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      • KCI등재후보

        부동산 개발이익환수제도의 개선방안

        최완호(Choi, Wan Ho),장희순(Jang, Hee Soon) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.45 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to suggest improvement way the real estate betterment restitution system in Korea using the survey focused on specialists for real estate. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study was focused on survey analysis. The data for this analysis were collect from the questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of the status of real estate policy in Korea and the problems of real estate betterment restitution system. Especially this study used to the frequency analysis. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS In the results of this survey, the most important problem is the absent of effectiveness of betterment restitution system. 2. RESULTS This study offers three alternatives to improve the real estate betterment restitution system in Korea. Three types of betterment were defined by the extent of broadness(narrowness) such as broad, narrow, and narrowest perspectives. 1) In principle, it seems desirable that Broad Betterment Restitution is redeemed by income tax at the time of the final realization. Other various betterment restitution systems are needed to maintain in a direction of simplification, visibility, organization and practicality. 2) It is desired that Narrow Betterment Restitution is redeemed from Betterment Restitution by limiting the land within the development operation district where the Betterment Restitution occurs. 3) It is necessary that the Narrowest Betterment Restitution is redeemed by re-introducing benefit assessment.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 재건축사업이 개발이익환수의 대상인지 여부의 법적검토

        최완호 ( Wan Ho Choi ),장희순 ( Hee Soon Jang ) 한국감정평가학회 2005 감정평가학논집 Vol.4 No.-

        For the past several years a huge amount of fund has flowed into the reconstruction projects proceeding in Seoul and the Metropolitan area, which the government believes has raised the overall apartment prices by rapidly increasing the prices of reconstructed apartments. So the government announced various measures against reconstruction projects to stabilize the prices of reconstructed apartments including the introduction of an obligatory system to build rental apartments for redemption of development profits by revising the ``Law on City and Residential Environment Improvement`` effective on May 17, 2005. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the profits made from the reconstruction projects can be the object of the redemption of development profits. First of all, by reviewing whether the concept of development defined in the discussion of development profit redemption system in the past may be applicable in the same way to the reconstruction business, it was thought unreasonable to apply the concept to the reconstruction business because the concept of development in the existing development profit redemption was focused in the tangible and intangible development of the ``land``. Next, reviewing in a legal aspect whether the profits made from the reconstruction projects can be the object of the redemption of development profits, it has legal problems in that it infringes the property right guaranteed by the Constitution, imposes tax on unrealized profits and encroaches on the right for pursuit of happiness. Furthermore, the reconstruction business is excluded from even the intended objects of the Law on Redemption of Development Profits which is the basic law for the system to redeem development profits in the reconstruction business. Therefore, the ``Law on City and Residential Environment Improvement`` needs to be revised again to minimize the damage for union members with other measures including a new taxation system like the transfer income tax, issuance of bonds for national rental apartments to fund building of rental apartments, and having the members of the reconstruction union share the burden of the costs for infrastructure occurred by the Law of National Land Utilization Plan.

      • KCI등재

        방치 건축물의 실태분석 및 제도 개선방안

        최완호(Choi, Wan-ho) 한국부동산법학회 2015 不動産法學 Vol.19 No.-

        전국적으로 건축물의 공사가 중단된 채로 오랜 기간 방치되는 경우가 늘어나고 있다. 이와 같이 도시 중심부나 관광지에 집중된 방치건축물은 도시미관과 환경을 저해하고 도시지역에 대한 부정적 이미지를 형성할 뿐만 아니라, 주민의 생활과 안전을 저해하는 위협 요소로 대두되고 있다. 이와 같은 방치건축물의 실태를 분석한 결과 2012년 말 현재 전국에서 공사가 중단된 건축현장은 790곳이다. 이 중 공사재개 및 철거 등으로 처리가 이루어진 현장 수는 348곳이며, 방치되고 있는 곳은 442곳이다 정부는 지난 2013년 5월 「공사중단 장기방치 건축물의 정비 등에 관한 특별조치법(이하 '특별법'이라 한다)」을 제정하였으며, 동법은 2014년 5월 23일부터 시행되고 있다 그러나 이와 같은 입법에도 불구하고, 동법은 여러 가지 문제점이 있으며. 기존 법제에서 지적되었 던 문제들이 여전히 남아있다. 따라서 본 연구는 국내 ‘방치건축물’의 전반적인 발생현황과 실태를 파악하고, 특별조치법과 기존법제에서의 문제점을 도출하고 이의 해결방안을 모색함에 그 목적이 있다. There are so many incomplete and neglected construction of a building for lengthy period of time has been increased. If the incomplete building is neglected for long period of time, the land resources can’t be utilized appropriately and causes social waste because Korea has limited land resources. As a result of status analysis, there are 795 incomplete construction, nationally. Out of these, 384 constructions took actions, such as resuming or demolishing, and 442 constructions are abandoned as incomplete building. As a fundamental direction of improvement plan, necessity and propriety of abandoned building with public involvement has been reviewed. Moreover, solutions by modifying the Building Act and direct purchasing are suggested for the abandoned and incomplete buildings. Improving maintenance management deposit system, reinforcing vicarious administrative execution, and adopting subsidies system are suggested for Building Act modification. For the solution of direct purchasing by local government, adopting Act on Incomplete and Neglected Construction for Long-term , inserting purchasing basis regulation on the building act, and utilizing government fund from “Built Environment Renewal Development Act” are suggested.

