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        언어 학습, 교수, 평가를 위한 유럽공통 참조기준에 근거한 스페인어 교재에 관한 연구

        최재철(Choi, Jae-Chul) 한국외국어교육학회 2011 Foreign languages education Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the book Prisma which is the first book published based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and Curriculum of the Instituto Cervantes. First, it tries briefly to present the position of textbooks in the curriculum which consists of four components: objectives, contents, methods and evaluation. And then, a brief history of theories of analysis of textbooks was described focusing on the theory of Bae (1999) that has presented 50 criteria for analysis. Second, an analysis of the book Prisma is done with the theory of Bae by showing some examples. Its result tells us that, with minor modifications Prisma is a book suitable for a textbook for Leaching Spanish as a foreign language in Korea. Third, the contributions of this analysis are mentioned with regards to objectives, contents, methods, etc. In conclusion, the final chapter reflects the content of the work and hopes that this study will be useful to understand the textbook Prisma better. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el libro Prisma que ha sido el primer libro publicado basàndose en el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas y el Plan Curricular del Institute Cervantes. En primer lugar, se intenta presentar brevemente la posición que ocupan los libros de texto en relación con el currículo que consta de cuatro componentes: objetivos, contenidos, métodos y evaluación, Asimismo, se lleva a cabo un repaso histórico sobre las teorías de análisis de libros de texto enfocándose en la teoría de Bae(1999), que ha presentado 50 criterios para un análisis. En segundo lugar, se haec un análisis del libro Prisma con la teoría de Bae, a veces mediante unos ejemplos para su ilustración. Su resultado nos indica que, con unas pequeñas modificaciones, Prisma es un libro adecuado para la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en Corea. En tercer lugar, se meneionan las contribuciones del análisis de Prisma en torno a objetivos, contcnidos, métodos, etc. Como conclusión, el último capítulo recoge el contenido del trabajo y espera que este estudio sea útil para entender mejor el libro de texto Prisma.

      • KCI등재

        심포지엄 : 일본근대문학의 자연, 계절의 발견과 그 전개

        최재철 ( Jae Chul Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.84 No.2

        日本文學における自然·季節の描寫の傳統は、近代文學においても受け?がれながら、新しく展開していくこ之になる。自然を新たに內面で?見した國木田獨?(1871~1908)は詩的な散文である『武藏野』(1898)の中で全感覺を利用し、自然之季節を近代的に描寫した。このような獨特の表現は二葉亭四迷(1864~1909)が1888年に?譯した、ロシア作家ツ兒ゲ一ネフ(1818~1883)の?あひびき?(1850)之、イギリスの詩人ワ一ズワ一ス(1770~1850)の浪漫詩等の西洋文學の影響を受けた。 そして、德富盧花(1868~1927)の場合は自然の情趣を浪漫的な文體で描寫した散文集『自然之人生』(1900)で、主に視覺的に自然·季節を表現した之ころに特徵がある。蘆花はジョン·ラスキンの『近代?家』論を慘考にして、時により移り?わる雲に?し、細密に描寫するこ之にも成功した。 また、島崎藤村(1872-1943)は寫生文集『千曲川のスケッチ』(1912)で、ラスキンの繪?論に刺戟され、樣な雲の色之模洋の奕化を克明に觀察して描いている。また、夏の夜、蛙が壹齊に鳴き立てるのを聞き、繁殖之生物の世界の不思議を聯想するのは、自然に?する科學的な探究精神の表れである。このような近代的な思考は、近世の俳人松尾芭蕉風の<侘び>のイメ?ジ描寫之は全然異質的な表現である。近代日本文學において自然·風景の?見は內面の自覺を促し、文學の近代化に寄與した。日本文學における自然·季節の近代的な表現は獨特から始まり、蘆花之藤村へ之季節描寫が展開して、四季の描寫は川端康成(1899~1972)の文學において、より意識的で本格的に極大化された之いう事實を確認した。 日本文學における自然の描寫は四季の移り?わりを必須的な要件之しているから、日本人の自然觀は季節感の表現を持って具體化された之思う。日本人は四季の小さな變化に細かく反應して描寫し、小さく不完全なもの之はかない四季の循環に順應し、融合する自然觀を表している之言える。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인어 작문 교재 개발에 관한 연구 -외국어 고등학교에서의 작문 교과서를 중심으로-

