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      • KCI등재

        동아시아의 역사화해를 위한 시론 : 식민지 지배책임론을 제기하며

        최종길(Choi, Jong-Gil) 일본사학회 2020 일본역사연구 Vol.51 No.-

        The root cause of the First and Second World War can be said to be the conflict between expansionist policies between imperialist countries, that is, colonial invasion and domination policy. The United States, who won these wars, needed a rhetoric to judge the defeated nations and claim their legitimacy in the name of civilization. This investigation is embodied in The International Military Tribunal for the Far East. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East limited the period from the killing of Jang Cheol-lin in 1928 to the defeat of 45 years, which led to the Manchurian incident in 1931. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East did not deal with various forms of crime in the process of colonization and control. The war responsibility theory commonly discussed in Japan in conjunction with the timing of The International Military Tribunal for the Far East does not include the responsibility for colonial rule. Therefore, it is necessary to change the structure of the discussion from war responsibility theory to colonial responsibility theory. This change is to declare that colonial rule by imperialist countries is against human universal values.

      • KCI등재

        대동아전쟁과 다케우치 요시미(竹內好)의 전쟁책임론

        최종길 ( Jong-gil Choi ) 수선사학회 2018 史林 Vol.0 No.64

        This paper examines how Takeuchi changed his attitude towards war responsibility and problems in the Great War after his defeat. Takeuchi thought that he could transform the outside world through self-denial and self-innovation instead of external authority. He concluded that this idea coincided with the Great East Asian War, which criticized the Western modernity on December 8, 1941, declaring propaganda against the United States and called for the establishment of the Greater East Asia Coalition through the transformation of the Japanese nation. And he positively accepted this war. After the defeat, Takeuchi discussed the issue of war responsibility, saying that Japan's war was an invasion war as well as an imperialist war. Takeuchi argued that he could not agree to transfer responsibility for the imperialist war to Japan alone. Therefore, Takeuchi's war responsibilities were not limited to war responsibility for everything, but rather limited to which part of war and which side to take responsibility for. It seems that Takeuchi does not deny the meaning of the War of Great East Asia in the same way as before. Based on this perception, he traced the problems of Japanese modernization. In order to achieve this purpose, he changed the method of studying only China and included the problem of Japanese modernization in the postwar period.

      • KCI등재

        국가총동원법의 실시와 휘발유 배급통제 실태-1939년 조선총독부 법무국 사례를 중심으로-

        최종길(Choi, Jong-Gil) 한일관계사학회 2021 한일관계사연구 Vol.72 No.-

        국가총동원법 실시 이후 1939년 4월 24일 확정된 「물자통제의 대강」에 의하면, 1939년도 관청수요는 50% 절감이었다. 한편 1939년 7월에 관청용 휘발유 소비절약에 관한 협의회에 제출된 안건에 의하면, 1939년도 조선의 휘발유 할당량은 전년도에 비하여 28% 삭감이었다. 이러한 감축 때문에 휘발유의 소비절감을 위하여 9, 10월분부터 할당제가 실시되었다. 이어서 조선총독부는 각 법원이 보유하고 있는 승용차 1대당 휘발유의 1일 할당량을 2.7리터로 고정하였으며, 법원의 등급과 교통상황에 따라 휘발유의 할당량을 증감하였다. 그 결과 조선총독부는 승용차 한 대당 할당된 평균치 보다 적은 량의 휘발유를 각 법원에 배급하였다. 1939년의 이러한 배급통제 방식은 석유수급 상황에 따라 조금은 유동적이었다. According to the “Summary of Material Control” confirmed on April 24, 1939 after the implementation of the Total National Mobilization Act, the demand for government offices in 1939 was reduced by 50%. On the other hand, according to the agenda submitted to the Council on the Consumption of Gasoline for Government Offices in July 1939, Joseon’s gasoline quota in 1939 was cut by 28% compared to the previous year. Due to these reductions, the quota system was implemented from September and October to reduce gasoline consumption. Subsequently, the Governor-General of Joseon fixed the daily quota of gasoline per passenger car held by each court at 2.7 liters, and increased or decreased the gasoline quota according to the court"s grade and traffic conditions. As a result, the Governor-General of Joseon distributed less gasoline to each court than the average allotted per car. This distribution control method in 1939 was somewhat flexible depending on the oil supply and demand situation.

