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        Ion Pump Design for Improved Pumping Speed at Low Pressure

        Paolini, Chiara,Audi, Mauro,Denning, Mark The Korean Vacuum Society 2016 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.25 No.6

        Even if ion pumps are widely and mostly used in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions, virtually every existing ion pump has its maximum pumping speed around 1E-6 mbar (1E-4 Pa). Discharge intensity in the ion pump Penning cell is defined as the current divided by pressure (I/P). This quantity reflects the rate of cathode bombardment by ions, which underlies all of the various pumping mechanisms that occur in ion pumps (chemisorption on sputtered material, ion burial, etc.), and therefore is an indication of pumping speed. A study has been performed to evaluate the influence of magnetic fields and cell dimensions on the ion pump discharge intensity and consequently on the pumping speed at different pressures. As a result, a combination of parameters has been developed in order to design and build an ion pump with the pumping speed peak shifted towards lower pressures. Experimental results with several different test set-ups are presented and a prototype of a new 200 l/s ion pump with the maximum pumping speed in the 1E-8 mbar (1E-6 Pa) is described. A model of the system has also been developed to provide a framework for understanding the experimental observations.

      • KCI등재

        Ion Pump Design for Improved Pumping Speed at Low Pressure

        Chiara Paolini,Mauro Audi,Mark Denning 한국진공학회 2016 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.25 No.6

        Even if ion pumps are widely and mostly used in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions, virtually every existing ion pump has its maximum pumping speed around 1E-6 mbar (1E-4 Pa). Discharge intensity in the ion pump Penning cell is defined as the current divided by pressure . This quantity reflects the rate of cathode bombardment by ions, which underlies all of the various pumping mechanisms that occur in ion pumps (chemisorption on sputtered material, ion burial, etc.), and therefore is an indication of pumping speed. A study has been performed to evaluate the influence of magnetic fields and cell dimensions on the ion pump discharge intensity and consequently on the pumping speed at different pressures. As a result, a combination of parameters has been developed in order to design and build an ion pump with the pumping speed peak shifted towards lower pressures. Experimental results with several different test set-ups are presented and a prototype of a new 200 l/s ion pump with the maximum pumping speed in the 1E-8 mbar (1E-6 Pa) is described. A model of the system has also been developed to provide a framework for understanding the experimental observations.

      • KCI등재

        Seismic Assessment and Performance of Nonstructural Components Affected by Structural Modeling

        Jieun Hur,Eric Althoff,Halil Sezen,Richard Denning,Tunc Aldemir 한국원자력학회 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.49 No.2

        Seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) requires a large number of simulations toevaluate the seismic vulnerability of structural and nonstructural components in nuclearpower plants. The effect of structural modeling and analysis assumptions on dynamicanalysis of 3D and simplified 2D stick models of auxiliary buildings and the attachednonstructural components is investigated. Dynamic characteristics and seismic performanceof building models are also evaluated, as well as the computational accuracy of themodels. The presented results provide a better understanding of the dynamic behavior andseismic performance of auxiliary buildings. The results also help to quantify the impact ofuncertainties associated with modeling and analysis of simplified numerical models ofstructural and nonstructural components subjected to seismic shaking on the predictedseismic failure probabilities of these systems.

      • The Hindu.Moslem Divide and The Way to Indian Independence

        Den?se K?hler 부산외국어대학교 사회과학연구소 1987 社會科學論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        1947년 8월 15일 영령인도제국은 인도와 파키스탄으로 분리되어 해체되었다. 인도와 파키스탄의 정치적•경제적 배경은 공통적인 것이었으나 힌두교와 이슬람교라는 종교적 이유 때문에 두개의 국가로 분리되어 독립한 것이다. 힌두-무슬림의 대립은 인도 민족주의의 발생기인 1900년대 초부터 시작되었다. 즉, 영국인들과 접촉이 빈번했었던 힌두들은 서구의 각종 문물을 쉽게 받아들여 새로운 시대의 중산층으로 등장했고 민족주의 운동의 중심세력으로 성장하였지만 영국인들을 배척했었던 이슬림교도들은 상대적인 낙후세력우로 전락할 수 밖에 없었다. 또 영국인들의 의도적인 분리 통치 (Divide and Rule) 정책은 이 두 집단 사이의 적대감을 더욱 심화시켰고 이 상황은 1905년 무슬림연맹이 창설됨으로써 노골화 되었다. 1947년까지의 독립투쟁 기간중 무슬림연맹은 영국에 대항하였다기 보다는 힌두가 중심인 국민회의파에 저항했었다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 1920년대의 비협력운동, 1939년의 전쟁비협력운동 등에서도 무슬림연맹은 오히려 영국측에 서서 국민회의파에 대항함으로써 인도 민족주의 운동을 혼란시켰다. 1947년 분리독립은 1920년대초 영국에 유학중이던 몇몇 이슬람교도들의 착상에서 부터 비롯된 것이었다. 이 착상은 곧 많은 이슬람 정치가들의 지지를 받았고 이것이 모하메드 · 알리 • 지나와 자와하랄 • 네루의 정치적 타협에 의하여 실현된 것이다. 마하트마 · 간디는 분리독립의 마지막 순간까지 이것을 반대하였지안 그의 반대는 이상론에 불과하다고 묵살당했다.

