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      • 국민의 식생활과 건강보조식품의 필요성에 관한 연구

        이정수 대구산업정보대학 1995 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        As mentioned above,we know that the intake of food by people in our country has nearly approched the encouraged amount of nutrition. Based on this fact, many nutritionists conclude that there is no health impediment due to malnutrition, for the nutritive condition of Korean people today is much better than that in the past,and the intake of food and the encouraged amount of nutrition are nearly balanced. Nevertheless, we should not overlook a few points:imperfection of the encouraged amount of nutrition itself;probable imbalance of nutrition due to excessive intake of manufactured food and fast food;the menace to human health due to theaggravation of environmental pollution ; and probable malnutrition due to the destruction of nutrients during the process of cooking because of imperfect education for nutrition. Therefore, in order to maintain the necessary balance of perfact nutrition, we should duly consider the following points : 1. Elimination of environmental pollution. 2. Consumption of food and drink with natural nutrition(without the process of manufacture and cooking) if possible. 3. Reduction of the intake of manufactureed food as much as possible. 4. Consumption of high fiber food and low carbohydrate food if possible. Putting aside various points of view,we can see that the condition of human health is always threatened by various factor even though the dietary life for human health has nearly approached the encouraged amount of nutrition. Therefore, we should empasize the necessity of preventive measure or improvement of supplemental food for human health.

      • <수상>그리운 금강산

        이정수,Lee, Jeong-Su 한국자연공원협회 1987 한국자연공원 Vol.35 No.-

        북한의 금강산댐 건설로 말미암아 일찍이 서산대사(1520-1604년) 가 우리나라 4대명산(동 금강산.서 구월산. 남 지리산. 북 묘향산)의 하나로 꼽은 금강산이 이그러진 모습으로 떠올려짐은 자연을 사랑하는 우리민족에게는 큰 충격이 아닐 수 없다. 본지는 몇가지 자료와 함께 저명한 소설가인 이정수씨 께서 특별기고해주신 금강산탐승의 "수상"을 함께담아 특집으로 묶어보았다.

      • 멀티미디어 컨텐트 보호를 위한 디지털 워터마크

        이정수,김회율,이의택,Lee, J.S.,Kim, H.Y.,Lee, E.T. 한국전자통신연구원 1998 전자통신동향분석 Vol.13 No.3

        멀티미디어 산업의 확장과 인터넷과 같은 네트워크의 보편화로 인해 멀티미디어 컨텐트의 사용이 급증하고 있다. 또한, 이러한 네트워크 망을 통한 상업적 거래가 확대됨에 따라 멀디미디어 컨텐트(정지영상, 동영상, 오디오, 문서 등)의 지적소유권, 저작권을 보호하려는 노력이 있었다. 워터마크는 멀티미디어 컨텐트에 사용자 정보를 감춤으로써 효과적으로 저작권 및 소유권을 보호할 수 있는 도구이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 워터마크가 갖추어야 할 요건 및 멀티미디어 컨텐트에 워터마크를 내장하는 여러 가지 방법을 소개하고, 상업적으로 이용되고 있는 워터마크 시스템을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        2023년 금융법 중요판례평석

        이정수 대한변호사협회 2024 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.520

        2023년에도 다양한 금융 관련 판례가 나왔다. 본 평석에서는 이들 판례를 금융업자 규제와 금융거래 규제의 틀 아래 금융업자 규제에 대해서는 은행업과 금융투자업을 중심으로, 금융거래 규제에 대해서는 전통금융거래와 새로운 금융거래로 나누어 검토하였다. 은행업과 관련해서는 정기예금의 만기 시 예금자의 청구가 없는 경우에 은행의 지체책임을 인정하지 않은 판례와 공동대출에 있어 관리은행(대리은행)의 참여은행(공동대주은행)에 대한 책임을 제한한 판례가 주목된다. 금융투자업과 관련해서는 자동화된 매매거래시스템을 제공하는 업자와 관련하여 자문의 성격을 인정하면서도 상대방의 특정에 대한 해석으로 유사투자자문업자로 본 것이 중요하다. 전통적 금융거래에서는 소위 한맥투자증권 사건에서 민법 제109조의 해석, 적용이 눈에 띈다. 동 판결은 종래 판례이론을 그대로 수용하고 있으나 상대방의 악의와 관련하여 달리 판단할 여지가 없었는지에 대해 아쉬움이 있다. 리스거래와 관련해서도 중요한 판결이 나왔는데 금융리스인지 아니면 운용리스인지 여부에 따라 회생절차상 법적 지위가 다름이 중요하다. 새로운 금융거래와 관련해서도 전자금융거래법의 해석 및 가상자산에 대해 다양한 판례가 나왔다. In 2023, various financial-related precedents have emerged. In this review, these precedents were reviewed by dividing financial business regulation into banking and financial investment business, and financial transaction regulation into traditional financial transactions and new financial transactions under the framework of financial business regulation and financial transaction regulation. Regarding the banking industry, it is noteworthy that the supreme court did not recognize the bank’s liability for delay if there is no request from the depositor at the maturity of the term deposit, and the case that limited the responsibility of the management bank (agent bank) to the participating bank (joint lender bank) in syndicated loans. Regarding the financial investment industry, it is important to recognize the nature of the advisory in relation to a business that provides an automated trading system, but to view it as a quasi-investment advisory business as an interpretation of the other party’s specificity. In traditional financial transactions, the interpretation and application of Article 109 of the Civil Code in the so-called Hanmaek Securities case stands out. The ruling accepts the conventional case theory as it is, but there is a question as to whether there was no other room for the other party's malice. An important ruling has also been made regarding lease transactions, and it is important that the legal status in the rehabilitation procedure differs depending on the financial lease and the operating lease. Regarding new financial transactions, various precedents have emerged for the interpretation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act and virtual assets.

      • KCI등재

        Feasibility Study for Biological Membranes by Using a New Neutron Reflectometer at the HANARO

        이정수,김기연,김학로,최동진,홍대현,Huai-Yu Jing,신관우,문준혁,김만원 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.53 No.4

        A new neutron reflectometer was installed at the HANARO research reactor in 2006 and polymer thin films and a series of biological membrane studies were measured with the neutron reflectometer to check its viability for studying different thin films. The experimental results showed that the essential structural information of these biological systems could be acquired from the measurements and the results were in good agreement with those previously reported. Hence, HANARO neutron reflectometer was confirmed as a useful tool for performing measurements at air-solid and solidliquid interfaces, especially for biological applications.

      • KCI등재

        주민참여적 기법을 이용한 지방 중소도시의 집합주택 주변경관 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 지방 중소도시 아산시를 중심으로 focusing on Asan City

        이정수 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.5

        This paper attempts to verify the possibilities and methods of user's participation in the process of design and construction of multi-family housing. To achieve these purposes, the theoretical reviews on user's participation are proceed and multi-family housing properties are surveyed. The outcomes from this study are as follows : (1)It is necessary to promote the user's participation in townscape council for reflecting user's concerns and regional consensus, which deliberating the location and design of multi-family housing. (2)New townscape design control models for multi-family housing like as design coordinator and design game, are requested to conserve the mid-small city context and urban tissue scale. (3)The design consultant and adviser system which guarantee user's participation is helpful and available for making good townscape in the design process of multi-family housing,

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