      • KCI등재

        전후 다케우치 요시미(竹内好)의 역사인식 * ― 루쉰(魯迅) 읽기와 저항론을 중심으로

        최종길(Choi, Jong-Gil) 일본사학회 2019 일본역사연구 Vol.49 No.-

        In 1936, Takeuchi lacked critical thinking about Japan s orientation to Western modernism without subjective criticism and conflict. In addition, he was very conscious of the Orient against the West. This consciousness emerged in December 1941 as a global historical significance of the construction of the Greater East Asia Co-op. However, since 1943, Takeuchi finds a Chinese modernity that renews itself through resistance to traditional values in the process of re - recognition of Lu Xun s contested life. These discoveries became the basis for Takeuchi to develop a critical review of Japanese modernity in the postwar period. And this kind of reasoning formed his own resistance theory to transform Japanese thought and tradition in the postwar period. For this reason, Takeuchi could be classified as a progressive intellectual, even though he did not deny his own reasoning that affirmed war in the past.

      • KCI등재

        동양평화론과 조선인의 인식 -안중근의 국제정세 인식을 중심으로-

        최종길 ( Jong-gil Choi ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.55

        Ahn is considered to be in the fact that Russia, which has been contemplated the cause imperialistic expansion at East Asia of the Russo-Japanese war has enhanced the military force in order to ensure the ice-free port. And he will be helpful and laid the cornerstone for the Oriental peace dismissed the Russian China-Japan-Korea with a focus on Japan in the Russo-Japanese War is united. The original purpose of the day Russia war Ahn to grasp is to restrain Russia to spread the forces in Asia, through which was to guarantee the independence of Korea. As a result, it was something oriental peace can be maintained. However, Japan will not be able to receive war reparations, Hirobumi Ito, contrary to the Government of Japan and the Emperor of intent, Ahn that it has taken the Korea discards the original purpose of the Russo-Japanese War to judge. In other words, Ahn is the Japanese government is not particularly than Emperor broke the promise at the time the Russo-Japanese War war, believe Hirobumi Ito broke the promise. Ahn criticism awareness of Enlightenment Party that could not be the success of the reform was very weak. Such recognition, appeared in fact recognized the reality lack is the correlation of the international situation in conjunction with the background of the occurrence of Donghak with this. As a result, Ahn was not able to fully recognize the complex and ruthless international political situation in which mingled the ought and reality.

      • KCI등재

        타이완척식주식회사자료를통해본 일본군위안소설치와운영

        최종길(Choi Jong gil) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2017 일본연구 Vol.27 No.-

        하이난도에진출한일본군은타이완총독부를통해위안소설치와‘위안부’ 모집을의뢰하였다. 그러자타이완총독부는타이완척식주식회사에이를다시의뢰한다. 즉일본군의의뢰를받은타이완총독부는타이완척식주식회사에게90명의‘위안부’를하이난도에공급하라는의뢰를하였다. 이러한의뢰를받은타이완척식주식회사는자회사인후 다이공사(福大公司)에게이업무를진행하게한다. 한편타이완척식주식회사에서위안소건설을위탁받은하이난건물공사는타무라구미(田村組)에게 위안소 건설 업무를 맡긴다. 그리고 하이난건물공사는 공사 완료 후에 해군에서건설대금을받기로하였다. 이리하여하이난건물공사는1939년5월에서6월 사이에위안소시설을완공한다. 그러나군에서대금을지불하지않았기때문에타이완척식주식회사는건물을자신들의소유로하여위안소운영자와임대계약을맺으려고하였다. 나아가군의이동으로인하여위안소운영이곤란해질경우위안소건물이세워진 군용지를불하받아서건축자금을변재받으려고하였다. 후다이공사는 1939년 4월18일 지룽(基隆)에서 출발하는 배를통해 해군 ‘위안부’를 수송하였다. 수송자명부에는당시나이로17세의여성도포함되어있었다. 그리고후다이공사는직접위안소를운영할민간업자에게운영자금을대부하면서자신들이이러한 일에 관여하고있는듯한오해를불러일으키지않도록주의를기울이고있다. The Japanese military who entered Hainan Island commissioned the establishment of a brothel and recruitment of comfort women through the governor- general of Taiwan. Likewise, Taiwan’s Governor-General made the same demand of a colonization company in Taiwan. The Taiwanese Governor-General received the request of the Japanese forces commissioned to the colonization company in Taiwan to supply 90 so-called comfort women on Hainan Island. The commission received by the colonization company in Taiwan was passed on to its subsidiary, Fudai Ltd. (福大公司). Hainan Building Construction Corporation commissioned a brothel to the colonization company in Taiwan which left the brothel construction to Tamura (田村組). Hainan Building Construction Corporation was to receive payments from the navy after the construction was complete. Thus, Hainan Building Construction Corporation completed the brothel facility between May and June, 1939. However, due to the fact that the military did not pay, the colonization company in Taiwan decided to make a lease agreement with the brothel operator with ownership of the building. And when the army moved and the brothel became difficult to operate, They were willing to accept construction funds by paying the military land where built the brothel building. Fudai Ltd. began transporting naval comfort women from Keelung (基隆) on April 18, 1939. The manifest included girls as young as 17. Fudai Ltd. loaned operating funds to a private contractor operating a brothel. And we are careful not to know what they are involved in.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 학부모의 자녀교육권 헌법판례분석

