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        Feeding Unprotected CLA Methyl Esters Compared to Sunflower Seeds Increased Milk CLA Level but Inhibited Milk Fat Synthesis in Cows

        Dohme-Meier, F.,Bee, G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.1

        An experiment was conducted to compare the effect of the same amount of 18:2 offered either as 18:2n-6 or as a mixture of unprotected 18:2c9t11 and 18:2t10c12 on feed intake, milk components as well as plasma and milk fatty acid profile. Fifteen cows were blocked by milk yield and milk fat percentage and within block assigned randomly to 1 of 3 treatments (n = 5). Each cow passed a 12-d adjustment period (AP) on a basal diet. After the AP cows received 1 of 3 supplements during an 18-d experimental period (EP). The supplements contained either 1.0 kg ground sunflower seeds (S), 0.5 kg conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-oil (C) or 0.75 kg of a mixture of ground sunflower seeds and CLA-oil (2:1; SC). All 3 supplements contained the same amount of 18:2 either as CLA (${\Sigma}18$:2c9t11+18:2t10c12, 1:1) or as 18:2c9c12. During the last 2 d of AP and the last 4 d of EP feed intake and milk yield were recorded daily and milk samples were collected at each milking. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein on d 11 of AP and d 15 and 18 of EP. The 18:2 intake increased in all treatments from AP to EP. Regardless of the amount of supplemented CLA, the milk fat percentage decreased by 2.35 and 2.10%-units in treatment C and SC, respectively, whereas in the treatment S the decrease was with 0.99%-unit less pronounced. Thus, C and SC cows excreted daily a lower amount of milk fat than S cows. The concentration of trans 18:1 in the plasma and the milk increased from AP to EP and increased with increasing dietary CLA supply. While the concentration of 18:2c9t11 and 18:2t10c12 in the plasma and that of 18:2t10c12 in the milk paralleled dietary supply, the level of 18:2c9t11 in the milk was similar in C and CS but still lower in S. Although the dietary concentration of CLA was highest in treatment C, the partial replacement of CLA by sunflower seeds had a similar inhibitory effect on milk fat synthesis. Comparable 18:2c9t11 levels in the milk in both CLA treatments implies that this isomer is subjected to greater biohydrogenation with increasing supply than 18:2t10c12. The fact that unprotected 18:2t10c12 escaped biohydrogenation in sufficient amounts to affect milk fat synthesis reveals opportunities to develop feeding strategies where reduced milk fat production is desirable or required by the metabolic state of the cow.

      • The Role of Antagonistic Interests in Marketing Communication

        Peter, Meyer-Dohm 漢陽大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        이 글은 對立的關係에 잇는 去來當事者들이 마아케팅 意思疏通에서 취하는 行爲에 관하여 硏究한 것으로 一國經濟에서 나타나는 마아케팅活動의 生態를 깊이 分析하고 이를 士台로 意思疏通의 특수한 기능과 이에 따라 傳達되는 바 內容을 對立的 關係란 立場에서 分析하려 한 것이다. 이 論文은 美國의 機能論者들의 理論을 援用해서 販賣者와 購買의 利害가 相反된 立場에서 意思疏通이 자연 自己中心이 되는 傾向을 지니기 때문에 이르 克服하는 方案이 강구되어야 한다는 것이다. 즉 販賣者는 팔기에 有利한 정보만을 傳達하려 하나 구매자는 구매함에 따라 생기는 不利한 정보도 아울러 얻어야 決定이 合理的인 것이 될 수 있는 것이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여는 소비자의 立場에서(弱者 또는 不公平한 立場이란 見地에서) 支援해 주는 中立的 機關이 있을 것이 바람직하며 製品試驗등을 통해서 한 제품이 지닌 全體특징을 公表하는 것이 要望된다고 본다. 이런 對立的 關係下에 있어서 의사소통을 원활히 한다는 것은 경제적으로는 비능률적인 결과가 될 것이나 이를 排除한다는 것은 反對로 自由企業 市場經濟制度를 否認하는 것이기 때문에 오히려 非經濟的인 것을 擇해야 한다는 결론이 된다.

      • Paleohydrologic Activity and Environmental Change on Mars

        김경자,Dohm, James M.,Kim, Kyeong-Ja 한국제4기학회 2009 제사기학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Results from the most recent decade of Mars' missions to Mars highlight a liquid water and water-ice sculpted landscape. Evidence includes layered sedimentary sequences with weathered outcrops, debris flows, fluvial valleys, alluvial fans, deltas, glacial and periglacial landscapes, and geochemical/mineralogical signatures of aqueous activity, including the formation of sulfates and clays, and the leaching and deposition of elements such as potassium, thorium,and iron. Such evidence indicates weathered zones and possible paleosols in stratigraphic sequences, transport of water and rock materials to sedimentary basins, and the possible formation of extensive transient lakes and possibly transient oceans on Mars. This new evidence is consistent with Viking-era geologic investigations that reported magmatic-driven flooding, ponding to form large water bodies in the northern plains, and transient (tens of thousand of years) hydrological cycles. It may even indicate aqueous activity at present. Both endogenic (magmatic driven) and exogenic (both impact cratering and changes in orbital parameters) have influenced paleohydrologic and environmental change on Mars. Abundance of water and dynamic activity would be decisively important for the possibility of past and present life on Mars.


