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        Revolution Reverberated in Romantic Discourse of Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge

        황병훈 한국중앙영어영문학회 2005 영어영문학연구 Vol.47 No.4

        The outbreak of the French Revolution kindled the literary passion of Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge. The Romantic discourse cast a reflection of the ideological desires that these writers had kept in their minds. They all were engaged in the political, economical and classrelated issues of their day. Having gone through their sufferings in the social reality, they hardened their literary foundation. They sustained their hope to cope with the circumstantial problems in their own way. They tried to solve the problems of human sufferings caused by the social injustice of their day. Their social consciousness helps them to embody and activate their literary ideal and sublimate their afflictions in their literary works. The French Revolution and their social awareness instil the sense of duty as a poet into the hearts of these Romantic poets. They revolt against any conventional ideas which constrain the free speculation. They present their ideal in which democratic social order would be established and accepted. They aspires to accomplish their ideal with freedom and equality, free from the arrogance of the tyranny. Therefore, the imagination is valuable as a means to lay groundwork for their literary ideal buildup. Most of all, their inner mind and inner revolution radiate through their works. Their works are the literary traces of this Romantic discourse cultivated through the realistic social changes.

      • 교육대학에서의 전통 음악 교육의 방향 탐색

        황병훈 仁川敎育大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to survey the status of korean traditional music education in 11 National Teachers' College, to compare and analyse the curriculum of advanced course of music. And also to improve the curriculum of it, to nurture the competent elementary school teacher for korean traditional music. The results are as follows; Although the korean traditional music education is emphasized in the curriculum of elementary school, we failed to realize the anticipated results in the real classroom. The reason of this phenomena is as follows: 1. The administer or manager of elementary school had little understanding of korean traditional music. 2. The continuous and systematic research on it was little. 3. The development of learning materials for its education was insufficient. 4. The environment and facilities for its education was poor. 5. The teacher education for its education didn't progress satisfactorily. To analyze the subject concerned with korean traditional music in the curriculum of advanced course of music in 11 National Teachers' College, one subject related to it in 8 college, two subject in 4 college, and three subject in 1 college was opened, To classify the subjects three area such as practice, theory, and education, the practice in 7 college, the theory in 4 college, and education in 2 college was opened, Ane both practice and theory in 3 college, theory and education in 1 college, and three area together in 1 college was opened. It is shown that the subject concerned with korean traditional music was opened in 8 college. In most college it was overemphasized theory and practice, there was little subject related to music education. Largely in 11 Teachers' College, the credit of advanced course of music was 21, the credit concerned with korean traditional music was too little.

      • 국민학교 음악과 교육과정 및 교과서의 전통음악 내용 분석연구

        황병훈 仁川敎育大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.27 No.1

        본 연구는 국민학교 교육과정에 우리나라 전통음악과 관련된 내용을 어느정도 포함하고 있는가를 분석하고, 그 내용이 교과서에서는 어떤 내용으로 어떻게 구현되어 있는지를 파악하여 다음 교과서 개편시에 기초 자료로 활용 할 수 있게 하기 위하여 연구 되었다. 1차에서 6차까지의 교육과정을 분석하여 서양음악과 전통음악에 관련된 내용을 비율로 나타내 보면 다음 <표 19>와 같다. <표 19> 교육과정의 서양음악과 전통음악 관련 내용 비율 비교 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 교육과정 순서 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 비율% 서양음악/전통음악 96/4 89/11 83/17 100/0 89/11 96/4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 교육과정이 1차에서 제정 공포되어 6차까지 개정되어오면서 교육과정 전체에 전통음악과 관련된 내용이 차지하는 비율은 극히 낮은 비율로 나타나고 있다. 그러나 양의 변화는 비슷하게 구성되어 오고 있지만 6차 교육과정에서는 전통음악과 관련된 내용들이 점점 더 구체적인 내용으로 제시되어서 교과서의 편찬시 전통음악의 내용을 수록하는데 전통음악 교육 방법에 더욱 접근할 수 있을 것으로 본다. 1차에서 5차까지의 교과서를 분석하여 서양음악과 전통음악에 관련된 내용을 비율로 나타내 보면 다음 <표-20>과 같다. <표 20> 교과서의 서양음악과 전통음악 관련 내용 비율 비교 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------교과서 순서 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 비율% 서양음악/전통음악 90/10 95/5 89/11 94/6 83/17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 교과서가 1차에서 6차까지 편찬되어 오면서 교과서 내용 전체에서 전통음악과 관련내용이 차지하는 비율과를 비율은 극히 낮은 비율로 나타나고 있다. 그리고 교육과정에서 전통음악이 차지하는 비율과를 비교하여 보면 4, 5차 교육과정에 의거하여 편찬된 교과서만 교육과정에 전통음악 내용 비율보다 조금 높은 비율로 나타내고 1, 2, 3차의 교과서에서는 낮은 비율로 나타나고 있다. 1차에서 6차까지의 교과서에 전통음악 관련 내용을 살펴 보면 양의 변화는 비슷하게 구성되어 오고 있지만 4, 5차의 교과서에는 전통음악과 관련된 내용들이 전 학년에 다양한 내용으로 제시되어서 전통음악 더욱 많은 활동과 경험을 할 수 있게 구성되어 있다. Ⅰ. 머 리 말 Ⅱ. 음악과 교과서와 교육과정의 변천 Ⅲ. 음악과 교육과정의 분석 Ⅳ. 음악과 교과서의 분석 Ⅴ. 요약 및 제언 참고문헌 ABSTRACT The aims of this study are ① to examine the extent to which the contents relevant to Korean traditional music covers the music curriculum of elementary school and ② to examine of how they are embodied into which elements in the text books. The ratio between western music and Korean traditional music reflected in from the first through sixth elementary curriculum is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curriculum 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ratio% western/Korean 96/4 89/11 83/17 100/0 89/11 96/4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The curricula revised 5 times as a rule contain the contents relevant to Korean traditional music at a very low rate as shown in the above table. Though the 6th revised curriculum contains similar amount of korean traditional music as the previous ones, it arranges the contents relevant to Korean traditional music to be presented more concretely. It follows that the content selection for the textbooks can be more approached to the educational method performed in Korean traditional music. The ratio between western and Korean traditional music reflected in from the 1st through the 5the texbooks is as follow: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------texbook 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ratio% western/Korean 90/10 95/5 89/11 94/6 83/17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though the textbooks from the 1st through 5th contain the similar amount of contents relevant to Korean traditional music, the 4th and 5the textbooks present such a variety of contents relevant to Korean traditional musicin in the whole grades that they make it possible to activate and experience Korea traditional music.

