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      • KCI등재

        유아교육학 입장에서 본 만 5세아 초등학교 조기입학

        한석실 ( Suk Sil Han ) 미래유아교육학회 2010 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to find out the answer what is the most appropriate education for the five years old children. This question is closely related with ``when is the optimal or appropriate age at which children should start school``. This study systematically reviewed developmental aspects of five year older, social demands for the education of five years old, and current educational systems at age 5 of OECD countries including Korea. This study proposed several suggestions to provide optimal education for the five years old children. First, children`s current happiness and welling rather than preparing for the future life should be considered importantly. Second, developmentally appropriate curriculum should be provided to the children. Third, they should have an equal education opportunity regardless of their family background, and school system should be changed flexibly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        유아의 지능과 창의성 간의 관계 분석

        한석실(Suk Sil Han),이경민(Kyoung Min Lee) 한국아동학회 2005 아동학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        The subjects of this study were 172 5-year-old children enrolled in a kindergarten located in Daejeon city. Instruments were the K-ABC(1997) to test children`s intelligence and the TTCT(1999) to test children`s creativity. Data were analyzed by Pearson`s R and Canonical R. Results indicated that the relation between K-ABC IQ and TTCT CQ was statistically significant(r=.292, p<.000). This result is at variance with threshold theory where the correlation between intelligence and creativity is predicted to be high for children with IQ below 120, but above that level, the correlations are predicted to be much lower. A significant canonical function(Wilk`s=.760, p<.000) was found between the sequential processing scale, achievement scale of K-ABC and elaborateness, resistance to premature closure of TTCT.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        발달에 적합한 유아 영재교육

        한석실 ( Suk Sil Han ) 미래유아교육학회 2005 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        In this study, I discussed several issues about gifted young children to make early childhood educators fully aware of the necessity of the education for gifted young children. The issues about gifted young children are summarized as follows: First, I reviewed the reasons why education for the gifted young children is not a concerning topic for both the field of the early childhood education and gifted education. Second, I defined the concept of the gifted young children and summarized linguistic, physical, social-emotional developmental features of the gifted young children. Third, I reviewed the issues of identification. To find out more appropriate identification methods for the young gifted, this study looked at the strength and weakness of the currently practiced several identification methods. Fourth, it looked at the general principles and an example of the curriculum for the young gifted. Finally, several suggestions were provided that are needed for the developmentally appropriate education for gifted young children.

      • KCI등재

        Rediscovering the Value of Block Play

        Han, Suk Sil(한석실),Park, Ju Hee(박주희) 한국보육학회 2010 한국보육학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        In this research, the value of block play's symbolic element was investigated. Block play is defined as a behavior to handle, stack, or manipulate blocks. Also block play can be understood as one of the constructive play activities that focuses on building or constructing something with open ended materials such as bricks, blocks, and clay. Block play studies are mainly concerned with issues related to the relationships between block play and child development, the environment or ecology for block play, and the curriculum for block play. But these studies have been conducted with the viewpoint of constructive play. Play researchers used to understand dramatic play through it's symbolic element. On the contrary, the value of block play's symbolic element has been downgraded and block play hasn't received the respect that it deserves. Block play experiences provide a medium for symbolic play(Baker, 1989) and symbolic play involves the use of mental representation to pretend that one object stands for another(Piaget, 1962). Block construction is the transformation of an experience or object into a concrete representation of this experience or object. In recent years, several studies on block play insist that we should realize the importance of block play's symbolic element(Han & Park, 2009; Kostelnik, Soderman, & Whiren, 2004). The symbolic element that children experience in play forms a foundation for future abstract thinking. Therefore, in this study, we will try to find out and understand the symbolic element of block play and it may help us to provide an appropriate environment and teaching strategies for children's block play.

      • KCI등재

        현장참여 놀이중심 과학활동 경험이 예비유아교사 에게 미치는 영향

        한석실(Suk Sil Han) 한국보육학회 2020 한국보육학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to confirm how it has been changed in teaching ability, teaching efficacy, and understanding on play-oriented science activities of preservice teachers. They participated in an ‘early childhood science education’ class that provided opportunities for field experience and cooperative reflection. Methods: Fifteen participants were took the course , ‘early childhood science education’, for the third grade in the department of early childhood education at U university. In the course, they were instructed the purposes, contents, methods, and evaluation of early childhood science, and the 2019 revised Nuri-curriculum. IIn addition, they were divided into three groups to prepare play-oriented science activities. After conducting science activities with children in the early childhood education field, they analyzed and discussed about the activities in the lecture room. They were tested science teaching ability and science teaching efficacy at the beginning and end of the course, and wrote the reflective journals of their science activities. Results: The preservice teachers’ teaching skills and teaching efficacy of science education were improved with statistical significance. Through the journal analysis, the preservice teacher’s understanding of play-centered Nuri curriculum, especially the role of teacher in child-initiated science play were improved. Conclusion/Implications: It was expected to contribute improving of pre-service teachers’ capacity to operate a child-centered and play-oriented curriculum in the teacher training course.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 성, 놀이성, 기질 및 발달수준과 사회구성놀이 질과의 관계

