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      • KCI등재후보

        초음파검사에서 여성 골반내 질환별 발생빈도 조사연구

        한남숙(Nam-Sook Han),이만구(Man-Koo Lee),임청환(Cheong-Hwan Lim),정홍량(Hong-Ryang Jung),조정근(Jung-Keun Cho) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2007 방사선기술과학 Vol.30 No.3

          본 연구는 초음파검사를 이용하여 여성 골반내 질환의 발생빈도를 조사하였으며, 기초자료를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. S시에 있는 산부인과 병원에서 1년간에 골반강 초음파검사를 받은 25세 이상 69세 미만의 전체 여성 수검자 604명을 대상으로 하였다. 여성 골반내 질환은 자궁의 혹, 자궁내막 질환, 난소의 혹 및 경부낭종 등 4개 군으로 구분 조사하였고, 연구한 결과는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 위험요인으로 연령, 체중, 임신 횟수의 세 가지를 설정하였다.<BR>  분석 및 결론은 다음과 같다.<BR>  1) 연령별 발생빈도는 출산 연령층(25~35세)에서 10.8%, 출산이 끝난 후 연령층부터 폐경 전 연령층(35~54세)까지에서 38.9%, 폐경 후 연령층(55~69세)에서 35.8%로, 출산이 끝난 후 연령층에서 폐경 전 연령층과 폐경 후 연령층에서 출산 연령층보다 발생빈도가 높게 나타났다.<BR>  2) 여성 골반내 질환의 발생빈도는 체중과 임신 횟수가 증가함에 따라서 증가하였다.   This study was performed for the purpose of providing basic data of the pelvic disorders through survey of the frequency of management of occurrence by major risk factor. Female pelvic mass was detected using sonography, and necessary data were collected from 604 female visitors to a obstetrics and gynecology hospital located at S-si. Female pelvic mass was uterus mass, ovarian mass, cervical cyst, endometrial disease. For the analysis, such variables as age, weight and frequency of pregnancy were chosen as risk factors.<BR>  Results of the analysis and conclusions are as follows ;<BR>  1) The frequency of occurrence of the female pelvic mass is highest, as 38.9% of the component ratio, in the age of 35 to 54. It maintains high level of 35.8% even in the age of 55 and above.<BR>  2) The frequency of occurrence of the female pelvic mass increases in proportion as the weight and frequency of pregnancy increase.<BR>  3) The size of the uterus tumor has no statistical relationship with the risk factors, age, weight and frequency of pregnancy.

      • KCI등재

        초음파검사에 의한 알코올성 간질환의 위험요인 분석

        이만구(Man-Koo Lee),한남숙(Nam-Sook Han),임청환(Cheong-Hwan Lim),정홍량(Hong-Ryang Jung),조정근(Jung-Keun Cho) 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.3

        본 연구는 2007년 3월부터 5월까지 경기도 광주시에 소재하고 있는 K영상의학과의원에서 간 초음파검사에 의한 알코올성 간질환의 위험요인을 분석하기 위하여, 연령, 성별, 음주빈도, 체질량지수, 콜레스테롤 및 GPT 등 6개의 요인을 선정하였다. 연구대상은 20세 이상 69세 미만의 353명을 대상으로 간 초음파검사에 의한 간질환과 음주양태 등과 생활습관의 관계를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 간질환에 걸릴 확률은 남성이 여성보다 2.12배 정도 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 주 3회 이상술을 마시는 사람이 간질환에 걸릴 확률은 주 2회 이하로 마시거나 술을 전혀 마시지 않는 사람들에 비해 약 2.37배 높은 것으로 나타났다. 정상 체질량지수인 사람이 비정상 체질량지수인 사람보다 간질환에 걸릴 확률이 0.52배로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 콜레스테롤 수치가 비정상인이 간질환에 걸릴 확률이 정상인보다 약 9.13배 정도 높은 것으로 나타났다. GPT 수치가 비정상인 사람은 정상인보다 간질환에 걸릴 확률이 약 4.66배 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과 간질환을 진단하기 위하여 건강증진 프로그램에 간 초음파검사가 필수적이라고 사료된다. This research attempted to find risk factors of alcoholic liver diseases by ultrasonography at the K image medicine clinic center located in Kwangju city, Kyunggi-Do from March to May, 2007. Six risk factors were selected for this study, age, sex, frequency of alcohol drinking, body mass index(BMI), cholesterol and GPT. The data collected from 353 patients of aged between 20 and 69. This study found the relationships between liver diseases and alcohol drinking style by liver ultrasonography. The results of the analyses showed that the male were 2.12 times more likely to have liver diseases than the female. The persons drinking alcohol more than 3 times per week had 2.37 times higher likelihood of showing liver diseases than below 2 times per week or non drinking at all.. The persons with normal body mass index have 0.52 times lower probability of liver diseases than the persons with abnormal BMI. The persons with abnormal cholesterol level have 9.13 times higher probability of liver diseases. The persons with abnormal GPT have 4.66 times higher probability of liver diseases. The results of this study suggested applying ultrasonography in health promotion programs for diagnosis of liver diseases.