      • 상가 임차인의 권리금 보장에 관한 실효성 확보 방안 : 상가권리금 관련 판례 분석을 중심으로

        최준호(Choi, Joon Ho),최완호(Choi, Wan Ho) 한국부동산산업학회 2018 부동산산업연구 Vol.2 No.1

        상가건물임대차보호법은 차임이나 보증금의 인상 또는 5년 동안 계약갱신 요구와 상관없이 모든 상가건물임대차에 대항력을 인정 하는 등 상가 임차인 보호에 적극적이라는 평가를 받고 있었다. 그러나 임대차기간이 종료될 때 임차인이 계약갱신을 거절 하게 되면 임차인은 더 이상 해당 점포에서 영업할 수 없게 되는 상황으로 권리금을 회수하지 못하는 사례가 발생하여 상가권리금의 분쟁은 계속되었다. 그러던 중, 2015년 5월 13일 상가건물임대차 보호법이 개정되었다. 그 내용에는 상가 건물의 권리금 보호도 포함되면서 임차인들에게 긍정적인 반응을 얻게 되었다. 그러나 상가권리금의 개념 및 범위를 어느 범위까지 객관적으로 정의하고 평가할 것인지가 애매하다. 때문에 그 실효성에 관해 문제가 제기된다. 따라서 본 논문은 권리금 관련 판례의 내용을 기술하고 살펴본 후 그 개선방안을 제시하였다. The Commercial Building Lease Protection Act was evaluated to be active in protecting the tenant, by recognizing the opposition to all the building leases regardless of the increase of the chime or the deposit or the contract renewal request for five years. However, when the tenant refused to renew the contract at the end of the lease term, the tenant could no longer be able to operate at the store. Meanwhile, on May 13, 2015, the Commercial Building Lease Protection Act was amended. The contents also included the protection of the right money of the commercial buildings, and the tenants got a positive response. However, it is ambiguous to what extent to define and evaluate the concept and scope of the downtown franchise. This raises a question about its effectiveness. Therefore, this paper describes the content of precedent related to the right money and presents the improvement plan after describing it.

      • KCI등재

        광복이전 메이지대학(明治大學)의 조선레슬러에 관한 연구

        조준호 ( Jun Ho Cho ),야마모토요시히토 ( Yamamoto Yoshihito ),최완호 ( Wan Ho Choi ) 한국체육사학회 2014 체육사학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 광복이전 일본 메이지대학에서 활약한 조선의 레슬러들에 관한 연구이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본 메이지대학은 체육을 매우 중시하였으며 자유와 인권을 중시하는 교풍은 식민지 조선인들의 입학을 수월하게 하였다. 더불어 1935년 완공된 레슬링훈련장은 독립된 공간으로서 조선인들의 새로운 보금자리가 되기에 충분했다. 둘째, 메이지대학의 창립 초기 조선레슬러 김종석은 1937년 전일본선수권대회에서 우승을 차지하였으며 제7대 레슬링부 주장을 역임하였다. 그를 중심으로 조선에서는 김옥규, 곽동윤, 김극환, 김석영, 황병관 등이 메이지대학 레슬링부로 입부하였으며 어느새 그들은 대학의 간판으로 성장하였다. 그들은 간토학생레슬링 리그전에서 내리 6연패를 차지하는 수훈을 세우며 대학의 명성과 조선인으로서의 긍지를 드높였다. 특히 김석영과 황병관 등은 전일본선수권자로서 일본 내에서 맹활약하였다. 그들이 체득한 다양한 경기경험은 광복 후 대한민국 레슬링에 그대로 녹아들며 급성장의 초석이 되었다. This study is about Korean wrestlers playing for Meiji University in Japan before independence of Korea. The followings are the results of the study. First, the admission of colonial Koreans was relatively easy as Meiji University placed much importance on sports, liberty and human rights. Additionally, the wrestling gym which was completed in 1935 was a new nest for Koreans as an independence place. Second, Korean wrestler Kim Jong-seok won the first place in Japan National Championship in 1937 and served as the chief of wrestling team in Meiji University in the early stage of university``s history. Kim Ok-kyu, Kwak Dong-yun, Kim Keuk-hwan, Kim Seok-young and Hwang Byung-kwan joined the wrestling team and they became star players of the university. They won championship in Kanto Students Wrestling League six times consecutively and raised fame of the university and pride of Koreans. Especially, Kim Seok-young and Hwang Byung-kwan won the Japanese National Championship and were highly active in Japan. Various experiences that they had were reflected in Korean wrestling after independence and contributed to the rapid growth of Korean wrestling.