        한석실(Han Suk-sil),박주희(Park Ju-hee) 한국열린유아교육학회 2007 열린유아교육연구 Vol.12 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 유아의 성, 놀이성 기질, 발달수준이 사회구성놀이의 질과 어떤 관련이 있는지를 확인하는데 있다. 연구대상은 수원시 소재 ○유치원에 다니는 만 5세 유아 48명(남아 23명, 여아 25명)과 유아의 어머니 46명이었다. 연구대상 유아 48명은 5명씩 그룹으로 나뉘어 그룹별로 10회에 걸쳐 유니트 블록을 사용한 사회구성놀이 활동에 참여하였다. 놀이과정에서 유아들의 사회구성놀이 질과 놀이성을 관찰하고 분석하였으며, 유아의 기질과 발달수준은 유아의 어머니들이 반응할 수 있도록 가정으로 검사지를 배포하여 조사하였다. 연구 결과, 사회구성놀이에서 여아가 남아에 비해 더 많은 수와 종류의 블록을 사용하여, 더 많은 구성물을 만드는 것으로 나타났다. 유아의 놀이성은 사회구성놀이의 질과 높은 관련을 보였으나, 기질은 관련이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 발달수준은 영역에 따라 차이가 있었는데, 인지빌달이 사회구성 놀이의 질과 관계가 높은 반면 신체발달은 전혀 관계가 없었고, 언어, 사회, 정서 발달은 사회구성놀이의 질 하위요인에 따라 서로 다른 관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to find children's properties related to quality of social constructive play. The subjects were 48 five-year-old children and their mothers enrolled in O kindergarten located in Suwon city. The children were arranged into groups of 5, and participated in constructive play in unit blocks, a total 10 times. Their constructive play and playfulness were observed and analyzed. The questionnaire for children's temperament and developmental level was delivered their homes and filled out by their mothers. Data were analyzed through a t test and Pearson's Correlation. Results were as follows : First, the girls used a greater number of blocks and block types, and made more constructions than boys in social constructive play. Second, children's playfulness was highly related to the quality of social constructive play, but temperament was not. Third, the cognitive developmental level was highly related with the quality of social constructive play, but the physical developmental level was not. And the relations between language, social, emotional developmental level and the quality of social constructive play were different according to sub-elements of social constructive play.

      • KCI등재

        점토놀이에서의 가작화 요소 분석 도구 개발

        한석실(Han Suk-Sil),박주희(Park Ju-Hee) 한국열린유아교육학회 2011 열린유아교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구에서는 점토놀이에서 나타나는 유아의 가작화 요소를 분석하기 위한 도구를 개발하고자 하였다. 관련 문헌을 검토하여 예비도구를 개발하고, 이를 예비관찰을 통해 적용한 후 문제점을 수정하여 본 검사를 실시하였다. 본 검사는 경상북도 A시에 위치한 두 곳의 어린이집에 재원 중인 만 5세 40명의 유아를 대상으로 8회의 점토놀이를 관찰하여 가작화 분석 도구의 타당성을 검증하였다. 검증결과 점토놀이에서 나타나는 가작화 유형은 크게 탐색적 활동, 자기주체적 가작화, 투사적 가작화의 세 가지로 나누어졌으며, 자기주체적 가작화와 투사적 가작화에는 각각 다시 역할의 가작화, 사물의 가작화, 상황의 가작화의 하위 범주가 포함되었다. 이들 범주에는 유아 점토놀이에서 나타나는 가작화 에피소드의 전체가 포함되어 유아의 가작화 요소를 잘 분석할 수 있는 도구로 확인되었다. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for make-believe elements appeared in children’s clay play. After reviewing the related articles, the preliminary scale was developed. The preliminary scale was modified after applying to a small group. The modified scale was applied to 40 five year old children. Children played with clay for 8 times for 30 minutes play sessions. Children’s clay-plays were video-taped and all narrations were transcribed. The characteristics of the final scale were as follows: The make-believe elements in children’s clay play were divided into three categories. first one was ‘inquiry activity’, second one was ‘self-subjective pretence’, the last one was ‘projective pretence’. The two pretend categories except inquiry activity have three sub-items. one was ‘pretending a role’. It meant to represent certain character’s actions or narrations. second one was ‘pretending object’, it meant to represent gestures or sounds of certain objects. The pretend situation is children’s mention about temporal or spatial background of pretence. This scale included every make-believe elements that appeared in children’s clay play.

      • KCI등재

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