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      • Antimicrobial Activity of a Honeybee (Apis cerana) Venom Kazal-Type Serine Protease Inhibitor

        Bo Yeon Kim,Kwang Sik Lee,Feng Ming Zou,Hu Wan,Yong Soo Choi,Hyung Joo Yoon,Hyung Wook Kwon,Yeon Ho Je,Byung Rae Jin 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.10

        Insect-derived Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors exhibit thrombin, elastase, plasmin, proteinase K, or subtilisin A inhibition activity, but so far, no functional roles for bee-derived Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors have been identified. In this study, a bee (Apis cerana) venom Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor (AcKTSPI) that acts as a microbial serine protease inhibitor was identified. AcKTSPI contained a single Kazal domain that displayed six conserved cysteine residues and a P1 threonine residue. AcKTSPI was expressed in the venom gland and was present as a 10-kDa peptide in bee venom. Recombinant AcKTSPI Kazal domain (AcKTSPI-Kd) expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells demonstrated inhibitory activity against subtilisin A (Ki 67.03 nM) and proteinase K (Ki 91.53 nM), but not against α-chymotrypsin or typsin, which implies a role for AcKTSPI as a microbial serine protease inhibitor. However, AcKTSPI-Kd exhibited no detectable inhibitory effects on factor Xa, thrombin, tissue plasminogen activator, or elastase. Additionally, AcKTSPI-Kd bound directly to Bacillus subtilis, B. thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana, and Fusarium graminearum but not to Escherichia coli. Consistent with these findings, AcKTSPI-Kd showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and antifungal activity against both plant-pathogenic and entomopathogenic fungi. These findings constitute molecular evidence that AcKTSPI acts as an inhibitor of microbial serine proteases. This paper provides a novel view of the antimicrobial functions of a bee venom Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor.

      • KCI등재

        魯迅の「示衆」と表現主義 ―感覚と表現の変容をめぐって―

        Zou Bo 단국대학교 일본연구소 2019 일본학연구 Vol.56 No.-

        This article started with a reinterpretation of Public Exhibition, Lu Xun’s short story with a focus on the writer’s relevance to expressionism through a probe into his initial encounter with this thought and his engagement in its translation. It aims mainly to explore the expressionist approach and its affinity with literature from the perspective of world literature through an analysis of the setting in which Lu Xun wrote the story and the writer’s own consciousness of expression. An exploration of Public Exhibition on the basis of the parameter of modern realist novels (realist novels) expressly reveals that contingency and subjective expressionism act as two backbones of the story in lieu of perspective and the modern novel structure based on the law of causality. The story, which is developed by vision, is framed through contingency and subjective observations with a negligible element of causality and causality‐based realism. It has made an attempt to transcend the overly‐meaning‐laden modernism by renunciation of realistic reproduction. Vision reigns as the motif rather than a means of thematic reflection. The writer metamorphosed it based on subjective observation and made its representation (corresponding to reproduction). Perceptual evolution, the prop of Public Exhibition as a modernistic genre, is the end product of novel epistemology and a new subject to be dealt with for the representation of the new genre. The story abounds in such figures of speech as metonymy, simile, personification etc., which the writer used as self‐expression of the objects under observation. 本稿では、魯迅が日本語を経由して表現主義に接し、翻訳した事実についての考察から出発し、表現主義との接点に着目しながら魯迅の短編小説「示衆」を読み直してみたい。論考は影響関係の追究ではなく、「示衆」を創作した魯迅を取り巻く芸術的な背景や魯迅自身の表現意識を検討して、「世界文学」という視点から20世紀芸術の大きな流れである「表現主義」の方法との類縁性を探ってみたい。 近代写実小説を参照系にしながら「示衆」を考察すると、遠近法に基づいた観察、「因果律」で構成された近代小説の構造は明らかに崩壊していることは明らかだ。「偶然性」の法則と主観的な表現は作品を支える二本の柱となっている。 視覚を中心に展開された「示衆」には、リアリズムが求めている因果律によって成立した「現実性」の要素は薄く、偶然性、主観的な観察によって構成された作品だと言える。「示衆」は現実主義風の「再現」を捨てて、現実に過剰な意味を付与していたリアリズムを超克する試みだと考えられる。視覚は主題を提示する手段ではなく、視覚そのものがテーマと化し、現実を主観的に把握し、変形させながら「表現」を目指す創作である。 モダニズムの文体の成立を支えるのは感覚の変容に起因している。感覚の変容は新しい認識論の結果であり、それを新しい文体で「表現」するのはこの作品に課せられた課題であった。「示衆」において多用された換喩、直喩、擬人法などを考察すれば、それは感覚的に観察した対象を主観的に表現しようとする創作手法でもあることは、もはや明らかだろう。

      • KCI등재

        Evolution of the antioxidant capacity and phenolic contents of persimmon during fermentation

        Bo Zou,Jijun Wu,Yuanshan Yu,Gengsheng Xiao,Yujuan Xu 한국식품과학회 2017 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.26 No.3

        The changes in antioxidant capacity and phenolics of persimmon during alcoholic fermentation, acetification, and short aging were investigated. An increase in the antioxidant activity was observed when persimmon was transformed from puree to vinegar. The total content of phenolics remained stable, in contrast to the concentration of condensed tannin, which significantly (p\0.05) increased during alcoholic and acetic fermentations, although followed by a decrease after aging. The phenolic compounds were characterized and quantitated. Gallic acid was the main phenolic compound, and its content increased by 14.4% during alcoholic fermentation and reduced by 53.5% during acetic fermentation. Additionally, the flavan- 3-ol compounds increased during alcoholic fermentation and acetification. Vanillyl alcohol, (-)-epigallocatechin, and p-coumaric acid were not observed in persimmon puree but detected in persimmon wine and vinegar. These results indicate that alcoholic and acetic fermentation can improve the antioxidant capacity of persimmon fruit.

