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        Herbal medicine Radix Scutellariae quality improved by exposure of the fresh root to high temperature

        Xiaoying Fu,Huimin Guo,Wei Cong,Hongwei Du,Xiangcai Meng 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2018 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.18 No.1

        Approximately 1200 years ago, the close association between the quality of medicine and the producing area was well known in China. Recent work has shown conclusively that the quality of herbal medicine is influenced by unfavorable conditions, but the exact cause remains unclear and is a difficult problem in research on herb resources. Fresh roots of S. baicalensis were exposed to temperatures of 35 °C ~ 55 °C, and the H2O2 level remained relatively inflexible. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities remained stable at 35 °C and 45 °C but decreased on day 1 at 55 °C. The excess ROS due to the high temperatures must be removed by another pathway. Our study reported that the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities rose. The fresh roots were exposed to 55 °C for 2 days, the baicalin increased by 38.5%, the wogonoside by 24.1%, and the baicalein by 37.0%. This method can substantially improve the quality of Radix Scutellariae.

      • KCI등재

        Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by surfactant-modified kaolinite

        Xiaoying Jin,Mingqin Jiang,Jianhua Du,Zuliang Chen 한국공업화학회 2014 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.20 No.5

        Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride (HDTMA) modified kaolinite (HMK) was investigated, where the maximum adsorptive capacity reached 27.8 mg/g Cr(VI) using HMK compared with only 0.7 mg/g using unmodified natural kaolinite (NK). The adsorption of Cr(VI) on HMK can be well described by the Langmuir isotherm, and the kinetic adsorption of Cr(VI) on both HMK and NK fitted a pseudo-second-order model. FTIR analysis showed that surface modified HDTMA was responsible for the high adsorptive capacity of Cr(VI). HMK was used to remove Cr(VI) from an electroplating wastewater.

      • KCI등재

        Herbal medicine Radix Scutellariae quality improved by exposure of the fresh root to high temperature

        Fu Xiaoying,Guo Huimin,Cong Wei,Du Hongwei,Meng Xiang-Cai 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2017 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.17 No.4

        Approximately 1200 years ago, the close association between the quality of medicine and the producing area was well known in China. Recent work has shown conclusively that the quality of herbal medicine is influenced by unfavorable conditions, but the exact cause remains unclear and is a difficult problem in research on herb resources. Fresh roots of S. baicalensis were exposed to temperatures of 35 °C ~ 55 °C, and the H2O2 level remained relatively inflexible. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities remained stable at 35 °C and 45 °C but decreased on day 1 at 55 °C. The excess ROS due to the high temperatures must be removed by another pathway. Our study reported that the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities rose. The fresh roots were exposed to 55 °C for 2 days, the baicalin increased by 38.5%, the wogonoside by 24.1%, and the baicalein by 37.0%. This method can substantially improve the quality of Radix Scutellariae.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation of Optically Active Poly(N-propargylamide) Gels and Their Application in Chiral Recognition

        Dong Liu,Xiaoying Du,Jianping Deng,Wantai Yang 한국고분자학회 2011 Macromolecular Research Vol.19 No.7

        Optically active gels based on helical N-propargylamide polymers were prepared using a one-pot twostep methodology: the pre-formation of helical N-propargylamide copolymer (defined as N=N-HP) and the preparation of gels bearing the helical copolymers. To prepare N=N-HP, N-propargylamide M1, which contained -N=Nfunctional group, and M2, which provided helical polymer chains for the resulting copolymers, underwent copolymerizations in the presence of (nbd)Rh^+B^-(C_6H_5)_4 as a catalyst. -N=N- groups in N=N-HP acted as an initiator to induce the free radical polymerization of styrene, yielding the designed gels. Trimethylol propane triacrylate (TMPTA) was used to improve the cross-linking degree of the gels. The obtained gels were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy measurements. The gels showed high optically activity, resulting from the helical structures of the N-propargylamide polymer chains. Preferential adsorption towards (R)-(+)-1-phenylethylamine in the two enantiomers was observed in the obtained gels, demonstrating the potentials of such gels in chiral recognition and chiral resolution.

      • Research on the Prediction of Solar Energy Generation based on Measured Environmental Data

        Guojing Zhang,Xiaoying Wang,Zhihui Du 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.8 No.5

        As a kind of renewable energy, solar power becomes more and more widely used as the power supply for large-scale datacenters to save the brown energy consumption and to reduce the overall cost. The prediction accuracy of solar energy generation becomes a fundamental issue in the research of how to efficiently manage the renewable energy resources. This paper explores the possible ways to predict the solar radiation intensity based on the assumption that it impacts the solar power generation proportionally. Through the analysis and research of photovoltaic power generation system, we explore the influence factors for solar radiation intensity, establish a relationship of solar radiation intensity and ambient temperature, time, humidity, wind speed in the forecasting model, and finally established the multivariate linear regression model and artificial neural network model. According to the two models, the environmental monitoring data measured at the Qinghai University are employed as the basis of the prediction of solar radiation intensity, and compared with the actual measurement data monitoring system. Experimental results show that, by using the BP neural network prediction model, the achieved accuracy is higher than other empirical model. The prediction method and good results provide a necessary foundation for future related research based on solar radiation values forecasts.

