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        <보촌가(甫村歌)>의 창작 배경과 의미

        허영진 ( Hur Young-jin ) 한민족문화학회 2017 한민족문화연구 Vol.58 No.-

        이 글은 <보촌가(甫村歌)>의 서지와 내용을 분석하여 작품의 창작 배경과 의미를 밝힌 것이다. <보촌가(甫村歌)>는 총 26면, 419행, 839구 내외로 이루어진 장편가사로서 향촌 사회, 특히 가족 내 구성원으로 하여금 `오륜(五倫)`의 실천을 역설하고 있다. 이 작품은 전라남도 담양군 고서면(古西面) 보촌리 지역을 창작 배경으로 삼고 있는데, 그동안 연구가 부진하여 문헌 해제는 물론이거니와 창작 의도와 작가 그리고 창작 연대가 전혀 밝혀지지 않았다. 따라서 이 글에서는 <보촌가>의 창작 배경과 의미를 고찰함으로써 조선 후기 가사 문화의 이해에 이바지할 수 있는 몇 가지 새로운 사실을 파악하였다. 우선, 작품의 창작 배경과 관련하여 <보촌가>의 창작 및 향유, 전승 공간이 `보촌` 지역 내에 머물고 있다는 사실을 확인하였다. 오늘날 <보촌가>는 총 3편이 존재하지만, 결국은 모두 동일본인 것으로 파악된다. 요컨대 <보촌가>는 `보촌`이라는 특정 지역의 산물로서 19세기 중반, 향촌 사회의 일면을 형상화한 작품이다. 그리고 작품의 내용과 의미에 관한 천착을 통해서 <보촌가>가 2년 동안 보촌 관아에서 근무하다가 이임하게 된 외아전이 창작했다는 새로운 사실을 최초로 밝혀내었다. 더불어 작가는 향촌 사회 내에서, 특히 가족 구성원들로 하여금 `오륜`의 실천을 강조하고자 <보촌가>를 창작했다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 이것은 조선 후기 가사의 담당층 확대와 호남가사 연구의 기반 확충이라는 측면에서 시사하는 바가 적지 않다고 생각된다. 또한 <보촌가>는 `오륜`의 실천을 주요 내용으로 하여 서사~결사로 구성되었는데, 실제로는 몇몇 실천 덕목 - `부자유친`, `부부유별`, `장유유서` - 이 강조된 사실이 상당히 독특해 보인다. `부자유친`에 관한 내용은 200행이나 될 정도로 상당히 비중 있게 다루어졌다. 뿐만 아니라 당시 보천 지역의 가족 생활상과 연계하여 `오륜`의 실천을 독려한 것은 <보촌가>의 독자적 개성을 드러냄과 동시에 작가의 창작 의도가 가족 구성원 사이의 결속과 질서 유지에 있었다는 사실을 알려준다. This study set out to analyze the bibliography and content of Bochonga and figure out its creative backgrounds and meanings. It is a long Gasa work consisting of total 26 myeons, 419 haengs, and 839gus written in Bochon-ri, Jeollanam Province as the background. There have been, however, few researches on the work, which means there are no findings about its creative intent, author, and year of creation as well as brief explanations about it. The present study thus aimed to create a chance to broaden the viewpoint in the research of Gasa works in the latter part of Joseon by examining its creative backgrounds and meanings. Under the goal, the study conducted an investigation into Bochonga and found the followings: As for its creative backgrounds, the study found that the space of creating, enjoying, and transmitting the work remained within the "Bochon" area. There are three versions of the work today, and they are all the same. An investigation into the work reveals a new fact that it was written by a petty official that worked at the government office of Bochon in the middle and late 19th century. His creative intent was to emphasize the practice of the five moral disciplines in human relations in the rural community. Those findings have considerable implications regarding the expansion of Gasa writers in the second half of Joseon and the proposal of a new perspective for the research of Honam Gasa works. Bochonga mainly talks about the practice of "five moral disciplines in human relations" and is in the structure of Seosa → Bonsa → Gyeolsa, but it actually puts an emphasis on a couple of practice virtues, which include "Bujayuchin", "Bubuyubyeol" and "Jangyuyuseo", which seems very unique. The content about "Bujayuchin", in particular, spans over 200 haengs, being treated with such importance. Furthermore, Bochonga encourages the practice of "five moral disciplines in human relations" in connection to the family life aspects in the Bochon area those days, which reveals the distinctive individuality of the Gasa work and, at the same time, tells that the author`s creative intent was to maintain the solidarity and order among the family members.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김천택 작품의 전승 양상과 수용 방식

