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        지역사회복지관 사례관리자의 사례관리 실천과정 수행에 관한 연구 -부산·경남지역을 중심으로-

        황세인,박정란 충북연구원 2019 지역정책연구 Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구는 질적 사례연구를 통해 지역사회복지관의 사례관리자들이 사례관리의 전 과정을 어떻게 수행하는지 그리고 이 과정에서 나타난 이슈를 탐색하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구참여자는 부산·경남지역의 지역사회복지관에 근무하는 사례관리자 7명으로 심층면접을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 사례관리의 각 단계(도입-사정-목표설정과 서비스 계획수립- 서비스 계획 실행-모니터링-평가 및 종결)에 따라 질적으로 분석하여, 19개의 하위범주를 도출하였다. 연구결과 지역사회복지관 사례관리자들의 사례관리실천 과정은 ‘클라이언트의 주체적인 삶을 지향하며 클라이언트와 그 환경을 변화시키기 위해 노력하고 있지만 여러 딜레마와 소진을 경험하며 사례관리자의 역량 범위 안에서 클라이언트의 욕구를 해결하는 현실적인 선택을 하는’것이었다. 본 연구는 연구결과를 근거로 고지, 클라이언트의 참여, 욕구판단 및 개입수준, 평가관련 논의점을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 사례관리 실천의 응용력 향상을 위한 교육을 강화하고 딜레마 해결을 위한 사례수집과 매뉴얼 작성, 사례관리자들의 소진예방을 위한 내·외부체계 정비를 제언하였다. This study was conducted by the method of qualitative case study in order to figure out the process of how case managers in community welfare centers practice(perform) case management. The data for this study were collected from the in-depth interviews with 7 case managers of community welfare centers in Gyeongnam and Busan area. The collected data was analysed qualitatively. From the analysis of each stage of case managements such as introduction, assessment-target setting, service planning, execution of service plan, monitoring, evaluation and closure, nineteen subcategories of the issues were derived. The case managers in community welfare centers were believed to work hard to help the clients to make an effort toward their own better life and environment through the process of case management practice. However, this study found that the case managers have faced a number of dilemmas and experienced exhaustion and thus made choices based on compromise with reality in practicing the case management within the scope of the case managers' capabilities. Based on the results of the study, the discussion points presented relating to the informed consent for case management, participation of clients, case managers' judgment about clients’ real needs. And this study discussed the case managers' intervention level and assessment of their case managing practices. Finally this study suggested the need to strengthen case managers' education in order to improve their application of case management skills and the need for better ways of collecting data and preparing manuals for solving dilemmas, and the need to reorganize internal and external system for prevention of case manager's burnout syndrome.

      • 빈민주거지 변천에 관한 일고찰

        황세인 한국사회복지역사학회 2020 사회복지역사연구 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 빈민주거지가 대규모로 형성되기 시작한 일제강점기 이후의 빈민주거지 변천을 파악하고, 현 재의 주거복지를 고찰한 연구이다. 빈민주거지의 형성은 식민지 경험과 전쟁이라는 급격한 사회변동으로 말미암아 확대되기 시작했으며, 자본주의적 산업화가 구조적으로 이농과 빈민층의 증대를 조장하면서 급 격히 증가하였다. 이 과정에서 정부가 개발을 위해 기존의 부적절한 주거지를 대량으로 정리하면서 불량 주거지 문제가 해결된 듯해 보였다. 하지만 갈 곳이 없어진 빈민층들은 다양한 형태의 새로운 빈민주거 지를 형성하기 시작했으며, 최근에는 지하셋방, 쪽방, 고시원 등과 같이 이들의 주거지가 파편화되고 은 폐되는 양상을 보이고 있다. 빈곤한 주거지와 불안정 및 부적절한 거주상태에 있는 주거빈곤 문제를 해결하기 위해 최저주거기준을 법제화 하고, 공공임대주택을 확충하는 등의 다양한 정책적 노력이 있었다. 하지만 대규모 단지형태의 임대주택 지원은 또 다른 배제와 차별을 야기시키기도 한다. 주거빈곤은 하나의 요인으로 인한 결과가 아닌 다양하고 복합적인 요인의 인과관계로 볼 수 있으며, 이러한 주거와 빈곤의 악순환의 고리를 끊기 위해서 주거복지는 고용, 건강 등의 종합적인 정책이 수반되어야 할 것이다. 무엇보다 주거빈곤층의 주 거문제 해결을 위해서는 주거권(housing rights) 보장을 위한 보다 종합적인 논의가 필요하겠다. This study is designed to understand the change in the deprived neighborhoods in Korea after Japanese colonial times when the deprived neighborhoods were formed on a large scale and then, investigate the current housing welfare. The formation of housing poverty started to expand due to rapid social changes such as the colonial experience and war and it increased rapidly when capitalistic industrialization structurally induced rural exodus and increased the proportion of the poor population. In this process, when the Government cleared the existing inadequate housing area in large quantities for development, it looked as if the insecure housing problems were solved. But, the poor people who had no place to live started to form new types of deprived neighborhoods so that recently, their neighborhoods have become fragmented and hidden such as underground rentd houses, jjokbang(doss house) and gosiwon. There have been various political efforts to solve the housing poverty problem for the people living in insure and inadequate housing as well as deprived neighborhoods such as legalizing the minimum housing standard and expanding public housing. However, the support of rent housing in large scale complexes sometimes cause different types of exclusion and discrimination. It seems that housing poverty is caused by various and complicated elements rather than one element. Therefore, to disconnect the vicious circle between housing and poverty, the housing welfare should be complemented by a comprehensive policy including employment and healthcare. Most of all, in order to solve the housing problems for the housing poverty population, there need to be comprehensive discussions to ensure the protection of housing rights.

