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        국가교육과정기준의 연구 개발에서 학습자 집단의 요구분석을 위한 영역과 항목 설정 연구

        홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ) 한국교육과정학회 2010 교육과정연구 Vol.28 No.2

        It gets more important to identify students` needs regarding school curriculum as students grows up. School curriculum, which means offering learning opportunities for realizing students` potentiality, should be tailored to students` academic and career plan. However socio-political ideology and opinion leaders` views had been represented excessively in national curriculum development comparing with students` needs and views. This article address how to identify students` needs and put the results of needs survey into national curriculum research and development. Thus this research deals with the problems of discovering and selecting questionnaire items, through NEIS or Edupot in Korea, to find out the curricular needs of learners who enrolled inprimary and secondary schools. With the justification of each items students needs were selected surrounding educational expectation, academic plan, career plan, school choice, course choice, course preference, course difficulty, etc.. Long term and systemic survey of students curricular needs shall brings forth coherent trends and patterns of change for a number of years to students-honored school curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        2009 개정 교육과정 총론 시안에서 학년군, 교과군 개념의 교육과정적 의의 분석

        홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ) 한국교육과정학회 2009 교육과정연구 Vol.27 No.4

        This research addresses grades and subjects cluster which were first introduced into the 2009 reformed Korean National Curriculum. Precedented research concerning these two themes were not found in Korea. Research were focused on the current situations, problems, strength and weakness, improvement and consequent ways regarding the introduction of grades and subjects cluster. Grades and subjects cluster has some potentiality in improving the attainment of educational objectives, curriculum frameworks, textbook publishing, tests and evaluation, teacher supply and placement, student grouping and accommodation, changed roles of teachers and students in the classroom, educational system, and cultural environment of school. Grades cluster tied together plural grades was introduced into the school curriculum for the purpose of educational focus of each grades, students-teacher pair for several sequential years, focused course-taking, non-graded system especially for the high school, etc. And subjects cluster tied together plural subject matters was installed in the school curriculum in order to a focused course-taking particularly in the secondary schools. Grades cluster and grades cluster get together compose the two axles of school curriculum vertically and horizontally. Two concepts have prosperous potentiality in improving the Korean school curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        2009 개정 교육과정에서 중학교 집중이수의 실행 방안에 관한 연구

        홍후조(Hoo-Jo Hong) 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2011 敎育問題硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        2009 개정 교육과정에서 중학교 집중이수는 다교과 분산이수를 개선해 소교과 집중이수를 겨냥하여 수업, 학습, 과제, 시험에서 개선을 가져오려는 것이었다. 그러나 집중이수는 어느 학교급에서, 어떤 교과목을 대상으로 할 것인지에 대한 분명한 언명 없이 학교 교육과정 자율화에 묻혀서, 학교별로 매년 다른 불안정한 교육과정을 편성 운영할 수밖에 없는 형편이다. 따라서 해당 교과목은 공통필수가 아니라 선택교과목으로 지위가 격하되었으며, 학교의 시행착오와 혼란이 예측된다. 본 연구는 학교 교육과정 자율화라는 이름으로 맡겨두어 혼란을 불러일으키기보다, 오히려 해당 학교급, 해당 교과목, 교과목들의 조합, 개선 순서와 시기 등을 분명하게 정해주어서 집중이수의 도입을 통해 본래 기대했던 교육 개선 효과를 가져올 수 있도록 후속조치를 취하는 것이 더 낫다는 입장에서 옹호한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 집중이수를 해야 할 학교급은 중학교이며, 도덕, 음악, 미술, 기술ㆍ가정, 선택과목을 그 대상으로 하되, 기술ㆍ가정은 6학기에 걸쳐 이수하던 것을 4학기에, 나머지는 2개 학기에, 선택과목은 각각 1개 학기에 이수하는 것이 더 적절하다고 보았다. 개설 조합은 음악-미술-선택과, 도덕-기술ㆍ가정을 제안하였다. 또한 그 후속조치로써 필요한 교원 수급 조정, 담임교사 배정, 교과서 제작, 가르치지 않는 학년과 학기에 대한 대책, 고입 연합고사 개편 등을 다루었다. The 2009 National Curriculum aimed to improve the quality of lessons, learning, and tests throughout the introduction of condensed courses rather than scattered ones. However, due to the lack of elaborated standards of the level of schools and subjects, in the name of school curriculum autonomy, schools suffered from numerous trial and errors, confusion, and a waste of time. Because of the fact that each school was likely to change its curriculum every year, some of the required target subjects were appointed to become elective courses. This study suggests that school curriculum will improve with taking follow-up measures consisting of clear-cut directions about school levels, target subjects, combination of subjects, and serial order of offering courses etc. The condensed lesson plan in this paper focuses on middle school subjects such as moral education, music, fine arts, vocational technology and other electives. Offering a combination of music-art-electives and moral education-vocational technology is considered to be effective. Among the subjects, vocational technology which is originally earmarked for six semesters would be better completed in four semesters. Other subjects should be taught in two semesters and the elective studies are recommended to be finished in one. In addition, the necessary complementary measures such as the prediction of the demanded classroom teachers, altered time schedule, text book editing and the reformation of the high-school entrance exam were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        학교시간운영의 효율화와 이수과목수의 적정화에 관한 연구

        홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ),김대석 ( Dae Seok Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2008 교육과정연구 Vol.26 No.4

        It is a long practice in Korean secondary schools that every courses which shown in the National Curriculum Standards should be taken every semester and school year. This article focuses on how to change the practice and improve the school effect through the optimization of the number of courses within one semester and one school day. We cleared up the causes why students have studied superficially. One of the reasons is that students have studied too many courses in every semester and school day and students cannot concentrate on some particular courses. There are usually 13 to 15 courses in one week and 5 to 7 of them are the courses that are taught only once in a week. If we add the time spent in attending after-school lessons, learning time per week will be much more. This article analyzed the results of PISA 2006 and courses of study of other countries. We also surveyed teachers` views about the optimal number of the courses. In results of surveys, students are burdened with many courses and agree that the number of courses in a week should be decreased. We need to reduce the number of courses to encourage the students to study more thoroughly and substantially. In detail, we have to divide the current one semester into two terms and a term will last about 10 weeks. It is also required that we should divide all courses into school-year courses, semester courses, and term course. It is necessary to get together and concentrate course offerings of `integrated` courses such as Social Studies, Sciences, and Technology and Home Economics at a school-year, a semester or a term. Shortly alloted subjects are needed to be concentrated in a particular school-year, semester or term. Block scheduling in a school day will decrease the number of courses to study and eventually reduce the burden of students.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학교 수준 교육과정의 특성화 방안 연구 - 일반계 고등학교의 경우를 중심으로

        홍후조(Hoo Jo Hong) 한국교육과정학회 2002 교육과정연구 Vol.20 No.3

        There has been longstanding criticisms that curricula of college-bound high schools in Korea are all cast in the same mould. The main purpose of study is to find out main reasons of curricular uniformity and conformity and to suggest methods and strategies of curricular particularization of college-bound general high schools. This study attributed the uniformity and conformity of high school curriculum to the following three reasons: College entrance examination has put greater emphasis on five core subject-areas such as Korean, Mathematics, English, Social Studies, and Science than other subject-areas for long time; Korean national curriculum has over-regulated differentiated and elective curriculum for general high school as well as common and required curriculum for elementary school; And lack of curricular expertise and ownership of school teachers has acquiesced in externally-developed non-distinctive curriculum. With limited school resources such as teacher, facilities, and finance, individual school could not cater to unlimited needs of students, for example diverse career plans, aptitudes, abilities, and weak points. Therefore, all schools located in certain area should cooperate each other to meet diverse needs with diversified subject-areas and course systems. The Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development(MOE) and the Metropolitan and Provincial Office of Education(MPOE) may allot a portion of all subject-areas and course systems to each school in consideration of each school`s scale, location, and resources. Each school can take partial charge of providing certain courses and course system for their students. First, the MOE should investigate and make profile on student`s career plan through diverse inventories, and make plan on school districts for practical and real cooperation with neighboring schools for providing educational programs, supply of teacher, and student allotment. Second, at the MPOE level with the help of several curriculum committees a series of curriculum organization should be elaborated and each subject-area should be delineated in sequential order and differentiated, according to students` career plan, as three levels such as advance level, middle level, and base level. The advance level a subject-area is prepared for students who, having a scholastic career plan to major in those subject-areas, should take the deepest and highest level of those subject-areas. The middle level of a subject-area is prepared for students who want to take those courses in order to supplement their advance level course. The base level of a subject-area is provided to students who take it as a general course through free elective with a view to enriching their general and liberal education. Each level needs to be alloted to different credits for example, 24-credit to advance level, 12-credit to middle level, 6-credit to base level. The major course systems for career plans of traditional humanities and social and natural sciences, comprise of three advance level subject-areas and two middle level subject-areas. The other minor course systems for career plan of sports and arts which have practical training courses comprise of one advance level subject-area and four middle level subject-areas. Each school needs to partake concentrated course systems for student groups who have particular career plans. And each school also needs to be provided teacher supply, student allocation, and facilities according to its educational programs. As result of those provisions each school is characteristic of its curriculum organization.