      • KCI등재후보

        거버넌스형 주거복지모델의 활성화 방안

        김상휘(Kim, Sang-Hwi),최완호(Choi, Wan-Ho),장희순(Jang, Hee-Soon) SH도시연구원 2015 주택도시연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Governance is a way to cooperate the private and the public beyond the conventional administration approach the public takes the lead in general. It is possible for governance to vary and one of those varied types is the housing welfare. Hence, it arouses a need for discussion the housing welfare distribution yet it is rarely issued. Recently, there are some cases in an attempt by several local governments, which is different from the existing fashion under the central government leading. The representative cases of them are the cohabitation house building project of Inje in Gangwon-do (the House of Love) and Jangseong (the House of Love) and Yeongam (the Moon rise house) in Jeonranam-do. Those service offerings adopt the principle of governance and this study insists that it is the most critical element in success of housing to make the private participation. This study suggests a housing welfare model with governance and aims to search the elements to utilize in practice. As a result of case analysis, it is found that there are significant elements to be needed to practice this model; disclosure of information regarding welfare policy, equal authority of the private and the public, various trials for activating the resident’s participation, and setting a common goal to achieve.

      • KCI등재

        주거환경 정비사업상 상가 영업권 보상에 관한 연구

        임윤수(Yim Yoon-Soo),최완호(Choi Wan-Ho) 한국법학회 2010 법학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        지난 2008년 2월 이명박 대통령이 취임 한 이래 이 정부의 부동산 정책은 종전의 신도시 개발에서 도심재생 사업으로 전환하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 정부의 발표에 의하면 향후 10년간 수도권에 연평균 30만호의 지속적인 주택 공급이 있을 것이며, 이를 위해 재건축ㆍ재개발 사업을 활성화 할 것이라고 한다. 주거환경 정비사업 이라 함은 도시기능을 회복하기 위하여 정비구역 안에서 정비기반시설을 정비하고 주태 등 건축물을 개량하거나 건설하는 사업으로 주거환경개선사업, 주택재개발사업, 주태재건축사업, 도시환경정비사업, 그리고 뉴타운사업과 도시재정비촉진사업을 의미한다. 정비사업의 효과가 도시기반시설의 확충과 주택공급은 물론 주거환경개선이라는 긍정적 측면이 있지만, 투기적 수요증가, 사업추진위원회 또는 조합원간의 갈등과 같은 역기능 또한 간과할 수 없다. 특히 ‘용산4구역 화재 참사 사건’은 보상 갈등이 첨예하게 표출되어 발생된 대표적인 사례이고, 이를 계기로 상가 영업권에 대한 보상 문제는 뜨거운 감자로 떠오르고 있다. 공법상 상가영업권에 대한 보상은 「도시 및 주거환경정비법」 및 「공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법률」에 따르도록 명시되어 있다. 상가 임차인에 대한 영업손실보상의 경우 3개월의 휴업보상과 이전비용 등을 지급하도록 규정되어 있으며, 대체매장 조성비용, 권리금 보전액 등은 인정되지 않고 있다. 사법상으로 권리금이란 통상 기존 점포가 보유하고 있는 고객과 영업방식을 이어받는 대가로 지급하는 금전을 말한다. 권리금은 민법에는 규정되어 있지 않지만 관습으로 수수되고 있다. 다만 대법원은 “영업용 건물의 임대차에 수반되어 행하여지는 권리금의 지급은 임대차계약의 내용을 이루는 것은 아니고 권리금 자체는 무형의 재산적가치의 양도 또는 일정기간 동안의 이용대가”라고 하면서, 특별한 사정이 없는 한 임대인의 권리금반환의무는 없다고 보고 있다. 그러나 상가임차인이 현실적으로 엄연히 존재하고 있는 권리금을 보상받지 못한 채, 대체 상가 입주를 위해 별도의 권리금을 추가로 지출해야 하는 구조로 되어 있는 「토지보상법」은 보상갈등을 유발하는 원인이 되고 있다. 특히 용산 등 사업성이 뛰어난 주거환경 정비사업 지구 내의 상권은 권리금에 대한 갈등이 더욱 첨예한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 정비사업으로 인하여 발생하는 상가영업권의 손실보상에 관한 문제를 어떻게 해결할 것인지를 검토해 보고자 한다. 이 문제가 해결되지 않고서는 헌법에서 보장하고 있는 재산권침해의 정당보상이 실현될 수 없기 때문이다. Since President Lee's inauguration on February, 2008, Korean governmental real estate policy seems to shift from the development of new cities to the rehabilitation of downtown areas. The government addresses that annual average 300,000 houses will be provided in metropolitan areas over the upcoming 10 years, actively supported by the massive remodeling and redevelopment projects. Residential restructuring projects relate to the remodelling or rebuilding of houses or structures, together with the reconstruction of infrastructures within targeted districts; including improvement of residential and urban conditions, redevelopment or reconstruction of houses, and development of new towns. These projects positively affect the underlying environments of urban infrastructures including houses, but adversely stimulating the increasing speculative demands and conflicts between Project Advancement Committee and Cooperative's members. In special, the disastrous fire accident at Yongsan 4 district is representative of this confrontation, triggering the compensation issue for business activities which are to be forlorn within commercial