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논오리 방사밀도가 오리의 행동양상 및 벼 생육 , 수량에 미치는 영향
고병대(Byeong Dae Goh),송영한(Young Han Song),(Masaharu Manda) 한국환경농학회 2001 한국환경농학회지 Vol.20 No.2
The current study was conducted to elucidate the optimum density of free-ranging ducks in a rice-duck farming system in terms of effects on duck behavior, and growth and yield of rice plants. Four paddy fields were used for this experiment, with 6, 9, 12 and 15 birds per plot, respectively. Ducklings at eight days of age were free ranged in experimental paddy plots (4.0 a each) on the 9th day after the transplantation of rice plants. Ducks were kept in the plot for seventy days, at which point rice plants reached the earing stage. Foraging, moving, working, resting, diving and pecking behaviors of the ducks were observed two times during the experimental period. Also, rice plant growth and yield according to the density of ducks per plot were examined. The foraging and moving behavior of free-ranging ducks in paddy fields for 12 hours during the daytime tended to be longer in the 12-bird plot, and working behavior was significantly (P<0.01) longer in the 12-bird plot than in the other three plots. The resting behavior was significantly (P<0.01) higher in the 9- and 15-bird plots than in the 12-bird plot. The frequency of moving behavior for 6 hours during the daytime in the 15-bird plot tended to be lower than that in the other three plots, but this difference was not significant. The amount of diving and pecking behavior in the 9-bird plot was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that in the other three plots, and the number of hills pecked tended to be higher with increasing of duck density. From thirty days after ducks were introduced to the paddy fields, the length of rice plants tended to be significantly (P<0.05) shorter in high free-ranging density plots as compared to low free-ranging density plots. The number of tillers per hill was not affected by the free-ranging density. The culm length of rice plants was significantly (P<0.05) shorter in the 12- and 15-bird plots than in the other two plots, however, the duck free-ranging density did not affect panicle length. The dry weight of the root of rice plants was increased with high free-ranging density, but there was no such increase in the top parts of the rice plants. The percent of rice plants badly damaged by free-ranging density tended to be lower in the order of 12-, 9-, 6- and 15-bird plots. The number of ears, ripening grains and crop yield per hill of rice plants in the 12-bird plot were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the other three plots. Therefore, the yield of each rice plant per 10 a was significantly increased in the 12-bird plot.
방사오리의 접촉자극이 벼 생육 , 내도복성 및 수량에 미치는 영향
고병대(Byeong Dae Goh),중서양효(Yoshitaka Nakanishu),만전정치(Masaharu Manda),송영한(Young Han Song) 한국환경농학회 2001 한국환경농학회지 Vol.20 No.4
This study was conducted to clarify the effects of physical stimulation to the rice plant by free-ranging ducks (Chinese native ducks) on growth, lodging resistance and yield of the rice plants in a rice-duck farming system. Two paddy fields were used for this experiment, one exposed to physical stimulation (PS) and the other with no physical stimulation (NPS). Fifteen days after ducks were introduced into the paddy plot, rice plants in the PS field were significantly (P<0.05) shorter than those in the NPS field. Measurements of lodging characteristics showed that, the 3rd internode was significantly (P<0.05) shorter in the PS treatment than in the NPS treatment, but neither the 4th internode length nor the center of gravity of the rice plants differed between treatments. The breaking strength of N₄ in PS rice was significantly (P<0.05) higher than in NPS rice, however the bending moment and the lodging index of N₃ (distance between fulcra - 5 ㎝) was significantly (P<0.05) lower in PS than in NPS. The number of panicles per ㎡ was significantly (P<0.05) greater in PS rice than in NPS, but there was no such difference in spikelet number per panicle, percentage of ripened grain or weight per 1000 kernels. Paddy rice yield per ㎡ in the PS treatment was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that in the NPS treatment.
