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        圃隱詩에서의 ‘梅花’의 形象

        홍순석(Hong, Soon-seok) 포은학회 2011 포은학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        한국의 매화시 연구는 이황의《梅花詩帖》을 근간으로 점화되었다. 이어서 梅社同人과 개별 작가의 매화시에 주목하였다. 본고는 고려시대 매화시 연구의 한 작업이다. 중국 宋代에 이르러서 매화시 뿐만 아니라 매화도를 그리는 풍조가 확산되었으며, 우리나라에서는 麗末鮮初의 정권교체기에 매화시가 많이 지어졌다는 점에서 착안한 것이다. 실제 한국의 매화시는 宋代의 林逋, 王安石, 蘇軾, 陸游, 朱熹, 楊萬里 등의 매화시에 많은 영향을 받았다. 본고에서는 圃隱의 梅花詩에 주목하였다. 《圃隱集》에 소재한 시작품에서 매화시는 13수에 지나지 않으나, 단일 소재로 형상화된 빈도수를 보면 비중이 크다. 포은의 시어에서도 ‘梅窓’ ‘梅村’ ‘梅花’ ‘梅花樹’ ‘早梅’ ‘黃梅’와 같이 ‘梅花와 관련된 시어가 많이 사용되고 있다. 圃隱詩에서 매화가 빈번히 등장하는 시기는 1377년(우왕 3) 奉使日本時 무렵이다. 이때 일본에서 지은 시가 13편이 전하는데 매화시가 7편이나 된다. 그리고, 奉使日本 이후의 시작품에서 매화가 자주 등장한다. 특히 1391년(공양왕3)에 李崇仁, 李穡, 李集, 權近 등과 함께 李居仁의 蘭坡園에서 지은 〈蘭坡四詠詩〉 가운데 매화시가 주목을 끌기에 충분하다. 鄭道傳의 〈題蘭坡四詠軸末〉ㆍ〈蘭坡四詠後說跋〉과 함께 고려말 정권교체기에 同志이면서도 정치적 노선을 달리하였던 이들의 意志를 가늠할 수 있다. The study of the plum was burned to Yi Hwang’s Maehwasichop in Korea. Then the researchers noted to plum poems of Maesadongin and the individual writers. This paper is a work of plum poems in Goryeo period. In China the plum painting trend was the spread in Song Dynasty, but in Korea a lot of poems about plum was worked from late Goryeo to early Joseon. It was the period of regime changes. In fact, plum poems in Korea were influenced at works of Lin Bu, Wang An-shi, Su Shi, Lu You, Zhu Xi, Yang Wan-in in Song Dynasty. This paper noted in Poeun’s plum poems. The plum poems among of Poeunjip is nothing more than 13 poems. But plum has been shaped a large proportion by a single materials. Poeum is using often the plum as poetic language like the window overlooking the plum, with plum village, plum tree, early plum and yellow plum so on. When he was using a lot of plum was around to go to Japan as ambassadors in 1377. He worked 13 poems in Japan, but 7 poems is on the subject of a plum. Then the works after traveling to Japan is often have a plum. In particular, the plum poem among of Ranpasayoungsi is enough to attract the attention worked with Yi Sung-in, Yi Saek, Yi Jip, Gwon geun, Yi Geo-in so on in 1391. In this poem, we can gauge the willingness to try to preserve the resignation late Goryeo period.

