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기혼 근로자의 배우자 및 상사의 지원이 경력몰입에 미치는 영향: 일-가정갈등의 매개효과
이화용,홍아정 한국직업교육학회 2012 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.31 No.2
Growing importance for work-life balance has led more studies to focus on finding out the variables or parameters for the work-family conflicts and career commitment. Yet few studies have examined the mediating effect of work-family conflicts on its antecedents. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the level of support from spouses and supervisors on the career commitment and work-family conflicts. 344 married office workers in large companies were selected to participate in the survey. The findings of the study are as follows:First, the study found out that support from spouse and supervisors has impact on the workers' career commitment and work-family conflict(time-based and tension-based conflict). Second, as a result of analyzing the relationship of support from spouses and supervisors to the two types of work-family conflicts, spouse support was found to exercise a significant influence on both of time-based conflicts and tension-based conflicts that were two kinds of work-family conflicts. Third, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect of the two types of work-family conflicts on the relationship of spouse support and supervisor support to career commitment, there was a significant influential path from supervisor support to time-based and tension-based conflicts to career commitment. 급변하는 사회에서 개인의 성공적인 경력개발을 위해서는 일과 가정의 균형을 이루는 것이 중요하다. 일과 가정의 균형은 직장과 가정에서의 다양한 긴장상황과 갈등을 잘 조절할 수 있어야 하고, 직장과 가정 구성원들의 지원이 이를 뒷받침해야 한다. 이러한 가정을 바탕으로 본 연구는 사무직에 종사하는 기혼 근로자 344명을 대상으로 직장과 가정에서의 지원이 이들의 경력몰입에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴보았고, 일과 가정의 갈등이 이들 관계에서 매개역할을 하는지 분석하였다. 배우자 및 상사의 지원, 일-가정갈등(시간근거갈등, 긴장근거갈등)과 경력몰입간의 영향관계를 분석하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시하였고, 일-가정갈등의 매개효과를 검증하기 위해서는 Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 3단계 매개효과 검증방법을 실시하였다. 조사결과, 상사의 지원이 개인의 경력몰입에 영향을 미치는데 있어 시간근거갈등이 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 상사의 지원이 배우자의 지원보다 영향력이 높은 것으로 나타남에 따라 조직 구성원들이 경력에 몰입하고 이를 바탕으로 조직의 효과성을 향상시키기 위해서는 상사의 지원을 공식적으로 제공해 줄 수 있는 인적자원개발 프로그램을 개발하고, 더불어 조직 구성원들 간의 친화적인 조직분위기를 조성할 수 있도록 해야 한다.
이화용,안혜진,오연이,장갑열,정종욱,Lee, Hwa-Yong,An, Hyejin,Oh, Youn-Lee,Jang, Kab-Yeul,Chung, Jong-Wook 한국버섯학회 2021 한국버섯학회지 Vol.19 No.4
The cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker uses a restriction enzyme recognition site resulting from single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions and deletions on the DNA sequence. This technique does not require expensive equipment, the process is simple, and clear results can be obtained reliably. In this study, Agaricus bisporus cultivars SaeA, SaeDo, SaeHan, SaeYeon, SaeJeong, Dodam, Seolgang, Dahyang, Hogam, and Hadam developed in Korea were discriminated using four CAPS markers. Our results indicated that it is possible to distinguish the ten cultivars and determine the genetic diversity among them. 본 연구에서는 국내에서 개발된 국내에서 개발된 10개의 양송이 품종을 CAPS 마커를 이용하여 구분하였다. An 등(2021)이 개발한 CAPS 마커 AB-gCAPs-017, AB-gCAPs-047, AB-gCAPs-055, AB-gCAPs-071을 이용하여 새아, 새도, 새한, 새연, 새정, 도담, 설강, 다향, 호감, 하담을 구분할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 국내 개발 양송이 품종에 대하여 품종간의 구별성과 유전적 다양성을 부여하여 품종보호에 대한 분자생물학적 근거를 마련하였다.
Global Civil Society: Challenge to Citizenship and Democracy?
이화용 한국세계지역학회 2009 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.27 No.2
Today, the autonomy and capabilities of states, which has a central position in the international order, have been questioned. With the process of globalization, alternative authorities, which would act instead of states or with states, are searched out. Global civil society, one of these alternative communities, is a vast, interconnected, and multi-layered social space that comprises the deliberate organizations of social, economic and political activities outside national borders. Despite the necessity of global civil society, it is said that global civil society beyond territorial states, goes against the state. Contrary to the argument, this paper intends to show that global civil society and the state are not necessarily incompatible, in particular if we get a fuller understanding of citizenship and democracy derived from the universal rights of people. With citizenship and democracy on a national basis, there are many limitations in the formation and development of a global civil society beyond territorial borders. But if we take a more comprehensive understanding of citizenship and democracy and extend them on a global scale, global civil society would be a practical entity. That is, the present conception of citizenship, which aims to offer rights and obligations to national citizens, should be transformed into an alternative principle, under which to have equal rights and accountability in a common decision-making processes about the global agenda. Democracy must go beyond the state and work in a global civil society, so that individuals can, in principle, participate in global public debates. By doing so, global civil society is a way of securing wavering citizenship and democracy in a contemporary globalizing world. As global civil society becomes more necessary, the alteration of our sense of citizenship, democracy, and their related concepts of participation, accountability and authority within a territorial state, may not be a choice, but an obligation which we should take for our future.