        최재철 ( Jae Chul Choi ) 한국스페인어문학회 2014 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.73

        El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar materiales de composicion espanola que pueden contribuir a la asignatura de composicion espanola basada en 2009 Curriculum Nacional de Corea. En primer lugar, se define el concepto de composicion espanola. La composicion espanola no es traducir el coreano al espanol sino escribir algo en espanol. La composicion no es traduccion. En segundo lugar, se revisan unos estudios anteriores relacionados con la composicion espanola. La mayoria de los estudios investigan el analisis de errores entre el coreano y el espanol y nos ofrecen sus soluciones para no cometer errores gramaticales en el futuro. El estudio de Kang(2013) nos da un resultado significativo para nuestro trabajo ya que analiza los libros de composicion espanola de las escuelas secundarias, que se habian usado hasta el ano 2013. Gracias a este estudio se ha aclarado una orientacion para el desarollo de materiales adecuados para 2009 Curriculum Nacional. Mas diversas tareas y actividades de composicion guiada o composicion libre deben ser introducidas y presentadas en los libros de texto para la composicion espanola. Tambien se debe considerar el enfoque centrado en el estudiante, en el aprendizaje de colaboracion, en la tarea y en la autonomia estudiantil para el desarrollo de materiales. En tercer lugar, se presentan unos materiales ejemplares que son desarrollados e introducidos en el nuevo libro de texto para la asignatura de composicion espanola que se usa a partir del ano 2014.

