,000IU/Kg diet and 20% of casein or soybean protein was added to diet. The results obtained in the study are summarized as follows: 1. The body weight of the A and B group was significantly higher than that of other groups. 2. The food consumption, feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio were not significantly different among six groups for the whole experimental period. 3. The cholesterol level in the plasma of the F group was significantly lower than that of the other(A.B.D.) groups. 4. The content of HDL-cholesterol in plasma was increased in vitamin E supplemented groups. 5. There was no marked difference in hematocrit level between the control and experimental groups. 6. The liver weight of the E. F. group was significantly decreased more than that of other groups. 7. The content of lipid in plasma was increased in vitamin E supplemented groups. 8. There was no marked difference in liver cholesterol level between the control and experimental groups.

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