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      • 환경과 삶의 질

        정대연 제주대학교 환경연구소 1994 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.2 No.1

        Nowadays, environment is becoming as the most important problem which should be solved on a co-acting basis in the world in a comprehensive way. However, it is true that the environment has been treated in terms of natural environment only without relating with the nature of human being life. It has been resulted as a thing like environment for environment itself. It should be noted that environment can be an important thing when it is related to human being, especially quality of life. In accordance with such an implication of environment. this thesis presented the con-cept of environment in a comprehensive way including both human-made and natural one, and reviewed the various perspectives on environment. The thesis, then, specified what the environmental problem is, and examined the causes of environmental problem with their interrelational mechanism. After this, the thesis examined the concept of quality-of-life and its components, and finally examined the relationship between environment and quality-of-life. Based on the findings specified above, the thesis suggested a new comprehensive approach to environment in relation to the quality-of-life.

      • 都市化에 관한 社會學的 準據틀 정립을 위한 試論 : 槪念, 促進要因, 形態를 중심으로 with Special Reference to Its Concept, Factor, and Pattern

        鄭大然 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        The concept of urbanization is probably one of the best known and most widely used terms in sociology and other social sciences, Its use in the academic world grows daily, It is also true that the use of the concept of urbanization is as chaotic as is widespread. The objectives of this study is to develop a sociological framework of urbanization with special reference to its concept, factor and pattern, examining some leading theoretical orientations in the urban sociology. It is expcted that the results would provide an useful theoretical background for the sociological analysis of urbanization in Korea. The study results, although the reference are based on some leading perspectives on urbanization in western urban sociology, can be summarized as follows. 1. The concept of urbanization is a dynamic one as process, while urbanism is a static concept. 2. It might be useful that the urbanization is approached from rural-urban continuum rather than from rural-urban dichotomy. Because most of the cities, even though they are highly urbanized, have some traditional rural attributes, and any traditional rural communities also have some urbanized attributes. 3. The concept of urbanization can be defined in terms of four dimensions-value system and behavior, socio-economic structure, ecological Structure, and demographic aspect, Each of these perspectives has certain strengths and weakness, None of them, in their present from, can be viewed as adequate. 4, It was found that urbanization would be promoted by five factors-economic factor, technology, social force, value-orientation, and ecological factor. These factors operate on the process of urbanization. 5. The pattern of urbanization can be traced from a macroscopic perspective. Its pattern might vary depending on the criteria of classification. It was found that normally two different criteria are applied to identify the pattern of urbanization. One is the degree of industrialization, and the other is the ecological structure. If one accepts this idea, the pattern of urbanization would be classified into two types, as follows. By degree of industrialization: pre-industrial and industrial urbanization By eco1gical structure: decenteralization and metropolitanization The perspective on the urbanization pattern is also the rural-urban continnum approach rather than the dichotomy. What type of sociological framework of urbanization can be developed from these findings? 1. It might be true that the concept and factor of urbanization can be discussed under the same framework. The major reason is that the concept of urbanization should be developed from the factors considered to promote urbanization. 2. However, it would be desirable that a different perspective from that of the concept and factor of urbanization would be applied to develop the framework of urbanization pattern. Because the urbanization pattern is a result produced from the operation of tile factors on the urbanization process. 3. If the statement described above is acceptable, the urbanization from its concept and factor can be understood as a dynamic process of three dimensions-stuructural, value system, and behavioral level. Out of the four kinds of concepts of urbanization described above, value system and behavioral aspect can be subdivided into value system and behavioral level, and the remaining three can be combined into the structural level. Among five kinds of promotion factors, value-orientation is a dimension of value system as the conceptual level, the remaining four are reduced to the structural level. 4. In addition to this assumption, if we accept it as being true that the structure operates on behavior through mediation of value system, and is itself aggregation of individual behavior, the concept and factor of urbanization can be approached from three dimensions, And, the relationship among them can be diagrammed in the manner of the figure below. ◁그림 삽입▷ (원문을 참조하세요) 5. Finally, for the pattern of urbanization, if two criteria applied are combined, four patterns are available, as follows. ◁표 삽입▷ (원문을 참조하세요) Such a classification of urbanization pattern raises two questions. One is referred to whether most of the cities follow the same development process and pattern. The other question is whether the pattern of pre-industrial urbanization and/or metropolitanization inevitably follow that of industrial urbanization and/or decenteralization. The sociological framework of urbanization outlined above is on the hypothetical level. It is supposed that its validity be examined on the basis of the empirical comparative study between developed and under developed country, between the countries which is on the similar level of industrialization, and/or between cities within a country.