        Suitability of Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) Hay as a Supplement to Fresh Grass in Dairy Cows

        Scharenberg, A.,Kreuzer, M.,Dohme, Frigga Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.7

        Two experiments were carried out to determine the utility of sainfoin hay, a temperate tanniferous forage legume, as a dietary supplement for grass-fed cows. The condensed tannins (CT) of sainfoin might counteract the typical metabolic ammonia load of cows in intensive grazing systems. Furthermore, the physical fibrousness of sainfoin might improve ruminal pH stability. In the preliminary experiment, the eating rate of non-lactating Holstein cows of two tanniferous hays, sainfoin and birdsfoot trefoil, was compared to that of a grass-clover hay after specific periods of time (n = 4). The eating rate of sainfoin was superior to that of the other forages. In the main experiment, designed as a replicated 3${\times}$3 Latin square, six ruminally-cannulated, lactating Red Holstein cows received grass, concentrate and either no supplementation, 3 kg/d of grass hay or 3 kg/d of sainfoin hay (n = 6). Measured intakes of the grass hay and the sainfoin hay were 2.0 and 1.5 kg DM, and two cows entirely refused to eat the sainfoin hay and had to be excluded from data analysis. Grass DMI was similar for cows supplemented with sainfoin hay and cows fed only grass whereas intake of concentrate was higher (p<0.01) for the latter treatment. Continuous measurement of ruminal pH showed that the minimum pH at night tended to be lower (p<0.10) with grass-only feeding compared to sainfoin supplementation, but pH did not decline below the threshold of subacute acidosis for a longer period of time. The slightly higher intake of nitrogen (N) for cows supplemented with sainfoin hay (413 g/d) compared to cows fed only grass (399 g/d) was accompanied by an increased (p<0.05) fecal N excretion and a tendency for an increased (p<0.10) urinary N excretion. Ruminal ammonia concentration, as well as plasma and milk urea, were not affected by sainfoin supplementation. In conclusion, the lack of positive effects typical for CT might be explained either by the limited CT content of this plant species (55 g/kg DM) or the relatively low proportion of sainfoin in the total diet or both. Moreover, due to the unexpected low grass quality, the general ammonia load might have been too low for CT to have an impact.


        Evidence from the northwestern Venezuelan Andes for extraterrestrial impact: The black mat enigma

        Mahaney, W.C.,Kalm, V.,Krinsley, D.H.,Tricart, P.,Schwartz, S.,Dohm, J.,Kim, K.J.,Kapran, B.,Milner, M.W.,Beukens, R.,Boccia, S.,Hancock, R.G.V.,Hart, K.M.,Kelleher, B. Elsevier 2010 Geomorphology Vol.116 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>A carbon-rich black layer encrusted on a sandy pebbly bed of outwash in the northern Venezuelan Andes, previously considered the result of an alpine grass fire, is now recognized as a ‘black mat’ candidate correlative with Clovis Age sites in North America, falling within the range of ‘black mat’ dated sites (~12.9ka cal BP). As such, the bed at site MUM7B, which dates to <11.8ka <SUP>14</SUP>C years BP (raw dates) and appears to be contemporaneous with the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling event, marks a possibly much more extensive occurrence than previously identified. No fossils (megafauna) or tool assemblages were observed at this newly identified candidate site (3800a.m.s.l.), as in the case of the North American sites. Here, evidence is presented for an extraterrestrial impact event at ~12.9ka. The impact-related Andean bed, located ~20cm above 13.7–13.3ka cal BP alluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits, falls within the sediment characteristics and age range of ‘black mat’ dated sites (~12.9ka cal BP) in North America. Site sediment characteristics include: carbon, glassy spherules, magnetic microspherules, carbon mat ‘welded’ onto coarse granular material, occasional presence of platinum group metals (Rh and Ru), planar deformation features (pdfs) in fine silt-size fragmental grains of quartz, as well as orthoclase, and monazite (with an abundance of Rare Earth Elements—REEs). If the candidate site is ‘black mat’, correlative with the ‘black mat’ sites of North America, such an extensive occurrence may support the hypothesized airburst/impact over the Laurentide Glacier, which led to a reversal of Allerød warming and the onset of YD cooling and readvance of glaciers. While this finding does not confirm such, it merits further investigation, which includes the reconnaissance for additional sites in South America. Furthermore, if confirmed, such an extensive occurrence may corroborate an impact origin.</P>

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