高周波로 스펏터된 ZnO薄膜의 成長에 관한 最適條件의 硏究
李華鎔 湖西大學校工業技術硏究所 1989 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.8 No.-
In this paper, the optimum conditions for growth of highly oriented RF-sputtered zinc oxide thin films is proposed. The major parameters that were controlled during depostion are substrate temperature, input RF power, reactive gas pressure and as mixture ratio It was found that the best results were obtained with an power of 200 W, the substrate temperature of 250℃, and with the reactive gas pressure of 10mtorr in an 50: 50 argon : oxygen mixture.
국제기구와 시민사회: IMF의 민주화에 관한 시론적 고찰
이화용 고려대학교 평화와 민주주의연구소 2017 평화연구 Vol.19 No.1
This article aims to critically examine the role of civil society in the democratization of international organizations. As international organizations, which have become more powerful in scale and influence in the 21st century, are no longer blind spot of democracy. Elaborating on the theoretical foundations of the necessity of democracy in international organizations, I intend to identify what and how civil society should do for the improvement of accountability and participation, which are the core of its democratization. Based on these theoretical arguments, this article explores the activities and roles of civil society for democratization of the IMF. The IMF has been criticized for its undemocratic governance and decision-making process. I argue that civil society as a public sphere may play a significant role of being the transmission channel to connect the IMF with people and contribute to opening up a path for the IMF’s democratization. Also, pointing out the limits of civil society, this article reflects on the tasks of civil society in democratizing the IMF. 국제기구의 민주화란 국제기구에 더 많은 사람들의 의사와 이해관계가 반영될 수 있는 대중통제 시스템이 작동하는 것을 말한다. 21세기 들어 규모와 영향력에서 큰 정치적 권력을 갖고 있는 국제기구는 더 이상 민주주의 사각지대가 아니다. 국제기구의 민주화는 비민주적인 국제기구의 내부구조에서 이루어지기 힘들고 적합하지도 않다. 이런 이해 속에서, 본 논문은 국제기구 민주화의 추동 세력으로 시민사회에 주목하고, 시민사회의 민주화를 위한 역할을 정당화할 수 있는 몇 가지 이론적 입장을 살펴본다. 이들 입장이 제시하는 공통적인 논지는 새로운 공적 영역으로서의 시민사회의 위상이다. 시민사회의 역할에 관한 이론적 토대를 기반으로, 본 논문은 국제통화기금(IMF)에 대한 시민사회의 활동과 역할을 고찰한다. IMF는 세계은행과 세계무역기구 등의 자유주의 경제기구 중 민주화 정도가 가장 낮다. 본 논문은 민주주의 결핍이 심한 IMF에 대한 시민사회 활동이 IMF의 민주화에 미친 기여와 한계를 밝히고 지속가능한 시민사회의 역할을 위한 향후 과제가 무엇인지 성찰한다.
이화용,문지영 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2006 Korea Journal Vol.46 No.2
Our paper aims to compare the historical characteristics of democratization in Korea and Britain, and its result and significance in these two countries. In carrying out this project, we put special focus on the roles and the characteristics of liberalism in Korea and Britain. In Korean and British democratization, liberalism played a leading role in the his- zation relied on the spread of liberal values and principles, while Korea made it its objective to normalize or actualize the framework of liberal democracy given from above. The differences in the process of democratization were accompanied by divergences in both the composition of the supporters of liberalism and in its role. The two cases also reveal clear differences in the relationship between the evolution of democracy and liberalism and the development of liberalism after democratization. From our examination of the Korean and British experiences, we argue that the fact that Korea trod a different route should not lead to the underestimation or devaluing of Korean democratization.
한국의 상업적 양송이 균주의 유전적 다양성 및 집단 구조
이화용,류호진,정종욱,안혜진,장갑열,공원식,오연이 한국버섯학회 2019 한국버섯학회지 Vol.17 No.4
Agaricus bisporus is a functional food and among the most widely cultivated mushrooms in the world. In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and population structure of 23 Korean and 42 foreign A. bisporus cultivars using SSR (Simple sequence repeat) markers. Genetic diversity of A. bisporus cultivars was as follows: number of alleles was approximately 13; observed and expected heterozygosity were approximately 0.59 and 0.74, respectively; and polymorphic information content value was about 0.71. A. bisporus cultivars were divided into three groups using distance-based analysis. Genetic diversity of Group 2, which consisted of cultivars from various countries, was high. In addition, model-based subpopulations were divided into two, and the genetic diversity of Pop2 (Population 2), which had many cultivars, was high. The results of this study could be used in a breeding program for A. bisporus, such as the development of new genetic resources and securing diversity.