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      • 무선랜 환경에서의 보안서비스 강화 방안에 관한 연구

        홍성표 ( Seong Pyo Hong ),신명숙 ( Myeong Sook Shin ),이철승 ( Cheol Seung Lee ),이준 ( Joon Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2005 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        IEEE 802.11b의 사용자 인증 취약성을 보완한 프레임워크인 IEEE 802.1x는 EAP를 통해 다양한 사용자 인증 메커니즘을 지원한다. 그러나 IEEE 802.1x 역시 인증 프로토콜의 구조적 원인에 의한 서비스 거부 공격과 AP에 대한 인증 및 암호 메커니즘의 부재로 세션 하이재킹 및 중간자 공격 등에 취약하다. 본 논문에서는 IEEE 802.1x 프레임워크의 서비스 거부, 세션 하이재킹 및 중간자 공격에 대한 취약성을 보완하여 강화된 사용자 인증 및 안전한 암호통신 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 무선랜 보안시스템을 제안한다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        비접촉 생체신호 측정 기반 헬스케어 시스템 설계 및 구현

        홍성표(Seong-Pyo Hong) 한국전자통신학회 2020 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.15 No.1

        급격한 노령화가 의료 시설의 부족과 이로 인한 국민 건강의 질적 하락을 가져올 가능성이 점차 높아지고 있으며 의료비 상승의 부담을 해소하기 위해 선진국에서는 서비스 단가를 낮추기 위한 의료 기관들의 원격의료가 확대되고 있는 추세이다. 유헬스케어는 인체에서 발생하는 물리적, 화학적 현상의 변화를 감지하여 처리가능한 전기적 신호로 변환하고 측정된 신호 중에서 원하는 정보만을 선택하기 위한 분석과정, 시각화 과정을 통해 결과를 피드백하여 관련정보, 경고, 알람 등을 사용자에게 제공하는 과정을 통해 서비스되고 있다. 하지만 센서를 신체에 직접 부착하는 전통적인 생체계측 방법은 일상생활에 불편을 주고 거부감이 발생할 수 있다. 따라서 일상생활에 불편함을 주지 않고 지속적으로 생체 정보를 측정할 수 있는 방법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 일상생활에 불편을 주지 않고 지속적으로 생체정보를 모니터링 할 수 있는 IR-UWB 기반의 비접촉. 무구속적인 호흡측정 시스템을 제안한다. The rapid aging is increasing as the shortage of medical facilities and the resulting of decline in the quality of public health. In order to ease the burden of rising medical expenses, advanced medical institutions are expanding their remote medical care to lower the cost of services. U-healthcare detects the changes in physical and chemical phenomena occurring in the human body and converts them into electrical signals that can be processed and feeds back to the results through analytical and visualization processes to select only the desired information from the measured signals. The service is provided through a process of providing an alarm to a user. However, traditional biometric methods of attaching sensors directly to the body can be annoying and rejected in daily life. Therefore, there is a need for a method of continuously measuring biometric information without causing inconvenience to daily life. In this paper, we propose an IR-UWB-based non-contact and non-responsive respiratory measurement system that can continuously monitor biological information without any inconveniences to daily life.

      • KCI등재

        흰돌 강희남 목사의 민중 통일론

        홍성표(Seong-Peo Hong) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2018 신학사상 Vol.0 No.182

        강희남 목사의 민중 통일론에 관한 이 논문은 그의 관한 책 『한 목사의 삶과 사상』과 『민중주의』에 등장하는 강희남 목사의 통일론을 통해서 오늘의 분단된 한반도의 민족 모순과 기본 모순을 살펴보고 일제와 한국 전후사를 통한 분단의 원인과 지금까지의 통일 운동을 돌아보고자 하였 다. 강희남 목사는 역사와 통일의 주체는 민중이어야 한다고 주장한다. 민족이 고통과 고난을 당할 때마다 그 중심에 민중이 있었다. 일제 치하와 분단 이후의 독재 상황에서 생산의 주체인 민중이 사회의 중심에서 변두리와 주변으로 소외되었다. 역사가 시작된 이래 민중은 항상 멸시와 천대를 받으며, 새 역사의 거름과 새로운 씨앗이 되어 삶의 맥을 이어왔 다. 강희남 목사는 자신의 몸을 삶과 역사의 한복판에 던지며 민족의 분단과 그 속에서 울부짖는 민중의 삶과 동행하며 살았다. 심지어는 하나 님과 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 종교와 교회로부터 버려진 민중들의 삶을 보듬고 존재의 존재됨을 회복하기 위한 삶을 사신 것이다. 이러한 분단 모순과 사회의 계급 모순을 조장하고 지지하는 세력 중의 하나가 교회다. 교회는 민중을 억압하고 착취하는 다국적 기업과 초국적 기업과의 결탁을 통해서 자기의 탐욕을 채워간다. 이것은 성서에서 말하는 하나님의 뜻과 역사적 예수의 삶과는 배치되는 비굴한 처사이며 그들과의 공생 하는 삶 외에 아무것도 아니다. 그러므로 사랑이 본질이지만 사랑보다 정의가 먼저 이루어져야 한다고 말할 수 있다. 그러나 “사랑과 정의는 동전의 양면이다.” This dissertation examines national contradiction of the Korean peninsula through Rev. Heenam Kang’s Minjung theory of reunification reflected in his autobiography, Pastor and his Thought, in which he explores the reason for the division between North and South Korea, and history of various movement the the unification. Rev. Kang asserts that the Minjung must be regarded as the main agent of reunification. Every time a nation suffers, the Minjung are in the midst of the suffering. The Minjung have been marginalized from the Korean mainstream since the division of Korea steming from the 1945 Allied victory the World War II and several decades of mismanagement and corruption by the dictatorship after the Korean division. The Minjung have been exploited and constantly threatened since the beginning of human history. Nevertheless, the Minjung have become a creative and dynamic seed in the making of history. Thus, Rev. Kang spent of his time and life to overcome the Korean division and band together with the Minjung suffering from the division. He gladly embraced the Minjung who were oppressed and exploited by capital and government alienated even by the name of God and Jesus Christ, that is, the Christian Church. And he led a pure life for the full restoration of the Minjung. As a matter of fact, the Christian Church may be regarded as a social force which instigates national social conflicts in the Korean context. This is because many current churches collude with multinational and transnational corporations. Today’s churches run counter to the will of God and the life of Jesus reflected in the Bible.. In this context, we need to remember that God is love, but God’s love is not separated from God’s justice, “Love and Justice are two sides the same coin.” But without justice, love is too blind to bear fruit.