      • KCI등재

        포항지진 피해 노인들의 거주지 이동(Relocation) 경험 연구

        황세인,박정란 한국생애학회 2022 생애학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Through qualitative case analyses, this study examines the relocation stress experienced by older adult victims who have resided for an extended period of time at a relief center set up in response to the Pohang earthquake. This study found that research participants remained hopeful about “returning home” despite physical, psychological, and social stress and trauma from having experienced a disaster for the first time and living at a shelter. According to the analysis, “frequently moving from place to place,” “earthquake trauma,” “family members are also victims,” “people at the shelter with whom we must live,” “communal life: adjustment and feeling of resignation,” “walking on eggshells despite being victims,” “feeling isolated and experiencing increased discontentment toward the local community,” and “expectation and hope for returning home,” were the eight central topics, with 19 sub-topics, of this study. The findings of this study indicate the need to establish welfare shelters for those made vulnerable by disasters and offer specialized care with extended case management to prevent or minimize the stress of relocation experienced by older adults.

      • KCI등재

        척추질환환자의 전문병원과 일반병원의 병원선택요인

        황세인 ( Se In Hwang ),이해종 ( Hae Jong Lee ),김진경 ( Jin Kyung Kim ),조우현 ( Woo Hyun Cho ),김지만 ( Ji Man Kim ),강혜영 ( Hye Young Kang ) 한국병원경영학회 2010 병원경영학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The present study was conducted to assess relative importance of hospital attributes considered by patients with spinal diseases in choosing specialty or general hospitals. A total of 230 patients hospitalized with spinal diseases in sampled study sites, including 2 specialty and 2 general hospitals, participated in a self-administered questionnaire survey from April 26 through May 8 2007. Patients were asked to rate the degree of agreement on each of the 15 attributes on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1: strongly disagree, 5: strongly agree) for which they chose the hospital because of that specific attribute. Based on a Factor analysis, the attributes were grouped into 4: facility and environment, accessibility, interpersonal factor, and credibility. Both patient groups from specialty (mean scale score; 3.75) and general hospitals (3.62) commonly considered `credibility` to be the most important attribute, followed by `facility and environment (3.05 and 3.21).` Logistic regression analysis showed that men(Odds ratio(OR)=0.333) and those with monthly income of ≥4 million won (OR=0.298) were less likely to choose specialty hospitals. Age groups of 30 to 39 years old (OR=5.140) and ≥60 years old(OR=4.761), and professionals (OR=5.207) tended to choose specialty hospitals. Patients expressing more importance on `facility and environment` attribute were less likely to use specialty hospitals (OR=0.571), whereas those emphasizing `accessibility` were more likely to use specialty hospitals(OR=1.487). The findings of significant difference in patient`s demographic characteristics and consideration in hospital attributes would contribute to have a better understanding on patient`s choice behaviour and to develop strategy to improve patient`s satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        쪽방거주자의 삶에 대한 질적 연구

