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        삼위일체론적 관점에서 조명한 타자중심적 인성교육

        이성조(Sung-Jo Lee) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2016 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.48

        2015년 7월 인성교육진흥법이 발효됐다. 그러나 인성이 이러한 법과 제도에 따른 계획과 평가로 함양될 수 있을지 회의적 시각이 많다. 인성이란 한 개인이 가정과 사회 공동체 속에서 타자들과 더불어 살면서 지속적으로 함양해야 하는 인간의 품성이다. 그러나 인성에 대한 의존할 수 있는 명확한 개념 없이 그 인성을 함양시키기 위한 교육적 방법이나 실천을 말한다는 것은 불가능하다. 이에 본 연구는 이러한 주춧돌을 기독교적 가치에 그 근거를 두어 우리 인간이 삼위일체 이신 하나님의 형상으로 창조된 존재로 마땅히 그리고 명확히 나타내야 하는 인간성은 무엇인지를 밝힌다. 이를 위해 먼저 삼위일체 하나님의 성품(personality)을 이해한 후 하나님의 성품으로 창조된 인간은 어떠한 인성(personality)을 회복해야 하는지 논거 한다. 이후 임마누엘 레비나스의 타자철학에 근거하여 이러한 인성의 가치를 실천하는 구체적인 인성교육의 방법론을 제시한다. 법과 제도에 따라 진행되는 기존의 다소 형식적인 인성교육방법에 하나의 구체적 대안을 제시하는 것을 본 연구의 목적이다. The Purpose of this paper is to search for alternative personality education based on the Christian belief that humans are made from the image of the Triune God. In order to find the devine image or devine Personality from which humans are created, we look for the unity between the immanent Trinity and the economic Trinity. The perichoretic unity of the immanent Trinity proposes that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are persons because each exists for the others, through the others, with the others and in the others by the logic of love and freedom in God’s authentic self-communication. However, the divine reality that they are persons in the immanent Trinity cannot be separated from our experience that the divine Community of the triune God in the economy is personal. The triune God is always personal because God ceaselessly turns toward humans and creatures in order to share God’s eternal communion of love with them. The personality of the triune in the economy God enables the Father, the Son and the Sprit to be truly persons who intrinsically turns toward others. The most important insight helpful for us to understand human personhoods in light of the Trinity is the fact that God’s inward` movement for manifesting Godself and God’s outward movement for relating to others is integrated and inseparable. The integration in this inward-outward movement shows us that we also realize our inner personhood and become a real person as we move toward others to make ethical relationships with them. According to Immanuel Levinas, the relationship with exteriority is “prior” to one’s own relation to oneself. In other words, responsibility for the relationship comes “prior” to ‘Being.’ For Levinas , the face of the “other” is the original site where the radical otherness is expressed. Putting myself in the place of the other by whom I am summoned and singled out, I realize my singularity and unique personality in relation to others, fulfilling my meaningful existence and legitimating my “right to be” in the world. In order to help people of faith to fully grow as persons, it is important that religious communities should relate themselves to others in larger societies, especially to the poor and the oppressed. The Communities must stand willing to be challenged and disturbed by the different interpretations or stories of others and thus, become responsible for their existence in social contexts.

      • KCI등재

        Personal Formation or Social Transformation? Lessons from the History of Christian Education in Korea

        이성조 한국기독교교육정보학회 2017 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.31

        Modern religious education has been divided into two different emphases: the human development or conversion approach and the social functional approach. The human development approach tends to focus on psychological structures of a human being, while in the social functional approach, transformed social realities are the main criteria that determine the efficacy of Christian religious education. Is it possible to overcome the tension between social and personal dimensions in Christian religious education? This paper describes the history of Christian education in Korea as a particular context of both separation and integration between personal and social aspects of Christian religious education. The purpose of such description and interpretation is not only to reveal the problem but also to discover basic, yet historically verified, themes that would encourage an alternative and more balanced pedagogy. In the end, this paper suggests some basic principles in crafting a holistic pedagogy for Korean churches that ensures both public and private dimensions of faith.

