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      • KCI등재

        저온 및 일장 처리가 무의 화아분화에 미치는 영향

        황순임(Sun Im Hwang),김정음(Jeong Eum Kim),나해영(Haeyoung Na) 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Flower bud differentiation by temperature and photoperiod was investigated in early-, medium-, and late-maturing cultivars of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Flower bud differentiation was induced by only day-length extension treatment (18 hr light/day) in early - and medium-maturing cultivars. Therefore, the early- and medium-maturing cultivars of radish were advanced the time of the flowering by the 2 weeks low temperature duration with day-length extension (18 hr light/day). The vegetative growth of early- and medium-maturing cultivar was the best by only day-length extension (18 hr light/day). However, late-maturing cultivar was needed for the flower bud differentiation and optimal vegetative growth not only long-day but also low temperature during 4~6 weeks at least. Our results suggest the optimal condition for flower bud differentiation in the each early-, medium-, and late-maturing cultivars of radish, which will be useful to develop breeding materials of radish.

      • KCI등재

        한강 하구역 강화 갯벌 조간대 건간망에 어획된 유영생물 군집구조

        선도,노진구,이선미,박지영,학진,임양재,Hwang, Sun-Do,Rhow, Jin-Goo,Lee, Sun-Mi,Park, Ji-Young,Hwang, Hak-Jin,Im, Yang-Jae 한국해양학회 2010 바다 Vol.15 No.4

        한강 하구의 강화 갯벌 조간대에서 유영생물의 종조성을 파악하기 위히여 2009년 4월부터 12월까지 매월 1회 강화 석모수로 조간대에 설치된 건간망에 어획된 유영생물을 수집 분석하였다. 채집된 유영생물은 총 57종으로 그 중 어류가 34종으로 가장 많았고, 갑각류 20종, 두족류 2종 그리고 1종의 해파리가 출현하였다. 종조성은 봄과 가을에 다양한 종들이 출현하였으며, 양적으로는 가을에 많았다. 총 어획물중 꽃게 (Portunus trituberculatus)가 전체 개체수의 57.2%를 차지하여 가장 많았고, 다음으로 그라비새우(Palaemon gravieri) 7.1 %, 황강달이 (Collichthys lucidus) 7.0%, 무늬발게(Hemigrapsus sanguineus) 6.2%, 밀새우(Exopalaemon carinicauda) 4.7% 순으로 우점하였다. 우점종 중 가숭어(Chelon haematocheilus), 풀망둑(Synechogobius hasta), 웅어 (Coilia nasus), 그라비새우, 밀새우 등은 기수성 주거종이었으며, 꽃게, 황강달이, 숭어 (Mugil cephalus), 참서대(Cynoglossus joyneri) 등은 하구를 보육 및 성육장으로 이용하는 연안 회유종이었다. 그 외 양적으로는 적지만 황복(Takifugu obscurus), 참게(Eriocheir sinensis), 뱀장어 (Anguilla japonica) 등의 왕복 회유종과 붕어(Carassius auratus) 등의 담수종도 출현하였다. Seasonal variation in species composition of estuarine fauna in the Han River estuary was determined by analyzing monthly samples collected on the intertidal flat of Ganghwa Island by a fence net from April to December 2009. Total number of species was 57: 34 species of fishes, 20 species of crustacean, 2 species of cephalopods and 1 species of jellyfish. Of a total of 57 species, Portunus trituberculatus (57.2%), Palaemon gravieri (7.1%), Collichthys lucidus (7.0%), Hemigrapsus sanguineus (6.2%) and Exopalaemon carinicauda (4.7%) were predominated in abundance. Diverse species were occurred in spring and autumn, and abundance was high in autumn. Chelon haematocheilus, Synechogobius hasta, Co ilia nasus, P. gravieri and E. carinicauda were classified as the brackish residence species. P. trituberculatus, C. lucidus, Mugil cephalus and Cynoglossus joyneri were coastal migratory species which use the estuary as nursing and feeding grounds. Diadromous species (such as Takifogu obscurus, Anguilajaponica and Eriocheir sinensis) and freshwater fish (Carassius auratus) were also collected.