      • 대학태권도선수의 완벽주의 성향이 자기관리에 미치는 영향

        홍순석 ( Soon Seok Hong ),임태희 ( Tae Hee Lim ),서형관 ( Hyung Gwan Seo ) 국기원 2011 국기원태권도연구 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 대학태권도선수들의 완벽주의 성향과 자기관리와의 관계를 알아보고, 나아가 자기관리의 요인들에 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상은 2008년 현재 대한태권도협회에 등록된 대학팀 6개 학교를 무선으로 선정 총 200명을 표집 하였다. 설문지는 인구통계학적 특성 4문항, 완벽주의 성향은 5개 요인 16문항으로 구성하였고, 자기관리는 6개 요인 35문항으로 총 55문항으로 구성하였다. 수거한 설문지는 통계프로그램 SPSS/PC 12.0 버전을 이용하여 기술통계, 상관관계, 회귀분석을 활용해 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 부모기대와 정신관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적관계가 있다. 둘째, 코치압력과 생활관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적관계가 있다. 셋째, 코치압력과 고유행동관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적관계가 있다. 넷째, 코치압력과 훈련관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적관계가 있다. 다섯째, 부모기대와 대인관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적관계가 있다. 여섯째, 부모기대와 몸 관리는 정적관계가 있고, 부모비난과는 부적 관계가 있다. 위 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 대학태권도선수의 완벽주의 성향은 자기관리와 영향관계가 있다. This study examined the relationship of perfection tendencies of college-level Taekwondo athletes on self discipline, and aimed at finding what kind of effects that it has on self-management factors. 200 students randomly selected from six college teams registered in the Korea Taekwondo Association at 2008 were used the samples. The collected questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS/PC 12.0 to find the following results. First, parental expectation and mental discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism, Secondly, coach pressure and lifestyle discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism. Third, coach pressure and unique behavior discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism. Fourth, coach pressure and training discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism. Fifth, parental expectation and social discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism. Sixth, parental expectation and physical discipline had an adaptation relationship, while having a negative relationship with parental criticism. When summing up the above results, the perfectionism tendencies of college Taekwondo athletes had an effect on self discipline. In other words, parental expectations had a passive relationship on mental, social and physical discipline, while coach pressure had a passive relationship on lifestyle discipline, unique behavior discipline and training discipline. On the other hand, parental criticism had a negative on all sub-factors of self discipline. Meanwhile, results showed that there was no considerable affect of worries on personal standards or mistakes.

      • KCI등재

        포은 정몽주의 <단심가> 연구

        홍순석(Hong Soon Seok) 포은학회 2014 포은학연구 Vol.13 No.-

        포은의 <단심가>는 고려말기의 대표적인 시조작품이다. 한글로 표기된 작품이 ≪청구영언≫을 비롯한 30여종의 가집에 수록되어 있다. 한역시도 여러 악부시집에 수록되어 있으며 12종에 이른다. 그럼에도 일부 연구자는 포은이 <단심가>의 작자임을 부정하는 견해를 발표한 바 있다. <단심가>를 포은의 작품으로 인정하기 어려운 전제로 제기된 사항은 시조 발생시기, 역사서의 관련 기록 부재, <단심가>의 배경과 한역시가 임진왜란 이후에야 발견된다는 사실 등이다. 이들은 17세기 이후에 포은의 순절이 정치 담론화되는 과정에서 누군가에 의해 부회되었다고 설명한다. 이같은 전제가 시조의 발생 시기도 고려말엽으로 추정하는 것은 무리라고 주장하는 데까지 확대되었다. 이같은 주장은 포은의 시조가 <단심가>로 정착되기 이전 시기에는 <백사가(百死歌)>, <백사정충가(百死精忠歌)>, <포은가(圃隱歌)>로 지칭 되어 구전되었음을 간과한 심각한 오류이다. <단심가>가 임진왜란 이전에도 구전되었음은 여러 자료에서 확인할 수 있다. <단심가>는 사림들 사이에서 <백사가>로 구전되어지다가 중종조 이후에 표출된 것으로 추정된다. 포은의 순절처인 선죽교를 탐방한 문인들은 강개하며 <단심가>를 가창하거나, 한시에 감회를 담았다. 심광세의 ≪해동악부≫에 <단심가>의 배경과 한역시가 수록되면서 본격적으로 전파되었다. <단심가>는 효종, 숙종, 영조 등 임금과 사대부, 교방의 기녀들까지도 즐겨 불렀다. 포은의 시조 작품이 <백사가>로 구전되었음은 포은의 '순절(殉節)'을 보다 강하게 인식한 때문일 것이다. 반면, 조선 후기에 이르러 <단심가>로 불린 것은 '정충(精忠)'을 더욱 부각하기 위한 것으로 생각된다. 숙종이 <영정포은단심가>라 시제(詩題)한 것도 군주의 입장에서 포은의 순절보다는 단심을 부각하려는 당연한 발상이라 하겠다. 이같은 계기로 인하여 포은의 시조가 <단심가>라는 제목으로 정착한 것이다. <단심가>에 담겨진 포은의 진실은 '절의(節義)'이다. 포은의 <단심가>가 오랫동안 구전되고 가창되면서도 거의 변하지 않았던 동인도 바로 이런 진실에 있다. Poeun's "Danshimga"(丹心歌) is a typical three-verse Korean poem. Its Hangeul versions are included in about 30 kinds of anthologies, such as CheongGuYongEon(靑丘永言). Its twelve Chinese versions are also contained in many different collections of poems. Despite these evidences, some scholars have denied that Poeun is the author of "Danshimga". What those critics provide as the evidence of their opinion against Pouen the time of the publication of the poem, the lack of the relevant records in historical materials, and the fact that the Chinese version of "Danshimga" were found only after Japanese Invaison of Korea in 1592. They argue that the assertion of Poeun's authorship of "Danshimga" is a kind of political distortion in order to emphasize and glorify his death in defense of his loyalty to Koryo Dynasty. Those critics went as far as to oppose the existing theory that the origin of Shizo (Korean traditional three-verse poem) dates back to the end of Koryo Dynasty. Their opinions are, however, critical mistakes, for they overlook the fact that Poeun's poem had been passed down orally in the names of "Paeksaga"(百死歌) "Poeunga" (圃隱歌)> before it began to be called "Danshimga". It is evident in many different sources that "Danshimga" was passed orally even before Japanese Invasion of Korea. It is presumed that "Danshimga" had got the present title in the era of King Joongfon, before which the poem was passed in the name of "Paeksaga". When visiting SunJugkyo Bridge where Poeun was killed, the later generations of poets, with emotion, sang Korean version of "Danshimga" or created their own Chinese poems. It was when the Chinese version of "Danshimga" and its background were introduced in Shim Kwangse's HaedongAkbu ≪海東樂府≫ that the poem became known and popular. Since then "Danshimga" was a favorite song among Kings like Hyojong, Sukgong and Yongjo as well as scholars and official gisaengs. Poeun's "Danshimga" was passed orally in the name of "Paeksaga" for a long time because later generations of the early Joseon Dynasty were deeply impressed by his death as a martyr. In the late Josen Dynasty, however, the poem was called "Danshimga" because the spirit of loyalty was more emphasized and honored than anything else in that period. The King Sukjong named the poem "Jeong Poeun Danshimga"(詠鄭圃隱丹心歌) with the purpose of highlighting the virtue of loyalty to the king. Poeun's sincerity reflected in "Danshimga" is faithfulness. His faithfulness is one of the main factors that his poem has been passed orally with no major changes or modifications.

