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        Tacrolimus를 근간으로 한 면역억제제를 복용하는 장이식 환자에서 이식 후 새로 발생한 당뇨병의 위험인자

        허우성 ( Woo Seong Huh ),최유경 ( Yu Kyong Choi ),김예지 ( Ye Jee Kim ),최남경 ( Nam Kyong Choi ),김민영 ( Min Young Kim ),백나나 ( Na Na Baek ),염지연 ( Ji Youn Youm ),이정은 ( Jung Eun Lee ),김대중 ( Dae Joong Kim ),김윤구 ( Yoo 대한신장학회 2010 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.29 No.6

        Purpose: This study was conducted to identify risk factors for new onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) among renal transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus-based immunosuppressant. Methods: We selected renal transplant recipients who underwent surgery at Samsung Seoul Hospital between May 2001 and July 2009. Exclusion criteria were as follows: recipients <18 years old, history of diabetes mellitus (DM) or impaired glucose tolerance. Analysis of possible risk factors for NODAT included age, gender, body mass index, co-morbid diseases, family history of DM, infection of hepatitis B or polyomavirus, type of donors (cadaver or living) and acute rejection. Overall incidence and median value of NODAT onset day were analyzed with Kaplan-Meier curve. We calculated crude incidence rate and relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for independent risk factors of NODAT using Cox proportional hazard analysis. Results: A total of 278 patients were included and the incidence of NODAT was 13.3% (5.6/100 person-year) and the median duration of NODAT onset was 28 days. In Cox analysis, risk factors for NODAT were age (45-59 years: RR=1.41, 95% CI 1.09-1.83, 60> years: RR=4.36, 95% CI 2.00-9.49), family history of DM (RR=1.62, 95% CI 1.12-2.34) and polyomavirus infection (RR=1.40, 95% CI 1.08-1.81). Conclusion: The risk factors for NODAT among renal transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus- based regimen were age (>45 years old), family history of DM and polyomavirus infection.

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        제국에 맞서기

        허우성(Woo Sung Huh) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2012 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.61