        최종길 ( Jong Gil Choi ),엄기형 ( Key Hyoung Eum ) 대한교육법학회 2014 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        ``학부모의 자녀교육권``은 비록 헌법 에 명시적으로 규정되지는 않았지만 헌법 제36조 제1항 등에 근거한 중요 기본권으로, 헌법재판소의 유권해석이다. 연구목적은 헌법재판 결과의 발전적 대안 모색을 위해 ``학부모의 자녀교육권`` 판례유형 분석과 판례해석을 통한 교육정책적 시사점 모색이다. 연구방법은 선행연구물 등 문헌분석과 헌법재판 판례분석이었다. 분석대상는 1988~2012년 선고된 초·중등교육 관련 판례이다. 연구결과, 1)헌법재판 청구건수 증가추세로 국민 권리의식 높아지므로 교육정책 입안단계에서부터 여론수렴과 헌법해석적 검토가 필요하다. 2)재판청구에서 추가로 평등권·행복추구권 등 기본권 침해 주장 많으므로, 강한 평등의식과 개인중심사고의 강화경향 고려하여 정책형성에서 형평성 제고 등 적극 고려해야 한다. 3)재판청구 유형은 자녀교육의 ``형성권으로서의 선택권``, ``결정권으로서의 참여권``, ``이행권으로서의 요구권``이다. 정책형성자는 이를 적극 반영해야 한다. 4)피청구인 없는 재판 청구가 대부분으로, 법령의 위헌여부 재판이 많음을 뜻하므로, 법령 제·개정시 교육주체들 간 권리관계 심층파악 필요 있다. 5)본안심사 판례 5/6이 국가의 교육 규율권을 더 중시한 결정이므로, 헌재 결정성향이 보수적·소극적인 점 고려하여, 반대의견 등 쟁점을 정부가 발전적 수용하고, 교육수요자 권리 적극 보호 필요성 있다. 6)학부모 자녀교육권행사에 있어서 다른 교육주체에 대한 한계로는 자녀의 교육환경 자기결정권·행복추구권 등, 국가 교육책임과의 한계로는 ``교육제도 법률주의``가 있다. 자녀교육권 강화에는 헌법논쟁 미연방지 필요 있다. 7)교사권리는 헌법권리로 인정받지 못하고 있다. 즉, 교육에서 교사의 교수권은 자연법적으로는 학부모 자녀교육권 신탁, 실정법상으로는 국가위임 직무상 권리라고 보고 있다. 8)사학 운영 자유의 한계로는 교육참여 학부모권과 함께 국민의 교육권과 학부모 자녀교육권 적절한 보장 위해 국가 개입권 인정하였다. 학부모에게 사학 선택권 보장, 사학 운영 자율성 상향보장 필요성이 있다. Parents` rights to educate their children is not stipulated in the constitution, but it is the important, basic rights which is ruled by the Constitutional Court. This study was carried out to seek the implication about interpretation of the precedent and law, and policy making and implementation through the analysis on the precedent of the Constitutional Court about parents` rights to educate their children. The conclusions are as : First, after 2001, the numbers of claims about parents` rights to educate their children to the Constitutional Court is increasing. Second, in the claims about parents` rights to educate their children to Constitutional Court, besides this, there are many who suffer violation of the rights to equality and the right to pursue one`s happiness. Third, claims about parents` rights to educate their children to Constitutional Court have these three kinds, the right of choice as the rights of formation, the right to participate as the right to decide, the right to request as the right to perform. Fourth, when making and amending relational statute, it is very important to find out the rights relation carefully between the people directly involved education. Fifth, in the evaluation of this case, only three claims are decided as the violation of the constitution, the decisions of fifteen claims shows the right to rule is more important. Sixth, in the point of using parents` rights to educate their children, there are limitations that children also have the right to choose their educational surroundings and the right to pursue one`s happiness. Finally, teacher`s rights to educate is not recognized as the right of the constitution.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 조선과 치안유지법의 적용