      • 응급의료센터 내원환자 진료시 소요시간과 관련된 요인

        한남숙,박재용,이삼범,도병수,김석범 한국의료QA학회 1999 가을학술대회 Vol.1998 No.-

        Factors related to waiting and staying time for patient care in emergency care center(ECC) were examined during 1 month from Apr. 1 to Apr. 30. 1997 at an ECC of Yeungnam university hospital in Taegu metropolitan city, to obtain the baseline data on the strategy of effective management of emergency patients. The study subjects consisted of the 1,742 patients who visited at ECC and the data were obtained from the medical records of ECC and direct surveys. The mean interval between ECC admission time and initial care time by each ECC duty residents was 83.1 minutes for male patients and 84.9 minutes for female patients, and mean ECC staying time(time interval between admission and final disposition from ECC) was 718.0 minutes in men and 670.5 minutes in women. As the results, the mean staying time in ECC was higher in older age, and especially the both of initial care time and staying time were highest in patients of medical aid and shortest in patients of worker's accident compensation insurance. The initial care time was much more delayed in patients of not having previous medical records and the ECC staying time was higher in referred patients from out-patient department, in transferred patients from the other hospitals and patients having previous records, and in patients partly used the order-communicating system. The factors associated with the initial care time were the numbers of ECC patients and the existence of any true emergent patients, being cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) status on admission or not, previously endotracheal-intubation state of patient. The ECC staying time was much more longer in patients of drug intoxication, in CPR patients, in medical department patients, in transfused patients and in patients related to 3 or more departments. And according to the numbers of duty internships, the ECC staying time for four internships was more longer than for five internships and after admission ordering was done, also more longer in status being of no available beds. As above mentioned results, the factors for the ECC staying time were thought to be statistically significant(p<0.01) according to the patient's age and the laboratory orders and the X-ray films checked. And also the factor for the ECC staying time were thought to be statistically significant(p<0.01) according to the status being of no available beds, the laboratory orders and/or the special laboratory orders, the X-ray films checked, final disposing department, transferred to other hospital or not, home medication or not, admission or not, the grades of beds, the year grades of residents, the causes of ECC visit, the being CPR status on admission or not, the surgical operation or not, being known personells in our hospital. Authors concluded that the relieving method of long-staying time in ECC was being establishing the legally proved apparatus which could differentiate the true emergency or non-emergency patients, and that the methods of shortening ECC staying time were doing definitely necessary laboratory orders and managing beds more flexibly to admit for ECC patients and finally this methods were thought to be a method of unloading for ECC personnels and improving the quality of care in emergency patients.

      • KCI등재후보

        응급의료센터 내원환자 진료시 소요시간과 관련된 요인

        한남숙,박재용,이삼범,도병수,김석범 한국의료QA학회 2000 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Background : Factors related to waiting and staying time for patient care in emergency care center (ECC) were examined during I month from Apr. 1 to Apr. 30. 1997 at an ECC of Yeungnam university hospital in Toegu metropolitan city, to obtain the baseline data on the strategy of effective management of emergency patients. Method : The study subjects consisted of the 1.742 patients who visited at ECC and the data were obtained from the medical records of ECC and direct surveys. Results : The mean interval between ECC admission time and initial care time by each ECC duty residents was 83.1 minutes for male patients and 84.9 minutes for female patients, and mean ECC staying time (time interval between admission and final disposition from ECC) was 718.0 minutes in men and 670.5 minutes in women. As the results, the mean staying time in ECC was higher in older age, and especially the both of initial care time and staying time were highest in patients of medical aid, and shortest in patients of worker's accident compensation insurance. The on admission or not, previously endotracheal-intubation state of patient. The ECC staying ti initial care time was much more delayed in patients of not having previous medical records and the ECC staying time was higher in referred patients from out patient department, in transferred patients from the other hospitals and patients having previous records, and in patients partly used the order-communicating system. The factors associated -with the initial care time were the numbers of ECC patients and the existence of any true emergent patients, being cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) statusme was much more longer in patients of drug intoxication, in CPR patients, in medical department patients, in transfused patients and in patients related to 3 or more departments. And according to the numbers of duty internships, the ECC staying time for four internships was more longer than for five internships and after admission ordering was done. also more longer in status being of no available beds. As above mentioned results, the factors for the ECC staying time were thought to be statistically significant (P<0.01) according to the patient's age and the laboratory orders and the X-ray films checked. And also the factor for the ECC staying time were thought to be statistically significant (P<0.01) according to the status being of no available beds, the laboratory orders and/or the special laboratory orders, the X-ray films checked, final disposing department, transferred to other hospital or not, home medication or not, admission or not, the grades of beds, the year grades of residents., the causes of ECC visit, the being CPR status on admission or not, the surgical operation or not, being known personells in our hospital. Conclution : Authors concluded that the relieving method of long-staying time in ECC was being establishing the legally proved apparatus which could differentiate the true emergency or non-emergency patients, and that the methods of shortening ECC staying time were doing definitely necessary laboratory orders and managing beds more flexibly to admit for ECC patients and finally this methods were thought to be a method of unloading for ECC personnels and improving the quality of care in emergency patients.

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