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      • 大學 캠퍼스의 社會的 意味에 따른 類型分析

        梁宇鉉 東新工科大學 1989 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The intent of this study is to investigate the history and typology of campus from a particular point of view-the relationship of campus to its context. As a logical ground for this study, the ideal roles of a modern university are defined, which include the social role. Five types of campuses from various periods and their formal implications are identified, stressing the degree of interaction the campus had with the outside world. This analytic approach is to understand the underlying ideas of a campus layout and the trends of its development. It also enables us to discover new dimensions of campus planning and design, that may be highly relevant to the recent and future needs of the campus planning process.

      • 일반주거지역에서의 블록단위개발 적용가능성 및 계획지침 제안

        우현,류호식 中央大學校 建設環境硏究所 1999 環境科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        This study identifies the problems of lot-by-lot or large scale developments and suggests the block-unit development as an alternative. For efficient housing supply and the preservation of existing urban structures, the current housing development strategies ahve to be changed in a way to ensure both the proper density and residential environment. In order to achieve these goals, the feasibility of the block-unit development is studied, by investigating the prototypical block size and shape and by comparing various development methods in that block. The efficiency of landuse, in terms of FAR, the provision of parking space, and the sense of community can be easily achieved by the application of block-unit development. On the basis of this feasibility study, the block-unit development strategies are proposed and relevant planning and design guidelines are proposed in terms of landuse, block design, circulation system, and architectural design.

      • KCI등재

        가로구역별 건축물 최고높이 설정 방법

        우현,정우원 한국도시설계학회 2019 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        Setback regulation from road-width was abolished in 2015 for various reasons, but due to the lack of proper regulatory means, reckless development of urban commercial areas is taking place, causing enormous damage to the living and street environment. However, resetting the building height regulation by block-unit in downtown areas can enhance the comfort of living and street environment and, at the same time, have the direction of development of cities with the proper density. In response, the research seeks to find a new method of calculating height regulations to prevent imprudent development and to build buildings of proper height. To do this, the highest standards for each site’s characteristics were selected by applying different elevations for different types of new street zones after studying the relevant theories, laws and reviewing and analyzing the drawings and conditions of the relentless development site in Gwangmyeong. Using one of the new street zone types selected as a representative model, a simulation was conducted on the site in Gwangmyeong to compare with the previous setback from road-width and then reviewed the feasibility of the newly presented calculation method. This research is valuable as a practical study that contributes to urban problems such as damage to nearby residential areas and worsening of the street environment due to reckless development of commercial sites, after the roadway setback regulation was abolished. 도로사선제한은 2015년 여러 가지 문제를 이유로 폐지되었지만 그에 적합한 규제 수단의 부재로 도시의 상업지는 무분별한 난개발이 일어나고 있어 거주환경과 가로환경에 막대한 피해가 나타나고 있다. 하지만 도심지내 가로구역별 건축물들의 최고높이 규제 방법을 재설정 한다면 가로구역은 거주환경과 가로환경의 쾌적성을 증진시킬 수 있음과 동시에 적정의 밀도를 가지는 도시의 개발 방향을 가질 수 있다. 이에 이 연구는 도심지 내에 난개발을 막고 적정 높이의 건축물개발을 위해서 새로운 높이 규제 계산방식을 모색하고자 한다. 이를 위해 관련 이론ㆍ법규ㆍ사례를 문헌 연구하고, 광명시의 난개발 부지의 도면 및 주변 상황을 검토ㆍ분석한 후, 새로운 가로구역유형별로 차등된 높이기준들을 적용하여 부지 특성별로 각각 다른 최고 높이 기준을 선정하였다. 이렇게 선정된 새로운 가로구역유형 중 한 유형을 선택하고 광명시 부지에 시뮬레이션을 진행하여 기존의 도로사선제한과 비교 후 새롭게 제시된 계산방법의 타당성을 검토하였다. 이 연구는 도로사선제한이 폐지된 후 상업지의 무분별한 난개발로 인한 인근 주거지역의 피해와 가로환경의 악화와 같은 도시 문제를 개선하는 실용적 연구로서의 가치가 있다.

      • 도시 활성화 재개발의 전략과 방향 : 일본 사례의 특성과 성공 요인

        우현 중앙대학교 건설환경연구소 2000 環境科學硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        This study is to investigate the redevelopment strategies and directions which can ensure the revitalization of urban areas. This study identifies the main purpose and effect of redevelopments and the trends of Japanese urban revitalization projects. And as a case study, two recent redevelopment projects in Japan, Tennoz Isle redevelopment project in Tokyo and urban master plan and several redevelopment projects in Kanazawa City, were analyzed in terms of their its characteristics and elements that help the urban revitalization. On the basis of substantial analysis, three issues are raised as major factor of success of projects. First is the provision of a comprehensive and long-term master plan and strategic execution tools which comprise the main direction of urban growth. The second element is ensuring benefits and amenity to the public amid the up-zoning nature of redevelopment. The last element is the establishment of a proper system to make redevelopment projects in reality.