      • 안와를 포함한 관자놀이 두개골절개술에서 두 개의 골편을 이용한 수술기법 : 미용적 측면의 개선방법

        선철(Sun-Chul Hwang),김범태(Bum-Tae Kim),임수빈(Soo-Bin Im),신원한(Won-Han Shin) 대한두개저학회 2006 대한두개저학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Cosmetic problems after the orbitopterional craniotomy are big concerns caused by the injury to the temporalis muscle and more destructive resection of the orbit. This report describes the techniques to dissect the physiologic plane of the temporalis muscle and fascia and to preserve the contour of orbit. Subfascial dissection of the temporalis muscle for the scalp reflection was applied to preserve the frontal branch of the facial nerve. The temporalis muscle was detached from the temporal fossa with anterior to posterior and proximal to distal manner. The muscle was not incised vertically or cauterized. A usual pterional craniotomy was performed and then an orbital craniotomy was followed. The passing drill (#8TA11, Midas Rex) was used to cut the orbital rim. The first cut was made on the lateral to the supraorbital notch. The second cut was proximal to the frontozygomatic suture. Following, the orbital roof was thinned to 3 to 4 cm posteriorly with cutting drills. The drilling was connected to the cutting edges of the orbital rim and the superior orbital fissure. After dural closure, the bone flaps were fixed with a Neuroclip??. This technique has been used for the 21 adult patients (11 male and 10 female patients) to clip anterior communicating artery aneurysms. The thickness of the temporalis muscle was measured at 3 points before surgery and in 3 months after surgery. As a result, it provided a wide basal exposure for clipping aneurysms. There were no injuries to the frontal branch of facial nerve. The most vulnerable area of periorbital injuries was just distal to frontozygomatic suture. All the patients suffered from the periorbital swelling after operation, which was subsided around 5 days. The bulk of the temporalis muscle was not significantly reduced and the reduction of the muscle thickness was less than 10%. The rigid fixation of the orbital and pterional bone flaps could be achieved. Although orbitopterional craniotomy requires extensive works, cosmetic results may be optimal if the physiologic dissection of the temporalis muscle and fascia and appropriate resection and fixation of orbital roof were performed.

      • 수술 전 감별진단이 어려웠던 소뇌 중심부 종양:2예

        선철 ( Sun Chul Hwang ),김범태 ( Bum Tae Kim ),임수빈 ( Soo Bin Im ),신원한 ( Won Han Shin ),고은석 ( Eun Seok Koh ) 대한뇌종양학회 2004 대한뇌종양학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        The exact preoperative diagnosis in the cerebellar midline tumor is crucial to design the operative plan such as the extent of tumor resection, preservation of critical structures, and need to be shunt. We experienced 2 cases, which were suspected as usual radiologic diagnoses but were revealed as rare entities in the pathology. A 15-year-old child presented with sudden headache while he was studying. The features of radiologic images suggested the hematoma caused by the underlying lesion. Medulloblastoma, cavernous hemangioma, and ependymoma were suspected. After operation, pathology revealed it to be hemorrhagic pilocytic astrocytoma. A 40-year-old woman suffered from lasting headache and ataxia. In the radiologic finding, it was a huge cystic mass with a mural nodule. We took into consideration cerebellar tumor such as dermoid cyst, hemangioblatoma, or cystic astrocytoma. The pathologic diagnosis was the mature teratoma. These rare entities of pathology occurred in the cerebellar midline region should be considered in the progress of diagnosis and we will review it with pertinent literatures.

      • KCI등재

        서해 하구역과 연안역 유영생물의 군집구조 비교

        선도,이우주,임양재,Hwang, Sun-Do,Lee, Woo-Joo,Im, Yang-Jae 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.3

        서해안 연안역과 하구역의 유영생물의 종조성 변동을 파악하고, 두 해역간의 생산성을 비교하기 위해서 2010년 3월~12월의 대조기에 하구역인 강화도과 연안역인 장봉도에서 주목망으로 24시간 동안 어획된 유영생물을 수집하였다. 유영생물의 군집구조는 해역별, 월별, 분류군별 양적 차이를 보였으며, 유영생물의 종다양도는 연안역보다 하구역에서 낮았으나, 생산력은 하구역에서 더 높았다. 강화도 주변 하구역에서는 싱어, 가숭어, 황강달이가 연안역에서 보다 많은 양이 빈번히 출현하여 기수종이 우세하였고, 연안역인 장봉도 주변 해역에서는 해양종으로 분류할 수 있는 청멸, 밴댕이, 꽃게가 하구역에서 보다 많은 양이 자주 출현함으로써 유영생물이 서식처에 따라 공간적 분포를 달리함을 확인할 수 있었다. 그라비새우, 밀새우, 풀망둑 등은 연안역과 하구역에서 양적으로나 출현 횟수가 비슷하여 하구와 연안을 왕래하는 종으로 판단된다. 하구 생태계의 건강성을 과학에 근거하여 평가함은 하구의 효율적인 관리를 위해서 정책의 우선순위를 결정하고 관리방향을 설정하는데 유용하게 활용될 것이다. To elucidate the species compositions of estuarine and inshore fauna and compare productivities between them, catch were collected by bag nets in the Han River estuary off Ganghwa Island and the inshore waters off Jangbong Island for 24 hours at the spring tide from March to December 2010. Community structures of nekton assemblages were different with area, month, taxonomic groups. Although the diversity of estuarine nekton assemblage was lower than that of inshore nekton assemblage, the productivity of nekton assemblage in estuary was higher than that in the inshore waters. Nekton assemblages were distributed according to habitat environment: the estuarine species, Coilia mystus, Chelon haematocheilus, Collichthys lucidus were prominent in the Han River estuary off Ganghwa Island, and marine species, Thryssa kammalensis, Sardinella zunasi, Portunus trituberculatus were prominent in the inshore waters off Jangbong Island. Palaemon gravieri, Exopalaemon carinicauda, Synechogobius hasta were inhabited in both waters. The health assessment of estuarine ecosystem based on scientific research will be contributed to the effective management of estuary with determination of order and direction in policy.