      • KCI등재

        헌법 제31조 1항의 비판과 개정 방향

        홍후조 ( Hoo Jo Hong ),권혜정 ( Hye Jeong Kwon ) 대한교육법학회 2013 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        추상성, 하위법 제정 및 해석 근거, 사회 각 분야의 기본 방향 지시성을 가진 헌법의 교육관련 조항인 제31조는 국가의 교육 이념, 방향, 제도, 실시, 과정, 결과의 평가 및 개선 등에서 가장 근본적인 교육가치관을 담고 있다. 여기에는 의무교육, 대학교육, 평생교육에 대한 언명은 있지만, 취학전 교육과 진로별 교육이 이루어져야 할 고교교육에 대한 언명이 결여되어 있다. 또한 ‘능력에 따라’, ‘균등하게’는 형용모순으로서 의무교육도 그 이상의 교육도 제대로 지시하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 여러 교육관련 하위법의 분석, 교육의 이념과 목적, 각종 교육제도의 기능, 학습자의 발달단계, 배우는 교육과정의 특성, 사회의 요구 등에 기초하여, 헌법 제31조 1항은 초·중학교의무교육에 대해 “모든 국민은 어떠한 차이에도 불구하고 기초·기본교육을 의무·무상으로 균등하게 받을 권리를 가진다.”로, 고교 이후 진로교육에 대해서는 3항 이후 추가 조항으로 “모든 국민은 각 사람의 적성과 진로에 따라 알맞게 교육받을 권리를 가진다.”로 개정될 필요가 있다고 대안을 제안하였다. The educational philosophy of Article 31 in connection with education-related provisions of the Constitution contains basic interpretation and rational abstraction about sub-laws, society, direction, system, implementation, course, and evaluation of the results in each field. Is this Article 31, there are compulsory education, university education, and lifelong education. But there are lacked of course education in high school and pre-school education. Everyone has the right to education equally according to their abilities. In this section 1, the biggest problem according to the education is rised to ranks, when students are educated by ability, Students` abilities can not be guaranteed in high school and college. Compulsory, gratuitous, common, and basic education require appropriate changes to that section. And then we focus on high school education in particular. In the present study that is required from different direction of course in a different education. Now it is lacked the course education of the high school in Constitution. Basic and fundamental education is the right to education without discrimination in everyone. And deepening, special and professional education should be educated with the modest standards. In this study, there are based on analysis of education from sub-laws, purpose and philosophy of education, functions of various education systems, developmental stages of learners, characteristics of the courses, and needs of society. Article 31 of the Constitution should be All citizens in spite of their differences have the right equally to compulsory and gratuitous education. And then, the additional terms and conditions of Section 3 or later should be recommended, Everyone has the right to education as appropriate standards according to their courses and vocational aptitudes.

      • KCI등재

        학교교육에서 강조하는 자기주도학습과 인성교육에 대한 비판적 고찰

        홍후조(Hong Hoo-Jo),백혜조(Baik Hei-Jo),고영희(Ko Young-Hee) 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2013 敎育問題硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 학교교육에서 강조하는 자기주도학습과 인성교육을 비판적으로 고찰해 봄으로써, 현재 학교교육의 심각한 문제인 ‘학력 과잉경쟁과 사교육’, ‘학교폭력’, ‘청소년의 왕따와 자살’을 줄일 수 있는 보다 나은 학교교육의 방향을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 학교교육은 개인간 학력경쟁보다 공동체내 사회협동을 기조로, 교과학습에서 자기주도학습과 함께 협동학습을, 생활교육에서 인성교육과 함께 사회성교육을 강조해야 할 필요가 있다. This study aims to explore ways of better school education to decrease current issues such as ‘excessive competitions due to college entrance exam,’ ‘school violence’ and “adolescents’ outcast and suicide” by reviewing the side effects of self-directed learning and personal character education that school education focuses on. In conclusion, this study concentrates on the direction that school education requires social cooperation other than academic competition among students, collaborative learning other than self-directed learning, and social education other than individual character education.

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