        허영진 ( Hur Young-jin ) 국제어문학회 2015 국제어문 Vol.0 No.67

        이 글은 가집사적 맥락에서 김천택 작품의 전승 양상을 종합·분석한 후, 『청구영언(진본)』 소재 각 작품이 후대의 개별 가집에서 어떠한 방식으로 수용되었는가를 살펴본 것이다. 그동안 김천택은 최초의 가집을 편찬한 인물로서의 역할과 위상이라는 관점에서 주목을 받았지만, 다수의 작품을 창작한 작가로서의 관심은 상대적으로 부족하였다. 그 결과 아직까지도 그의 작품이 가집사적으로 어떻게 전승되었고, 후대의 가집으로 전승된 작품이 어떠한 방식으로 수용되었는가에 대한 연구는 본격화하지 못했다. 이 글에서는 현전 가집 93종을 대상으로 김천택 작품의 전승 양상과 수용 방식을 살펴본 결과, 다음과 같은 사실을 알 수 있게 되었다. 우선 김천택 작품으로 알려진 것 가운데에서 2수는 후대인의 추가 수록 작품인데다가 자료적 신뢰성이 매우 희박하기 때문에 김천택은 모두 79수의 작품을 남겼다고 파악하였다. 그리고 그의 작품은 『청구영언(진본)』에서 30수가 최초로 수록된 이후, 해동가요계 가집에서 49수가 추가 수록되었으므로 최소한 두 가지 이상의 전승 경로가 존재하였을 가능성이 높다고 보았다. 즉 그의 작품이 『청구영언(진본)』과 『해동가요』라는 양대 가집을 중심으로 전승 경로가 확연히 구분되는 바, 김천택 작품의 해석 기반 역시 최소 두 가지 이상의 층위를 지녔다고 판단하였다. 김천택 작품의 수용 방식에 관해서는 最先本, 즉 『청구영언(진본)』 소재 작품이 후대의 다른 가집으로 수용되는 과정에서 작가, 악곡, 노랫말의 표기 방식면에서 주목할 만한 변화상이 포착된다는 사실을 밝혀 보았다. 이러한 변화상은 『청구영언(진본)』이 편찬된 직후부터 곧바로 나타나므로 단순히 전승·수용 과정상의 오기나 착오에 의한 것은 아니었다고 생각된다. 요컨대 그의 작품은 가집사 전 기간 동안 전승이 이루어졌으나 수용 방식면에서 보편적 인식보다는 개별적 인식이 더욱 두드러져 보이고, 각각의 작품은 개별 가집에서 다양한 방식으로 수용되었음을 실증해 보였다. This study put together and analyzed the transmission patterns of works by Kim Cheon-taek and examined how the works of Cheongguyeongeon(rare book) were accepted in individual anthologies by the later generations. The study looked into the transmission patterns and acceptance methods of Kim`s works in 93 anthologies and found out the followings: There are some of his works whose authenticity has been ambiguous till today, and two of them have little material authenticity. After excluding the two, it was concluded that Kim left total 79 works. Given that 30 of his works were first published in Cheongguyeongeon(rare book) and that 49 works were added in the anthology of Haedonggayo line later, a possibility was raised that there must have been at least two transmission paths. As for the acceptance methods of his works, there were noteworthy changes to the authors, tunes, and notation of lyrics. His works had been transmitted throughout the entire history of anthologies. Individual perceptions were more prominent in the specific acceptance method of each work rather than the universal ones. Each work was accepted in individual anthologies in diverse ways.