      • 集合行動의 理論的 爭點들에 관한 比較硏究 : With Special Reference to Its Concept, Cause, and Formation Process 槪念, 發生要因, 形成過程을 중심으로

        鄭大然 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        It is a well-known fact that the collective behavior is one of the major concerns in the behavioral science such as sociology, psychology, and social psychology, etc. However, it is also another thing that the understandings of the collective behavior have been different depending on the approach to it. The main purpose of this study was to catch a comprehensive understanding of collective behavior, examining and comparing the theoretical issues of its concept, cause, and formation process. 1. On the Concept of Collective Behavior The concept of collective behavior can be defined on the basis of four dimensions-its cause, attributes of behavior, direction of behavior, and all-inclusive perspective on the collective behavior. This illustrates that the concept of collective behavior is defined as an uninstitutionalized deviant behavior or an organized norm-obeying behavior in its own way, depending on the way of forming the relation between four dimensions. 2. On the Cause of Collective Behavior The theoretical issues of the cause of collective behavior are possibly divided into five perspectives-contagion theory, convergence theory, emergent norm theory, interaction theory, and value-added theory. It was found that the contagion theory suggested the social unrest as the major source of causing collective behavior. However, according to the contagion theory, the social unrest the individuals feel is not taken as the primary cause of collective behavior, because it is not on the collective basis among the members. Therefore, the contagion theory focuses the process of individual person's social unrest being transformed into collective basis. This means that the contagion theory considers the factors making this process as the primary causes of collective behavior. As the result, the causes of collective behavior adapted by contagion theory are the circular reaction, suggestions, imitation, primitive sympathy, leader, or identification of members with leader, etc. It is another thing to be mentioned that the contagion theory concludes that these factors are come into existence from an impulse action rather than from an intended one. By contrast, the convergence theory put emphasis on the full growth of action orientation of members as the factor causing collective behavior. According to this perspective, the full growth of action orientation is caused by the social organization. That is the action of members becomes uniform when the existing social organization is problematic. The emergent norm theory focuses the condition and the process itself of the collective norm formation supporting a new-action. This perspective demonstrates that the condition of social organization is the major factor to bring about the collective norm formation. According to the interaction theory, the occurance of a particular event is the primary factor causing the collective behavior. However, the occurance of event itself is meaningless because the collective behavior is seldomly formed without the interaction among the members. This makes possible to conclude that the interaction theory puts emphasis on the interaction among the members rather than the particular event itself. The value-added theory takes the structural conductveness as the essential prerequisite. The reason is drawn from the fact that the factors suggested by other theories are meaningless without the essential prerequisite. Based on the above findings, the value-added theory and the emergent norm theory make a considerable point of the structural dimension, while the contagion theory and the interaction theory emphasize the cognitive dimension between leader and membes or among members. Finally, the convergence theory trends to attribute the cause of collective behavior to behavioral dimension which appears after the growth of cognition with the structure for a background. Therefore, it might be concluded that the theoretical issues of factors causing collective behavior are under structure-cognition-behavior which is a continual context. The difference is which dimension of the context is emphasized. 3. On the Formation Process of Collective Behavior The theoretical issues of the formation process of collective behavior are possibly divided into three categories-psychological, social psychological, and sociological perspectives. Their explanatory systems were based on very different perspectives. The following are the summarized schemata of formation process of collective behavior suggested by the reprsentatives of each perspective. G. LeBon : formation of law of mental unity→formation of common psychological state→outburst of collective behavior. S. Freud : expression of unconscious desire→formation of libidinous solidarity among members→abandonment of super-ego→identification of members with leader→outburst of collective behavior. H. Blumer : milling→collective excitement→soci contagion→formation of spontaneous behavior→outburst of collective behavior. E. Goffman : social unrest→formation of face-to-face or fluid interaction→formation of rules of irrelevance or transformation rule→outburst of collective behavior. N.J. Smelser : structural _conduciveness→structural strain→generalized belief→precipitation factors→mobilization of participants for action→operation of social control→outburst of collective behavior. The following comments might be given from the above schemata. The schemata suggested by Lebon and Freud are commonly focussed on why the members participate in the collective behavior, while Blumer and Goffman make a point of the social mechanism of interaction among the members. By contrast, Smelser's model is based initially on the reaction of the members to the social structure which is considered to be an external environment. This conclusion draws that the theoretical issues of the formation process of collective behavior are under the three dimensions-motives to participate in collective behavior, social mechanism of interaction among the members, and reaction to the social structural environment. These dimensions are also under the same continual context. Because the motives of participation is the result of internalization by the social structural condition, and the mechanism of interaction can be said to be patterned by the frame of interanalization of motives. To conclude, the theoretical at issues of collective behavior in terms of its concept, cause, and formation process are only the differences of explanatory foci among three interrelated dimensions-member's internal psychology, internactional mechanism among members, reaction of members to the social structural condition. This conclusion might be more persuasive if it is valid that the psychological and social system are only different inference on the same data. The matter of prime importance would be how to explain the collective behavior within a framework, putting all significant accounts together from the psychological, the social psychological, and the sociological.

