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        FDG Whole-Body PET/MRI in Oncology: a Systematic Review

        권현우,Ann-Katharina Becker2,구진모,천기정 대한핵의학회 2017 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.51 No.1

        The recent advance in hybrid imaging techniques enables offering simultaneous positron emission tomography (PET)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in various clinical fields. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET has been widely used for diagnosis and evaluation of oncologic patients. The growing evidence from research and clinical experiences demonstrated that PET/MRI with FDG can provide comparable or superior diagnostic performance more than conventional radiological imaging such as computed tomography (CT), MRI or PET/CT in various cancers. Combined analysis using structural information and functional/molecular information of tumors can draw additional diagnostic information based on PET/MRI. Further studies including determination of the diagnostic efficacy, optimizing the examination protocol, and analysis of the hybrid imaging results is necessary for extending the FDG PET/MRI application in clinical oncology.

      • KCI등재

        Terminal Care and Religious Counseling in an East Asian Context

        Carl Becker 한국노년학회 2001 한국노년학 Vol.21 No.1

        From time immemorial, East Asians have wanted to die at home, but their thorough importation of Western socialized medicine has rendered that impossible; now they are fated to die in hospitals. Asia's aging society is deeply in need, not only of new hospice facilities, but of caregivers capable of meeting their patients' psychological needs. This presentation introduces the basics of terminal care, including points essential for successful operation. It specifically explains the kinds of counseling methods, attitudes, and activities that counselors can use to bring meaning to terminal patients' last days. To remove patients' pain, it recommends not only drug, but meditation; to diminish fear of death, counselors can help patients unearth and affirm hopes of a future life from their subconscious. Next we introduce the QOD (Quality of Death) survey as a measure to assure greater satisfaction of both terminal patients and their families. Religious counseling is also essential for the bereaved. If properly recorded, it can prove not only psychologically effective but also economically viable. Finally, the importamce of religious volunteers is emphasized, not only for the patients' benefit, but indeed to revitalize the volunteers' religious faith as well. It is hoped that these various aspects of counseling can contribute to a society where Asian people can spend their last days in the ways they feel most befitting themselves. Prof. Carl B. Becker, Ph.D., D.Litt. (hon.) is a Japanologist and philosopher of religious ethics, known for researching near-death experiences and religious experience in the Far East. Educated at University of Chicago Lab School (to 1967), Principia College (B.A. Philosophy and Religion, 1971), East-West Center, University of Hawaii (M.A. Buddhist Philosophy, 1973; Ph.D. Comparative Philosophy, 1981). From 1981 to 1983, he taught Asian Philosophy at Southern Illinois University, winning campus awards, and the Robert Ashby Award for his articles researching Out-of-Body Experiences. In the Spring of 1983, invited to a Fulbright lectureship at Osaka University, teaching American Thought until 1985, and Japanese Studies until 1986, when he relocated to the University of Hawaii's Curriculum Research and Development Group. In 1988, Becker returned to Japan's Tsukuba University Institute of Philosophy, and again in 1992 to accept a tenured professorship at Kyoto University. Beckers articles are reprinted in: Nagata & Ikemi's Terminal Care in Japan (1984), Bruce Greyson's The Near-Death Experience (1985), Charles Fu's Movements and Issues in World Religions (1987), Larry Samovar's Intercultural Communication, a Reader (1988), and Paul Badham/Arthur Berger's Perspectives on Death and Dying, (1989). Beckers 1983 biography, Japan, My Teacher, My Love, was adopted as a textbook in Japanese colleges, followed by his more academic studies of Christianity: History and Philosonhy, After All: Issues of Life and Death, Danger in Daily Life, Communication, East and West (Eihosha Publishers). English books include Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death (SUNY, 1992), Breaking the Circle: Buddhist Views of Death (SIUC, 1993), At the Border of Death: A Japanese Near-Death Experience (Yomiuri, 1993), and Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics, (Greenwood, 2000). Backer is a founding member of the Japan English Forensics Association, International Association for Near-Death Studies, Mind-Body Research Assn., International Society for Life Information Science, and consultant to Mortality Journal and Journal of Near-Death Studies. His recent work promotes Thanatology and Death Education in Japan. Backer is a published amateur photographer, enjoys cycling and trekking, and lives in the mountains north of Kyoto.