      • KCI등재후보

        청주시 중심상업지구 내 상업시설 장애인 접근성 실태

        이유지(Lee, Yooji),김현우(Kim, Hyunwoo),박성준(Park, Seongjoon),두소영(Du, Xiaoying),이현정(Lee, Hyunjeong) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2020 생활과학연구논총 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 청주시 중심상업지구 내 주요 보행자 전용도로 주변 상가를 대상으로 진입 접근성 실태를 조사하여, 장애인의 도시 상업 공간 접근성을 개선할 수 있는 방안을 제안하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 기존 문헌에 기반하여 자체 개발한 체크리스트를 이용하여 2018년 3월 18일부터 4월 7일까지 청주시 중심상업지구 내 주요 보행자 전용도로(중앙로, 성안로)에 주출입구가 면한 1층 제1·2종 근린생활시설과 판매시설 116개소를 대상으로 조사를 진행하였다. 출입문의 통과유효폭과 경사로의 유효폭 등은 자체 개발한 길이 판정 도구를 이용하여 측정하였고, 경사도 측정은 Leica DISTO D510TM을 사용하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진입부 단차(2cm 이하) 충족률은 8.6%(10사례)였으며, 미충족 사례 중 경사로 등으로 단차를 제거하거나 완화한 경우는 29사례(27.4%)에 그쳤다. 둘째, 진입부에 경사로가 설치된 29사례 중 경사도가 1/12 이하인 사례는 단 한 사례(3.4%)였으며, 1/12 초과 1/8 이하인 경우도 2사례(6.9%)로 경사로가 설치되어도 경사도 조건을 충족시키지 못 하는 경우가 대부분이었다. 경사로 유효폭이 1.2m 이상인 경우가 20사례(69.0%), 0.8m 이상 1.2m 미만인 경우가 7사례(24.1%)였다. 경사로 양측면에 추락방지턱이 설치된 경우는 3사례(10.3%)에 그쳤다. 경사로 길이가 1.8m 이상이거나 높이가 0.15m 이상으로 경사로 양측면 손잡이 연속 설치가 필요한 21사례 중 실제 손잡이가 설치된 경우는 한 사례(4.8%)였으며 이 경우 손잡이 끝부분에 수평손잡이가 0.3m 이상 연장설치되어 있었다. 셋째, 출입문에 회전문이 설치된 경우는 없었고, 전부 미닫이문이 설치된 경우가 27사례(23.3%), 여닫이문이 1개 이상 설치된 경우가 89사례(76.7%)였으며, 여닫이문에 도어체크가 설치된 경우는 6사례(6.7%)였다. 출입문의 유효폭 기준(0.8m 이상)을 충족한 경우는 99사례(85.3%), 문턱 등 단차가 2cm 이하인 경우가 106사례(91.4%)로 충족률이 높았다. 넷째, 총 19개 평가항목 중 충족률이 70% 이상인 항목은 8개(42.1%), 30% 미만인 항목은 10(52.6%)으로, 조사대상 항목의 상당수가 낮은 충족률을 보였다. 다섯째, 인접 도로면과 상가 1층 바닥면의 단차, 경사로 기울기, 경사로 유효폭, 출입문 형태, 출입문 유효폭, 여닫이문의 경우 도어체크 설치 여부, 문턱 등 단차를 최소한의 항목으로 선정하여 자주식 휠체어 사용자가 자력으로 조사대상 상업시설에 진입이 가능한지를 판정한 결과, 116사례 중 단 한 사례만이 최소 접근성 요건을 충족하였다. 여섯째, 앞선 최소 접근성 요건을 완화하여 자주식 휠체어 사용자가 약간의 도움(경사로에서 밀어주기, 문 잡아주기 등)을 받았을 때 자력으로 조사대상 상업시설에 진입이 가능한지를 판정한 결과, 33사례(28.4%)가 접근성 요건을 충족한 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합할 때, 조사대상 상업시설의 진입 접근성 실태는 열악하며, 이를 보완하여 장애인의 접근권을 보장할 수 있도록 제도적 노력과 인식 개선이 병행되어야 한다. This study investigated accessibility to people with disabilities at commercial stores in the central business district of Cheongju-si in relation to manual wheelchair users. From March 18, 2018 to April 7, 2018, a field study was conducted, using checklists developed from the results of previous studies and in reference to current legislative standards. The major findings and implications were as follows: (1) Among 116 stores assessed, only 1 (0.9%) enabled for manual wheelchair users to enter. (2) Among the 116 stores assessed, 22 (28.5%) were accessible to manual wheelchair users if temporary assistance was provided, such as pushing the wheelchair from behind to climb a steep ramp or holding open entrance doors. (3) These findings indicate the possibility of further design suggestions to allow manual wheelchair users to easily and safely enter commercial stores in the central business district of Cheongju-si. (4) Further, color and black-and-white accessibility maps were developed for the persons with disabilities to allow them to plan store visits ahead of time in accordance with their accessibility needs.

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