      • KCI등재

        농 · 축 · 수산 폐기물의 메탄전환에 관한 기초연구

        홍순석(Soon-Seok Hong),박상전(Sang-Jeon Park),종준(Chong-Joon Hong) 유기성자원학회 1998 유기물자원화 Vol.6 No.1

        농 • 축 · 수산 유통집하장에서 발생하는 유기질 폐기물의 메단 전환 기초 연구로서 실험실 규모로 수행하였다. 선발된 Run B 시료는 분석 결과 C/N Ratio는 18.41 , TCOD는 168, 960 mg/L의 것이 얻어졌다. 생화학적 메탄 생산성 실험에서 이론 생산량은 313. 6 mg/L VS added 이었고 실질적인 생산량은 234.2 mg/L VS added로 혐기성소화에 의한 74%의 메단 전환이 얼어났으며,반응속도론적고찰에서 속도 상수는 0.2476d- 1 이었다. 그리고 3단 여과막 충진형 반응기는 공시험 반응기보다 메탄함량은 16% 높고, TCOD 벚 SCOD는 각각 44.7% 벚 44.2%가 감소되었다. A fundamental study on methane conversion for the collection organic wastes of agriculture , forestry and fishers was performed in a laboratory scale. As a result, selected Run B sample were obtained 18.41 C/N Ratio and 168.96 mg/L TCOD; Under the biochemical methane potential test , theoretical and actual methane generation was 313.6 mg/L VS added and 234.2 mg/L VS added, respectively; However, methane conversion from Run B were occurred 74% by anaerobic digestion. By the first order reaction kinetics, kinetic constant were 0.2476 d-1 for Run B. Three steps fill-up fi 1ter reactor was evaluated methane content 16% up to promote than blank reactor; TCOD and SCOD have reduced 44.7% and 44.2%, respectively.

