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        Establishing a Policy Framework for the Primary Prevention of Occupational Cancer: A Proposal Based on a Prospective Health Policy Analysis

        Amanda Veglia,Paul A. Demers,Manisha Pahwa 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2017 Safety and health at work Vol.8 No.1

        Background: Despite our knowledge of the causes of cancer, millions of workers are involuntarily exposed to a wide range of known and suspected carcinogens in the workplace. To address this issue from a policy perspective, we developed a policy framework based on a prospective health policy analysis. Use of the framework was demonstrated for developing policies to prevent cancers associated with diesel engine exhaust (DEE), asbestos, and shift work, three occupational carcinogens with global reach and large cancer impact. Methods: An environmental scan of existing prospective health policy analyses was conducted to select and describe our framework parameters. These parameters were augmented by considerations unique to occupational cancer. Policy-related resources, predominantly from Canada, were used to demonstrate how the framework can be applied to cancers associated with DEE, asbestos, and shift work. Results: The parameters of the framework were: problem statement, context, jurisdictional evidence, primary prevention policy options, and key policy players and their attributes. Applying the framework to the three selected carcinogens illustrated multiple avenues for primary prevention, including establishing an occupational exposure limit for DEE, banning asbestos, and improving shift schedules. The framework emphasized the need for leadership by employers and government. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first proposal for a comprehensive policy framework dedicated to the primary prevention of occupational cancer. The framework can be adapted and applied by key policy players in Canada and other countries as a guide of what parameters to consider when developing policies to protect workers’ health.

      • KCI등재

        Critical Review of North Korean Women and Children's Health, 2000-2019: Physical and Mental Health Challenges with a Focus on Gender

        Amanda Wright,김은미,변인수 이화여자대학교 국제지역연구소 2019 Asian International Studies Review Vol.20 No.2

        Women account for over eighty percent of recent North Koreandefectors arriving in South Korea, yet there is dearth ofgender-based research. Given the speed with which the dialogueon denuclearization with the Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea (DPRK, North Korea) has progressed since 2017, there isa surprising gap in research on possible health threats. Ifsanctions are eased, interactions with these previously isolatedpeople will increase leading to potential health problems. Thisarticle reviews studies published since 2000 to understandphysical and mental health faced in DPRK, among North Koreandefectors to South Korea, and to provide policy recommendations. A content analysis of ninety studies found that mental healthchallenges are severe for North Korean defectors, and thatwomen suffer differently than men during defection and itsaftermath. We recommend a more nuanced and genderedapproach for future research in order to devise tangible solutionsto improve the health of North Koreans in general, and defectorwomen and children in particular.

      • KCI등재

        Deviant Sexuality and Positive Outcomes in Ulysses and The Waste Land

        Amanda Lynn Greenwood 한국제임스조이스학회 2013 제임스조이스저널 Vol.19 No.2

        This essay aims to highlight the forms of deviant sexuality in the “Nausicaa” episode of Ulysses and the sections “A Game of Chess” and “The Fire Sermon” in The Waste Land. At the same time, uncovering biographical details from the authors’ personal lives can help us to understand why they were so fixated on this type of sexuality and may aid us in understanding why these deviant behaviors can be a form of positive outcomes and liberation for the characters and/or societies in the works.