      • Overall Vibration Values for Reliable Wind Turbines - The New VDI 3834 and the New ISO 10816-21 Guideline Close a Gap - Less Vibration is Better -

        Becker, Edwin The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Enginee 2012 소음 진동 Vol.22 No.4

        Condition-based maintenance on wind turbines not only involves maintenance, but also encompasses servicing, inspection, measurement and evaluation of the condition of the unit. The current condition can be evaluated on the basis of machine-specific overall vibration values. Until now, overall vibration values had not been defined for wind turbines. In fact, ISO 10816-3 explicitly excludes wind power plants. The new VDI 3834 closes this gap shown in Sheet 1: Vibration values for wind turbines up to 3 MW. In addition to the new VDI 3834 is the ISO 10816-21 in preparation. The author of the article Dr. Edwin Becker is the nominated expert for Germany.


        Electrical and optical characterization of undoped BaTiO<sub>3</sub> in the quenched state

        Becker, K.-D.,Schrader, M.,Kwon, H.-S.,Yoo, H.-I. Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Physical chemistry chemical physics Vol.11 No.17

        <P>On undoped polycrystalline BaTiO<SUB>3−<I>δ</I></SUB> (99.9% nominal purity), that had been equilibrated and quenched at 1000 °C under different oxygen activities in the range of −19.4 ≤ log <I>a</I><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> < 0.1, were measured optical reflectance spectra at 298 K and ac conductivity at 473, 523 and 573 K, respectively. It was observed that all specimens quenched at log <I>a</I><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> > −17 are electrically insulating and white in color, once powdered, and show optical absorption only at the absorption edge at ∼3 eV. In contrast, those quenched at log <I>a</I><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> < −17 are electronically conducting and dark and exhibit a significant absorption in the IR region. This demarcating oxygen activity for the conductivity transition is <I>ca.</I> 13 orders of magnitude lower than that for the <I>n</I>-to-<I>p</I> type transition (<I>δ</I> = 0) in the equilibrium state, contrary to expectation. It is, thus, suggested that contrary to the textbook knowledge, the hole traps responsible for the conductivity transition in undoped BaTiO<SUB>3</SUB> may be variable-valent acceptor defects like Mn<SUB>Ti</SUB>. The strong IR absorption in the semiconducting state is ascribed to small-polaron (Ti′<SUB>Ti</SUB>) hopping processes.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Bulk conductivities of “pure” BaTiO<SUB>3</SUB> in the equilibrium (a) and in the quenched state (b) with colors corresponding to the oxygen activities indicated (c). <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=b823174e'> </P>


        The future role of smart structure systems in modern aircraft

        Becker, J.,Luber, W.,Simpson, J.,Dittrich, K. Techno-Press 2005 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.1 No.2

        The paper intends to summarize some guidelines for future smart structure system application in military aircraft. This preview of system integration is based upon a review on approximately one and a half decades of application oriented aerospace related smart structures research. Achievements in the area of structural health monitoring, adaptive shape, adaptive load bearing devices and active vibration control have been reached, potentials have been identified, several feasibility studies have been performed and some smart technologies have been already implemented. However the realization of anticipated visions and previously initial timescales announced have been rather too optimistic. The current development shall be based on a more realistic basis including more emphasis on fundamental aircraft strength, stiffness, static and dynamic load and stability requirements of aircraft and interdisciplinary integration requirements and improvements of integrated actors, actuator systems and control systems including micro controllers.

      • KCI등재

        Development and Validation of an Energy Management System for an Electric Vehicle with a split Battery Storage System

        Becker, Jan,Schaeper, Christoph,Rothgang, Susanne,Sauer, Dirk Uwe The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2013 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.8 No.4

        Within the project 'e performance' supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) an electric vehicle, powered by two lithium-ion battery packs of different capacity and voltage has been developed. The required Energy Management System (EMS) in this system controls the current flows of both packs independently by means of two individual dc-dc converters. It acts as an intermediary between energy storage (battery management systems-BMS) and the drivetrain controller on the vehicle control unit (VCU) as well as the on-board charger. This paper describes the most important tasks of the EMS and its interfaces to the BMS and the VCU. To validate the algorithms before integrating them into the vehicle prototype, a detailed Matlab / Simulink-model was created in the project. Test procedures and results from the simulation as well as experiences and comparisons from the real car are presented at the end.

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