      • 국내 조력발전 개발계획과 환경영향

        이성조(Lee, Sung-Jo) 한국신재생에너지학회 2009 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        최근 정부의 녹색성장 정책과 RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standard)도입 계획에 따라 재생가능에너지 개발계획이 쏟아지고 있다. 특히 조력 발전의 경우, 시화, 가로림, 강화, 인천만 등 전 세계 최대 규모 타이틀을 서로 갱신하가며 서해바다를 중심으로 건설 계획이 집중되고 있다. 그러나 조수간만의 차이를 이용해 친환경 에너지원으로 인식되던 조력발전이 그 규모와 방식에 따라 환경파괴적 발전원으로 인식되고 있는 것도 현실이다. 갯벌소멸, 해양생태계 파괴, 해수면 상승 등 생태적 환경문제 야기와 더불어 지역 주민간의 사회환경적 갈등도 초래되고 있다. 본 논문은 국내 조력발전의 개발 계획과 과정을 살펴보고 생태적.사회적 환경영향 피해 점검을 통해, 바람직한 조력발전의 모습을 제시해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        Hypertrophic Scars in Molar Tooth Extraction Socket: A Case Report

        이성조 대한구강악안면임플란트학회 2022 대한구강악안면임프란트학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Among the various problems that can occur in the extraction socket, hypertrophic scars are rare. A hypertrophic scar with a pattern similar to that of a keloid should be treated by accurately identifying its clinical characteristics. This report describes the clinical differential diagnosis and treatment of hypertrophic scars after extraction of the maxillary left first and second molars. The treatment of hypertrophic scars with excisional biopsy was successful, and there was uneventful healing in the subsequent sinus floor elevation and implant placement. In addition, there were no recurrences or other problems during a follow-up period of approximately 16 months after completion of the prosthesis. Under a clear diagnosis, hypertrophic scars can be treated through excision, and primary wound closure after excision is important for successful results.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of Light Emitting Diode electric toothbrush on gingivitis: a randomized controlled trial

        이성조 대한턱관절교합학회 2017 구강회복응용과학지 Vol.33 No.2

        Purpose: The aim of the present study was to compare clinical antiplaque and antigingivitis effect between Light Emitting Diode (LED) electronic toothbrush and electronic toothbrush without LED for gingivitis and mild periodontitis patients. Materials and Methods: 30 patients included in this study. 15 patients in experimental group used LED electronic tooth brush which has red and white LED within its head, and other 15 patients in control group used same product which specially modified that function without LED. Clinical parameters (Löe-Silness gingival index (GI), Quigley-Hein plaque index (PI)) were measured at the baseline, 2 weeks and 4 weeks later. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann-Whitney test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Compare of GI change between experimental and control group with time, both groups showed that reduced GI, but lower GI values detected at 2 weeks and 4 weeks later in experimental group than control group. And lower PI values detected at 4 weeks later in experimental group than control group, but not statistically significant. Conclusion: Based on these results and within the limits of this study, the electronic toothbrush with LED could reducing gingivitis in a short period and infer that decreasing plaque accumulation in a long period.

      • 트리즈와 브레인스토밍을 이용한 취부용 피스제거 자동화시스텡 최적설계에 관한 연구

        이성조,정원지,김정현,김기정 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        In this paper, I try to present a solution of a problem by analyzing it systematically, using 6 Step Creativity to add the new methodology and to correct or remove parts whose utility is difficult or low in existing TRIZ, when it comes to the problem of heat influence by equipping the existing Welding Bead Removing Module with Gas Torch, and select the optimum solution of the problem by using Push's Matrix for ideas presented through brainstorming founded on this solution, and then I would verify the performance of the module produced on the basis of this solution, by carrying out heat analyze to make it generate the heat of 1,000℃ which is practical operation temperature of Gas Torch.

      • KCI등재

        Practicing Theology: Being Faced with the Other

        이성조 한국기독교교육정보학회 2015 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.28

        Practicing theology as the transformative pedagogy enables religious communities to integrate their activism for social transformation with their theological life. In this study, Emmanuel Levinas’ priority on ethical relationships with others, as well as his ethical language of saying, provides a religious community with a theological tool that enables the community to relate to social issues, such as poverty and ecology through its service. Practicing theology attempts to do theology by acting out Christian truths on behalf of “others” in a larger society. This experience of “others” instigates a theological process by enabling participants to be conscious of distortions in social, economic, and political injustice and, thus, to transform them through communal theological reflections and responsible corporate social actions. The embedded term “Practicing” is explained as the three different yet related methods of doing theology: “doing,” “being faced,” and “saying, and then its five actual movements are introduced.

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