      • KCI등재

        가집을 통해 살펴본 시조의 문학적 해석

        허영진(Hur Young-Jin) 국어문학회 2006 국어문학 Vol.41 No.-

        This thesis first discussed the value of collections of poems as data and the necessity of study on them. A collection of poems has more values than those in literature of sijo. That is because it reflects the whole process of creating, enjoying and handing down sijo. It is urgent to consider the correlation between sijo and the collection of poems and its implication on a full scale. In addition, as a new methodology, this researcher paid attention to a collection of poems which shows literary interpretation of sijo. The subject of this study was four books: <Mumyeongssi> from 『Ossibon Cheonguyoungeon』, <Dangaisipmok> from 『Namchangbon Gogeumgagokjip』, 『Donggaseon』, and 『Geunhwaakbu』. Focusing on these books, this researcher examined aspects of recognizing subjects of sijo and their meaning. Subjects or literary interpretation observed in this thesis is a starting point in approaching the historical context of sijo and a basis of understanding it. Although making efforts to clarify the background of the recognition in this thesis, this researcher felt the want of ability. From now on, this researcher will make up for the insufficient part.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 전반의 가곡과 『歌譜』의 존재 양상

        허영진(Hur. Young-jin) 우리문학회 2002 우리文學硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        This thesis is to study the development process of songs and the aspect of existence of collections of songs in the first half of the 19th century, which are found in the 'Genealogy of Songs' in the possession of the National Library of Korea. The 'Genealogy of Songs' is a collection of songs in the first half of the 19th century in which songs have been reorganized into Wujo(羽調) and Gyemyeonjo(界面調) and kinds of songs have been reassigned. The first half of the 19th century is described as the period when experimental studies were actively<br/> conducted to edit songs in arrangement styles, and the confusion and unfamiliarity which are found in the 'Genealogy of Songs' can be understood in the same context as in such a tendency. However, fundamental verification work has nol yet been completed regarding the time of editing of the collection of songs, its editor, intention of editing, system & organization, criteria of collection, and aspects of entry of editorials on pieces of work. Accordingly, this thesis is first going to estimate the time of editing by surveying the bibliographical characteristics that 'Genealogy of Songs' possesses as a collection of songs and intensively examining the composition of the collection of songs, and then grasp the peculiar characteristics of the editor and the collection of songs. This thesis is offered as a starting point for the perfect understanding and reconsideration of songs and collections of songs in the first half of the 19th century.<br/>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임목폐기물의 현장 재활용을 위한 퇴비화기술

        허영진 ( Young Jin Hur ),고정현 ( Jeung Hyun Koh ),주백 ( Paik Joo ),안태영 ( Tae Young Ahn ) 한국환경복원녹화기술학회 2009 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        The main purpose of this study is as follows: Finding a solution for fresh wood chips to be used as an alternative growing-media through a study of the formation method of a compost base that is applicable on both construction site and composting factory to ferment fresh wood chips produced from construction site as well as a study on adjuvant or secondary materials. The result from the experiment plot using wood chips sized 50mm or less, manure and fertilizer mixed manure as a source of nitrogen to compost fresh wood chips has shown that the temperatures 9days and 3days after the beginning of the experiment reached to 49.0℃ and 40.4℃ respectively, the heating duration was 7days and 4days respectively, and the C/N ratio was 26.5 and 25.3, each satisfying the standard for composted manure (25.0~40.0). Also, the other result from another experiment plot using mixture of sandy soil and microorganism as an inoculation source of microorganism has shown that the temperature 10days after the beginning of the experiment reached to 67.6℃ and lasted 16days. The experiment plot using sandy soil has shown the highest figure of 5.3×108 CFU/g in terms of number of microorganism. The result from the experiment plots for on-site composting of fresh wood chips have shown that the experiment plot that used sandy soil with fertilizer due to supply restriction of manure as a nitrogen source in construction site reached the high temperature of 54.7℃ after 3days of experiment beginning and maintained heating state for 17days and reached 30.6 of C/N ratio, satisfying the standard for composted manure.