      • 한반도 평화통일 과정에서의 한미동맹 관리방안

        홍성표 ( Hong Sung-pyo ),최승우 ( Choi Seung-woo ),장광현 ( Chang Kwang-hyun ) 한국군사학회 2018 군사논단 Vol.96 No.-

        In terms of human-being’s long history, reunification of Korea has a right reason to be come true, based upon the principle of one nation one state. It is because of that South and North Korea has well preserved common nation character, language, custom, food and culture despite of recent 70-years national division. South Korean people’s opinion is revealed as quite optimistic in a public opinion census on the reunification of Korea. South Korean people expect reunification is born-natural, coming soon with dominant role by the Republic of Korea. South Korean people willingly welcome the burden sharing of the reunification. That means they want to unify the country keenly. Peaceful reunification of Korea is possible when it gets support of international community. Because Korean peninsula has been a focal point of four major powers’ interests. Particularly, the United States of America, China and Russia directly related to the division of Koreas, therefore they will not support the unification unless they are fully confident of their national interests. So, it is required for us to spread out the benefits of the unification to the world. It is also required for persuading other international groups including the European Union, the British Commonwealth, the African Union, the Union of South American Nations, and ASEAN. The ROK-US alliance has been a central axis for the ROK’s security and economic growth for last 70 years. It became a great model of bilateral alliances in the world. The ROK-US alliance has been mutually beneficial for both countries, and has great potential for international cooperations in the future. Based on 70 years accumulated know-how, the ROK and the US should strengthen the alliance further by continuing the development of cooperative measurements for the future. The two countries should pay more attention to their national actors for strengthening the precious alliance by mobilizing all the available contributors not only government organizations but also non-government organizations.

      • KCI등재

        지오펜스 기반 스마트 출결시스템 설계

        홍성표(Seong-Pyo Hong),김태연(Tae-Yeun Kim) 한국정보전자통신기술학회 2020 한국정보전자통신기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.6

        전자출결관리시스템의 경우 일부 대학 및 교육기관에서 시범적으로 도입, 운영하고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 관련시스템은 기존의 바코드 및 마그네틱 카드시스템을 설치, 운영하고 있으며, 비접촉식 RF카드를 도입하여 강의실의 출결관리를 하고 있으나 인식거리(5cm이하) 문제, 학생들의 출결을 위한 매번 카드를 리더기에 읽혀야하는 체크과정을 요구함으로 학생들의 강의실 이용의 혼잡 발생 등의 문제점을 야기 시켰다. 또한 한번 체크한 기록을 가지고 한 과목의 강의시간에 활용하므로 중간이석(조퇴, 두 번째 강의시간 결석 등) 상황에 실시간으로 대응 할 수 없다. 이러한 문제들을 해결하기 위해서 제안된 다양한 모바일 출결 시스템들 또한 스마트폰의 애플리케이션만을 활용하여 출석여부를 확인하기 때문에 중간 이석 및 대리 출석 등과 같은 문제들을 본질적으로 해결하지는 못하는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 가상의 경계로 구분된 영역에 대해서 사람, 사물 등의 진입과 진출을 감지하는 측위 기반 기술인 지오펜싱 기술을 이용하여 수강생이 스마트폰을 가지고 지오펜스로 설정된 강의실을 드나들 때 출입기록을 자동으로 기재하도록 설정하여 중간 이석 및 대리출석 문제를 해결하는 스마트 출결시스템을 제안한다. 그리고, 강의실에 입장할 때 스마트폰의 기능 일부를 제한(무음, 진동, 인터넷 사용)하여 스마트폰을 통해 발생되는 의도하지 않은 실수들을 미연에 방지할 수 있는 기능 또한 제공한다. The electronic attendance management system is being introduced and operated on a pilot basis by some universities and educational institutions. However, most of the related systems have installed and operated the existing barcode and magnetic card systems. Classroom attendance is managed by introducing RF cards, but it causes problems such as recognition distance (less than 5cm) and the need for a check process in which students have to read the card each time with a reader for attendance. Also, it is not possible to respond in real time to the situation of midterm (early leave, absence from the second lecture time, etc.) because it is used in the lecture time of one subject with the record checked once. In order to solve these problems, the various mobile attendance systems proposed to solve these problems are also unable to fundamentally solve problems such as interim attendance and proxy attendance because they check attendance using only the application of a smartphone. In this paper, we use geofencing technology, which is a positioning-based technology that detects the entry and exit of people, objects, etc. in areas separated by virtual boundaries. The proposed system solves the problem of intermediate attendance and alternate attendance by setting the student to automatically record the access record when entering and leaving the classroom set as a geofence with a smartphone. In addition, it also provides a function to prevent unintentional mistakes that occur through the smartphone by limiting some of the functions of the smartphone such as silence, vibration, and Internet use when entering the classroom.