      • 동적 거동을 이용한 토크컨버터 록업 클러치 면압 분포에 관한 연구

        이웅철(Woong-Cheol Lee),홍순석(Soon-Seok Hong),장재덕(Jae-Deok Jang),주인식(In-Sik Joo),배대성(Dae-Seong Bae) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        The Lock-Up clutch of a torque converter directly transmits the engine power to the automatic transmission in order to achieve a more fuel economy. Friction facing, a core part lock-up clutch system, is generated high heat and facing-pressure because of the relative RPM of friction plate and engine when lock-up clutch is operated. To reduce more fuel consumption, the slip is generated between a friction facing and a front cover for torque converter lock up clutch. This paper discussed facing-pressure distribution of torque converter using the dynamic motion. To analysis the dynamic motion of friction facing, numerical simulation has been carried out using Lock-up Clutch Analysis Toolkit made by OPEN API module in DAFUL. This paper is provided torque converter engineer with useful information for lock-up clutch design.

      • 토크 컨버터 허브 펌프 드라이브 열팽창 해석

        이웅철(Woong-Chul Lee),홍순석(Soon-Seok Hong),장재덕(Jae-Duk Jang),주인식(In-Sik Joo) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2010 No.5

        Torque converter in automatic transmission transfers the engine power to transmission by ATF. Hub pump drive of torque converter in automatic transmission drives oil-pump by physical connection and expands when it is highly heated and rotated. Because of interference between oil pump bush and torque converter it is important that hub pump drive’s thermal expansion rate. This paper discussed static thermal expansion rate of hub pump drive for torque converter with high temperature. The static structural model of the hub pump drive is developed by interfacing the finite element model. The static thermal expansion analysis of the hub pump drive is investigated by the impeller assembly of torque converter and modeling using ANSYS. This paper is provided torque converter engineer with useful information for optimum hub pump drive design.

      • 해석 및 시험을 통한 토크 컨버터 러그 용접 강도에 관한 연구

        이웅철(Woong-Chul Lee),홍순석(Soon-Seok Hong),장재덕(Jae-Duk Jang),주인식(In-Sik Joo) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        Torque converter in automatic transmission transfers the engine power to transmission by ATF. It is connected on engine and have to withstand against high engine torque. Generally lug on torque converter is welded on front cover and is bolted to the drive plate of engine. Because of high engine torque, welding durability of lug is important. This paper discussed welding durability of lug through the static structural analysis and test. The static structural models of the lug and welding bead are developed by interfacing the finite element model. The static structural analysis of the lug is investigated by modeling the front cover assembly using Pro-E and analyzing with ANSYS. This paper is provided torque converter engineer with useful information for durability design.

      • 토션댐퍼 히스테리시스 최적화를 위한 디스크 스프링 형상에 관한 연구

        이웅철(Woong-Cheol Lee),홍순석(Soon-Seok Hong),장재덕(Jae-Deok Jang),주인식(In-Sik Joo) 한국자동차공학회 2012 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.5

        A variety of methods are used to reduce the NVH(Noise, Vibration, Harshness) generated by powertrain system. In hybrid vehicle system, torsion damper makes the powertrain system stabilized by reducing the fluctuation torque of various engine system when the engine using. Generally, torsion damper consists of primary assembly part and secondary assembly part. And primary assembly part consists of primary cover and torsion springs, sensor wheel, etc. In addition, secondary part consists of drive plate and spline hub (directly connecting with transmission shaft). The disc spring on the inside of torsion spring is pressured to seal-washer with a constant force. By optimizing the disc spring load and shape, torsion damper will be able to be implemented various hysteresis. In this paper the new method using a disc spring is introduced to optimize the hysteresis. To analysis the hysteresis of torsion damper, numerical simulation has been carried out using ANSYS. This paper is provided useful information for disc spring design to torsion damper engineer.

      • 토크컨버터의 성능 예측 정확성 향상을 위한 열유동 해석기법 연구

        정재혁(Jae Hyuk Jung),이명성(Myungsung Lee),허남건(Nahmkeon Hur),장재덕(Jae Duk Jang),홍순석(Soon Seok Hong) 한국유체기계학회 2009 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        Recently, the steady and transient incompressible viscous turbulent flow is simulated for performance prediction of a torque converter with various numerical methods. In the previous study, even though the transient analysis requires substantial computational resource than that of steady analysis, both the steady and transient analysis predicted fairly accurate results with the experimental data. In the present study, the influence of viscosity variation on prediction of performance was investigated by thermo-fluid analysis. Flow regions of each parts of entire torque converter are modeled for the analysis by using the polyhedral mesh. The thermo-fluid analysis shows more accurate result than fluid analysis on the capacity factor.

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