areas. Korean public law stipulates that the right to do business activities within commercial zones should be subject to the Acts of Urban and Residential Environmental Reconstruction and the Acts of Acquisition and Compensation of Lands for Public Projects; damages to business losses should be paid to tenants within commercial areas, including 3 month remuneration for suspended business and move-out expenses, but excluding the additional costs for doing businesses at new tenanted areas and existing premium. In private law, the premium refers to the financial benefits for guaranteeing existing customers and business advantages. It is customary to transfer and receive the premium in Korea business circles, which is not stipulated by Korean commercial laws and cannot be found any where. The Supreme Courts defines that in relation to the commercial lease, the payment of premium is not included in the lease contract but represents the transfer of intangible financial value or the price for using the rental unit over a specific period, and rules that the leasor should not be held responsible for return of premium unless otherwise specified. Therefore, the Acts of Compensation for Lands cause the conflicts between project developer and leasees in compensation for return of premium. As mentioned earlier, would-be lucrative commercial areas are in a whirlpool of severe conflicts, including Yongsan commercial zone. This study is intended to examine how predetermined business losses would be compensated within commercial areas which are subject to public reconstruction projects, and to identify whether any breach against property right could be justifiably indemnified according to the constitutional regulations.

      • KCI등재

        주택 임차인 보호에 관힌 비교법적 연구

        임윤수(Yim Yoon-Soo),최완호(Choi Wan-Ho) 한국법학회 2007 법학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        우리나라 주택임대차법제는 외국의 관행 또는 입법례에서 거의 찾아볼 수 없는 특유한 법률로 생성ㆍ발전되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 우리나라의 주택임대차보호법의 주요 내용들을 면밀히 분석한 후 외국의 임대차법제들을 비교ㆍ검토함으로써, 현행 임대차보호법상 아직도 논의되고 있는 문제점과 그 해결방안을 도출하자 노력하였으며, 그 내용을 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 우리의 주택임대차보호법도 일본의 차지차가법의 규정을 도입하여 “주거용 건물의 임대차는 그 등기가 없이도 건물의 인도가 있을 때는 이후 그 건물에 대한 물권을 취득한 자에 대하여 효력이 생긴다.”고 규정함으로써 민법상 등기와 관련된 임대차의 문제를 보완하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 둘째, 주택임차권의 존속기간 보장과 차임 규제는 임차인보호와 밀접한 관계에 있으므로 편면적 강행규정성이 강조되어야 한다. 셋째, 임대차보증금의 공시가 요구된다. 즉 임대차보증금이 공시됨으로써 부동산 물권변동에 있어서 제3자와의 분쟁해소에 기여하게 된다. 넷째, 임대차보증금 반환보장보험제도의 도입이 요구된다. 즉 임차인의 거주이동권을 보장하기 위하여 임대차보증금 반환보장보험제도의 도입이 필요하다. The nation's house lease system has been generated and evolved into a peculiar law that can not be found in the example of foreign practices or legislations. After closely analyzing the features of the nation's house lease protection act, this thesis was aimed to draw out problems and solutions which are still under debate by conducting a comparative study on them and foreign nations' lease laws and systems. The following are the summary of the contents: Firstly, it is desirable that the nation's housing lease protection act should be supplemented by introducing Japan's land and housing lease that provides that the lease of a residential building shall take effect by a person who has obtained the real rights to the building even in the absence of registration in case of the delivery of the building, thus complementing the issue of lease related to registration pursuant to the civil law. Secondly, since the guarantee of the duration of housing lease rights and the regulation of rents are closely related to the protection of lessees, the nature of a unilateral mandatory provision should be stressed. Thirdly, the public notice of lease deposits is required. That is that the public notice of lease deposit will contribute to the elimination of disputes over the change in real rights to properties with a third party. Fourthly, the introduction of the insurance system guaranteeing the return of lease deposits is required. That is that the introduction of this system is necessary to guarantee the right of residential mobility of lessees.