      • 우리나라 도시 전통주거지역의 보존과 재생의 방향

        梁宇鉉 中央大學校 建設環境硏究所 1995 環境科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The intent of this study is to search new planning strategies for the conservation and revitalization of traditional urban housing areas in Korea, through the investigation of foreign cases. The present state of traditional urban housing areas in Korea urgently requires design guidelines for conservation and proper strategies for redevelopment, which refers the need of a policy change from the strictly-regulative policy for those areas. A comparative analysis of several foreign cases shows that the conservation and revitalization techniques and redevelopment programs have been prepared and applied in various ways, specifically meeting the social, physical and economic conditions of the sites. Learned from the case study, a change of general attitude and a new strategy in planning are proposed for the application of the traditional Korean housing sites. First, responsible institutions, exclusively in charge of conservation and revitalization, are to be organized and managed in a cooperative manner. Secondly, the regulative conservation policy has to be overcome by more incentive-offering development methods based on the urban design concepts, in order to encourage the qualitative conservation and the reasonable redevelopment. And lastly, a hierarchical planning and design procedure should be taken, along with the firm definition of proper workscopes and contents of work. Especially a detailed development plan as a design guideline of architectural projects in the site is highly recommended to prepare for the best result.

      • KCI등재

        역세권 주거지 상업화의 특성 분석을 위한상업시설 분류와 상업화 수치 설정 : 서울시 역세권을 중심으로

        우현,윤용석 대한건축학회지회연합회 2013 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.15 No.5

        본 연구는 역세권의 도시공간을 효율적으로 파악할 수 있는 방법 중 하나인 주거지 상업화의 특성을 분석하기 위해 거주환경에 필요 정도(또는 위해 정도)에 의해 상업시설을 분류하고 이 시설이 주거지에 영향을 주는 정도를 수치로 설정한 후 이를 실제 사례를 통해 확인해 보았다. 연구결과를 요약하면 근린생활시설을 거주환경과 관련성(기호~생존의 개념)으로 재분류한 주거지 상업시설을 생활필수 상업시설, 생활편익 상업시설, 근린활동 상업시설, 전문 상업시설로 분류하였다. 또한 이들 상업시설별 상업화 수치를 도시주거학, 도시사회학, 범죄심리학에 근거하여 생활필수 상업시설의 상업화 수치 0.6, 생활편익 상업시설의 상업화 수치 3.3, 근린활동 상업시설의 상업화 수치 8.4, 전문 상업시설의 상업화 수치 10.0을 설정하였다. 마지막으로 상업시설의 분류와 상업화 수치를 사례지를 선정하여 검토한 결과, 도로에 인접한 필지내 표시된 주거지 상업시설의 분포 현황이 역세권 교차로와의 도로별 위치 관계에서 일반적인 또는 공통된 특징을 나타내고 있었기 때문에 역세권 주거지 상업화 분석을 위한 상업시설의 분류와 상업화 수치 설정이 논리적으로 이뤄졌음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 도심 상업지내 소규모 복합용도 개발에 관한 연구

        우현,황정연 中央大學校 建設環境硏究所 1997 環境科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        The intent of this study is to prepose the guidelines of small scaled mixed-use development for urban commercial areas. The recent large-scale developments ignore the characteristics of their own urban quality and fail to enhance the amenity or livability. For solving these shortcomings and proposing an alternative development method and guidelines, Gwan-su Dong area in Chong-ro Gu, Seoul, was selected as a case site and investigated in various levels. Some results of the site analysis are as follows. First, the difficulty of development is largely due to the small lot size. (The number of small lots under the minimum requirement for development is 58.7% of whole lots of the area.) Secondly, the low density of use aggravates the quality and sense of the place in urban commercial blocks. Thirdly, the lack of open space and service area prohibits the live urban street activities. Based on this analysis, the small scaled mixed-use development is proposed as an alternative method of development and the pertinent guidelines for implementing the development are as follows; 1) A master plan is to be prepared, reflecting the systematic method and the proper contents of the development. 2) For gradual change and piecemeal growth, development units are to be planned. Each development in a small scale is implemented observing the boundary of these units, in an organic and a self-contained manner for livability. 3) For the efficiency of commercial use of the area, mixed-use buildings with a proper level of FAR and building coverage are recommended. 4) To make the area a useful urban space, minimum quantity of service and pedestrian spaces is to be provided. Applying these guidelines, a master plan for the site is schematically prepared as a possibility of an alternative small scaled mixed-use development in urban commercial areas.

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