        Amanda Spry,Ann Wallin 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Most major consumer goods manufacturers market multiple brands within a single product category. Companies may sell brands of different quality levels (e.g., Giorgio Armani, Armani Collezioni, and Armani Exchange). And, within each quality level, companies sell variants of a brand, which differ in functionality (Crest’s cavity protection, tartar control, and whitening toothpastes). With the ultimate goal of securing consumer purchase, companies offer an increasing number of brands, which can result in “overlap” between the brands in a firm’s portfolio. We define overlap from a consumer’s perspective as the degree to which a brand is perceived to offer the same product features as other brands owned by the same firm. The few seminal papers (Aribarg & Arora, 2008; Hui, 2004; Morgan & Rego, 2009) indicate that overlap brings with it a number of compelling advantages and disadvantages, thereby having the potential for positive or negative outcomes. Thus the question arises: When does overlap have a positive or negative effect on consumers’ brand evaluations? We argue that the actual effect of overlap on consumer evaluations depends on two strategic marketing factors: (1) the dominance of the corporate brand versus the product brand in marketing communications of a product, and (2) the type of overlap – vertical (i.e., overlap between products that vary in quality) or horizontal (i.e., overlap between products that vary in functionality). A 2 x 4 between-subjects factorial design was employed to test consumers’ responses to overlap of product extensions under different conditions. The stimulus was developed in two categories: chocolate and wine. The stimulus involved a picture of the packaging for a fictitious product extension for a real parent company (Hershey’s in the chocolate category and Yellow tail in the wine category), accompanied by a descriptor providing product information such as details of its price and features. We collected data using an online questionnaire via Amazon Mechanical Turk. A sample of 366 individual consumers provided data across both the chocolate and wine categories. Our initial results for the chocolate product category indicate that, for the vertical extension, Cocoa Black, consumers evaluated the chocolate bar for which the product brand was dominant more favourably (μ = 5.44) than that for which the corporate brand was dominant (μ = 4.95). This evaluation difference was statistically significant (t = -1.84, p < .05). For the horizontal extension, Peppermint Air Delight, there was a significant difference in evaluation for overlapping products (t = 1.74, p < .05) for which the corporate brand was dominant (μ = 4.60), compared to that for which the product brand was dominant (μ = 3.96). These preliminary results show promise in terms of providing practitioners with prescriptive guidelines for managing overlap to their benefit. The results of this study will be presented in full at the Global Marketing Conference 2016.

      • KCI등재

        The Crisis of Control in James Joyce`s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

        ( Amanda Lynn Greenwood ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2012 제임스조이스저널 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper focuses on how British colonial institutions adversely affected the male characters in James Joyce`s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. When pressured to conform to societal expectations, characters face a particular crisis related to the stage of life they are experiencing. In childhood, the patriarchal institutions of education and family demand that young boys submit to their authority and they use physical violence and surveillance to assure compliance. As a result of this struggle, young boys in Joyce`s writing experience a crisis of control. The short stories The Sisters and An Encounter from Dubliners and the beginning of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man highlight this crisis. Joyce employs these masculine crises to expose the British colonial system for its oppression of Ireland, and his writing aimed to awaken the Irish people to the reasons for their own subjugation.

      • KCI등재

        Paricalcitol prevents MAPK pathway activation and inflammation in adriamycin-induced kidney injury in rats

        Amanda Lima Deluque,Lucas Ferreira de Almeida,Beatriz Magalhães Oliveira,Cláudia Silva Souza,Ana Lívia Dias Maciel,Heloísa Della Coletta Francescato,Cleonice Giovanini,Roberto Silva Costa,Terezila Mac 대한병리학회 2024 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.58 No.5

        Background: Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway induces uncontrolled cell proliferation in response to inflammatory stimuli. Adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephropathy (ADRN) in rats triggers MAPK activation and pro-inflammatory mechanisms by increasing cytokine secretion, similar to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Activation of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) plays a crucial role in suppressing the expression of inflammatory markers in the kidney and may contribute to reducing cellular proliferation. This study evaluated the effect of pre-treatment with paricalcitol on ADRN in renal inflammation mechanisms. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with an osmotic minipump containing activated vitamin D (paricalcitol, Zemplar, 6 ng/day) or vehicle (NaCl 0.9%). Two days after implantation, ADR (Fauldoxo, 3.5 mg/kg) or vehicle (NaCl 0.9%) was injected. The rats were divided into four experimental groups: control, n = 6; paricalcitol, n = 6; ADR, n = 7 and, ADR + paricalcitol, n = 7. Results: VDR activation was demonstrated by increased CYP24A1 in renal tissue. Paricalcitol prevented macrophage infiltration in the glomeruli, cortex, and outer medulla, prevented secretion of tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-1β, increased arginase I and decreased arginase II tissue expressions, effects associated with attenuation of MAPK pathways, increased zonula occludens-1, and reduced cell proliferation associated with proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression. Paricalcitol treatment decreased the stromal cell-derived factor 1α/chemokine C-X-C receptor type 4/β-catenin pathway. Conclusions: Paricalcitol plays a renoprotective role by modulating renal inflammation and cell proliferation. These results highlight potential targets for treating CKD.