      • 강제집행과 체납처분 절차의 문제점 분석 및 조정방안

        김용길(Kim, Yong-Gil),최완호(Choi, Wan-Ho) 한국부동산산업학회 2020 부동산산업연구 Vol.3 No.2

        민사 집행법에 의한 경매제도와 체납처분 공매제도는 유사하면서도 차이점이 많다. 채권자와 세무서장 또는 지방자치단체는 채무자나 체납자로부터 채권회수를 위해 양 제도에 내재하는 여러 절차를 이용하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 공매제도의 문제점을 개선하고자 하는 제도적 개선방향과 양 절차의 조정방안을 제시하였다. 강제집행등과 체납처분의 경합(충돌)시 일본이나 독일과 같은 외국의 입법례를 참조하여 양 절차의 조정절차를 마련할 것을 고려할 필요가 있다. 민사집행과 체납처분의 이원적인 집행절차를 일원화하여 통합하고, 체납처분절차에 민사집행법 규정을 준용할 필요성이 있다. 이는 입법을 통하여 가능하리라고 본다. 이런 입법화는 체납처분절차에 참여하는 모든 이해관계인들을 보호하고, 매각절차의 안정성은 물론 공정성과 투명성 및 효율성에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 본다. Although the auction system for civil execution and the public sale system for arrears are similar, there are many differences. This study suggests the direction of institutional improvement and the coordination of both procedures to improve the problems of the public selling system. Both procedures require legislation to give notice of the foreclosure and to stop the proceedings. When competing between compulsory execution and disposition of arrears, it is necessary to establish a coordination procedure for both procedures, referring to foreign legislative examples such as Japan and Germany. There is a need to unify and consolidate the dual execution procedures of civil execution and arrears, and to apply the civil execution law regulations in arrears. This is possible through legislation.

      • KCI등재

        도시첨단산업단지 내 종사자 주거행동 특성요인분석

        송태규(Song, Tae-Kyu),최완호(Choi, Wan-Ho),장희순(Jang, Hee-Soon) 한국주거환경학회 2015 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.13 No.3

        An urban high-tech industrial complex must accommodate diverse functions within the complex based on the properties of ‘direct’ and ‘complex,’ and, therefore, housing facilities are required. Hence, the objective of this research is to investigate whether the supply of housing within the complex is necessary when forming an urban high-tech industrial complex, and if necessary, to investigate how the housing types, housing locations, and housing area per household are formed. The subjects of the research were workers working at Pangyo Techno Valley, and the necessity of housing supply within the high-tech industrial complex was analyzed through regression analysis. In addition, verification was undertaken through chi-square by cross-analysis with the characteristics of the research subjects. The summary of the analysis result is as follows. First, as a result of the regression analysis, it was found that ‘decreased work efficiency’ and the ‘hollowing out within the complex at nighttime and holidays’ were significant regarding the necessity of housing facilities within the high-tech industrial complex. Second, the following results were identified by cross-analysis over the housing types, housing locations, and reasonable household area and the features of workers working inside Pangyo Techno Valley. 1) As a result of performing cross-analysis over the education level, age, marriage status, presence of children, household income, the housing form and type, the workers appeared to overall prefer apartments. 2) As a result of performing cross-analysis over the education level, age, marriage status, presence of children, and household income, and the housing location, the workers appeared to generally prefer the outskirts of the complex (48.2%). 3) As a result of performing cross-analysis over the education level, age, marriage status, presence of children, and household income, and the reasonable household area, the workers appeared to generally prefer an area of 40-60㎡(40.2%). This research suggested implications since it positively analyzed the necessity of housing over the workers working at Pangyo Techno Valley.

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