      • KCI등재

        Pre-Emptive Tramadol Could Reduce Pain after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy

        Nataša Denčić,Ana Mimić,Jelena Jovičić,Jelena Mirković,Otaš Durutović,Dragica Milenković-Petronić,Nebojša Lađević 연세대학교의과대학 2014 Yonsei medical journal Vol.55 No.5

        Purpose: Optimal analgesia in ambulatory urology patients still remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to examine if the pre-emptive use of intravenous tramadol can reduce pain after ureteroscopic lithotripsy in patients diagnosed with unilateral ureteral stones. Materials and Methods: This prospective pilot cohort study included 74 patients diagnosed with unilateral ureteral stones who underwentureteroscopic lithotripsy under general anesthesia in the Urology Clinic at the Clinical Center of Serbia from March to June 2012. All patients were randomly allocatedto two groups: one group (38 patients) received intravenous infusion of tramadol 100 mg in 500 mL 0.9%NaCl one hour before the procedure, while the other group (36 patients) received 500 mL 0.9%NaCl at the same time. Visual analoguescale (VAS) scores were recorded once prior to surgery and two times after the surgery (1 h and 6 h, respectively). The patients were prescribed additional postoperative analgesia (diclofenac 75 mg i.m.) when required. Pre-emptive effectsof tramadol were assessed measuring pain scores, VAS1 and VAS2, intraoperativefentanyl consumption, and postoperative analgesic requirement. Results: The average VAS1 score in the tramadol group was significantly lower than that in the non-tramadol group. The difference in average VAS2 score values between the two groups was not statistically significant; however, there were more patients who experienced severe pain in the non-tramadol group (p<0.01). The number of patients that required postoperative analgesia was not statistically different betweenthe groups. Conclusion: Pre-emptive tramadol did reduce early postoperativepain. The patients who received pre-emptive tramadol were less likely to experiencesevere post-operative pain. Purpose: Optimal analgesia in ambulatory urology patients still remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to examine if the pre-emptive use of intravenous tramadol can reduce pain after ureteroscopic lithotripsy in patients diagnosed with unilateral ureteral stones. Materials and Methods: This prospective pilot cohort study included 74 patients diagnosed with unilateral ureteral stones who underwentureteroscopic lithotripsy under general anesthesia in the Urology Clinic at the Clinical Center of Serbia from March to June 2012. All patients were randomly allocatedto two groups: one group (38 patients) received intravenous infusion of tramadol 100 mg in 500 mL 0.9%NaCl one hour before the procedure, while the other group (36 patients) received 500 mL 0.9%NaCl at the same time. Visual analoguescale (VAS) scores were recorded once prior to surgery and two times after the surgery (1 h and 6 h, respectively). The patients were prescribed additional postoperative analgesia (diclofenac 75 mg i.m.) when required. Pre-emptive effectsof tramadol were assessed measuring pain scores, VAS1 and VAS2, intraoperativefentanyl consumption, and postoperative analgesic requirement. Results: The average VAS1 score in the tramadol group was significantly lower than that in the non-tramadol group. The difference in average VAS2 score values between the two groups was not statistically significant; however, there were more patients who experienced severe pain in the non-tramadol group (p<0.01). The number of patients that required postoperative analgesia was not statistically different betweenthe groups. Conclusion: Pre-emptive tramadol did reduce early postoperativepain. The patients who received pre-emptive tramadol were less likely to experiencesevere post-operative pain.


        Effect of Dietary Addition of Turkish Propolis on the Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Serum Variables of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

        Denli, Muzaffer,Cankaya, S.,Silici, S.,Okan, F.,Uluocak, A.N. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.6

        We examined the effect of dietary Turkish propolis and flavomycin on growth performance, carcass characteristics, internal organ weights and some serum variables in quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) birds. One hundred and fifty day-old quails were randomly divided into five groups, with ten replicate pens per treatment and three birds per pen. One group received the basal diet (antibiotic-free), the control. The flavomycin at 10 mg/kg diet and propolis at 0.5, 1 and 1.5 g/kg diet were added to the basal diet. Body weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency were determinated weekly. Carcass characteristics, internal organ weights and serum variables were determinated at the end of the study (35 day). The results showed that body weight gain, feed efficiency and carcass weight were improved significantly (p<0.01) when compared to control group for birds fed diets containing propolis and flavomycin between 14 to 35 days. The addition of 1 g/kg propolis to the diet resulted in significantly (p<0.01) better-feed efficiency as compared to control and other treatment groups. There were no significant differences in carcass yield, abdominal fat, liver gizzard, proventriculus and intestinal weight and intestinal pH among the groups. In addition, serum ALP, total protein, uric acid, cholesterol and triglyceride were not influenced by the any supplementation. However, birds fed with propolis tended to have higher serum HDL and lower level than birds fed the control diet. In conclusion, supplementation of propolis and flavomycin during the growth period showed similar effects on growth performance in quail. Therefore, it can serve as a natiral substitute for antibiotics in poultry diets.

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