      • KCI등재

        The Adolescent Crisis of Identity in James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

        ( Amanda Lynn Greenwood ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2013 제임스조이스저널 Vol.19 No.1

        This paper focuses on how British colonial institutions adversely affected the adolescent characters in James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The adolescent crisis of identity found in Joyce’s works starts to take shape when the characters reach a pivotal point in their lives. The characters are forced to make a choice: conform to societal expectations or follow their individual instincts and risk social alienation. In addition, the characters that are undergoing the crisis of identity in Joyce’s writing are being influenced by society to make decisions that are diametrically opposed to what they truly want. In the first two examples from Dubliners, the protagonists give in to societal pressures and do what is expected of them. The third example, Stephen Dedalus in Portrait, despite enormous pressure from society to conform, chooses his own path of non-conformity. In all cases, the crisis of identity proves to be an extremely psychologically intense experience for the character regardless of whether he/she chooses to conform or not to conform. In exploring this important transition into adulthood, Joyce shows the adolescent characters as they face the most critical decisions of their young lives and tempers them for adulthood.

      • Q 방법론의 주관성

        Amanda Wolf 한국주관성연구학회 2010 Journal of Human Subjectivity Vol.8 No.2

        Subjectivity is at the heart of Q methodology. Many published Q-methodology studies justify the use of Q methodology on the grounds that it enables the ``scientific study of subjectivity``. However, as numbers of publications of applied Q-methodology studies have grown over recent years, specific attention to the conceptual components of the scientific study of subjectivity has decreased. This article draws from the work of William Stephenson to offer a fresh look at ``subjectivity``. It positions the consideration of subjectivity in the overall design of a Qmethodology study, which starts with selecting a topic of interest, and continues through indentifying the concourse, sampling from the concourse, setting conditions of instruction, Q sorting, finding operant factors, and gaining insights and understanding. Q methodologists who give close attention to conditions of instruction, are aware of the Q sorters`` connection to concourse, and look beyond simple factor interpretations to the ``modes of behaviour`` of individuals will produce studies with depth and insight. 주관성은 Q 방법론의 핵심이다. 발행된 Q 방법론의 많은 연구들은 ``주관성의 과학적 연구``가 가능하게 한다는 이유로 Q 방법론의 사용을 정당화시키고 있다. Q 방법론을 적용한 연구들의 많은 출판물들은 최근 증가했으나 주관성의 과학적 연구에 대한 개념적 요소들에 구체적 관심을 두는 연구는 감소했다. 본 논문은 윌리엄 스티븐슨의 연구에서부터 ``주관성``에 대해 신선한 시각을 제공하는 것까지 다루고 있다. Q 방법론 연구를 위해 흥미로운 주제를 선택하고 콘코스 확인을 계속적으로하고, 콘코스로부터 샘플링을 하고 지시조건을 만들고, Q 소팅, 조작적 요인 발견, 통찰력과 이해를 얻는 전체적 설계 내에는 주관성에 대한 고려가 자리를 잡고 있다. 지시조건에 대해 면밀히 연구하는 Q 방법론자들은 콘코스에 대한 Q 분류자들의 연관성을 알고, 그리고 개인의 ``행동방식``에 대한 단순한 요인 해석을 예견하는 것은 연구에 대해 깊고 통찰력있는 결과를 만들어 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Adulthood Crisis of Societal Role Conformity in “A Little Cloud”

        ( Amanda Greenwood ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2016 제임스조이스저널 Vol.22 No.2

        This critical essay focuses on how British colonial institutions adversely affected the adult male character of Little Chandler in “A Little Cloud.” Having passed through two distinct masculine crises in his childhood and adolescence, Chandler is now experiencing the adult crisis of conformity to the roles society has designated for him, such as father, husband, employee, and Irish man. Throughout the story, Chandler is forced with confronting and questioning the inadequacies of these social roles, and awakens to the fact that he is trapped in these roles for life. Joyce employs this masculine crisis to awaken the Irish people to the reasons for their own subjugation, but also to prevent the male characters from passing this on to their sons, reconfirming the cyclic destruction of colonialism.

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