        최종길(Choi Jong-Gil) 한일관계사학회 2008 한일관계사연구 Vol.30 No.-

        본 논문은 치안유지법 제정 직후 동 법이 식민지 조선에서 어떠한 논리와 형식으로 적용되었는가를 분석하는 것을 목표로 하여 고려공산당 조직사건으로 구속된 정재달 등에 대해 제령7호를 적용한 예심 및 1심판결문과 1926년에서 27년 사이에 이루어진 치안유지법 위반 사건 14개에 대한 판결문 19개를 분석하였다. 치안유지법이 제정된 직후 이를 적극적으로 적용하자는 주장이 있었음에도 불구하고 1925년까지는 독립운동과 관련한 특정한 행위에 대해 제령7호와 치안유지법 중 어느 것을 적용할 것인가 하는 기준이 분명하게 마련되지 않았다. 그러나 1926년경에 이루어진 민족주의 계열의 독립운동관련 사건에 대한 재판에서 조선의 독립운동이 곧 국체변혁에 해당한다고 하는 논리가 적용되고 있으나 일반화 되었다고 보기는 어렵고 사건의 특징을 고려하여 선별적으로 판단하였다. 그러나 사회주의 이론에 기초한 독립운동에 대해서는 국체변혁의 논리가 적용되지 않고 치안유지법 제정의 기본 취지에 따라서 사유재산제도의 부정을 근거로 동 법을 적용하고 있다.1927년 이후가 되면 판결문 속에 피고의 어떠한 행위가 국체의 변혁이나 사유재산제도의 부정에 해당되는지 구체적으로 언급하지 않고 있을 뿐만 아니라 치안유지법 위반에 해당하지 않는다고 보이는 사건에 대해서도 동 법을 확대 적용하고 있는 사례가 증가하고 있다. This paper aims to analyse how the Public Peace Maintenance Law had been applied to the Chosun colonial society. For this purpose, I have examined 19 judicial cases allegedly infringing the above mentioned law including the decision of the preliminary and the first trial of Jeong Jae-Dal(who had been arrested for the Korea Communist Party organization case) and judgements on the 14 cases in 1926 and 1927. In spite of strong voice supporting the strict and active application of the Public Peace Maintenance Law immediately after its enactment, there was no certain canon until 1925 whether to apply the Royal Edict No. 7 or the Public Peace Maintenance Law to independence-relating cases. In the case of an independent movement by nationalists in 1926, we can find a logic that the independent movement in Chosun meant an effort to convert the national polity. But this kind of logic was far from applying to every similar case. Each case was judged according to its nature and character. It was noticeable that the logic of converting the national polity was never applied to independent movement based on socialism, Instead, it was applied that the Public Peace Maintenance Law which provided a basis for the denial of the private ownership system. After 1927 decision of the court did not specify whether the accused acted contrary to national policy or against the private property system. Besides there was tendency to extend the Public Peace Maintenance Law. The cases against the Public Peace Maintenance Law were increasing to the extent of applying to the case which was not appropriate.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 아시아주의와 조선인의 반응 -흥아회를 중심으로-

        최종길 ( Jong Gil Choi ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.56

        In order to analyze why Chinese and Korean intellectuals gradient in Pan-Asianism is coming back around 1880`s and analysis Studies to be focused on racism. For these studies, Asian extract the identity of each country and to resist the Western Heungaheu is an important research subject. Heungaheu the foundation of Asian solidarity was emphasized geographical accessibility, equality of Confucian culture, politics derived from inbred Castle, the glorious history of the Asian racial, cultural, and historical affinity. Asian solidarity based on these affinities were included strong racist element. In other words, Heungaheu was claiming racial and cultural kindred care based on historical empathy. It emphasis that Korea, China and Japan for a long time kindred, cultural familiarity was the same kind of strong alumni relations. Chosun intellectuals who share a sense of crisis about the West have declined the Heungaheu`s claim. The reason is belongs to a fringe group in Japanese politics Heungaheu also cautious about the progressive theory of weak and race of the principle of Asia is with cultural and historical attraction.

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