김정순,고병대,곽재균,이명철,김창영,김정곤,심창기,Kim, Jeong-Soon,Goh, Byeong-Dae,Gwag, Jae-Gyun,Lee, Myung-Chul,Kim, Chang-Yung,Kim, Chung-Kon,Shim, Chang-Ki 한국유기농업학회 2010 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.18 No.1
찰옥수수 유기종자의 안전한 생산을 위해서는 효과적인 병해충 제어가 필수적이므로 2개의 찰옥수수 품종(미백2호, 흑미찰)을 대상으로 2008~2009년에 병해충 발생 양상을 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 2008년 유기농 찰옥수수 종자 생산지의 우점 비산포자는 Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp., Pyricularia sp., Collectotrichum sp., Helminthosporium sp., Bipolaris sp. 등이었고, Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp. 및 Helminthosporium sp.은 전 생육기간에 관찰되었다. 종자 및 유묘에 나타나는 병해충 발생 양상은 종자가 발아하지 않고 썩는 경우와 유묘가 시들어 심하면 고사하는 증상을 보였으며, 거세미나방에 의해 땅가 부위가 잘려진 증상을 관찰할 수 있었다. 종자 및 유묘의 발병주율은 14~16% 미만이었다. 옥수수재배포장에서 가장 큰 피해를 주는 조명나방의 발생밀도 발생밀도는 품종간에는 차이가 없었으며 2008년은 트랩당 3.5~20.5마리였고 2009년은 트랩당 0.5~6마리로 낮게 나타났다. 피해주율은 2008년은 7.5~21%이었으며, 2009년은 1~46%로 수확기까지 지속적으로 그 피해가 증가하였다. 잎마름병의 발병주율은 2008년도에 7~34%였으나 품종간의 차이는 보이지 않았고 2009년도는 6월 18일 처음 발생하였고, 8월 21일 이후 급격히 증가하여(59%) 9월 25일에는 미흑찰(69%)이 미백2호(56%)보다 다소 높게 나타났다. 깜부기병의 발병주율은 2008년도에 5~15%였으며, 2009년에는 7월 17일 처음 발생하여 2008년에 비해 17일 정도 늦게 발생하였으며 발병주율도 8% 미만(9월 25일)으로 2008년에 비해 아주 낮게 나타났다. 깨씨무늬병의 발생주율은 2008년도에 발생 초기에는 평균 11%(미흑찰)이었다가 9월 19일 조사 때는 두 품종 모두 62%로 높게 나타났다. 2009년도 처음 발생 시기는 6월 8일 이후로 2008년에 비해 20일정도 일찍 발생하였으며 9월 25일까지 지속적으로 발병하여 약 86%까지 달하였으며 2008년에 비해 24% 이상 높게 나타났다. This study was conducted screening of the population densities of fungal pathogens and insect and observed the disease symptoms on the organic sweet corn seed producing field from 2008 to 2009. The dissemination spores, Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp., Helminthosporium sp., Pyricularia sp., Collectotrichum sp., and Bipolaris sp., were detected and the three fungal spores from the front were observed for whole growth stage. Seed and seedling diseases were shown as the rotted seed and damping-off seedling caused by Penicillium sp. and Rhizoctonia sp.. The larva of Black cutworm cut down the root crown of seedlings. The damaged plants were ranged from 14% to 16%. On the Oriental corn borer, the population densities and the percentage of damaged plants were showed a low difference between two sweet corn varieties. The population densities of Oriental corn borer were scored as from 3.5 to 20.5 in 2008 and from 0.5 to 6 in 2009. Also the percentage of damaged plants were significantly increased until harvesting stage and was recorded from 7.5% to 21% in 2008 and from 1% to 46% in 2009. On the Corn leaf blight, the percentage of diseased plant were scored from 7% to 34% in 2008. The first occurrence of date was after June 18, and the percentage of diseased plant was continuously increased after August 21 and the values of diseased plants was ranged from 56% to 69% in 2009. On common smut, the percentage of diseased plant was recorded from 5% to 15% in 2008, and the first occurrence date were delayed as 17 days (July 17) and were showed less than 8% of diseased plants in 2009. Corn Southern Leaf spot was scored as average 11% at early stage and showed high score as 62% at September 19 in 2008. In 2009, the first occurrence date were advanced about 20 days (after June 8), and continuously increased up to 86% in 2009.
김희연(Hee-Yeon Kim),박종열(Jong-Yeol Park),박기진(Ki-Jin Park),류시환(Si-Hwan Ryu),장은하(Eun-Ha Chang),고병대(Byeong-Dae Goh),윤병성(Byeong Sung Yoon),용우식(Woo Sik Yong),최재근(Jae-Keun Choi) 한국육종학회 2021 한국육종학회지 Vol.53 No.4
A new anthocyanin-rich hybrid variety, ‘Saekso 1’, is developed which is characterized by yellow grains, and purple husks andcobs. This variety was produced by crossing two inbred lines, ‘HA1’ (as the seed parent) and ‘HA2’ (as the pollen parent). It was madein 2008/2009 and evaluated in Hongcheon for two years. After evaluation, the selected variety was named ‘Saekso 1’ and was approvedfor a variety registration in 2014. The anthocyanin content of ‘Saekso 1’ in husk was 10.39±0.09 g/100 g, which was much higher thanthat of Kangilok (0 mg/100 g). Since regional tests were conducted only in Gangwon province, this variety is recommended only in thatregion for commercial cultivation. ‘Saekso 1’ is a health food resource for bioactive materials (Registration No. 4967).