      • 반역법의 강화와 사회적 변화 -에드워드 왕들의 통치기를 중심으로-

        홍성표 ( Seong Pyo Hong ) 충북대학교 사학회 2010 忠北史學 Vol.25 No.-

        For Glanvill the law of treason was a mixture of Roman and Germanic ideas. The great influence of treason act was the writing of Bracton. In the matter of procedure to be employed in cases of treason, Bracton supplemented Glanvill. In the reign of the king Edwards, England suffered considerably as a result of their military involvements. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, king Edwards` subjects represented themselves as oppressed, and the country as impoverished as a result of the way in which men, money and supplies had been raised for war. Expensive as the conquest of Wales was, far more was spent on the wars with France and Scotland in the king Edwards reign. What could be done? King Edwards could revive their feudal rights to aids and could levy tallage on their demesnes. English trade could be exploited by means of heavier customs duties. While the war in Scotland and France remained popular, king Edwards could rely on the military support of many of the magnates and clergy. But king Edwards could not abandon the war in Scotland. And added to all the problems inherited from Edward I was one new one, that of the king`s relationship with magnates. The costs of the campaigns made the crown increasingly dependent on the grant of taxation by its subjects. The demands made for military service, for money and for goods prompted political opposition. The treason under the first two Edwards was then the development of conviction on the king`s record. King Edwards` intent was primarily to extend treason for political purposes. From the succession of Edward III the use of the king`s record in trials of treason disappeared save where the crime was one of fighting the king in open war. So enactment of the treason act of 1352 was derived from arbitrary punishments which hadruined so many noble families in the reign of Edward II. But the king was never restricted to direct relations only with his tenants-in-chief. Ultimately everybody owed their service and an overriding obligation of allegiance to the king himself. In this circumstances, contents of the treason act of king Edwards was strengthened. So we can assert that the English social structure in the reign of king Edwards was Bastard Feudalism.

      • 우크라이나전쟁이 한국안보에 주는 시사점

        홍성표 ( Sungpyo Hong ) 한국군사학회 2023 군사논단 Vol.113 No.-

        Russian military invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Ukraine applied European Union membership, and many East European countries already joined the EU. Thus, it is natural to join the EU for Ukraine, but Russia tried to stop Ukraine’s moving towards the EU by the invasion. International community, headed by the United Nations, immediately reacted against Russia’s illegal invasion and assisted Ukraine with a lot of military equipment and weapon systems and rescue funds. Russia’s invasion unexpectedly became a protracted war instead of rapid victory. Ukraine military has fought well and defeated Russian army almost all over the frontal lines. Russian military now takes a defensive posture. The lesson of this war for the ROK is as follow: First, the ROK should maintain a liberal democracy that secures basic human rights. Second, the ROK should have reasonably sufficient military power for its national defense. Ukraine failed to defend its nation country due to insufficient defense capability. Without foreign military assistance, Ukraine could not but surrendering already. Thus, the ROK should build a reasonably sufficient defense capability including Kill chain, KAMD and KMPR. Third, Korean-made-defense products are highly evaluated by international community through Ukraine war. Poland already contracted with Korea purchasing 48 FA-50s fighters, 980 K-2 tanks and 648 K-9 Howitzers. And many countries are actively trying to purchase K-defense products. Forth, strategic alliance is crucial for strengthening national security. Ukraine is still fighting well owing to foreign military assistance. Thus, it is very important for the ROK to strengthen the alliances and friendship with foreign countries in peacetime. Finally, the unity of national people is the most important thing for the survival. When the war broke out, President Zellenskii and former president Poroshenko campaigned for patriotic war-fighting against Russian invaders, and it strongly appealed to international community. Thus, many countries joined in supporting Ukraine and provided a lot of military assistance. Owing to this support Ukraine could strongly resist against Russian invasion.

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