        황세인(Hwang Se in) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2015 인문사회과학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 산재되어 형성된 쪽방에 거주하는 이들의 삶을 이해하는 것이다. 이를 위해 대표적인 분산형 쪽방지역으로 알려진 부산광역시의 쪽방거주자를 대상으로 인터뷰와 참여관찰을 통해 자료를 수집·분석하였다. 연구결과, 정보제공자들은 생계유지를 위한 ‘절약’과 ‘시간 때우기’가 가능한 장소를 찾아 전전하고 있다. 무위(無爲)한 일상을 “시간을 때우며” 보내고 있다고는 하지만, 그저 단순히 시간을 때우는 것이 아닌, 목적이 있는, 나름의 생활전략을 가지고 필요한 곳에서 시간을 보내고 있다. 둘째, 이들은 자신들의 거주지를 쪽방 밀집지역과 같은 쪽방촌, 쪽방지역이라는 인식보다는 쪽방, 여인숙과 같이 살고 있는 건물로 인식하는 경향이 크며, 때문에 쪽방지역과 그 바깥 지역이라는 구분없이 생활에 필요한 곳을 중심으로 이동하고 있다. 하지만 이 장소 사이에는 비교적 규칙적인 생활권이 형성되어 있으며, 각각 이런 생활권은 마치 보이지 않는 개별적인 쪽방 지역을 형성하고 있는 것과 같다. 셋째, 이들은 ‘일하는 것’과 제도 및 복지자원의 활용에 있어서 내·외부의 엄격한 시선 속에 놓여있다. 즉, 근로능력이 없음에도 불구하고 일하지 않는 사람이라고 비난을 받기도 하며, 혹여 일을 할 수 있는 사람으로 보여질까, 그래서 기초생활보장수급에서 탈락되지는 않을까하는 불안 속에 살아가고 있다. 넷째, 이들은 쪽방으로 오는 과정에서 가족, 주거, 고용 및 사회로부터 배제되어 왔으며, 점차 스스로 누군가를 멀리하며 배제하고 있다. 마지막으로, 혼자 된 삶을 살아가고 있는 정보제공자들은 앞으로도 여전히 혼자인 삶을 걱정하고 있으며, 나름의 방법으로 그 삶을 준비하고 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 정책 및 실천에 대한 방향을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to understand the lives of the residents who are living in Zzock-bang that are developed throughout scattered spots. In order to do so, data were collected and analyzed through interview and participatory observation of Zzock-bang residents in Busan metropolitan city which is known as the typical Zzock-bang area with dispersal pattern. According to the findings, the research participants are striving to find a 「place」where they can ‘save money’ and ‘fill in time’. Although they are ‘filling in time’ in their meaningless routine, they don’t waste time just recklessly but spend time in a place they need with their own living strategies having certain goals. Second, they tend to regard their residence not as a ‘Jjok-bang village or Jjok-bang area’ where Jjok-bang households are densely located but as a ‘Jjok-bang or inn’, that is the ‘building to live in’; thus, they are moving to the place they need for living with no distinction between the Jjok-bang area and the outside area. Among the places, however, relatively regular spheres of living are formed, and each of these spheres seems to form an individual Jjok-bang area that is almost invisible. Third, they get a strict eye both internally and externally in ‘working’ or utilizing ‘institutional or welfare resources’. It means that even though they are not equipped with working capabilities, they are often criticized as ‘a person unwilling to work’, and they are anxious about the possibility that ‘they might seem a person who is capable of working’ and it deprives them of their subsidies for basic living. Fourth, in the process they enter Jjok-bang, they become excluded from their family, residence, employment, or society, and gradually, they, too, exclude themselves from somebody else. Lastly, the research participants who are living alone are still worried about their lonesome life in the future and preparing for it somehow in their own way. Based on the findings, this study suggests directions for policy and practice.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        코로나19 상황하 저소득 독거노인의 생활경험 연구

        박정란,황세인 한국생애학회 2021 생애학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        This study conducted an in-depth investigation of the life experiences of low-income elderly living alone during the COVID-19 pandemic using qualitative case studies. The participants of this study were six low-income individuals aged over 75 years old, who lived alone. In addition, four employees of social welfare institutions whom the participants frequently encountered were included in the study. The data collected from interviews were analyzed using NVivo12. This study examined participants’ experiences of living alone during the pandemic by analyzing their statements. For instance, some of them said, “We are worried that we might be transmitted with COVID-19, so we cannot even step outside. Staying home all day long causes us to feel suffocating. Most of all, it is becoming more and more difficult to make a living. We are still alive because the welfare center official comes and checks us and the local government provides us with rice. We miss the days when we were able to work and when we had meals at the welfare center, but what can we do other than getting used to this life?” Based on the findings, this study suggests implications for the declining living standards among the elderly due to restrictions and closures imposed on social welfare centers because of COVID-19. In addition, implications are provided for improving health services for the elderly, developing a system for emergency management, providing financial support and additional expenditure, securing a safe working environment for field workers and providing reliable means of transportation.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회거주 양육 미혼모의 삶의 경험에 관한 연구

        강라현,박정란,황세인 한국생애학회 2019 생애학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Based on the qualitative case study method, this research explored the life experiences of unmarried mothers who were pregnant, giving birth, and nurturing in the local community without the residential experience of the supporting facility. As a result of analyzing data collected from 5 unmarried mothers who lived in the local community through in-depth interviews, they are receiving official and informal help from the community and they are bringing up their children having the mother’s responsibility although the unmarried mothers lived in the local community had experienced lonely and unborn childbirth. In fact, they share information through online cafes, sometimes they go out to the streets and give voice to realize the right of unmarried mothers and grow as the main stream of community welfare. Details are followings. Firstly, the support of family-of-origin, housing and other their basis were important backgrounds for starting with the home care life. Secondly, although the life to be handled alone was too heavy to sustain, the study participants were responsible for their decisions ,and were trying to protect each other and maintain their own ‘home’. Thirdly, there were many complaints from the research participants about public sector’s support that failed to meet their living needs. Finally, the survey participants lived in communities reside forming relationships with various local resources such as online cafes for single mothers. In additions, based on these findings, practical and policy suggestions were made.

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