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      • 學校組織文化에 關한 一硏究

        金俊基 圓光大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1990 敎育硏究 Vol.- No.9

        This study was to explore the concepts of School organizational culture in order to offer new perspective for the understanding of school effectiveness. The primary objectives of this study were ① to analyze the concepts of organizational culture. ② to determine the conceptive model of school organizational culture. ③ to extract components of school organizational culture. Research methodolagy employed included unterviews, surveys, the analysis of literature study and many professionals' advice (reseancher, supervisor, tracher, principal and professor). The conclusions drawn from this study were as follows ; School organizational culture created shared assumptions through the interaction of school organizational members and shared assumption was represented by core culture such as values, ideologies, beliefs goals and soon. This contents of school organizational culture internalized by organizational members revealed unique characteristics of school and made organizational members keep the consciousness of ideneity and the patterns of common behavior. This might be phenomenon that organizational culture was reflected in the consciousness of whole organizational members. In this context, school organizational culture can be the multiple concept of symbolic behavior in the sense that shared assumptions (values, beliefs, ideologies, goals and so on) which reveal unique characteristics of school wore expressed by organizational members. Components of school organizational culture were divided into the factors of core culture and expressive culture. Factors of expressive culture were classidied into the factors of symbolic culture and practical culture. This components of school organizational culture were general charucteristic which was discovered in many schools. Thus, according to basic common assumptions, it will be a way of management strategy that every school should develop cultural factors which are suitable for organizational members to obtain efficient performance of school organization in consideration of social and cultural environment and specific situational condition.

      • KCI등재후보

        Convergence in the International Financial Markets

        金晙基 법무부 2002 통상법률 Vol.- No.44

        At an alarming rate, many forms of convergence and globalization are proceeding in the international financial markets. In the first section, the current article discusses the adaptation to climatic changes through examining several factors - the dominant roles of institutional investors originating from the United States and the United Kingdom who presently exert considerable pressure on global companies to cater to their needs to attract financing from them; the gradual consolidation across national borders of the securities markets and their consequent regulations; the increasing numbers of foreign companies who are listed on advanced capital markets such as the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange; and the growing reliance on direct financing through the capital markets instead of indirect debt financing through commercial banks by leading companies around the world. The current article goes on to explore how transparency is enforced to harmonize national accounting standards with two global standards and focuses on the progression toward a global equity culture. It then questions whether a particular type of convergence will occur in the legal and regulatory realm, bringing about even deeper integration of the international financial markets. In addition, by summarizing recent debates in terms of corporate governance, it examines the sign of commonality in the bi-polar ownership structures. Finally, based on the analysis of several historical models, the current article provides policy recommendations in light of these various changes, especially given the fact that nations have little choice but to embrace these inexorable global trends.

      • 組織文化에 關한 一硏究

        金俊基 圓光大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1989 敎育硏究 Vol.- No.8

        A study on organizational culture has come to the fore as a matter of new concern in the field of business administration in America and has created new field for the development of organizational theory. The developmental background of a study on organizational culture can data back to the study on Western Electric Company in 1930’s, but the full-scale study of organizational culture originated in “Theory Z” by William G. Ouchi in 1981. Approaches for a study on organizational culture have been conducted from a viewpoint of cross-cultural or comparative Management, corporate culture, organizational cognition, organizational symbolism, and unconscious processes and organization etc., Cross-culture or comparative management and corporate culture regard a certain aspect in organization as organizational culture and discuss relation between the aspect and other aspects. Organizational cognition, organizational symbolism, and unconscious processes and organization view the whole organizational phenomenon as culture phenomenon. This study was based on the viewpoint of the latter. The concept of organizational culture which was manipulatively defined with elements of organizational culture extracted from preceding studies was as follows : “Organizational culture means the compound concept of shared assumptions, shared values, shared goals, belief and ideology etc. peculiar to organization, which have an influence on symbol behavior of members in organization.” Some researchers think that organizational culture is similar to organizational climate, but organizational climate is sub-conception of organizational culture, influenced by organizational culture. Organizational culture puts special emphasis on shared assumptions, shared values, shared goals, belief, and ideology etc., while organizational climate places emrhasis on the perception of members on organization. The approach method of study is different in that organizational culture depends on anthropology, while organizational climate on Psychology and Sociology.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 기업 거버넌스 모델의 형성

        김준기(金晙基) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2006 신아세아 Vol.13 No.1

          본 논문은 동아시아 기업의 거버넌스가 특정한 모델형태로 형성되어 가고 있는지를 점검하고자 한다. 즉 동아시아 기업 거버넌스가 법치주의의 정착과 시장경제의 공고화에 따라 어떠한 영향을 받고 있으며, 국제기준에 근접해 오고 있는지, 그리고 미래에는 어떻게 변화할 것인지를 전망하고자 한다. 특히 동아시아 기업 거버넌스의 모델의 형성여부는 기업지배구조에 관한 논의에서 일반적으로 제시되고 있는 핵심사항에 초점을 맞추고자 한다. 동아시아 기업 거버넌스 모델의 형성을 촉진시키는 요인으로는 소유구조의 변화, 법제도의 일원화 추세, 주주권리 및 투명성의 강화, 주식문화의 정착, 교차상장추세, 기업 인수시장의 활성화 등 다양하고 포괄적이다, 반면에 동아시아의 각기 다른 역사, 문화, 경제, 법체계, 전통 등이 이 같은 추세에 미치는 영향을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. 기업 거버넌스의 주요 의제를 동아시아 국가의 관점에서 정리하고 국제적인 추세와 비교하여 수평적인 분석을 도모하고 결과적으로 수렴여부를 이론적으로 분석하고자 한다.   This paper seeks to determine whether an East Asian model of corporate governance is emerging. It will explore how corporate governance in East Asia is being affected by the establishment of the rule of law and the transition to market economies. Whether East Asian companies are approaching international standards and what lies ahead in the future will also be explored. To assess if such an East Asian model is developing, the paper will focus on the fundamental problems that surround the corporate governance debate in East Asia. The diverse and comprehensive factors that are contributing to the shaping of a corporate governance model in East Asia include changes in ownership structure, the harmonization of laws, regulations and codes, the strengthening of shareholder rights and enhancement of transparency, the spread of equity culture, the trends of cross-listing, and the development of a corporate control market. The effect of East Asia"s history, culture, economies, legal systems and traditions will have on these emerging trends cannot be underestimated. By analyzing corporate governance issues from the perspective of East Asian countries and comparing it with international trends, a theoretical analysis of the potential convergence into a particular model of corporate governance will be conducted.