      • KCI등재

        “몰락”의 키츠 역설 미학 : 「하이페리온」을 중심으로

        황병훈 미래영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학 Vol.20 No.2

        The readers of Keats' poetry find out his traces of metal agony over the finitude human beings must face. His meditation upon human finitude, along with his experience of historical trauma, opens into new imagination. He discovers the critical clues from Hyperion and Apollo, Hyperion's double, for the traumatic history. This paper illuminates Keatsian way of writing to demonstrate how his endeavor to understand historical experience emerges from imagination and how epic narrative as a outmoded genre loses its power. Hyperion as a fallen titan represents this historical and literary phenomenon. This historic allegorical figure can be a metaphor for a possibility of a new poetics. Through Hyperion, he wants to establish relationship between history and his aesthetics. He demonstrates that Hyperion can be suggestive of a new kind of aesthetic experience. Hyperion leads its readers to imagine such experiences which historical narrative cannot represent. Keats' writing manifests 'too much time has elapsed,' which makes his readers sense time-disjuncture. He wants to open the possibility to connect out of timeness with a rhetorical fall. The fall of Hyperion marks a sign of epic's fall and a new potential poetics. The readers of Hyperion perceive intuitively that titans will be soon extinguished from history. What Keats also intends in Hyperion is to manifest what kind of historical action and metaphor can be compared to “die into life” motif. His historical and literary view is based upon the fact that encountering the paradoxical power of “die into life,” he empowers “life” over “death.” This means what he intends to write is not about death. This study helps to examine the emotional value about his poetry.

      • 국민학교 3,4학년 장단지도 수업연구

        황병훈 仁川敎育大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        The importance of the national classical music has been recognized from long agothe education of the national classical music enables us to revive a nation subjecthood to make us aware of nation consciousness the established of 1st curriculum in 1955, neverthless the fact is that the rate music is not yet made due to the defects of a guidence teachers' ability to teach and research in teaching method of national classical music. If it is recognized that there is a great difference in a musical expression between the national classical music and the Western miusic, thier baccess to teaching method should also different from each other Neverthless, model or teaching method used when the Western music is taught. This study is aimed at developing a teaching plan by making some changes in Orff Method suitable to the actual condition of our school natinal classical music is also mostly borrowed from a teaching method used when the Western Music is taught. For this study first examination was made to the contents related to the national classical music in music curriculum of 3rd-to 6th-year, Elementary School and the second examination to the contenrts related to the found that among the beats of theme songs. Chajinmori beat Tanmori beat had been extremely much studied. Then among Orff's musical educatioon theory, such body rhythmas as clapping hands rhythm, stamping feet the national classical music based on Orff's teaching method. Them among theme songs of the nation classical music in a textbook music of 3rd-and 4th-year, Elementary School four theme songs which consisted od Chajinmori beat and Tanmori beat were selected and a teaching plan suitable to the scholastic year was made. After actual teaching with the teaching plan some amendaments were to made unsuccessful parts. Conclusions resulting from teaching with the plan ade by Orff's studying theory are as follows: First, the beat study with studying method made by Orff's theory had greater effect than its former study in studies had been done throught various body expression. Third, they liked very much the national classical music lesson in which they had not been interested before and it could be found that they had showed an attitude to try to do the beat study in all music lessons.

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