        제국의 시대를 살아간 니시다와 만해는 불교가 전통적으로 강조해온 마음의 고양된 경험을 포착하고 이것을 자신들의 사상 전개에 적극적으로 활용했다. 하지만 세계사적 흐름이 가져다 준 제국주의적인 현실이 그들의 뇌리를 떠나지 않았다. 니시다는 인간의 내면으로 들어가 서양철학 전통이 과소평가해 온 마음이나 의식의 순수한 생명 사건을 선(禪)전통에서 찾아내고 이를 서양철학의 언어로 표현하면서 서양과 대결하려고 했다. 만해는 心과 진여, 불성에서 평등이라는 진리의 근거를 찾았고,평등에서 자유주의와 세계주의를 도출하여 이것들로써 일본의 제국주의에 맞섰다. 니시다는 후기에 공개적으로 제국주의를 비판했던 적도 있다고 하지만, 동아공영권이나 세계는 한 집과 같은 일본 중심의 슬로건 자체가 만해와 같은 조선인에게는 불만의 원인이 될 수 있다는 점을, 그리고 국체의 자기한정이 조선인이나 중국인과 같은 비일본인에게는 치명적인 폭력이 될 수 있다는 점을 자각하지 못했던 것으로 보인다. 불교 전통 안에 있으면서 마음/의식의 능력에 대해 깊이 사고했다는 점에서는 니시다와 만해는 서로 통하지만, 제국의 중심과 식민지 사이의 거리가 너무 멀어서 상대방의 주장을 이해하기 어려웠을 것이다. 만해에 따르면, 자유와 생명이라는 善을 지키기 위해서는 조선은 정치 제도에서 부패를 몰아냈어야 했고, 자유와 생명을 박탈당하기 전에 세력의 근거로서 물질문명을 충분히 수용하고 활용했어야 한다. 적어도 물질문명에 관한 한, 영국 제국과 맞서면서 영국 제국의 아래에 현대문명이 있다고 외치고, 그것을 신랄하게 비판했던 인도의 간디와는 아주 달랐다. 만해는 조선의 독립을 위해서 일제에 항거하면서 불교와 상무정신을 공존시킨 덕분에, 무아, 공, 자비 등이 시사하는 바와는 달리, 불교를 무인(武人)의 불교로 만들었다. 만해와 니시다가 심(心)에 중심을 두었지만 활용방식은 달랐는데 서로 맞서야 할 제국이 달랐기 때문이다. 만해의 사후 60여 년, 이제 최소한 남한은 독립 국가로서 일제에 의해 박탈당했던 주권, 곧 내치, 외교, 경제, 국방 등의 방면에서 주권을 행사하고, 국민 개개인은 자유민주주의제도 아래에서 갖가지 권리를 향유할 정도가 되었다. 국가가 국민에게 인간의 존엄과 가치를 부여하고, 이를 보장해 줄 의무가 있다는 우리의 현행 헌법을 감안하면, 만해의 꿈은 이제 상당 부분 실현되었다고 할 수 있다. 21세기에 들어서 세계의 시간과 공간은 더욱 수축됨으로써 국제간의 상호의존도는 더 높아졌고, 그에 따라서 남한은 국제질서에 더 단단하게 편입되어서, 세계사가 우리 개개인에게 미치는 영향력은 더 커졌다. 한국, 그리고 우리를 둘러싸고 있는 미국, 중국, 러시아, 일본 그리고 북한은 모두 어쩔 수 없이, 생존의 도구이자 침략의 도구인 칼과 황금에 매료당하고 있다. 이들 오국(五國)을 다루기 위해서, 우리는 장군의 경계심과 계산력이 필요하다. 그 장군은 우리를 지킬 만큼의 세력, 전략, 전술이 있어야 하고, 남의 자유를 침해하지 않을 만큼 자비로워야 한다. 만해가 만일 오늘날 우리 사회에서 극도로 만연해 있는 물질문명과 소비주의가 무한 경쟁을 부추기고 인간의 생명과 자유를 손상하고 있는 현실을 목격하면, 생명을 고양시켜주는 비물질적인 마음의 무한한 능력을 회복하기 위해서 자기 수양을 강조하고 그의 현대문명 긍정론에 상당한 수정을 가할 가능성이 높다. 그리고 내면으로 향한 자기 변화의 경험은 우리를 고양시켜서 인류사에 쉼 없이 등장하는 제국주의적 야망과 싸우게 할 수는 있다. 반드시 승리가 보장된 것은 아니지만. Nishida and Manhae, living in the Age of Empire, seized upon exalted or sublime experience in our minds or consciousness, and forcefully employed this experience in the development of their thought. But imperialism, the stark reality of earlier few decades of the 20th century always haunted them. Thus Nishida went deeply down into mind and found internal life activity such as pure experience(純粹經驗) and self-consciousness(自覺), whose precursors were easily seen in the East Asian Buddhist tradition. Having believed that such experiences have been neglected or undervalued by the Western philosophical tradition, he hoisted and expressed them in the Western philosophical terms as a way of confronting Western Empires. On the other hand, Manhae drew the principle of equality from key Buddhist notions such as mind, Tathagatha, and Buddha nature which were believed, according to some Buddhist texts, to be equally meted out to each and every human being. From the principle of equality, derived Manhae liberalism(自由主義) and cosmopolitanism(世界主義) and utilized them in his confronting Japanese imperialism. Although we were told that Nishida publicly criticized imperialism, he did not seem to realize that dominant political slogans such as Co-Prosperity(東亞共榮圈), ``the World under One Roof``(八紘一宇), and the self-determination of national polity(國體) became the source of dissatisfaction among non-Japanese in Asia and sometimes turned out to be fatally violent to them. These two figures, in spite of sharing a common theme with each other, that is, lofty experience of mind, could not have understood each other`s position due to the gaping gap between the center of empire and its colony. Manhae forcefully argued that if Koreans as a people treasured their life and liberty, then they should have made themselves stronger and, to do that, should have cleansed their political system of corruption, and should have fully adopted and utilized modern civilization as the source of power long before the strong Japanese stroke first and took away their life and liberty from them. His fondness of non-spiritual modern civilization made a sharp contrast to M. K. Gandhi`s view of it. Gandhi scathed it, believing that it was the main force to sustain the British empire. It has been also pointed out in this article that Manhae put a great emphasis upon martialism, thus giving rise to what may be named Buddhism of military spirit.(武人精神) More than sixty years has passed since Manhae is gone. South Korea at least has become an independent nation mainly due to American power, and her citizens under the contemporary democratic rule are ``greatly`` enjoying liberty, freedom and human rights; ``greatly`` beyond imagination of those people having suffered under Japanese colonialism. And considering the current Korean Constitution under which the state has proclaimed the duty to protect human life and property of each and every citizen, one may argue that Manhae`s dreams for liberty, equality, happiness have been somewhat fulfilled. But geopolitical situation has not been much changed in 21st century, as South Korea is still in challenging setting, surrounded by America, China, Russia, and Japan, and facing North Korea. As long as all these five nations including ourselves are enthralled by swords and gold, two basic means necessary for both protecting ourselves and invading others, we cannot help but ask generals to be equipped with sufficient forces, far-sighted strategy and efficient tactics, and of course, with compassion toward foreigners. The author has made a short note on modern civilization. If Manhae today were to observe uncontrollably flourishing material culture, consumerism, and intense competition to acquire them, he would have to reassess his favorable view of modern civilization, and well admonish us to do more of mind cultivation in order to realize life-enhancing experience. This inner-directed self transforming experience may elevate, although not always,

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        이슬람과 불교의 인간관에 대한 비교연구

        안신(Ahn, Shin),허우성(Huh, Woo Sung) 한국중동학회 2011 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.32 No.1

        Radical Afghanistan Muslim groups destroyed two Buddha statues in 2001. With these cultural conflicts, the comparative studies on Islam and Buddhism have been done mainly by the apologetic purposes of each religious tradition, therefore the values of Islam and Buddhism have been overlooked and devaluated by the believers and scholars of other religions. This paper is intended to compare Islam with Buddhism in terms of human nature by analyzing their scriptures such as the Qur'an, Hadith, Dhammapada, and Suttanipata. These scriptures give us the basic foundations of religious worldviews. First, Allah created human beings for sending them to govern the world on His behalf. Even thought they often forget the Word of Allah, Allah forgives them their sins The original nature of humanity is to seek for Allah, but the weakness of human nature makes humans to worship idols. It is believed that the last prophet Muhammad delivered the original revelation of Allah to the world. As the straight way to Allah Islam offers Muslims six beliefs and five pillars for the transformative salvation of human beings from the ego to Allah. Second, Buddhists depend on Buddha, his teachings, and his community for the liberation from suffering. Because of their ignorance of the self, people suffer from the changeability of life. Behind these sufferings there are desires to be solved. It is believed that Buddha suggests the eight ways to lead to the great freedom. Humans have the great potentiality to reach the enlightenment beyond the powers of gods. In conclusion, both Islam and Buddhism have different views of humanity, but they have balanced systems of truth and practice. Islam emphasized the human relation with the power of Allah, while Buddhism pays attention to the human to become a Buddha.

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