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      • KCI등재

        팔레스타인과 이스라엘의 분쟁에서 이슬람 원리주의 운동의 역할 : 이스라엘 건국에서 와이 리버 협정까지 From the Establishment of Israel to the Agreement of Wye River

        황병하 한국이슬람학회 2004 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.14 No.1

        This study is designed to research on the role of Islamic Fundamentalism in the conflict between Palestine and Israel from the establishment of Israel in 1945 to the Agreement of Wye River. In Chapter I , the purpose of this study is presented with some explanation of Intifada, the Road Map of Peace Process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the possibilities of a peaceful settlement between Palestinians and Israelis. This study is deeply concerned with the establishment of the Palestinian independent state and the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel. In Chapter II, the theory of formation of Islamic Fundamentalism and its application is described. The theories of Marty, Appleby, John L. Esposito, Daniel Pipes, John Obert Vol], John Obert Vol], and Gilles Keppel are presented. Marty and Appleby presented crisis theory. John L. Esposito and Daniel Pipes presented success theory. John Obert Vol] and Gilles Keppel presented evolution theory. But it is almost impossible to adopt only one theory to explain Islamic Fundamentalism. So it is important to understand exactly on the various movements of Islamic Fundamentalism and to analyse the Islamic Fundamentalism on the basis of evolution theory. In Chapter III, the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its background is presented. The history of the Jews in Europe, the emergence of political Zionism, the Balfour declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, British Administration, the Jew's immigration, the Jewish community in the World War I and II and the birth of the State of Israel were described. In Chapter N, the activities of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine are presented. The history of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine, its process, the Intifada in 1987 and 1991, the internal competition and cooperation of the Islamic groups in Palestine, and their pragmatic attitude to establish the independent state of Palestine were mentioned. In Chapter V, the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel ie presented. It contains the political environments of Israel, historical background of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel, the formation of the Duruzs, its activities, the Islamic movements in 1970s - 1990s, the attitude on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and their pragmatic line(the acceptance of a two-state solution). In conclusion, it is said that the pragmatic line to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully is witnessed both in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel. The Arab-Israeli peace process will influence the development of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and Israel. The main trend in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel will be characterized by pragmatism. And the birth of the independent state of Palestine might result in the weakening of the radical Islamic movements in Palestine and Israel.

      • 퍼지 추론을 이용한 분류 벡터 양자화기의 성능 개선

        황병하,김혜숙,서재성,박민식,곽훈성 全北大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        In Classified Vector Quantization(CVQ) for image coding, the block classification pondering the block characteristics will be the most important procedure if we consider system performance. But it does not take effect because classification of conventional CVQ followed act on a heuristic and statistics method. In order to solve the problem of conventional methods, i.e, for block classification effectively we propose a fuzzy inferencing algorithm to improve its performance. To do this, fuzzy rules must be generated in the first. Our rules are based on energy distribution in transform domain with respect to spatial variation. Ultimately fuzzy inferencing of this paper apply these fuzzy rules for efficient block classification on a input image. As a result of efficient classification, our proposed method shows that blocking effect is decreased and PSNR(peak to peak signal to noise ratio) is increased by about 1 ∼ 2 dB for 0.2 ∼ 0.6 bpp range, when the performance is compared with Aizawa's scheme^[9].

      • 철유 발색에 미치는 Fe^(2+)와 Fe^(3+)의 영향 연구

        黃春玉,李秉夏 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2008 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        This study examines the effects of a certain quantity of Fe_(2)O_(3) on the coloring mechanism of glaze by measuring the quantity of Fe^(2+) and Fe^(3+) that are present inside the Lime, Lime-Magnesia, Lime-Barium and Lime-ZnO. The selected sample were analyzed by a wet analysis and Mo¨ssbauer Spectroscopy. Through the experiment, the effect of Fe^(2+), and Fe^(3+), found inside the glaze on the colorization of iron glaze were studied and they were explained by using numerical values, which were obtained through in-depth analysis.

      • KCI등재

        쉬아(Shi'a) 이스마일파(al-Isma'iliyya)의 기원과 교리 연구

        황병하 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 1997 중동연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Studies on the origin of al-Isma­’i­liyya and its doctrines are one of the most complicated problems in Islam. Because there are so many theories and names concerning this sect. There seems general agreement among al-Shi­'a sources that Ja'far at-Sa­diq had intended his eldest son Isma­'i­l to succeed him. But no sooner Isma­'i­l died than there happened disputes on the nature of the Ima­ma and the doctrine of nass(designation). As for pure al-Isma­'i­liyya, they believed Isma­’i­l did not die but was concecealed out of fear for his safety(taqiyya). And they held that tie will return as al-Mahdi­(al-Mahdi­ al-Muntazar). But another groups, such as Fa­timiyya(Ubaydiyya), Qara­mita, Ba­tiniyya, Duru­z, Nusayriyya, Baha­'iyya, Agha­kha­niyya Ba­biyya, Bakda­shiyya, Bahra and Ta'limiyya, they had different ideas. The Fa­timid Isla­'rlyya believed that following on Muhammad b. Isma­'il there were several hidden Imams and that from these came al-Fa­timiyya dynasty in Egypt. And in southern part of the Persian Gulf, people who did not recognize al-Fa­timiyya claimed their succession of Ima­ma. These were called Qara­mita. As for Duru­z, they defied the Fa­timiyya Khali­fa al-Ha­kim bi-Amr Allah and broke off from the main body of al-Isma­'i­liyya and formed a distinct group in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon. In the presnt day, they are surviving in Israel acting against Arabs. In general, most sects of al-Isma­'iliyya believed a hidden meaning(ba­tin) behind literal or external meaning(za­hir) of all revealed scriptures and shari­'a. So they were often called as Ba­tiniyya. The sects of al-Isma­'i­liyya created dynamic social and intellectual movements through Greek philosophy, oriental thoughts, and Manicheanism. On the basis of these thoughts, they created Ba­tiniyya, and regarded it as the most successful section of their intellectual and religious movements. But Ghula­t(extremists) of Ba­tiniyya transgressed the limits of Islam, and sometimes annulled the principles of Islam and the Shari­'a. So they were regared as heretics of Islam. Personally I believe that studies like this kind are very important. Because the sects of al-Isma­'iliyya still exsisting in the large part of the Middle East are playing a great role in political decisions of the present Arab counties and regional conflicts.

      • KCI등재

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