      • KCI등재

        조류가 강한 서해 하구에서 수동어구를 이용한 하구역 유영생물의 효율적 채집

        선도 ( Sun Do Hwang ),임양재 ( Yang Jae Im ) 한국어업기술학회 2011 수산해양기술연구 Vol.47 No.4

        To obtain the effective sampling estuarine fauna by a passive net in the West Sea of Korea occurring strong tide, catch were collected by bag nets with various sampling trials off Ganghwa Island in November 2009. We compared the difference of community structures (on spring tide vs. neap tide, total sample vs. subsample and 4 nets vs. 1 net) with each species composition as a sampling unit by the Pearson chi-square test. Number of individual at the spring tide was more abundant than that at the neap tide (p<0.0001) although number of species at the spring tide was not significantly different with that at the neap tide (p〓0.174). Both number of species (p〓0.138) and number of individual (p〓0.096) were not significantly different between total sample and random subsample. Number of species was not significantly different between the subsample by 1 net and the subsample by 4 nets (p〓0.515), but number of individual was a little different on both samples (p〓0.024). In conclusion, we suggest the subsample by 1 net at spring tide as the effective sampling estuarine fauna by a passive net in the West Sea occurring strong tide.

      • KCI등재

        서해 영광 연안 수산자원 I. 주목망 어획자원의 종조성

        선도,임양재,김용철,차형기,최승호,HWANG Sun Do,IM Yang Jae,KIM Yong Cheol,CHA Hyung Kee,CHOI Seung Ho 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        1995년 4월부터 1996년 1월 사이에 서해 영광 연안에서 주목망으로 채집한 부영생물의 종조성과 계절에 따른 양적 변동을 파악하였다. 한 시기 정점간의 종조성 변화가 적어 조석간만의 차가 심한 서해에서는 강한 조류를 이용한 수동어구의 자료는 우점종에 대해서 정량화가가능하였다. 조사기간중 총 98종이 출현하였으며, 그중 어류가 $52.0\%$, 새우류 $44.6\%$, 두족류 $2.0\%$, 게류 $1.4\%$ 및 복족류가 $.1\%$ 미만을 차지하였고, 청멸 (Thryssa kammalensis), 마루자주새우 (Crangon hakodatei), 중하 (Metapenaeus joynezi), 민태 (Johnius grypotus) 등이 전체의 $68\%$ 이상을 차지하여 소수종에 의해서 우점하였다. 출현종수와 개체수 및 생체량의 계절변동이 크게 나타났다. 주성분 분석 결과, 부영생물의 종조성이 정점간의 변화보다는 계절적인 변동이 크게 나타났다. 서해 남부의 영광 연안 해역은 세립질 퇴적물이 우세한 해역으로 서해 중부 해역과는 다른 종조성을 보였다. Seasonal species composition of fishery resources was determined using samples collected by a stow net from April 1995 through January 1996 at 9 stations off Youngkwang. Catch data obtained from a set net using strong tidal current could be used for a quantitative analysis of dominant species. Of the 98 species identified, assemblages were consisted of $52.0\%$ in fishes, $44.6\%$ in shrimps, $2.0\%$ in cephalopods, $1.4\%$ in crabs and <$0.1\%$ in gastropods. Thryssa kammalensis, Crangon hakodatei, Metapenaeus joynezi and Johnius grypotus predominated in abundance, consisting of $68\%$ in the number of individuals, The abundance and species composition fluctuated seasonally, and species could be distinguished by life history pattern with seasons. Seasonal variation in species composition was greater than the spatial variation in a sampling period, As the fine sediment was predominated in the study area, the species composition were significantly different from those of other coastal waters of West Sea, Korea.

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