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        신장이식 57 예에서의 공여자특이수혈 및 거부억제제 치료법에 따른 이식신의 예후

        황영표(Young Pyo Hwang),유홍(Hong Yoo),김영호(Young Ho Kim),표광민(Kwang Min Pyo),이상욱(Sang Uk Lee),주운수(Woon Soo Joo),최창필(Chang Pil Choi),박진석(Jin Seok Park),김홍기(Hong Khee Kim),이시래(Si Rhae Lee) 대한내과학회 1988 대한내과학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        N/A 57 cases of renal transplantation from December 1984 to August 1987, of which 10 cases were HLA-identical (HLA-ID), 39 cases were HLA-haploidentical (HLA-HID) and 8 cases were living-unrelated (LUR). The mean age of recipients and donors was 35.3 years and 40.3 years, respectively, Underlying renal diseases of the recipients were mostly chronic glomerulonephritis (52 cases), and the remaining 5 cases were chronic pyelone-phritis, reflux nephropathy, hypertentsive nephrosclerosis, polycystic renal disease and diabetic nephropathy. The post donor specific transfusion (DST) sensitization rate was compared between a group treated by DST alone and a group treated by DST with Azathioprine The effect of Cyclosporine A plus prednisolone (Cs-A+P group) and Azathioprine plus prednisolone (Aza+P group) as immunosuppressive agents on renal allograft function was compared in the HLA-ID, HLA-HID and LUR group. The post-DST sensitization rate was 20.0% in the DST alone group and 4.9% in the DST with Azathio-prine group, however the difference was not statistically significant. Acute rejection after renal transplantation developed in 4 of 19 cases (21.1%) in the Cs-A+P treated HLA-HID group, in 2 of 10 cases (20.0%) in the HLA-ID group and in 7 of 17 cases (41.2%) in the Aza+P treated HLA-HID group. Again, the difference among these groups was not significant. Excluding 4 cases of graft failure due to nonimmunolgical causes, the acturial graft survival for 2 years was 10096 in the HLA-ID group, 88% in the HLA-H1D group and 71.4% in the LUR group. The number of patients with serum creatinine below 2 mg/dl was 19 of 19 cases (100%) in the Cs-A+P treated HLA-HID group during 7.68±5.18 months, and 14 of 17 cases (82.4% ) in the Aza+P treated HLA-HID group during 12.5±7.5 months, and the difference was not statistically significant. The above results suggest that the pretransplant allosensitization by DST was lower in the DST+Aza group than in the DST alone group, and the effect of Cs -A+P on renal allogrsft seemed to be better than that of Aza+P. However, further studies including more cases and longer observation periods are necessary to conclude which posttransplantation regimen is better between Aza+P and Cs-A+P, even after DST.

      • 運動後 酸素運搬에 影響을 미치는 因子들의 變化

        黃永杓,朱漢泰,朴載植,朱永恩 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1988 慶北醫大誌 Vol.29 No.3

        안정시 혈중 2,3-DPG 함량 차이에 중점을 두고 운동으로 인하여 산소운반에 影響을 미치는 因子 즉 心拍數, 헤마토크릿, 헤모글로빈, 이산화탄소분압, pH 및 혈압의 변화를 보기 위하여 대학교 남자운동선수 17명을 실험대상으로 하고 대조군으로는 일반 남자 대학생 16명을 임의 선정하였다. 안정시 上記 因子들을 관찰한 뒤 兩群에 운동負荷를 하였다. 안정시 차이가 없으면 운동선수만, 차이가 있으면 兩群 모두에서 운동후 회복기에 이들 因子들의 변화 양상을 관찰하였다. 운동負荷는 最大酸素消耗量의 85%에 달하는 운동량이었다. 안정시 운동선수군은 徐脈을 나타냈으며 헤마토크릿 値와 수축기혈압은 낮았다. 하지만 헤모글로빈, 혈중 2,3-DPG, 산소분압, 이산화탄소분압 및 pH는 안정시에 차이가 없었다. 운동으로 인하여 心拍數와 수축기혈압은 증가하였고 이완기혈압은 감소하였으며 兩群의 변화 양상은 거의 같았다. 헤마토크릿, 헤모글로빈 및 혈중 2,3-DPG는 운동직후 유의하게 증가하였으며 회복기 5분에는 안정시 값으로 되돌아왔다. 정맥혈중 산소함량은 운동으로 감소하는 경향이었으며 회복기 5분에는 오히려 유의한 증가를 보였고 20분에는 안정시로 되돌아왔다. 운동으로 이산화탄소분압은 증가하는 것 같았으며 회복기 10분에는 반대로 유의한 감소를 하였고 20분에는 안정시로 되돌아왔다. pH는 운동직후 유의하게 감소하였으며 그후 차차 증가하여 20분에는 안정시 값과 비슷하게 되었다. 上記의 여러 因子들의 변화는 운동시 필요한 산소를 조직에 많이 갖다 주기 위한 현상으로 循環系변화와 이산화탄소, pH 및 혈중 2,3-DPG들과 같은 산소와 헤모글로빈에 영향을 주는 변화들로써 모두 산소운반에 도움을 줄 것으로 생각하며 특히 안정시에 兩群에 2,3-DPG 함량에는 차이가 없었고 운동후에는 증가하였음이 특기할만 하다고 하겠다. The study was carried out to elucidate the effect of exercise on the oxygen carrying factors. The subjects chosen for this study were 17 athletic male university students of 20-23 years of age, and were compared with 16 students who were not directly engaged in any form of regular physical exercise. The subjects were directed to perform running on the treadmill for four minutes under the condition of 12% degree tilt and 5MPH in athletes and 3.5MPH in nonathletes to the heart rate of 170 beats/min. Venous blood samples were taken at rest as well as 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 minutes after the exercise to study the changes during the recovery period. The venous blood P_o2, P_co2 and pH were determined using the Model 175 Automatic Blood Gas Analyzer, 2, 3-DPG by Sigma Kit No. 35-UV, hemoglobin by cyanmethemoglobin method, hematocrit by centrifuge method and heart rate by physiograph. The results thus obtained were compared with the control and summarized as follows : The athletes showed a significantly lower resting values of heart rate, hematocrit and systolic blood pressure than the nonathletes. However, resting values of hemoglobin, blood 2,3-DPG, P_o2, P_co2 and pH were not different between the two groups. The exercise increased heart rate and systolic blood pressure to the similar level both in athletes and nonatheletes. On the other hand, diastolic blood pressure was significantly decreased in the both groups. Levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin and blood 2,3-DPG were significantly increased immediately after the exercise, but returned to the resting levels within 5 min. Oxygen content in the venous blood decreased during the exersise, but abruptly increased above the resting level at 5 min and then returned to the resting level at 20 min after the exercise. Exercise produced an increase in P_vo2 which was significantly dropped below the resting level at 10 min and returned to the resting level at 20 min after the exercise. The venous blood pH decreased immediately after the exercise, increased gradually and restored to the resting level at 20 min after the exercise. The above results indicate an increased oxygen carrying capacity by the exercise, because exercise produced increases in P_co2, H^+, blood 2,3-DPG, heart rate, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels.

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