      • KCI등재

        일본문학에 나타난 계절 표현의 유래 -“춘추우열 경쟁” 소재를 중심으로-

        최재철 ( Jae Chul Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.88 No.2

        日本文學の中の季節表現の由來を『古事記』と『万葉集』から考察してみた。これに關連する先行硏究としては、作品ごとに自然觀や季節別の年中行事を檢討し、部分的には進展して來たといえるが、本格的に季節表現の由來と四季表現の流れの理解を主題とした論文はほとんどなかったといえる。『古事記』上卷の序文に、「秋津嶋」と「秋」が使われたのが、季節の語彙の最初の用例である。神□の名前、地名などに「秋」が多用され、導入の順序も先んじているのは、農耕民族として收穫の季節である秋が重要だとの認識からだろう。「古事記」の中卷の「春·秋の兄弟」の「求婚爭いの物語」では、弟の<春>が求婚に成功するという內容であるが、兄弟の名前に「春山之霞」と「秋山下氷」などの季節語を用い、兄弟に求婚を競わせることで、「春秋優劣論」に火をつけた格好だ。これ以降『万葉集』、『古今和歌集』、『源氏物語』、『新古今和歌集』などに脈□と受け繼がれる、いわゆる「春秋爭い」の始まりだといえる。『万葉集』卷八と卷十は、春·夏·秋·冬の四季別で「雜歌」「相聞」などに分類して編集されている。『万葉集』の主題別の分類はさほど徹底されてはいない方だが、『古今和歌集』以降の四季別の編集體制のモデルになったと考えられる。『万葉集』卷一の「雜歌」編の卷頭歌は春の野原で、作者である雄略天皇が山菜を摘む乙女に求婚する歌であり、卷一の十六番の歌は額田王が春秋の優劣を判別した歌である。この十六番の歌について、特にその意味と內容を詳細に論述した。日本の古代人は、春の梅が好きで、夏には子規の鳴き聲を好んで聽き、秋には萩の花と鹿、紅葉を樂しみ、特に秋を好んだ。一方で「春秋優劣」の比較では、『古事記』の春秋の兄弟の爭いで弟の春霞の方が勝者となり、『万葉集』では、秋の紅葉を好んだ点が異なっている。そして『万葉集』の秋の表現は、明るく華やかな色彩で飾られているが、この点では、以降の『古今和歌集』の<悲愁>の雰圍氣と異なっている。日本文學の季節表現の由來は、中國の古典の影響のもとで出發して以來、古代文學でいち早く季節別による詩歌の分類と「春秋優劣」を競うなどの特徵を持っており、多樣に展開されてきたことを確認した。 This thesis examines the origins of seasons that are expressed in『Kojiki(古事記)』and『Manyosyu(萬葉集)』,『Hudoki(風土記)』. The first usage of seasonal expressions can be found in the introduction of thefirst volume in『Kojiki』where autumn (秋) was expressed as ‘Akitsusima(秋津嶋)’. Autumn was most frequently used and expressed through the names of gods anddistricts and this usage represents the very importance of autumn as the season ofharvest in an agricultural society. In the second volume of『Kojiki』‘Haru·Aki(春·秋) Brothers’, a tale of two brothers fighting for a woman’s hand in marriage wherethe younger ‘Haru(春)’ eventually wins, uses seasonal expressions in the names of thebrothers ‘Haruyama(春山) meaning spring mist(霞)’ and ‘Akiyama(秋山) as autumnalleaves(したひ)’ and the competition between the brother initiates the superioritytheory of spring and autumn. Volumes eight and ten in the『Manyosyu』is a compilation of ‘Joka(雜歌)’,‘Somon(相聞)’ on the respective seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. In‘Joka’, volume one of the『Manyosyu』, the title song written by composer‘Yuryaku-tenno(雄略天皇)’is a proposal song to a maiden working in a vegetablepatch and the 16thsong in the volume by ‘Nukatanookimi(額田王)’ is a song thatcritiques the vie between the ‘Haru·Aki’(春秋). This thesis examines in detail themeaning and interpretation behind this song. The people of ancient Japan enjoyed the plum blossoms in Spring, the sound ofthe Lesser Cuckoo in Summer and were particularly fond of the Autumn season withits shrub lespedeza flower blossoms, deer and autumnal leaves. This thesis concludes that the origin of the expressions of seasons in Japaneseliterature which began with influences from classical Chinese literature diversifiedand developed its distinct characteristics of using seasonal expressions and thesuperiority theory of spring and autumn in early ancient literature.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 소설을 이용한 의사소통 중심의 수업 방안에 관한 연구 - 스페인어 수업에서 문학 작품 이용하기 -

        최재철 ( Jae Chul Choi ) 한국스페인어문학회 2002 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.25

        El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar que el uso de actividades basadas en novelas espan~olas puede ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a mejorar su facultad comunicativa y a desarrollar las cuatro destrezas lingu¨i´sticas. En las clases de espan˝ol de Corea la novela se ha tratado como material dida´ctico para el ejercicio de grama´tica y traduccio´n. Pero este me´todo tradicional no ayuda a desarrollar las cuatro destezas lingu¨i′sticas. En las clases de espan˝ol de corea la novela se ha tratado como material dida´ctico para el ejercicio de grama´tica y traduccio´n. Pero este me´todo tradicional no ayuda a desarrollar las cuatro destezas lingu¨i′sticas y tampoco garantiza la facultad comunicative ya que no hay pra´ctica o ejercicio d`e e´sta. Para alcanzar el objetivo de nuestro estudio, se investiga, en primer Iugar, el papel de la literatura en el aprendizaje y la ensen˘anza de lenguas extranjeras. A partir de mediados de los an˘os ochenta, con el auge del enfoque comunicativo. las obras literarias se empezaron a cosiderar materiales va´lidos para la dida´ctica de la lengua y la cultura. En segundo lugar, se buscan los libros de texto que usan la novela espan~ola como material dida´ctico. En Espan~a y EE.UU. hay muchos libros escritos recientemente que se basan en el enfoque comunicativo. En tercer lugar, se han propuesto dos me´todos para usar este material en la clase de espan˝ol: introducir un material ya publicado y crear un material dida´ctico. Para ejemplificar el u´ltimo caso, se han mostrado materiales realizados a partir de la novela de R. Sender La tesis de Nancy, y la de C.J. cela La familia de Pascual Duarte. como conclusio´n, este trabajo nos muestra que para desarrollar la facultad comunicativa en la clase de espan˝ol. el uso de novelas basado en el enfoque comunicativo es mejor que el me´todo tradicional de grama´tica y traduccio´n.