      • 社會學에 있어서 Community의 槪念

        鄭大然 제주대학 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        The objectives of the study is to attempt defining the sociological concept of community, examining the existing ones mostly defined by-the American sociologists. It is well-known that G. A. Hillery has found that at least three major elements enter into most sociological definitions of community, including geographic area, social interaction, and common ties. However, the validity of including these elements in definition of community does require exploration, especially in terms of the fact that sociologists have experienced some difficulties in differentiating the community from other units of social organization. In order to solve the difficulties, this paper stands on the opinion that the sociological concept of community should be examined in terms of at least four elements, including (1) locality, (2) share of common life habits, (3) network of social interaction, and (4) culturalpsychological factor. These elements are in interrelation rather than are in independence. The four interrelated elements cited above seem to warrant, even though some of statements are tentative, that the community should be understood in sociology in terms of the following concepts. (1) Community is a social group based on a firm territorial unit. The members of community have a social interaction on a everyday life basis as those of other units of social group do. However, it is perhaps the major criterion by which the community can be delineated from other units of general social group such as church, school or interest group, etc., in that the former is a full area of people's daily life while the latter is a limitted one to meet a special need. (2) Thus, the territorial boundary of a community might be determined by the extent that the community covers four functional requisites at minimum range-adaption, goal attainment, integration, and latent pattern maintenance & tension management. Because the field of people's daily life should reach the territorial boundary which all of four functions are covered at minimum. (3) It is easy to infer that the people within the same community would share a common life habits through daily social interaction on a basis of everyday life. Also, as most sociologists have suggested, it is no doubt to assert that the common life habits within the same territorial boundary lead the people to a common tie. Revesely, the common tie derived from the common life habits is a major criterion to identify the boundary of a community. It is another thing to be mentioned that the common tie is a relative concept.

      • 제주시의 계급구조

        정대연 제주대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        This paper is to analyze the class structure in Cheju City, using three dominant class models. The three were Wright's Contradictory Class Location, Wright's Exploitation Class, and Goldthorpe's Service Class. 490 respondints were randomly sampled in Cheju City, with use of a quota sampling by sex. The data revealed that each class model constitutes different distributive patterning of classes. However, there existed a high congruence among the three models. As a result, it was found that bourgeoisie are 1.6%, proletariat 21.2%, small employers including petty-bourgeoisie 35.3%, while the remaining 41.9% are, the so-called, new middle classes. Another finding was that gender, age and the length of formal schooling year are significant factors determining class position.

      • 제주도의 환경과 삶의 질에 관한 연구

        정대연 제주대학교 환경연구소 1997 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.5 No.-

        The concept of environment has been defined in various ways throughout academic researches. The concept, however, has been focused on natural environment only. The environment has to be understood in terms of, at least, the natural and social environment. The environment is important because it impacts the quality of human life. And, the subjective satisfaction with the environment is as much important as the objective state of environment. It is because the quality of human life is determined not by the objective situation, but rather by hisher subjective evaluation on the basis of own standard. With such implications, this study compared the subjective satisfaction with the environment of both the natural and social ones between Cheju-City and Seogipo-City. The analysis was done in terms of three aspects. The first was a simple comparison in terms of the satisfaction with individual environmental components, and the second was the internal mechanism of satisfactions with the environmental components. The final was the relative importance of the environmental components in terms of impacting the quality of life.

      • KCI등재
      • 사회발전 이론들의 비교연구

        정대연 濟州大學校 社會發展硏究所 1991 社會發展硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Sociology has been concerned with social development from its beginning. The founding fathers were driven to adopt very abstract concept of social development, with an implication that the development of society is presented as a progression from simple to complx forms by means of continuous process of growth and specialization. Their theories are called classical evolutionary theories. In twentieth century, another stream of evolutionary theory, which is called neo-evolution theory, emerged. The theory took its cues from the classical evolutionary models, suggesting that the process of development occurs in stages, each stage of differentiation earmarked by novel patterns of integration. Since the end of World War Ⅱ, the focus of social development was given to the development of underdeveloped countries, particularly the Third World who experienced direct or indirect colonial domination, The point of departure for debate was why among them some countries show impressive rates of development, others stagnated or declined However, different theories emerged according to different points of view and analytic methods. Following Kuhn's account of paradigm change, the emergence of social development theories could be diagrammed as Figure 1. This paper reviewed the theoretical framework of each social development theory and appraised the theories critically, with their theoretical implications on a comparative basis.

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