      • KCI등재

        붉나무,참싸리,비수리 종자의 침지 처리가 발아에 미치는 영향

        허영진 ( Young Jin Hur ),김민호 ( Min Ho Kim ),차고운 ( Go Woon Cha ),안태영 ( Tae Young Ahn ) 한국환경보건기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2010 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Herbs and shrubs are employed for environmental restoration purposes. Among common herbs and shrubs, few species with low germination rates were selected and studied for enhanced germination rates and decreased germination times via soaking treatment. Rhus chinensis, incubator grown samples treated with the bacterial solution for 72hrs followed by immediate seeding showed the highest germination rate of 26.7% and germination period of 5.7 days, 3 days decrease from the control. Treatment of distilled water (t=3.79, p<0.01), nutrient broth (t=4.44, p<0.00) and bacterial solution (t=4.42, p<0.00) showed highly significant difference. In the case of soil tests, treating in the nutrient broth for 72 hrs followed by immediate seeding yielded the the highest germination rate of 23.3% with 7.3 days to initial germination, a decrease of 14.7 days with respect to the control. All the samples followed by immediate seeding showed significant difference (t=2.13, p<0.05). Incubator grown samples of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya showed different results. The incubator samples suspended for 48 hrs in distilled water followed by immediate seeding and 1 day drying displayed the highest germination rate of 96.7%, surpassing that of the control by 33.4%. The incubator samples treated with the distilled water and nutrient broth showed enhanced germination. But only the samples treated with distilled water and nutrient broth for 48hrs showed the increased germination in soil tests. All the sample treated for 24 hrs followed by immediate seeding or dried for 1 day showed initial germination as early as 1 day in incubator. The initial germinations were shortened in the samples treated with distilled water and nutrient broth for 48hrs in soil tests. Lespedeza cuneata incubator sample treated with nutrient broth for 24 hrs and dried for 1 day exhibited the highest germination rate of 83.3%, a 31.1% improvement over the control. The incubator samples treated with distilled water for 48 hrs (t=4.20, p<0.01) showed effective increase of germination. The treatment of distilled water (t=2.96, p<0.05) and bacterial solution (t=2.24, p<0.05) showed significant difference. The germination rates in soil were less than those of incubator and the control. The incubator samples treated with distilled water and bacterial solution displayed 1 day germination period, shortened by 1.3 days compared to the control. For soil grown samples, the samples treated with distilled water showed delayed initial germination and those treated with nutrient broth for 48hrs and bacterial solution for 72hrs shortened initial germination.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 가곡의 가창 공간과 애창곡 연구 -18세기 후반~19세기 초반의 가집(歌集)을 중심으로-