      • KCI등재

        미국에서의 스페인어 교육 현황 및 언어 정책

        최재철(Choi Jae-Chul) 한국외국어교육학회 2007 Foreign languages education Vol.14 No.2

          The first part of this paper examines foreign language enrollment statistics from 1960 to 2002 in United States institutions of higher education. Spanish has been the most widely taught language for more than 35 years, and it counts for more than half (54.3%) of all enrollments in 2002. The second part of this paper reviews United States language policy history and its main debate focusing on two different policies: Bilingual Education and English Only Movement, and it reviews also their different points of view about the national identity of U.S.A. and their perspectives on foreign languages. The last part of this paper recommends that foreign languages be considered as precious resources for Korean future, not only several but more various foreign languages be taught in Korean middle and high schools, and bilingual education system or immersion program be introduced and implemented in special purpose institutions at least from middle school level.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 일본근현대문학 연구 현황과 과제

        최재철 ( Jae Chul Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2012 日語日文學硏究 Vol.83 No.1

        Currently, sixteen peer-review journals related to Japanese literature make it to the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) list and two journals are under consideration. A statistical study conducted in 2012 shows that 493 Korean authors including 54 Japanese ones published 1,614 journal articles on modern and contemporary Japanese literature during the years of 2005-11. 231 journal articles were annually published, which tells each author on average published 3.3 articles. It is notable that 69 authors annually published more than one article in the area of modern/contemporary Japanese literature. The journal articles published in Korea mostly deal with modern/contemporary Japanese writers, which counts 184 in total. Akutagawa is studied the most and Soseki is the next in rank. Oe is ranked third and Haruki is fifth, which shows the trend that studies on contemporary writers are remarkably increasing. Kawabata is also ranked fourth, Dazai and Toson have been stably studied, each ranked sixth and seventh among the most-studied writers. As a top subject matter, scholars focus on "society." "Anguish," "relationship between man and woman," "religion," and "family" have been treated in order. Concerning the methodologies/approaches, studies have been done with the use of "expression." "Comparative study," "Korean-Japanese literature/writers," "Images of Korea(n)" have considerably increased as predicted in the 2005 review. 129 books on modern/contemporary Japanese literature were published in Korea and this means eighteen books were published annually over the past seven years. 54 books including co-authored ones are strongly research-oriented; 27 books are characteristic of introductions/responses to modern/contemporary Japanese literature; 25 books are categorized into the overview/literary history; 23 books are translated works from research books by Japanese scholars; 14 edited books consist of contributions from scholars, focusing on mostly Korean-Japanese literature and Christian literature. 26 books about seventeen writers including Kawabata and Akutagawa were published because scholars were actively involved in writing books and dissertations were also made into books. This statistical study helps us not only establish studies and researches on modern/contemporary Japanese literature in Korea, but also further them by envisioning their direction as well as by seeking new subjects regarding writers/themes/methodologies, etc. It is positive to observe increasing number of researchers and researches promote various societies and associations. More importantly, however, they should reconsider how to evaluate works in order to encourage scholars to produce high-quality research. Studies on Japanese literature should be adapted to the changes of environments not to mention coping with them. Considering humanities including the Japanese literature aim at understanding the human kind, they are effective in lessening conflicts over politics, economy, culture and society among nations. I hope that mutual studies on modern/contemporary Korean/Japanese literature will help develop the relation between Korea and Japan. I expect more of original researches either individually, or collaboratively in the area of modern/contemporary Japanese literature. It is necessary to encourage interdisciplinary and comparative studies as well as to continue establishing academic ties with foreign scholars and associations.

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