      • 중국 아동복지의 현주소와 과제

        쩌우보 ( Zou Bo ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 국제사회보장리뷰 Vol.2 No.-

        급속한 경제성장과 사회보장체계의 발전을 추진해 온 중국은 아동복지제도를 잔여적 복지 체계에서 보편적 복지 체계로 발전시키려고 노력하고있다. 최근 중국은 고아 보호 체계를 구축하고 미성년 노숙자 지원·보호 제도를 강화했다. 또한 농촌 지역 `방치 아동(left-behind children)`을 보호, 관리하는 틀을 확립하고 `불우 아동` 보호 제도를 체계화했다. 이와 같은 제도 개혁을 통해 중국의 아동복지는 서비스의 범위와 보장성을 확대하는 커다란 발전을 이루었다. 본고에서는 현재 중국 아동복지의 현주소를 진단하고 문제점과 한계를 검토함으로써 장차 중국 아동복지제도의 발전방향과 과제를 제안하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Protective Effects of Phenolic Constituents from Gastrodia elata on the Cytotoxicity Induced by KCl and Glutamate

        Zhan-Bo Huang,Zhe Wu,Fa-Kui Chen,Li-Bo Zou 대한약학회 2006 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.29 No.11

        Seven phenolic compounds (1-7) were isolated from the tubers of Gastrodia elata. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of MS and NMR spectral data. p-Ethoxymethyl phenyl-O-β- D-glucoside (1) was proved to be a new compound, with N-(p-hydroxybenzyl)-adenosine (7) isolated from this plant for the first time. In this study, the protective effects of the six constituents (1-6) on PC12 cells against the cytotoxicity induced by KCl and glutamate were also investigated. The viability of the PC12 cells was significantly enhanced by pretreatment with the six phenolic constituents.


        The Protective Effects of Phenolic Constituents from Gastrodia elata on the Cytotoxicity Induced by KCI and Glutamate

        Huang, Zhan-Bo,Wu, Zhe,Chen, Fa-Kui,Zou, Li-Bo The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2006 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.29 No.11

        Seven phenolic compounds (1-7) were isolated from the tubers of Gastrodia elata. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of MS and NMR spectral data. p-Ethoxymethyl phenyl-O-${\beta}$-D-glucoside (1) was proved to be a new compound, with N-(p-hydroxybenzyl)-adenosine (7) isolated from this plant for the first time. In this study, the protective effects of the six constituents (1-6) on PC12 cells against the cytotoxicity induced by KCI and glutamate were also investigated. The viability of the PC12 cells was significantly enhanced by pretreatment with the six phenolic constituents.

      • The Dual Role of the Prophenoloxidase-Activating System in Cuticular Melanization and Innate Immunity in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

        Kwang Sik Lee,Feng Ming Zou,Bo Yeon Kim,Hu Wan,Hyung Joo Yoon,Hong Ja Kim,Sook Jae Seo,Yeon Ho Je,Soo Dong Woo,Byung Rae Jin 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.10

        Insect cuticular melanization is regulated by the prophenoloxidase (proPO)- activating system, which is also involved in the innate immune reaction. Here, we demonstrate how the differentiation of the proPO-activating system is regulated toward a cuticular melanization or innate immunity function in silkworm (Bombyx mori) pupae. Our results indicate that the differential and spatial regulation of key components, such as the proPO-activating factor, tyrosine hydroxylase, and porPOs, primes the proPO-activating system for either cuticular melanization or innate immunity. This dual strategy for cuticular melanization in development and innate immunity upon infection demonstrates a two-pronged defense mechanism that is mediated by the priming of the proPO system.

      • Prophenoloxidase-Activating Factor Involves in the Pupal Melanization of Bombyx mori

        Kwang Sik Lee,Feng Ming Zou,Bo Yeon Kim,Byung Rae Jin 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.05

        In arthropods, an immune challenge triggers a serine protease cascade that leads to the activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO)-activating factors (PPAFs), which are also called proPO-activating enzymes (PPAEs) or proteinases (PAPs). PPAFs are activated by cleavage between their clip and serine protease domains. Once activated, PPAFs convert proPO to phenoloxidase (PO), which then catalyzes the production of quinones to form melanin. In this study, we identified a Bombyx mori PPAF(BmPPAF) that involves in the pupal melanization. In the fat body, expression of BmPPAF was detected on day 1 to 3 of the pupal stage. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated BmPPAF knock-down inhibited pupal melanization, resulting in the delay of pupal melanization. Based on these results, we concluded that BmPPAF is involved in the melanization of pupal stage in silkworm metamorphosis.

      • KCI등재


        Bo Leng,Lu Xiong,Zhuoping Yu,Tong Zou 한국자동차공학회 2018 International journal of automotive technology Vol.19 No.1

        For a distributed drive electric vehicle (DDEV) which is equipped with redundant actuators, allocation control is a key technique. Three different allocation control algorithms are designated with fixed efficiency matrix, dynamic efficiency matrix, and direct yaw moment distribution, respectively. All these algorithms are applied in a vehicle stability control system with hierarchical control structure and evaluated from three aspects, namely, control precision, real-time characteristics, and control energy. Comparison results demonstrate that the algorithm with dynamic efficiency matrix has the best comprehensive performance, which is also validated in field tests based on a DDEV equipped with four motors.

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