      • KCI등재

        미국 · 일본 · 중국 · 한국의 지식재산행정체계 비교 분석 : 제도 분석 관점의 적용

        김준기(金俊基),김난영(金蘭榮) 韓國行政學會 2010 韓國行政學報 Vol.44 No.2

        본 연구는 효율적 지식재산행정체계의 필요성은 같은데도 왜 국가 간 그 유형에 차이가 있는지를 분석하고 정책적 시사점을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 제도분석(Institutional analysis) 관점을 적용하여 미국, 일본, 중국, 그리고 한국의 지식재산행정체계를 비교 분석한 결과, 설명력의 정도에 차이가 있기는 하지만 아이디어, 제도, 이익집단, 그리고 경제발전 수준 등이 그 차이를 설명해 주었다. 이러한 분석 결과는 한국의 지식재산행정체계를 지식재산정책 전략의 기획 조정 추진 기능을 효율적으로 수행할 수 있는 유형으로 혁신하려면 무엇보다 최고정책결정권자를 중심으로 정부의 지식재산의 중요성에 대한 아이디어의 수용, 정책 결정과정에서 산업계를 포함한 민간 참여의 확대, 그리고 지식재산행정체계의 단계적 형성 전략 등이 요구됨을 시사해 준다.

      • KCI등재

        시비량과 분시방법이 포기자의 수량형질에 미치는 영향

        徐寬錫,李主烈,金昭年,金俊基,韓圭興 韓國作物學會 1986 한국작물학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        포기자의 시비적량과 알맞는 분류방법을 구명코저 시험을 실시하여 얻은 결과를 요약하면 1. N14P2 O57K2 O14kg/10a(표준비) 보다 N14P2 O514K2 O14k/10a 시비시 경장은 4cm길었고, 엽면적은 45~490cm2 가 많았으며, 주당건물중은 1.6~5gr이 무거웠다. 2. 1984~1985년 2개년 건과중 표준비의 171kg/10a보다, N14P2 O521K2 O14kg/10a 시용은 185kg/10a로 8%증수되었으며, 3. 엽의 3요소 흡수량과 건물중은 P2 O5는 1%, N과 K2 O는 5% 수준에서 유의성이 인정되었으며, 경제성을 감안한 10a시비 적량은 N은 13.8kg, P2 O5는14.2kg, K2 O는 14.3kg이었다. 4. 시비방법중 3요소의 분시시용은 3요소 기비시용보다, 주당 엽면적과 건물중의 증대로 인해 건과중이 20% 많았으며, 낙엽은 전혀 되지 않아 합리적인 시비방법으로 사료되었다. This study was conducted to investigate the proper fertilizer application level and top-dressing method of Lycium chinense MILL in 1984 and 1985. The results obtained were summerized as follows; Stem length was 4cm longer, leaf area was 45-490~textrmcm2 larger, dry matter weight per plant was 1.6-5g heavier and average yield of dry fruit of two years was higher as 183kg per l0a in double amount of potassium( 14kg/l0a) application than in standard level of potassium(7kg/l0a). Highly positive correlation was found between absorption amount of inorganic elements of phosporus(l%), nitrogen, potassium(5%) and dry matter weight. Proper fertilizer application level was 13.8kg(N), 14.2kg(P) and 14.3kg(K) per l0a. Dry fruit yield of top-dress-ing plot was 20% heigher than that of basal dressing plot through increase of leaf area per plant and dry matter weight per plant.

      • 朝鮮朝 書院敎育의 實際와 社會的 役割에 關한 硏究

        張德三,李鐘祿,辛堯永,金俊基,李相基 圓光大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1989 敎育硏究 Vol.- No.8

        The brief contents about the background of the appearance of Seo-won in Yi-Dynasty, the actual state of its education and its social role are as follows : 1. Our nation’s Seo-won was not settled as a Confucian educational institute until Sun Confucianism (性理學) was introduced in the middle of Yi-Dynasty. 2. The ultimate purpose of the Seo-won education was to establish the permanent aim of the following saints (法聖賢) and to cultivate sages by laying emphases on the ethical and moral education and the state examination education. 3. So-hak (小學) and Ka-lye (家禮) were introductory courses and Sa-se (四書) and Oh-kyeong (五經) were fundamental ones in the contents of education. 4. It took the educational method of Joo Ja (朱子) in Song-Dynasty and emphasized practical moral education by autere training syatem. 5. They administered it by the income of real estate which they secured, while they expanded its paddy fields with surplus income. 6. The educational system and equipment of Seo-won was similar to that of China which had a director and Yoo Sa (有司) system although there was some difference according to the class of Seo-won. 7. Seo-won did its duty as the distribution of information, the promotion of Confucianism, the enlightment of their countries, the inheritance of their traditional culture, the foundation of science and the publication or custody of publications.

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