        허영진 ( Hur Young-jin ) 한민족문화학회 2020 한민족문화연구 Vol.71 No.-

        이 글은 18세기 후반 ~ 19세기 초반의 가집 소재 가곡의 존재 양상에 관한 실증적 분석을 통해 가창 공간과 애창곡의 상관성을 살펴본 것이다.조선시대의 가곡 연행은 다수가 함께하는 공개적인 장소에서 펼쳐졌으므로 가창 공간에 대한 선이해가 필요하고, 오늘날까지 전하는 다양한 가집에는 다양한 가창 공간에서 자주 부른 애창곡이 수록되었다. 일반적으로 애창곡은 개인이 평소 즐겨 듣고 부르는 작품으로 정의되는데, 동시대의 여러 가창 공간에서 자주 불렀다면 당시의 대표하는 애창곡으로 받아들여질 만하다.이 글에서는 우선, 18세기 후반~19세기 초반 가집 소재 애창곡의 파악을 위해 당시 “가곡창으로 불렀거나, 부르기 위해서 편찬된 가곡창본가집’ 중에서 10종을 선택하여 수록곡과 해당 노랫말을 분석했다. 이 시기는 다종다양한 가집이 편찬되어 가곡문화의 다변화 양상이 두드러지므로 가창 공간과 애창곡의 상관성에 관한 종합, 분석하는데 중요한 시사점을 제공해 준다.그다음으로 가집 소재 작품에 대한 실증적 분석을 통해 공출작 1818수를 검출하였다. 공출작 중에서 43수는 9종 이상의 가집에 수록된 당시의 애창곡인데, 이 가운데에서 특히 10수는 모든 가집에 수록된 중요 애창곡으로서 가창 공간과의 상관성을 입증하는 근거가 된다.마지막으로 18세기 후반~19세기 초반의 애창곡 선별 기준을 파악한 결과로 첫째, 가곡창의 실연을 위한 선곡, 둘째 노래와 시가 어우러진 가창 공간에서의 선곡, 셋째 인간의 보편적 정서와 주제를 노래한 가창 공간이라는 세 가지 관점에서 애창곡을 선별 수록했다는 사실을 파악할 수 있었다.18세기 후반~19세기 초반의 애창곡을 살펴본 결과, ‘당시의 대표적인기 악곡’ 수록과 ‘가곡 한바탕 ’의 구성을 위한 선곡 그리고 가곡의 가창과 시창을 위한 번역 및 노랫말의 변화상을 반영한 선곡이 두드러진 가운데 인간사의 보편적 정서와 주제를 노래한 작품이 가창 공간에서 선호되었다는 사실을 파악할 수 있었다. This study set out to analyze empirically the existence patterns of songs in collections of songs between the latter half of the 18th century and the early 19th century and thus investigate correlations between singing venues and favorite songs.Since songs were performed at public places where many people gathered in Joseon, it is first needed to understand singing venues. Today, there are various remaining collections of songs, and they contain people's favorite songs sung at many different singing venues. If some songs were sung at many different contemporary places, they would deserve to be called representative and favorite songs of the times.The study first selected ten "collections of songs in the Chang version" and analyzed their songs and lyrics. The study then analyzed songs in these collections and identified the ones that were commonly published in different collections. Of them, 43 songs were representative songs of the times that were published in nine collections or more. Ten of the songs were especially major favorite songs of the times as they were published in all of the ten collections, providing some grounds to verify correlations between singing venues and favorite songs. The study also examined the selection criteria of favorite songs in the latter half of the 18th century and the early 19th century: first, songs were selected for their demonstration during the period secondly, songs were selected at singing venues with the harmony of songs and poems and finally, songs were selected based on universal human sentiments and topics. The favorite songs of the times were selected and published in the collections from these three perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        남창본 『고금가곡집』의 실증적 재조명

        허영진 ( Hur Young-jin ) 국제어문학회 2004 국제어문 Vol.31 No.-

        This study presents a review of “Gogeumgagokjib” of Namchangmun-gobon and introduces how to overcome the limitations of the previous anthology researches and what misprints were corrected. The Namchangbon is the third version copy of “Gogeumgagokjib” and provides very important data to solve the research questions raised in the previous studies. The empirical reconsideration of the data led to the following results ; “Gogeumgagokjib” was a song collection whose publisher was not known and showed the song culture of the middle and late 18th century. By analyzing the categorization system, “Dangaishibmok”, and the lyrics, it was found out that the unfamiliarity and originality of “Gogeumgagokjib” reflected the publication intentions and the thematic concerns. The collection of new lyrics, alterations to the existing lyrics, and the experimental trials were the major indication of the originality of “Gogeumgagokjib” and the proof that the song culture of late Chosun was full of diverse tastes and heterogeneous tendencies. “Gogeumgagokjib” is an anthology that has critical implications for the consciousness system of the people living in the 18th century.

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